Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1937, p. 4

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Wcdnesdav, Marcli 24. 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Publiiihed on Colliiiifwood Street, Flesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $l'gO; in U. S. A. |2. per year, when paid in advance f2.00. W. H. THURSTON, Editor. F. J. THURSTON, As.iociate Editor Worthy Champions Osprey Will Crush 6,000 Yards Gravel Arlemesia Council Fleshei-lon is busking in the .sport limelinht these days when two hockey chaini)io!iship.s were brought to Flesh- ertun due lu the games last week, won by two of the ganiest teams ever to rej)resent our village. Firstly the Semi-I'ro. team won the McDouguU Trophy twite coming from behind in the finals to lie the race in the first four games and winning the fifth and deciding contest. Holding Proton Station to one goal in two games and counting eight them.selves was no mean feat. (Then the Centre Grey League team began to play the hockey of which they were capable, after they had lost six of the first eight games in the schedule. They de- feated Shelburne two straight in the semi-finals, lost the first to Chats- worth, who eliminated Dundalk by a one goal margin, won the second at Flesherton and the third and deciding fame at Markdale Friday. The Cen- tre Grey Champions are the best squad of players ever to represent Flesher- ton in local hockey and their fighting finishes surprised their most ardent 4Ui)porters. We would like to see the village fathers jjive our two champion teams due recognition of a suitable nature, or sponsor such a movement, because the boys have earned the plaudits of the multitude and brought honor to our town. be final been Thanks, Old Friends The senior editor of The Advance has a pleasant duty to perform by ackjiow'ludgingi his indebtedness to many friend.s who tendered there con- gratulations on the passing of his 78th birthday recently. It is nice lu U- remembered in this way by so many old friends whose good opinions »^e have always valued so highly. We have always endeavored to be worthy of their good opinion, and have, with George Herbert, tried to: Be useful where thon livest that they may Both want, and wish thy pleasing presence still, Kiiulness, good part-i, great places are the way To compass this, find out men's wants and will. And meet them there. All wordly joys go less To the joy of doing kindnesses. 'I'lie Osprey Municipal council met 111 .Singhaini)ton, on Saturday, March Vi, according to adjournment with all iIK' nu'inbers present, only u few rate- pii. irs were on hand to occui)y the ri'k- Ix'iiches and witness the proceed- in s, yet coiisuliTable important bus- iness was transacted. Fii-st cami' the communications wliich were tonipo.sed of a letter from the Reeve of Holland Township, re a relief recipient who is supposed to h;iil from this Municipality and at time of wrilint; was imi'oslng on their ;;(i()(i nature, however on chucking over his wandering it wa-s found that We will not be liable for his relief and the Municipality of Holland will iie duly notified. Forms and agreements ariived from llie Department of Highways for the payment of cash relief work on roads, the necessary motions were passed, so they were subscribed to and wi" returned for the Department's O.K. Estimates for the expenditures on roads for the year were carefully gone into and it was decided that an ap- propriation of $7000. would be made. It was concurred in by all that that would allow for a lowering of the rate of a mill and a half and yet give a fair distribution of road mainten- ance, the clerk was instructed to ad- vertise for tenders for the crushing of six thousand yards of gravel in some three or four different pits in the township also for the trucking of the gravel. All properties which have bought by the township for arrears of taxes will now be advertised for sale as the necessary deeds have been pro cured and ownership established, these will be well worth while investigating if any ratepayer is contemplating pur- chasing mor« property. By-law number nine appointing Sub, overseers was passed and the ap- pointments were as follows: Road No 1, S. Talbot; 2, E. Connor; 3, "' .McCutcheon; 4, T. Stinson and Aldcorn; 5, Jno. Arnott and Buckton; 6, C. Bellamy; 7, D. Briggs; 8, J. S. Winters and Wm. Scutt; 10, Ernie Seeley; 11. K. Wright; 12, Ern. Hays; i:5, A. Mclntyre; 14, J heed; 15, P. Somers; 16, 18, H. Mclnnes; 19, A. Short and F. Short; 20 and 27, E. Parker; 21, Wm. Conn; 22, Cy. Short and Herb Haw- ton- 2.?, A. Brownridge; 24, M. P- Mc- Lean; -i.'). Ceo. Uobson; 2h, Wm. Buell; 2fi, Jas. Gillies; 28, A. Buie; 29, F. Hale; :«), A. Pallister; :n, Wm. Dav- ison; :{2. Wm. J. Chard; 3:?, Jos. Wright; ;U, Archie McLean; 35, Wm. Thomson. (ieneral accounts pas.sed were: County Treasurer, Deeds of tax sale Sill. 44; Municipal World office sup- plies $8.08, W. I'oole. sheep claim $10; M. Sayers, claim $10.00; J. Poole, sheep valuer $.i.00; E. J. Walters, re- lief account $10.00; H. E. Hammill account, $8.00; J. Weldrick, relief wood $2.()<); Jas. Thompson, relief wood $5.75; C. N. Long, old age ap- plications $«.(«>; ,1. Lockhart, delegate expenses $15.00; A. Hutchinson del- egate expenses $15.00. Road accounts were: Jas. McKen- zie, delegate exi)enses $15.00; V Wright, pay sheet $23.00; C. Lock- hart trucking; gravel $20.00; Relief work pay sheet $.'i8.00; treas. township of Melancthon, Town Line work $M.- 50; Jas. McKenzie, salary $24.30. Council adjourned to meet at Max- well on .Saturday, April 10th, at 1 o'clock p.m. Council met at the Council Cham- bers, Flesherton, on the 8th day ol' March, l',):i7. All the members were present, the Reeve in the Chair. The minutes ol the last meeting weie read and in motion adopted. Communications were read from the Bell Telephone Co., asking permission i to place poles and wires on certain roads; A. I). McKinnon, re dog tax charged in error and an error jn his assessment for 1936; tender for crushing gravel was presented from r. Kyan, and Mr. Ryan waited on Council in regai'd to same. .Accounts presented and ordered to he (laid were; The Advance for print. iMg s;}ii.<j8; the Clerk for old age pen- .sioii applications $8.00; relief accounts aggregating $40.15. By-Laiws 984, to appoint overseers, and i)85 permitting Bell Telephone to I ;jvergreen cemetery, South Line, Arte- mesia. The W. M. S. & Willing Helpers' held their monthly meeting on Tues- day at the manse, with 16 ladies pres- ent, Mrs. .lack McMeekin presided over the meeting. After the usual opening exercises, Mrs. D. Campbell gave a splendid paper on what our iiim in life should be and was much •njoyed., Mrs. Wilfred Watson gava a very interesting talk on her trip ast Summer up through Northern Ontario. It was decided to havo a silver tea on Wednesday, March 3lst in the church basement, from 3 to ('.30 p.m. Four new members wer3 ad. (led to the roll, meeting closed by re- peating the Lord's Prayer. visited Saturday at their sister's, Mts. A. Richardson, Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nichol visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gil- christ, who is a patient in Owen Sound hospital. Mrs. McMeekin is spending a few (lays visiting her daughter, Mrs. Brady Irwin. ROCK MILLS Beautiful spring like weather at time of writing. Messrs. Jim and Joe Porteous, 8th line, spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. The Ladies' Aid held their March Mrs. Sutherland presided over the ' meeting at the home of Mrs. E. Rus- W. M. S. Society. Miss Margaret I sell on Wednesday afternoon of last Mr. Glen Croft was in Toronto on ' Thursday. Dr. B. Jamieson and son of Dur- ham made a business trip to the mill ' here during the past week. Mrs. Lewis Pedlar entertained a * few ladies to a quilting Tuesday after- . noon. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Belts has been very ill with Dneumonia, but we are pleased to ro- â- â-  port the little fellow much improved - at time of writing. ♦ Mr. Bowman Jamieson of Durham, commenced work at the mill on Mon- day measuring lumber. Messrs. P. Gagnon and J. Duffield, of the D. F. Co., Durham, were caller j, at the mill on Monday. .1 Wm. Wm. Wes Lough Wm. Fadden; ice poles and wires on certain roads were introduced and read requjsite number of times and passed. Gravel accounts amounting to $6.80 were passed and payment ordered. Mr. Warling moved, seconded by M;\ Hostrawser, that this Council go on record as being in favor of crushing giavel in two Divisions to the extent of 4000 yards and a committee be ap- pciinted to go into the matter thoroughly and report at next meet- ing, the Committee to consist of the Reeve and Messrs. Warling and Stin- son. Carried. The following are the overseers of Highway appointed for 1937; J. Henry, J. A. Holley, E. Boyd, L. Alcox, R. Richardson, G. Irwin, J. Harrison, F. Barber, W. J. Blackburn, G. Ludlow, J. W. Gallagher, A. Foster, J. Teeter, W. Swanton, A. Teeter, R. Thomp- son. W. J. Newtell, L. Talboit, E. Blackburn, J. Allen, C. Watson, F. rpaylor. L- Nicholls, W. Wilson, W. G. Bowles, Geo. Cairns, Roy Piper, W. Irwin, Thos. White, Ed. Badgerow, J. Neilson, G. Whyte, Ed. Stinson, J. J. Meads, G. Little, John Whyte A. Mc- Millan, ,T. 'Currie; Jtos. Clark, A. Carson, W. Hincks, A. S. Mujr, B. Irwin, R. F. Purdy, J. Badgerow, A. Blackburn, W. Sullivan, T. Sweeney, W. Smith, C. D. Meldrum, Fred Ped- , lar, J. Porteous, C. Monaghan, J. Car- 1 go, W. Johnston, J. Campbell, Bert Magee, W. Ratcliffe. G. Somers, E. Gordon, W. Wilson, T. Freeman, W. Kaitting, S. Campbell, G. Genoe, R. liyons, A. Williams, J. Bowles, W. C.raham, P. Hemphill, Geo. Arrow- smith. I READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". story. Mrs. D. Campbell read a chapter from the study book. Con- siderable business was dealt with and the meeting closed with, "Blest Be the tie that Binds." A bountiful lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. McEachcrn, Mrs. N. Mc- lntyre, Mrs. J. McMeekin, Mrs. Aid- corn and Mrs. J. Whyte. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. McMeekin. Miss Laura Mc Arthur, Bunessan, is assisting Mrs. Edgar Patterson wi;n her house hold duties. Mr. Alfred O'Dell and two sons, Mr. Alex. Carson, Mr. and Mrs. W. .T. Hincks and family, spent the weak end in Toronto. Mrs. Dan Campbell left Fridiy to spend a couple of week^ with friends in Toronto and Niagara Falls. Miss Mary McEachern is spending a couple of weeks with Mrj. Kate Mc- Arthur at the home of Mr D. Camp- beH. On Friday night a St. Patricks social was held in the School, North Line, when a short program games and contests were much enjoyed. A splendid lunch and coffee were ser- ved. Mrs. D. A. Mclntyre is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Thos. Nichol. Mr. Murray Nichol arrived home on Saturday. Mr. Dick Carson and sister. Bernice, YOtlRDLD SEED DRILL WILL SOW FERTILIZER C; TOO! 4 WITH A PRESTON FERTILATOR Modernize your old seed drill and save money. Merely by attaching an efficient Preston Fertilator â€" you can make it a combination seed and fertilizer drilL The Fertilator is allsteel, andean beattached easily to standard makes of seed drills. It sows any gn^ade of fertilizer, is positive in action, and places the fertilizer down the spouts with the grain.' Write for complete details. "TOE JAMESWAY OIL -BURNING BROODER Reliable, economical, well-made. It's Jameaway all through. The Jameaway Oil Burning Brooder will save you money and time, gives you stronKer, healthier chicks. Eastern Steel Products 370 r.ui'lph Street / im/ ret/ P'actorli^ also at I'rt'atoa, Oot. ^ â- ' MonlreuIAToronu) Will W'inter started ? over before it has 50 Years in Business Fifty Years ago we arrived in Flesherton to open a general store and since that time we have continuously been in business in Flesherton and at the present time we are the oldest individual merchant in the County of Grey. We thank our patrons for their generous support in past years. BEAUTIFUL SILK CREPE DRESSES AT REDUCED PRICES Silk dope Drt'sscs, 1() to 42 .sizi's, in colors dt' I'.lark, Ik'rj^iindy WvA, lUuc and ilrowii. Dresses regular $3.95, selling for $2.50 Dresses regular at $4.95, selling for $3. 50 Dresses selling at $5. 95 to $6.95, selling at $5.50 SEEDS SUGAR MAKING .,.. „ ^, ,K If ACCESSORIES I iniothy, Clover.s, .Mlalia, .Mammoth aiul Kcd Sap Pails Sap Spiles Clover Seeds AuKur Bits F. G. RARSTEDT General Merchant Flesherton, Ont. PRICEVILLE The St. Patricks .uupper and enter- tainment s:iven under the auspices of Coluniba W. A. on the 17th, passed off succe.ssfully. It is true the tem- perature was a little below nonnal; this was caused by one of the church . furnaces porsistinjj in such contrary Irish behaviour, it wa.s found nec- essary to put it out. However, after the people had eaten a hot supper of Irish stew and other jrood things, warmth and geniality were restored. The projrram, (riven in the auditor- ium, was of a hisrh order. A. choir of twelve ladies, jrowned in white with tcreen accessories took their place on the platform, led community singinjr and ifave three woll-renderod chor- uses, "Dear Harp of my Country," and "The Minstrel Boy," songrs by Thos. Mooro and "The River Shan- non,'" by an unknown author. A quartette comprised of .Miss Anna Mc- Lean, tenor, Mrs. W. G. McBride, soprano. MVs. H. B. McLean, alto and Miss Belle Weir, bass, sanp; "Stars of the Summer Nisrht," and ".luanita." Mrs. Thos. Weir, and Miss Mary sanijf as a duet. "Silver Haired Daddy O' Miinc." Mi.ssps Aileen and Isahellc Karstedt supplied two piano duets. .'\ (rroup (if Miss Mather's pupils sanp in prctt.v harmon.v, "Kvenin^r comes," and four hoys, with their teacher, Mr. A. H. Bell, put on a funny skit as pik's and wolf, "Who's afraid of the lii);- had wolf," Recitations were ffiven I'V Mrs, O'Dell and Miss Mary Weir. A one-art comedy, "Sewinjr for the luiilhen" was presented by nine ladies in this, feminine methods of accomp- lisliihK thintfs were cleverly satirized. yit full of pood-natured humor and IdVeable, it nuule a hit, Mrs. J. C, Harrison was accompanist and Rev. II, K, Wright acted as chairman and rilled in with stories and other hum- -uiius touches. The Y. r. S, enjoyed a skatinjj party (in Kiida.v ni^ht, afterwards (joinj; to llie church basement, where a hot lunch was served and crokinole and other names were played. Misses Bertha aiul Kdith .James aavc had their house wired for elec- liia linhts. Mr. Saunders of Durham was the contractor. CHEVROLET ALKXANDKR McLEAN Mr. Alex. McLean, a former resident III' the Pi'iceville district in Artemesia, passed away on March 1,'t at lOfi W'ygh Park, Toronto. Deceased was a native (if Ariryleshire, Scotland, came to Fer- irus with his parents in the ."iO's. and later settle<l on the South Line, Arte- mesia, On the farm now occupied by Willian\ Burnett. He was of a Kenial friendly disposition, a trood neighbor, and liked by all he canui in contact with. For the last 20 years he has nn\de his home with his brother, D. C. McL(v»n at 10(i Hitfh Park, where, dur- ing his illness of about six years, he was tenderly cared for by his nieces. Miss Kay McLean and Mrs, Kng'lauirh, Two ajred brothers mourn his passing:. Donald ("., at whose home he died, and (ohn, also of Toronto. The funeral was held on Monday. March 15, with service in Toronto and interment in 100K at the streamlined sniarlnoss of â- ^ Chevrolet''9 fanioua '"Bodies by Fisher". ... Look inside and see how perfect taste matches spacious comfort in Chevrolet's rich interiors. . . . Stand back and admire those ;urgcous color combinations. . . . Here at last true beauty goes liand-iu-haud with ecouo.inical iransporlatioii. g' But lioauty is only half the stoiy. Drive a Chevrolet and you'll never lake less than the .safety â€" the comfort â€" the (terformanee â€" thai make Chevrolet ovvnersliip the most satisfying as well us the most economical experience in motoring ! THE ONLY COMPLETE CAR PRICED SO LOW: Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher with Fisher No-Draft Ventilation, Valve-in-Head Economy Engine. Self- energSiing Hydraulic Brakes. Knee-Action gliding ride (on Master D« Lux* Models). 745 5''''' THERE'S NO DELAY WHEN YOU ORDER A NEW CHEVROLET Mialtr l-Petsen^r fiuainoM Coupe <fe/hr«r«f at factory, Oshawa. Ont. Gavernnnni raxe.t, /fc«>nap and trnight additioTwL (Prices subjext to c/innrfe without notice. ) m for economical transportation C-97B 0. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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