'f a •i THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 31st, 1937 V-- - "fi â- â- 4 '^ r .A * V t i â€"^ c:'^ ' .«• ;' V, .«-"i »;/. ^ EUGENIA On Sunday, Rev. Mr. Bushell gave a fine address on the "Risen Christ." The choir rendered a beautiful anth- em. Some flowers decorated the al- ter. On Wednesday evening of last week the Y. P. U. met in the basement of the church with Miss Dinsmore tak- ing charge of the meeting, the topic for discussion being, "Which way shall I go?" The hymns were an- nounced by Miss Doris Fawcett. Scrip- ture pasages were read by Carmel Martin, Doris Fawcett and Mrs. Mar- tin. For recreation, Miss Leone Duckett conducted a "queen" contest. The meeting closed by the Mizpah Benediction being repeated by all. Mrs. T. Fenwick and Miss Edith have gone to spend a week with Miss Muriel at Palermo. We understand Muriel is progressing well under Dr. Pilkey's treatments. We wish her a complete recovery. Mr. Henry Tudor attended the fun- eral of his brother-inrlaw, Mr. Jas. Manor of Brussels which took place on Friday of last week, returning home on Saturday evening. We extend our sympathy to the relatives of the de- ceased. Mr. T. Tudor of Toronto, who also attended the funeral accompanied his brother to his home here and spent the week end. Master Eldridge Boyce of New Liskeard is visiting relatives in this community. Miss Irene Martin is spending part Of the Easter vacation in Toronto. Mr. Jack Jamieson of Alexandria visited from Good Friday to Monday, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Miss Dorothy Jamieson; teacher at Feversham, is spending the Easter vacation at her parental home. Miss Jean Graham and nephew, Mr. Frank Graham were home from FleS'h- erton during the Saster vacation. Idise Donalda Sloane is home from near Ayton for the Easter vacation. Miss Rowena Magee was home from Plesherton over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. MacDonald of Weston visited recently with the lat- ter's uncle, Mr. Henry Cairns. We are pleased to report Mr. Cecil Magee, who was injured while skid- ding: poles in the swamp a week or so ago, able to be out again. Miss Fern Magee of Toronto spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Magee. Miss I. Dinsmore is spending the Easter vacation at her home near Clarksburg. The Sunday school is preparing for a socialto be held on April 9. MV. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto visited over the week end with the former's parents here. ROCK MILLS School closed on Thursday for the Easter vacation and the teacher, Mr. Priddle has gone to his home in Dun- dalk for the holidays. Mrs. Norman Huctwith of Forsat, visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Frank Betta. Master Ted Croft spent part of the Easter vacation with his cousin, Geo. Osborne of Feversham. Mr. Earl Ottewell of Pickering and Miss Dorothy Ottewell of Toronto, were Easter visitors with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ottewell, Mr. Cecil Betts was in Owen Sound on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft spent Sat- urday evening with Mr. Thos. Betts, Edith and Mabel. Mrs. Bert Watt of Berkeley spent a few days last week with her parents, â- Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Mr. I Watt came down Saturday and spent j the week end here. I Master George Osborne of Fever- j sham is spending a few days this week with relatives here. Mrs. R. McMull»n is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. A. Faw- cett, of Kimberley. CEYLON MAXWELL The meanest man on record has been discovered. He sold his sister- in-law one-half interest in a cow and then refused to divide the milk, main- taining that he sold only the front part of the cow. The buyer also had to provide the food for the cow and was compelled to carry water to her three times a day. Recently the cow hooked ths old man and he is suing: his sister-in-law for damages. The Y. P. S. held a sacred concert on the evening of Good Friday, which was well attended and very much en- joyed. It consisted of songs and reading and a pageant, "The way of the Cross," which was very impresaive* Miss Shirley Buckingham of Hol- stein High School is visiting at her home here, also Miss Merlie of Toron- to University is home for the holidays. Miss Kathleen Morrison of Shel- burne is spending the holidays at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adam spent the week end with friends in Durham. Mr. Vern Pallister of Toronto spent the week end with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Cameron and Miss May Linley and Allen Priestly of Owen Sound visited with friends on Sunday. Mr. .and Mrs. Eugrene Colquette of Toronto visited with Mr. Geo. Ross on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .A.. Morrison of Toron- to are visiting friends here. Mr. Angus McLeod and family have moved to the Radley farm on Colling- wood gravel. rORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Perigo and daughters, Betty and Mary K. of Del- hi, were visitors over the week end with the former's sister and husband, Mrs. and Mr. .Albert Stewart. Mrs. Fred Brown is spending a few days with friends in Toronto. Miss Gertrude Lever, who has ac- cepted a position in the Post Office at Richmond Hill, vi-sited over the week ond at her home here. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Chas. Gilchrist is very ill with pleuro- pneu. monia. but wish him a speedy re- covery. Mr. Fred Mathewson visited in Owen Sound, with his daughter, W:s, W. Hazen. who is ill. I OIDN^ TAKE CHANCES THIS YEAR â€" r 80U6HT PURINA 5TARTEKA Make No Mistake This Year. Siari Your Chicks on Startena! This year when every chick you raise means t\v'ice as much ptofit as it did four or five years ago, the Purina Research Laboratories announce one of the most out- standing developments in the history of chick feeding â€" the discovery of Pur-a*tene. What is Pur-a-tene.' It's the concentrated goodness that's in many fresh vegetables and fruits. Scientists call it carotene or pro-vitamin A. Poultrymen see it in bright red combs, smooth plumage, added life and vigor. Purine Startena has been known for years as Canada's finest starting feed. Now it is made even better by the addition of Pur-a-tene. Don't take chances this year. Start your chicks on Stanena and get the kind of chicks you want at six weeks. See us today for a supply of Startena ! A Brooder thermometer free with each purchase of Startena. Mr. Farquhar Oliver M.P.P., re- turned to Toronto on Tuesday morn- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Talbot and M!r. and Mrs. Chas. Best, Flesherton, vis- ited at Mr. Geo. Udell's on Sunday. Miss Mildred Risk visited at her home at Kimberley the first of the week. Mrs. Roy Piper returned from Owen Sound Hospital on Wednesday, where she underwent a tonsil operation. Mrs. J. D. McLeod is visiting in London and Detroit. The following teachei-s are spend- ing the Easter vacation at their homes here: Miss Chris. McKinnon, Miss Dora Stewart, Swamp College; Miss Ellen Parker, Mr. Jackson Stewart, Cheeseville; Miss Margaret Sinclair, Magnettawan; Miss Marion M"ir, Ora .Station. Miss Emma Oliver, Stone's Line and Miss Watt, Durham Road School are holidaying in Toronto and Miss Florence Mclnnis at her home near the Soo. Week end and Easter visitors in the community were, Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley White and Edna, Toronto, with .Mrs. W. White; Mr. and Mrs. Will Pattison and family, Toronto, with Mrs. M. Pattison and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McDonald and Isobel, Weston, Misses Bessie, Marjory and Catherine Cairns, Toronto, at Mr. Geo. Cairns'; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Torry and Mrs. Luther Torry, Lauriston at Mrs. Harry Pip- er's; Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Coleman and three children, London, at J. F. Col- linson's; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family, Oshawa, at Mr. Peter Muir's; Mr. and Mrs. John Montgom- ery and Mr. Stanley Hunt, Toronto at Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith's. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart were in Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. A. S. Muir made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver and daugh- ters. Misses Emma and Sadie, accomp- anied by Miss Watt, spent the week end in Toronto. Misses Oliver are remaining: for a longer visit. Mrs. Dave McDonald visited Mrs. McDonald, who underwent an oper- ation in Toronto, recently, over the week end. Mrs. McDonald is uro- gressing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart are in Toronto this week. Ken is attend- ing the O. E. A. Convention. BORIN" â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dingwall on Monday, March 22, South Line, the gift of a son. Congratula- tions. Misses Susie McKinnon and Frances CoUinson. students at Toronto Nor- mal School are spending the Easter vacation at their homes here. Miss Agnes \racphail M.P.. was a visitor at her homo here over the week end. Mrs. Fred Marshal! and Edna are holidaying' in Toronto. Misses Marv and Jean McMullen are spendin<r the holiday with their cousins in Toronto. Mis.s Lucy McDonald. Flesherton, visited Monday with Miss Francos Col- liii.son. Rev, Mr. Service is giving an il- lustrated lecture on Ben Hur. in the Ceylon Church on April tst at 8 p.m.. with a very small admission. Tiokots live being sold bv several of the young- er folk from whom yon may procure one. Miss .Jeanette McLeod. Toronto, is visiting at her home here. MV. Bi-rt Wvig:ht. Toronto, was a caller Thursday on his sister. Mrs. Purcell Hemphill. Mr. Jacksoii Stewart sPent the week end at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .John Stewart. He went on to Toronto on Tuesdav to attend 0. E. A. Congratultition to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whittaker. Stone's Line, who observe^ the .lOth anniversary of their wedding- on Sunday. March 2Sth. Miss Mildred Whittaker of Toronto and Bill Tew of Richmond Hill were house suests for, the Faster vacation. Mr. Bert Irwin entertained the Stone's Line euchre Club on Thursdav c'veninar of last week, when Mr and Mrs. I. B. Whittaker won the prizes for the hichest .score and Mr. Randall and Miss Isohel Cameron won the con- solation nrizp. A dainty luncheon was served at the close. FEVERSHAM Congratulations to Mrs. John Rob- inson, who on Thursday, March 25th, celebrated the anniversary of her 93rd birthday at her home here. Mrs. Robinson is still quite smart in spite of her age. She, with her son, Mr. E. Robinson, and daughter. Miss A. Robinson, and grandchildren, Mr. J. W. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fad- den (nee Dorothy Robinson) of Toron- to and Miss Ann Robinson of CoHing- wood and some other friends enjoy- ed a dainty repast. A number of friends and neighbors called during the afternoon and evening to wish her many returns of her birthday anni- versary. Mr. George Sled, proprietor of the service station and garage was away on a holiday last week, visiting with friends in I'rescott and other points Mr. W. Osborne attended to the wants of the travelling public, so far as their need of gas, oil and free air went. Now I didn't intimate it was hot air. Op Wednesday, March 31st, 1880, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Colquette were united in marriage at t>is home of Mrs. Colquett's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heron, Sr., at what wag then called Heron's Hollow, by the Rev. L. Hall, pastor of the Methodist circuit of Maxwell at that time, thus they have passed 57 years of married life on the 31st of March 1937. Mr. Hudson was brought home from the G. & M. Hospital, CollingTvood, on Monday, March 22nd, after several weeks' treatment for concussion of the brain, arriving from the serious accident he suffered when he was struck by a falling: limb while working in the bush. He is recovering nice- ly and we hope will soon be able to be around again. Miss Ann Robinson and girl friend of the nursinif staff of the G. A M. Hospital, Collingrwood, attended the 93rd birthday celebration of her grandmother here on March 26th. BORN â€" On March 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright, a daugh- ter. Mr. Russel Hawton was a week end visitor with friends in Hamilton. K. G. BETTS, FItishcrton "7^ <Last week's Items) Mr. Farouhar Oliver. M.P.P., re- turned to Toronto on Monday after spending the week end at his home here. Mr. Isaac Snell was in Toronto on Monday. Mr. Paul Schrani, .Ai-thur, was a i-aller amoner friend,s last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver. Miss Sad- ie Oliver. Miss Elsie McKinnon and Mrs. John Gibson were in Caledon on Monday attending the funeral of the late Mr. Jas. MeKinnon, a cousin of Mrs. Oliver. Miss Mildred Risk is assisting at Mrs. .A.. S.' Muir's. Mrs. Dave McDonald underwent an operation in Toronto last week and her condition is quite sati.«factory. Thf- Ceylon Church had a bee dra v- ing wood from the Douglas farm on Monday. Rev. Mr. Service was or hand doing his share. Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol visited the latter's mother at the G. & M. Hospital, Owen Sound on Sunday. Mr. George Melrose has returned to Toronto. The Women's Institute met on Thursday evening at Mrs. Frank Col- linson's, when six members and five visitors Were present. In the ah- setir>e of President and Vice<. Mrs. Geo. Udell took the chair and opened the meeting with the singing of the Ode and the collect. The minutes of the previous meeting were reaa and approved. Mrs. Hunt read a paper on "Mohair," Mrs. Gibson one on Poul- try Exports and Mrs. Muir gave a reading, "Ma and the Auto Drive." It was decided to send Mr. Hunt and Mrs. A. C. Muir, delegates to the spring project on "clothesclosets" be- ing held at Markdale, April 12, 13 and 14. Mrs. Marshall extended an invitation for the .-^pEil meeting. Lunch was served at the close. The home of Mr. and Mi-s. Will Gib- son was the scene of a jolly crowd on Tuesday evening when Mrs. Gibson, Worthy Matrop of Grey Ch.nprpj. [70 oi-der of the Eastern Star, entertained her officers and their esci"-ts at a very happy get-together. Progr'.'s- sive Euchre was in play at some rabies. Mrs. Dick Clark and Mr. G. Hill being the fortunate winners of tile lovely award for the hitrh scores, while the consolation awar is won by Mrs. .\. E. Colgan and Mr. Riiy Pedlar brought forth much laughter. The hostess served a wonderful lunch at the close of the game, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark, Mr. J. Mc- Mullen. Mr. Jack Colean and Mrs. Frank Collinson, after wliii.b dancing was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar and Mr. Bob Plestc supplied the music. Live Stock Repert On Monday, cattle priees reached a new high peak, which is the highest record since June 1930 Choice heavy steers selling at from |8.50 to |9.00, with other classes of cattle recorded at much better prices. The improve- ment is attributed to the fact that the Lenten season is over and with a good demand for all classes of meats, the wohlesale market developed a keen outlet. While best heavy steers sold at high prices, fair to good ranged from f7.75 Co ^.50; common to medium $6.00 to $7.00. In the butcher section, choice handy weight steers and heifers sold at from $6.50 to $7.00; fair to good from $5.75 to $6.25; common to med- ium $5.00 to $5.50. Choice baby beeves ' held steady at from $7.00 to $8.00, ! others at lower prices according to j quality. The cow trade was active , and strong, choice cows selling at 1 from $4.75 to $5.25 ; fair to good from â- $4.00 to $4.50; common and medium' .$;?.00 to $4.00; canners and cutter $2.00 to $2.75. Milch cows and spring- ers were very slow of sale. The bull â- trade was steady, from $3.75 to $4.50, ' depending upon weights and quality. Lamb prices advanced sharply, 50c per cwt., choice lambs selling at $10.- 50. Best sheep brought from ^.00 to $5.75. The calf trade was active ] and steady, choice calves selling at j from $9.00 to $9.50. with a few tops at $10.00; fair to good from $7.50 to ^.oO; common and medium $5.00 to $6.50. Monday's hog market held steady, with the close of last week; sales be- ing made at from $8.75 to |9.00 for truck deliveries. Indication for the balance of the week were that the market would hold much the same. PROTON STATION BORN â€" On March 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Neilson, a son. Easter visitors from Toronto, with friends at Proton Station, are Mr. and Mrs. Jones with the latter'a mother, Mrs. McNalty; -*.. and Mrs. Alex. MacLean with Mr. and nlrs. MacLean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Acheson. Mrs. Wilson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cons ley, Miss Gertmde Lyons with her father, Mr. Charles Lyons; Miss Eileen Baker at the home of her oarents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker. j REVISED PROVERBS The darkest hour is just before the pawn. What the eye doesn't see the foot trips over. Where singleness is bliss, 'tia folly to have wives. One touch of sunshine makeg the whole world skin. There are none so blind as those who face strong headlights. "A job done well never wants do- ing again." "Did you ever try shovelling snow from the sidewalk?" i > ». H »»»»4-> *H i» | i I I I 1 1 1 1 »» I â- •â€"SEED TIMEâ€": and then ' THE HARVEST ', YOUR BEST HARVEST ; | is assured when • > you ship your Livestock te ', \ < > Dunn & Le?ack Ltd. ; \ LIMITED ; ; 1 1 Canada'^ Leading Livestock 1 i Salesmen ', | < • Union Stock Ysrdaâ€" TORONTO ; ; ; ; It Always Pays to Ship To Ua W ♦••IIII M II»<t»l»*»*««*» M »li nHH I M i M tl>» H i m >i I Waiting for Spring MEN'S RUBBERS AND RUBBER BOOTS, MITTS AND WORK GLOVES. SMOCKS AND OVERALLS GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS. ;: Honey Flaked Wheat 5 lb. bags 23c Blue Cr<">ss Salmon Is 23c ;; Federal Matche-; 3 boxes for 23c :: Bier Chief T(iilot Taper 8 rolls for 23c '.', Prepared Miustard 32 oz. jars 19c ',', Pure Clover fTune} 5 lb. cans for 49c CIark'.s Pork & Bean.-; 22 oz. size 10c « • :: Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON 5 NEW Knitted Wool Sportswear Reasonably Priced Smartly Styled and Tailored t t T T t t T t ± t t t X Ladies' Knitted Suits J Two piece and three piece styles. New season's colors â€" Applemint, Coronation Gold, Coronation Green, Cranberry Red, Iristone. Coral, Turquoise, Norway Red, Good range of sizes. p^j^^j ^^j^^ ^^^^^ ^^j j^^gg t T ♦!♦ Ladies' and Misses' Pullovers and Coats I ? t t t t t V t f t t Smart New Styles suitable for any occasion. Full range of sizes in new colors â€" Chocolate, Red Earth, Turquoise, Norway Red, Cranberry Red, Canary, Gold ♦*♦ Blue, Arcady Blue, Applemint, Black, White. New Shoe Styles for Easter New Colors in Holeproof Silk Hosiery New Styles in "Nu-Back" Corsets and Girdles •., New Brassiers and Corselettes New Veivasuede Lingerie. F. H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont. % X Priced from 98c to $2.95 *tt f t T t