Wednesday, April 7, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE -» â- » » .»- -m .*. ^. m. m â- - -»--»^ *- * -»- AA A A A J« Ait. AiTi J« A A A.t.ilntnti Jnf.A A t iti f ti f iJi Ji â- *--*--*--*-*--*- -^ Spring Is Just Around the Corner I II II yT Sap Supplies Will Be Required \\ We have Sap Pans, Sap Buckets, Spiles, Bits, Pails, ;; Syrup Cans, Etc. ; ; \ I CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP Sherwin-Williams old reliable Paints and Varnishes ;; Ask us about the new finish Semi- Lustre washable ;; Enamel, also Gloss Enamel, Stains and Floor Enamels. ; Wall Paper and Wall Paper Cleaner, Paste ;; Turpentine, Paint Oil anl Brushes. I! :: MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS and REPAIRS ii Everything in ITardware, Bolts, Tools, Lamps, Lanterns, ICnanielware, Aluminum, Roofinjr. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON ;: Feversham School Holds Commencement FOR SALE â€" Seed Oats and Barley. J. T. Parker, R. R. No. 3. Proton, I'hone 32 r 2, Flesherton. 5 'T- Presentation A large group of friends and neigh- bors met in Eugenia Hall recently in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Watt, (iu>e Ita Pedlar) married recently. The evening was spent in music and dancinir, then near midnight the fjroup was called to order and the following address was read by Mrs. Laurie Pc'<ilar. Pear Ita and Bert: W'c have gathered here to-night as a community to extend to you our best wi.<hes as you enter that great ad- venture of life, which lies before you. The spirit of jollity and happiness in which we find ourselves is marred only by regret that your home will not be with us. Truly, a couple possess- ing your sterling personal (lualities is a boon to any community, but in our loss '.fe console ouselves with the knowledge that your value in this re- spect will be appreciated wherever you go. We wno have known you, Ita, so well, can truly appreciate Bert's good fortune in winning a bride whose at- tractive personality is a blessing, not only to a home, but tu all who have the privilege of her acquaintance. Since you have decided to face life together, we are confident that your mutual iiualities of honor, love and loyalty will result in the fulfilment of our sincere wishes for your future : success and happiness. I As a light token of our esteem, we I ask you to accept this gate-leg table land radio-lamp, not for its material value, but for the sincere good wishes it signifies. Signed on behalf of your friends: Frank Belts Laurie Pedlar Laurie Betts Mr. and Mrs. Watt thanked all in a Ml-. Wn;. Patton spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mrs. Robt. Clark is visiting rela- tives in Toronto. Miss Alma Dixon of Toronto spent the past week in town visiting her brother, Gordon, and Mrs. Dixon. Mis. T. J. Fisher and Emery were ill Toronto last week for a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McTavish and two children of Oshawa spent the week end in to^n. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson have returned homo after .spending the winter in Toronto and Ottawa. Mr. Delbert Hopkins spent a couple of days, the first of the week in Toronto. Miss Queennie Kaitting of Owen Sound spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mit- chell. Miss Rene Cargoe and Mr. Harry Herberts of Toronto, spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. J. Cargoe. Schools opened on Monday for the final term of the .school year and in two months the students will be writ- ing their departmental examinations, a pleasant time for them.! The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed in St. John's United Church last Sabbath when a large number of communicants took part. Thirteen united with the church by letter or on profession of faith. .Mr. Ed. Patton of Oshawa spent the week end at his home here. Ed played Junior hockey in Oshawa the past year and had a splendid season. He was picked for the junior all-star team in Toronto district and wa.s the s<^cond highest scoring defenceman in the leauue. He is remaining in Oshawa to play senior hockey next year and best wishes for success are extended to him by his friends here. I^OST â€" Fountain pen, recently, new Parker pen. â€" Finder please noti- fy Rev. G. R. Service, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" A few tons of good timothy and alfalfa hay at $7. per t'ln, at the barn. Terms, cash. â€" H. J. Vause, Phone Flesherton 32 r 12. FOR SALE â€" 75 â€" 100 Barred Rock baby chicks, hatched April 1st. These are Government Blood tested stock - J. F. CoUinson, Ceylon, Phone 21 r 3. FOR SALE â€" International Tractor, and Cockshutt tractor cultivator, l)Oth in good shape. â€" Wallace Hamilton, Flesherton, or call at The Advance Office. The appreciative, capacity audience which greeted the Commencement of the Feversham Continuation School on Thursday evening, March 25, test- ifiei! to the growing interest of the people throughout the district in these annual school entertainments. Mr. Fred Hale, chairman of the School Board, made a very capable chaii-man for the program which was Introduced by a number of choruses Sm/t by the student body in white uniform dresses. This number was opened by singing "O Canada" in French, and concluded with the F. C. S. song and yell, a good introduction to a sparkling program of fine enter- tainment. Much applause greeted the performance of the Highland Fling, cleverly executed by five girls in costume. The wings of the stage were swung back, and nine girls with clubs gaily decorated with school coloui-s, red, yellow and blue, pres- ented an interesting variety of ryth- mic exercises. The boys smartly dressed in white duck trousers and white "terry-cloth" shirts, climaxed their demonstration of mat gymnas- tics and pyramid building with a dra- matic "chair"' pyramid built up to the teji foot ceiling and brilliantly illuminated with magnesium flares. A sunimai-y of the play "Lena Riv- â- rs," in original verse recited by N'orma Davidson introduced the fol- lowing characters; Lena -Rivers, Jean Bushell; Gi-anny N'icholls, Bernice Hudson; John Livingstone, Ronald Springgay; John Junior. Murray Le- 1 When the following will be offered; pard; Caroline Livingstone, Beatrice j HORSES â€" Bay Mare, 11 years old; Maxwell; Nancy Scovandyke, Ethel ] Brown Gelding, 9 years old; Sorrel Fenwick; Joel Slocum, McCallum j Gelding. .Stepiien: Uncle Billy, Robert Fenwick.] CATTLE â€" 5 Calves; 4 two year The pianists for the evening were old cattle; .5 Yearling cattle beasts; Misses Del mai' Soeley and Jean Bush- '. 3 three-year-old fat cattle beasts; Small Ads. FOR RENT â€" Rooms for rent. â€" A Shackleford, Flesherton. FOR RENT â€" House and Lot in the Village of Eugenia.â€" Apply to John W. Sherwood, Flesherton R. R. 1. FOR SALE â€" Barred Rock Baby Chicks, batch to come off April 12. There will also be later hatchings. WANTED â€" Used 17 tooth cul- â€" tivator. â€" Ward Harrison, phone 41 r 4. Bailiff's Sale Farm Stock, Implements, Etc. Will be held at Lot 165. Con. 2, S. W., Artemisia The Estate of the Late CHARLES DOLPE on Friday, April 9th, 1937 •II, each of whom also rendered pleas- 1 ing piano solos. j Graduation diplomas presented by Rev. Bushell to the graduates of last year, followed the valedictory address, xcellently given by Miss Bernice .N'eil, at present an Upper School stud- ent in Collingwood Collegiate. The 7 cows, 1 Bull, 75 Hens. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Massey- Harris Seed Drill, Wagon, McCormick Hay Rake, Cockshutt Scuffler, Mas- sey-Harris Mower, Wilkinson Walking Plow, Fleurj- Turnip Pulper, Cutter, Biantford Make, Chevrolet Automo- bile. 1927 Model; Buzz Saw Outfit, in- FOR SALE â€" Sampson tractor and plough "for sale cheap. Apply to J. J. Thompson, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 20 bags, Irish Cobbler potatoes for seed â€" Harry Paton, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Improved Banner Seed Oats for sale.â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" A quantity of good plump barley for sale. â€" Alex. S. Muir. Phone 49 r 1-4, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Good General Purpose Horse, rising 4 years. â€" Louis Ker- ton, Maxwell. WANTED â€" Good prices paid for horses or cows suitable for mink feed. â€" J. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR S.ALE â€" New Cream separator, cheap, good safe and three village lots at reasonable prices. â€" Mrs. John Heard, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Red Clover, Alsike, -Alfalfa, Sweet Clover and Timothy. All Ontario grown and Government tested. Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. few words, inviting all to visit them in their new home. Lunch was served, then "on with the dance." + + THE STORE WITH SERVICE i (MAIN STORES ^ OF MONEY MARKDALE, Ont t T ? y F. T. Hill & Co., Limited OIR BUYING POWER I- â- »--»-â- â- - â- •â- «â- r 'IT 1 I 4 " ? T ? ? Chicken Farmers! Look! J^^ The Hill Company has purchased a large quantity of Purina Products and Quaker Ji^ Products used in the raising of Poultry, also a full line of Royal Purple Products. ^1^ This stock will be sold at first cost and less. Feeds are advancing in price every day ->♦«. â€"Buy Now and Save Money, Below is a partial list of what we have on hand. -*> t SAVES YOl' A LOT V t »t« iTi «Ti >T« A A >t« >Ti A A A A â- ?â- A A A A A A »t* »T« T â- â€" râ€" â€" 1 T t T ? T t t ♦I* only graduates able to be present eluding Gasoline Engine, Ford-make, were the valedictorian and Mr. Lloyd also all Belting; Massey-Harris Disc Clifton, who is taking his Senior Mat- Harrow, Massey-Harris Binder, 6 riculation at Flesherton High School, foot cut, McCormick-Deering Hay The address we quote in part: "At , Loader, Massey-Harris Cultivator, Set gatherings we are reminded that ; .Sleighs, Shallow Lake make, 2 Horse life has two parts; first, the very ! Blankets, Set Heavy Team Harness, happy days of pleasant association in J Set Single Harness; Buggy, McTavish â- chool which for those of us who are 'make; Quantity of Grain, consisting jiaduatos arc pone forever, then the â- of Oats, Barley and Wheat, quantity ther part which is that of the com- 1 of Hay. ? ? T ? ? 5! Z PURINA PRODUCTS riiriiia i,a\ena (Checkers), cwt. .. $2.49 J'urina liroilcr Chow Meal, c\\ i .$2.00 I'lirina l,a\x'iia .Masli, per cut $2.0'' i'uriiia I, ay Chow, i)cr cut $2.09 Purina Hen Chuw, per cwt $2.09 I'lirina Ilcn Chow, per cwt $2.10 Sample haj>:.s of otiier I'liriiia rrodiuts in the hardware. QUAKER PRODUCTS i-.^K- -Mash (Inill O' Pep). i)er cwt. $2.^9 Chick Starter. 2.S Ih. hays S.x- ROYAL PURPLE PRODUCTS Call .Meal, per cwt Call Meal, .SO Ihs Call" .Meal. 2S Ihs Call" .Meal, per Ih rroteiii Cdiieentrate. per cwt. t ? T T t t ? T Y $1.10 ♦♦♦ .... .Sc â- '*â- ' $3.49 $I.9.T $3.95 e have 'O many lines of this kind oi ""'^ to list them all \ i^ii (iiir I lardware at .Also a fidl line of Royal Piiri)le pack- •es for Cattle, llo^s. Horses (S: Slice]). Department "'EW WALLPAPERS •an^c papers worthy Q\u. a <^Iutil)le roll to . want something hei.. book from which to choo. of wall- .\ll Sim- •m lOc . f yoti a special ? ? T t T T T ? ? ? ? ? ? y t ? T % A Children's, Misses Shoes at a Big Saving Y 150 l)airs Fine Kid and Calf Shoes, ? T t ? T t ? 100 EXTRA SPECIAL |)airs Women's h'ine Shoes, .some t ? ? ♦ Visit Our Hardware Department for Sap Piickets, Pails, Syrup Cans, Crock- ery and Class ware. We u.ive specials in all these lin.-s SPECIAL CLEARANCE â€" 10 Styles of Women's Shoes Special factory clearance of .?{X) pair.'^ of Women's I'ine Shoes in i)imii)s, ties, strajis, high, medium and low heels, in kid and calf; sizes 4V2 to 8. Values up to $3.95. Extra Special $1.99 sizes from 8J/. to 10,'/^, also sizes II t<) 2. I'A'tra Special at per pair $1.25 MEN'S PLAIN OVER RUBBERS 2(X) pairs i>Iain and rolled sole Ruhhers all first ciiiality, i);iir 75c Jvuipress, some Dr. Locke. These are all \ hi^-h f^-rade shoes worth U]) to $5.75; all J^ sizes in ihe lot, 3 to 8. I^xtra si)ecial $2.88 j^^ CHILDREN'S RUBBER GOLOSHES *"* CLEARANCE IN WOMEN'S AND ing days and years of life. I would like to recall some of the memories of the past: We, the thoughtless pupils of the other days have done some thinking since our u^raduation. It has been in these moments of reflection that we have realized what good and sincere friends the teaching staff were to us. Their interest in us banishetl discourage- ment and helpcxl to bring to us de- termination to coiKiuer the difficult places. We pay tribute to them as conscientious teachers and loyal friends in our work and play, in both of which their co-operation has in- â- pi red us to higher ambitions." Remember: Not in the clamor of the crowded streets, M)t in the shouts and plaudits of the throng, But in yourselves are triumph and defeat. Before the singing of the National Anthem, which brought the enjoy- able evening to a close, the chairman spoke in appreciation of the principal Miss Kvelyn Shouldice, and the assis- tant, Mr. Albert Armstrong, whose capable <liiection had contributed in no small way to the success of the Commencement. No Reserve; Everything must be sold. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 9 A.M. TERMS:â€" CASH MARK WILSON, Bailiff. GEO. DINC.VN, .\uctioneer. List of Lands ^or Sale TOWN'SIIIP OF OSPREY Lot 51. Con. 2 S. D. R 50 acres Lot. Pt. 27, Con. 14 100 acres I,"t W. Pt. 74. 3 N. D. R 25 acres Lot 11, Voulo St., Kelvin .... U acre Lot 12. Vouje St., Kelvin V, acre Offers for the above will be accep- ted by: Terms: â€" Cash â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk-Treas. Feversham. Ont. S])rin<;' clearance of 200 jiairs of liij^h jifrade Riihher (ioloshes; hi^h, medium. low heels. iCxtra \'alue, pair $1.19 GROCERY SPECIALS 7 Ihs. Cream of Wheat, bulk, .. 7 Ihs. 25c 6 Ihs. Robin lh)od Oatmeal, coarse or fine, for 2.X' .•\ssorled Soiiiis, Avlmer, Crosse & Black well. Clarke's 3 tins for 22c Corned P)eef, 12 oz. size 2 tins for 25c W (S.- (;. and Pearl White Soap .. 6 for 24c Oranj^e Marmalade, ^2 oz. size 24c l>ird Seed, rey. size 12c 2 for *^c for 2.Sc (lood sized Prunes 2J/2 lbs jelly Powders, all flavors Sui^ar Crisf) Corn Flakes Fresh Soda Piscnits Proken Indian Plack Tea (iood4 and 5-strinR; P.roonis for SIM-Cl \T, - Kevnntc Flour, .. ha t ? T t t ? T t t T T T t EUC,KNI.\ PUBLIC SCHOOL fith _ Mabel puckett, Jean Tudor. Sr. 4th _ Hon.: Doris Fawcett, Jean Proctor. Sr. Mid â€" Hon.: Dorothy Falconer, Ruth Craham, Gladys Duckett, Arthur Procter, Margaret McMillan. Pass: *N()ra Tinner, Dorland Camp- bell. ♦Blanche Williams, Murray Will- iams. •Jr. ;ii(l â€" Pass: Burton Campbell, .Selena Puckett. 2nd _ Hon.: Douglas Falconer, Marge Martin, Lois Williams, Joyce Genoe. Pass. Alice Tiulor. ♦Ella Kellar. 1st- . I.yle Short. Sr. Pr. â€" Blanche Walker, Eleanor Proctor, Gaylo Oenoe, Fred Williams, Dennis Campbell, Jack Williams, Anna 'i'udor, Freddie Duckett. Jr. Pr. _ Roy Fawci>tt. * Marks exams missed. iNo. on roll 31. Average attendance 26. Teacher: L E. Dinsmore. Tenders Wanted for Crushing of Gravel TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY 6 for 24c ♦!♦ .^ for 21c 2 lbs. for *X^X**><**X*<*<*<**X' '♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦^ â-º*♦♦*♦♦*♦♦*♦♦*♦♦*♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ?5c ♦♦♦ per lb. 4.^c ♦» ... 25c *i^ ♦;♦ FEVERSHAM PUBLIC SCHOOL REPORT Sr. 4th â€" Roma Whiteoak, LaVema Smith, Wilfred Springgay. Jr. 4th â€" Phyllis Hudson, Jim Ped- lar, Jim McKee. Sr. ;trd â€" Volma Smith, Jim Hale, Shirley Springgay, Albert Ottewell. Jr. ,ird _ Mazol Priestly, Ted Ped- lar. Palmer Morden, Billie McKce. I^nd â€" Maurice Teeter. Sr. ist â€" Helen Whitcoak, Marlon Ebv, Stanley Teeter. Jr. 1st â€" Gwen Fnddon, Bornico Hollingshead, Elmer Nichols, Bert Hnle, Bruce . Hollingshead, Gladys Teeter, I^allos Osliorne. â€" D. I. J.VMIESON. Teacher Sealed tenders marked (Tenders for Crushing (Jravel" will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, April 10, at 12 o'clock a.m.. for the crushing of tiOOO yards of gravel. Tendei's to state the cost of same de- posited in bins. For further partic- ulars apply to, C. N- LONG. Clerk Dated, Feversham, March 22, 1937. Tenders Wanted for Trucking of Gravel TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY FOR S.ALE â€" Young Holstejn cow for sale or exchange, due April 10. Would exchange for cow of beef type.â€" P. Muir, Ceylon. FEED GR.AIN WANTED â€" â- We are paying the following prices this week for good quality feed grain, â€" Barley 85c bushell; Wheat $1.30 bushell; Peas S1.60 bushell.â€" Phone 38 r 3. A. C. MUIR, Ceylon. IUK; FOR SERVICE Pure bred Yorkshire Hog, Orchard Valley Wonder, 6Nâ€" 175771 Sire 0. A. C. Conqueror 315 â€" 167820, will be kept for sei-vice. Terms $1.00. â€" Wes. Smith, Rock Mills. BO.VR FOR SERVICE Purebred Yorkshire Boar for ser- vice; terms: $1.00 if paid within four months.â€" Laurie Pedlar, Flesherton, Ont., R. R. 3. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will sacrifice for $150.00 cash. â€" Thomas Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. PROPERTY FOR SALE The large building and stables on the main street of Flesherton, own- ed by the late Wm. Moore and occu- pied by Mr. Fawcett, the Flesherton bus man. For particulars apply to Mrs. Wm. .Moore, Flesherton. BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham St. Office Hours â€" Afternoons 1.30 to 4 Evenings 7 to 8.30 Sundays and Thursday afternoocs by appointment only. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICE â€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69. Sealed tenders marked "Tenders for Trucking Gravel" will be received by the undersigned until Saturday, April 10th, at 12 o'clock a.m., for the truck- ing of gravel. Tenders to state the price per yard per yard mile. Dated, Feversham, March 22, 1!)37. C. N- LONG. Clerk ROY LANGFORD District .\gent for MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FIRE AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY Municipal Liability Guarantee Bonds .Any Insurance Problem Telephone 61 FLESHERTON, Ont. SEED OATS No. 1, Government Standard, fancy quality, new crop, On- tario grown seed oats. Victory $L00 bu. Giinston $L00 bu. Banner $L00 bu. Early Alaska $L00 bu. .^0 bushels or more deliver- ed free at above price. WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. .-VU sales conducted on Business principles. All parties retjuiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Kait- ting, Eugenia, 'Phone 43 â€" 11. .\ cb^e friend ! Scot. not necessarily a A. C. Phone 38 r 3 MUIR CEYLON.! Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. & A.F., meets in the Fraternal Hall. Flesherton, the .second Tuesday in each month. W'.M., Alfred Down; Secretary, C. J. Bellamy. DR. T. H. SPENCE VETERINARY SURGl^ON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege. Pi'ofcssional servicei rensonablc. â€"Phone, Duhdalk 2, i. *e / â- SL mmm-