Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1937, p. 3

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Routine Duty Training Elssentials •eU-fKf)re»ion Should Also Predom- inate Bcflinning in Pre-school Age â€" Wisdom Needed. Jvm wliaX i3 the regimeutation of ehd^rent It means, borrowing an «rmy term, learning to work automa- ilc^y uuflur orders. And largely ipftftliln^, routine duty predominates. AH of un are reglmente'I by the very requirements of life. First of »ll, we have to eat. We have to exyririse^ftnd to avoid danger to keep allye. Ttat is primal. Next we have Ijf. work, in one form or an- other, /OTCe ourselves to some things deny; ijufselves others. From here on we ^A narrow it down to individual cases, fjut there is no escaping the fart that regimentation is a factor in living. If ihej|iluit is to be ruled thus, by clriiiiiOTTOces, does it not seem sen- sibli! to prepare the rhild for such coii-liiisoftel<»3 ? TiM biff trouble was that some yt'iirs back, before we began to see daylight about individual happiness, di.iclpllne and regimentation made up .i!ni08t all ct a child's life. Reaction From Strictness. OiiCe wo had our eycf opened to th" truth, we held up oi r hands in honor and began to kill Johnny and James with kindness, called liberty, th.i kind of liberty that ki'led much mors quickly than it saved. liut it served (it still serves) its pucpose, evoa though a few thousand chllJren were sacrificed to the cause of the extremists. Every reform goeCfl to extremes at first. Every no* system of thought claims Its vlflflms. H'^V, I am not out picketing for reglhaenlatiou as a counter-refo'.>Ti mfeSSUre. That would be to go back to ihe dark ages of Victorlanism and the. cWW "workhouse"' of Dickens. But I have lived long enough to khow that the only happy adult Is flij resfllt of a very careful blend- ing of both regimentation and per- soaal liberty, of conforming and also of BeU-a«Bertion. This ia why it seems to me. every rh'ilJ shou'd have three stars to guide his v'l-bringinf. trvSt, things that he has to do as routine, such as the baby learning to aat and sleep at regular hours; the. child attending to his dressing and helping with regvlarly assigned ta3Xs; the adolescent with still more responsibility. Uearning to Accept Emergencies Kcxt comes acceptance ct emor- g.aicr-dutf , a'^ it ari'^s. or the cheer- ful relinquichinj of a privilege. Kvfn thourh f-e child canuot always s â- (? reas" 1 ' ' '" ' ''â- '". t'"> crnevi- fute (if rot too frequent) is a way of pren;!!-at; i :r t::e multiple tlslii^s that Ife wi'l be sure to e.x- p.'tt of him later. Tlie thinl is his rlL^ht to selec- tion and to do m-ny of the things he craves to do, iind by which lie «li>VL'Iot)08 hir-sclf directly. 't'liis lust i! m is a big subject. Bi-'glnning In t'.:e n e-school age, the Bi;? of real soir-Jcve'opmont, self- exiiri'ssioti sl-ouid predominate, with S'^U'-'i-al re;;r'. 'ntatl^'n as a back- ijrouud. Gradually the re.ijir.uuilation may be incrr:-5ci!. to bo eventually eased off a.-ain v.hsn self control or st'Ugoverumt-nt is established as a habit, Wi.idom is needed more in child haudliiig than in a'l the scloutitlc lal'<r.atories on eartli. Wisdom, kind- ncBM, conHdonc;?, 'lut firinnesj, too. It Is the most dii^liult foi\-nula over h^'i'.Ccd to iinyon?. Co-operative Fca^es ATo',^ In-Law Worry Uurbana. Oni'> â€" Mrs. W. \'. J;'.;-kson of Nortl' I.cwi.-;buri-, while servii>;» :is tvatrciii of an Ohio State University fraternity house, v.atth- cd n'emt'ofs \)r>-' their Hvint: co 's to provide a comfortable hoire i i an atmo.xphcre of conireniality. ('.".•cntly, thi.-; dassilied advorti.-^c- nioi;t appeared in an Urbr.na new.-;- liapcr; 'Wanted ten women, with rofcrence.<5, to l:\e on co-operative plm in it modern home, .-iharins the woili, each to t'jrnish hor own bed and bc'ldinf,'. Total cost Sl.i a HMVlh." Mrs. lacU.'^on ?aid she decided to .start the co-opetalive home for ol- rii'ily women bec:!'ise "I have moi'e tiif.' on my hard.< than I can find |k y.-.vy to kill." "Such a plan would obviate the nooeswity of pa:onts livinjr with married fc."'«''''i'*''i' Membots would no^ be ^uf!it;n,s and inconveniences at llie l<«i)U;^ of their i-hild;on, but rather woiilj|) Hv'- independently and be h.ippy in their own right. .'^lâ- .^• plans to use her own home for the i>!merinient. Each co-opcrat- iiiK mcmb^ would preserve her own individuality' and privacy hy fur- niohiii.; her own room. Sok v/a.s a neeiiul commodity not a&sily jbtKiiied in early Roman days. Soldiers of tht time drew, as put M their pay, an allowance for SAit. Jtu» w^9 x*iled "salarium" ami iA fc4«Mo'l^ tH» word becam* "un- ' «da nitant fxed wag;M. ^ .-j^ : The Papers Say liijrrORlAt, COJIMKNT FRUll HERE, THERE AND EVERYWHERE. CANADA The Mclntoith Red The facta of the case are that a cer- tain John Mcintosh who can-o to Can- ada in ISO I, bought a farm close to the St Lawrence In the county of Dundaa "^hlch he. subsequently ex- changed for the west half of lot No. 9 in the fifth concession of Matilda, where he built a shack to which he moved his family. While he was making a clearance on his new property, he discovered a few wild apple trees which were spar- ed the axe. One of them was carefully tended by his son, Allen, who propa- gated af'd developed the species since known as the Mcintosh Red and estab- lished a nursery at Dundela which served as a centre for Mcintosh cul- ture. The Mcintosh Red Is now, of course, widely dLsseminated. It is still grown considerably in its native soil of Eastern Ontario, but in even greater numbers on the Pacific coast of both Canada and the United States, whence it Is shipped to contribute to the food supply of more than one con- tinent. â€" Brockrille Recorder and Times. The TriUium What native bloom should Ontario adopt? There is a difference of opinion on the subject, although the Ontario Hor- ticultural 3oclef|r sponsors the three- petalled lily, the trilllum. The St. Thomas Times Journal which repre- sents a city which has become la re- cent years vary much flower consci- ous, submits the following: The Ontario Legislature U divided over a provincial floral emblem. We like the suggestion of Hon. George S. Henry that the question be settled by referring It to tbe school children of the province. A referendum of the pupils la the schools should not be difficult to take nor entail any great cost. It would give the pupils a feel- ing that they are worthy of being con- sulted and would have its educational effect as well. There Is very much to be said for the view as expressed. The love of flowers and the spirit of kindness to animals should be inculcated Into the lives of all children, both buys and girls. â€" St. Catherines Standard. Smiles of Spring To the gardener, amateur or other- wise, March snows are just something which stand between him and good brown earth bursting into life in beds and borders. Anxiously the real flower lover is wondering how the tulips are doing under their cold white blanket. If teally in earnest he is harassed by the thought that on dowu-to-zero days long L-hilly lingers may have reached his precious bulbs, and criiolly killed the jonquils. Concern for growiug things, is deep iu the minds of many quite uncon- scious of the feeling, few pa.ss a flor- ist's display without a thrill of In- terest. Somethiug blooming on a win- dow sill never tails to appeal. A gar- den in full flower compels more than admiration â€" it makes life easier to accept. â€" Ottawa Journal. $21,900,000 Windfall The late James Coupons of D;>ti'oil, a Canadian by birth, left an estate worth $31,000,000. By way of succes- t-ioa tax the .United States Govern- ment takes $lS.50O.»0rt and tlic state of Michigan §:!,40O.0O\ Windfall.s of this sort are a i:rcat aid to I'Udget- balauring. â€" Ottawa Journal. Saturday Night Ploughlud and sioclin;; operations seucrally may start in two weeks and i^pring will bring with it the full glory of the shopping on Saturday nights The sidewalk.-* will bo tilled with people from eight till twelve o'clock. Saturday is a luu;^ wear yua> iJi- liie people in the shops. Anyone who will try It for one day will cease wondering why the people who terve In shops are unable to attend church on Sun- day morning. Lut a few have visits with good friends on Saturday even- ing and this seems to be a compensa- tion for a week of hard work. In larg- er towns the farmers have to do their shopping earlier on Saturday nights, for the shop keepers are compelled to close earlier. â€" Port Rowan News. No Chance A Hollywood expert says that no man should propose who has not seen the girl's lips without makeup, as "the shape of a woman's mouth gives the whole story rf Uer nature." On this basis, the true tendencies will seldom be known, as a speaker at a Rotary Club meeting in Montreal, la dealing with the cost of cosmetics, es- timated that in one well-known uni- versity the co-eds used as much lip- stick in one year "as would painc four good-sized barns." good-sized barns â€" Brantf.srd Ex- positor. Ban Them All A despatch from St. Thomas states that since the imposition of the i.- too license fee, there is not one slot machine left In that city. The St. Thomas authorities made it a point in their by-law to tax all machines whether they ware In use or not. This provision is said to make the by-law doubly effective. â€" 3t. Catharines Standard. Looking Backward As the fourth decade ot the twen- tieth century draws nearer its close, we look back over many regrettable incidents, especially the conquest of Abyssinia, but we can console our- selves with the reflection that matters might have been worse. So long as the nations realise the cost of war they will refrain from embarking rashly on reckless adventure. There Is yet hope that they wiU perceive clearly the great advantages to be gained by co-operation in promoting causes which concern the welfare of all. Greed, ambition and mutual distrust can produce nothing but disappoint- ment in the long run. Belfast Tele- graph. Won't Slide for a While There's a boy in Poutiac, Michigan who probably has been cured of the habit of sliding down the school ban- nisters. The other day he was indulg- ing in his favorite pastime when a celluloid comb in his hip pocket caught fire, blistering him in such a spot that he is doing all his studying in an erect position. â€" Niagara Falls Review. Not Ready to Rust The total number of railway pa^sen ters carried in England during No- vember was over one hundred mil- lions. The iron horse is not by any means yet ready to rust on the scrap heap. â€" Brantford Expositor. THE EMPIRE Population That topulatiou probh'ins are in- timately tiod uj) with economics nor- mally iutelligeut people have long re- cor,ui^•od. But that does not mean that tho.se who sovern our present system of society have achieved that recog- nition. To them Mr. Keynes has de- livered a sal-.itary reproof. A station- ary or shrinking population can, he suid. lend to a breakdown in distri- bi.tion, increasing unemployment, and the liual collapse of the capitalist system. Or it can make easy the rais- ing of "tile .standard of life to what it .should Le." These are the alterna- irS A FALf By K " M eOWARD L-> bpo t eaani na- tion day. my 1.:' t. IIcw n-any csu "you" ansv.e:-" 1. W"io was the Brsf person to s.vim the Ln !i. h Channel'.' â€" Cap- tain Matthew Webb of England in 1ST5. 2. W ho was known as the 'Fighting Mar- ine"? â€" Gene Tunney. 3. Who is known in the tennis world as "Poker Face?"â€" Helen Wills Moody. 4. What Is a camel's record for the mile? â€" 3 min., and 40 seconds. 5. What is a birdie? â€" Making a hole in under par. 6. What is the technical definition of the word "green'' â€" Twenty feet In any direction of iha cup. 7. Do you know the name of the boxiag champion who was a deacon of a church and who recited to him- self the 144th Psalra before each con- test? â€" He was Theodore "Tiger" Flowers, who took the middleweight crown from the late Harry Grebb. Now for a few imeresliug facts that are worth placing ia that old dog-ear- ed scrap books of yours. Some years ago there was a feather- weight champion named Eugene Crl- qul, who fought his way to a boxing title despite the fact that part of his jaw had been shot away in the Great War and he had a sheep nose 'jotie grafted into the remaining part. That old time battler, John L. Sul- livan, toured the country playing Si- mon Legree in "Uncle Tom's Cabin". It's a fact, too, that Hank Gowdy of the Boston Nationals was the first ma- jor league baseball player to enlist In the army after America entered the Great War. Bear me out mascot â€" yes, the Brown University football team ac- tually have a bear for their mascot. And now friends in closing, here is a •â- Believe It or Not" that Ripley would bite his nails to gat. Tee. and speaking of nails â€" did you know Chat the size of the fingernails on the Statute of Liberty are IJ In. by 10 In. We'll be knockia' on your door so long. Men and Women A man distinguishes himself by groping In hie pocket for the front door key while still half a block away on a frosty night, while if the woman has the key In her purse she will wait until she Is safely on the verandah before starting a search for It. When a man Is being Introduced to an audience by a flowery and flat- tering master of ceremonies, he will twiddle his thumbs, run his adam's apple up and down his neck a few times, yank oa his collar and geuer- ally squirm about on his chair. A woman regardless of the heights ot oratory reached in the introduction has tha power to remain caSm and serene. When returuLug t'ue lirst visit to a new home, the woman will have noted at least 26 things regarding the get-up of the place, while the man will scarcely be able to recall whe- ther he was entertained In the draw- ing room or the kitchon. lives. Which road ar^- wo to tread? â€" London Paily Herald. For Higher Wages What is the avenino waiie iu indus- try? Not many pub. club or cafe poli- tical arguments end without a clash on that question. Now the Ministry of Labour says it is 4;!s a week: at least that is the figure which results from a private census of two million workers iu these trades: Textiles, clothing, brick, pottery, glass ami chemicals. The figures are sixteen months cut of date, and there has boon some iniproveuiont. But the highest wage making ih" avera.ue giv- en is STs lOd. so that there's still plenty to do iu levelling up wages.â€" Loudon Daily Express. J ^ 0T7A» .\ -(ii .:ui..'ii p eparedness pro r:i..i i. s le.i to : i e.:o.lus of nearly ';'0 pilo... hulci.ag civil fly- in;' lioer. es. from Cana 'a to serve v.ii.h siori str. ii.' comniinsioiis ia the P.oyal .-' ir Fon-,- (lovernment offi- cials S!:id re M'.tly It was eirplia-ized the movement was not organu'd but was volun- tary on the pan of the pilots, who found the R.-^.I". willing to accept their services. The pilots were gen- erally voung men attached to Can- adian flying cUti)^. Sale of Ccdeir.e, VeronJ Prohib'ted in Drug Stores TORONTOâ€" Ft ee sale of codeine and veronal in drug stores is pro- hibited under an amendment to the Pharmacy Act intioduced in tlie Legislature this week by Hon. Dr. J. A. Faulkner, Minister of Health. Dr. Faulkner proposed to list co- deine, veronal, aiiiidopyrine and bar- bituric acid in any sroup as "habit- formin? drucrs." Under his bill, druggists will bo able to sell the drues only on doctors' pre.scriptions. The same hii' will auvhorize the College "f Physicians and Surgeons, the Royal CoH-jto of Dental Sur- geons, the Ontario Veterinary Asso- ciation, and the Ontario College of Pharmacy to di^'cipline members of the profession who are guilty of selling or prescribing an "excessive, unreasonable or improper am'".':if' of these and v :her dr.igs said to be habit-forn-ing. This drastic k'^islalion is report- ed to be a result in part of a wide- spread agitation about a year ago against the usa of codeine, normal- ly prescribed sj a pain-killer. It waa stated then that a class of "co- deine addicts" was being deve!oped. Moitfn Chamberlain LONDONâ€" Tliis week th« Hoase of Coirmoni i;aid tribute to ths memory of a gieat Parliamentarian, Sir Ausun Chan-.berlain. who died last Tuesday. From all quarters â€" from the right to the extreme left â€" cams n» words but those of a.Tectionata remem- brance of Sir Austen Chamberlain, his loyalty, his Inonesty, his chivalry, his studied courtesy, his unfailing belief In democratic institutions. "He reverenced hig conscience as his King." Prerr.ier Baldwin said in apt quotation. "He spoke no slan- der. He alway.; regarded public service as the iiighest career. In that belief he lived. In tiiat belief he died. "Ha had intinite belief in the Par- liamentary systoui of this country. I think we i-an best keep his mem- ory bright by confirming our own resolution that ' ^o^'ernment of the people by the poorle shall not perish from the earth." " West Gets Queen's Books SAISK.VTOON. Sask.â€" The thrill of reading a book which was once the personal property of Queen Mary will come to many a prairie woman, a-- the result of a gift of about 50 books 'oy the Queen to as- sist Lady Twecilsmuir. wife of tl'.e Governor-Gonorni of Canada, to start libraries in urairie conirrupi- :Ie?. The books wiil be distributed through the libraries which will be sponsored liy the Honiemakers CVibs of the Province. .-\t prc::cnt toss tlum 20 per cent of the population of the province is scrvcil ly pi.ibiii libraries. Blind â€" Ran Farm 2 Years RK.V.NTFOIJP. Oiu. â€" One-timo pupil at the O;itirio School for the olind here. Miss .lossie McPhattcr has deculed to votire after manag- ing a farm jus,: beyond the villa;re of Clyd" for the p.ist two years. Now <:\ her TO's. she was blinded at the age of (iirec when a metal buckle ori n be't twirled by a younger brother, strick Ivr across the eyes. When hor br 'I'lcr died in a farm accident, she anii a sister took up management of thi» farm. Two years ago Ch.Miotte. :'u> sister, died, and it v.aa up to 3iisa Mci^hatter to Curry on bile <i>u ail the work in tlie twi>- totey larmhouse and help- e 1 tue uae hire'i man, when he wai rus.ied, by milKing six cows. Now, aliuougn she has leased the farm for tiiree years, she will continue to liv» in u portion of tne farmhouse. A Fvmer's Dilenuna WOODSTOCK â€" A young farmw reported to Chief Constable Moor* the loss of $70 >v!-,rih he believed he had lefL loose in his pockets and pulled out with his handlcerchief. Is the station he thoroughly searched his pockets without success, but soma hours later he notified the chief ha had found the money in his wallet where he had placed it for safa> keeping, and forgotten it. Her 16th ChUd CHICOUTIMI. Que. â€"Mrs. Lonia Villeneuve of St Thomas Didyme in Lake St. John district, this week gave birth to her 16th child. Tha mother is -35 years of age. No Salute â€" No School QUARP.YVII.LE, X.B.â€" A situa- tion unique in New Brunswick has arisen in this Northumberland county village, where a dozen chO- drer. have been expel'od :\m school because they re'jse to salute tha flas and rise ft r the National An- them. The jLc:;ii'.e alieiiedly being axi- vanced at Quanyviile is opposed ta the usual forms of pauiot;iai. Gov- ernment and church service. Most of the villagers in the cult were said to be holding Provincial Government positions, with at least two receiving pensions from th» Government. The school teacher, Miss Murial Freiger. said that the matter of ex- pelled children was in the hands of tha trustees. I'he latter made n# statement. Hand of the Heart PVaneei Frost in the New York Times. I set you free from the lovas 7 bound you with; Now 1st your leaf-fall hooves di*" cover truly The mountain edge that cuts th4 stars In two. heart. long chained in ths windy cava of bona And hungrily watched by tlu hounds of melancholy, See. tha iron fetters were cobwefai, the heavy stone Of despair has vanished, has gone 'ike a drop of dew. taut rod daer of my desire, de- part, Fla.<<h te the thickets, linger here Bo longer. Reluctant to be oi"T, nibbling agais The tame sweet grass wherein waf laid t:ie -nare. 1 have set yoii •'rco. trembling and foolish heart : Reniemt)cr. rcn-.cmber an<i lice th« deathless stranger. The ani-t:ish darl; in your soft cyea knowing him plain: T!:rive on the lonely berry, thrive on the air! Promic.sory Note .\:!oti-,er of tl.ose strange, stray pieces of paper, which, people ara always picking up anJ gtiily send- ing to us. has arrived, notes tha New Yorker. I:i .^crawly writing, it says: I. Marion Va;:>icnbur;r. S. do ag^ ree to pay to my brother. Jack Vandc!i'>urg. 11. the sum of '1 (two) cent.i at a futt.e date (because 1 can't pay now i for sticking hi.s toa in a n:oiise trap. (Signed.) Marion Vandcti'ounr. _.\Iivr. H'.;t Can't Prove It! â€" .\ youn^ Dane ii tuiable to prove that ho haa ever been born; accordin;; to the of- rtcial records, he is dead. When ha was baptized, the parson forgot to ea- ter his name in the :'esister. and a few years later his headmaster by mlstaka wrote in the records that he had died, "This is too bad," said Tiktok, "I fught to have rua six hours long- p, at laaat, bui I tap-pose mjr long ftXk and tar <Urht wHli tha Wheel- ^ made m* run domi fast-tr than ~ hu-ak" "W«M. it MM't ha help- «*M OoNdiP, imk ft ii«h. "Will imT" aaked lndnllf» cried !«* W up.** lalit d h«r soMlrrs. The soldiers led Dorothy up to the highest part of the North Tower, where ',hey left her after bolting the door securely on the outside. In tha meantime the Colonel ordered his men to lift Tiktok, but ho was so haavy that they could not budge hlni, so they left him standing in tha drawing room. "People wiil think hare a new statue," said the Princess Langwidere, "so it won't matter in tha Isattj and Nanda can keep him well polished." "What shall we do with the hen?'' asked t:ie Colonel, who had finally succeeded in cai>turing Billina, after chasing ner around the room sev- eral times. "Put her in the chicken coop." r<nswered langwidere. "Some day I'll have her fried for break- fast." ' She looks rather tough. Your Highness," said the Colonel, doubtfully. "That is base slander" cried Itillina, struggling frantically in the Colonel's arms. "The breed of chickens I come from is said to be dccdly poison to all princesses," ehe continued slyly, seeing she could not escape. "In that case," said tho Princess fright- ened, "I will have you drowned In a bucUjt of water." Then, turning she left the room, leaving our frienda to think upon the terrible fate she planned for them.

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