Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1937, p. 4

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'â- â- 'â- '. \. Wednesday, June 30, 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE > > ,/' THE FLE&hERTON AOVANCL Published on Collingrwood Street, i'lesherton, Wednesday of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 oer year, when paid in advance $l.gO; in U. £. A. |2. per year, when paid in I advance 12.00. i W. H. THURSTON, Editor. P. I THURSTON, Asaociate Editor ViClOKlA COkNtK5 Congratulations to K. J. McNalty, who passed his untninc-e on his year's work. He has been at Mr. \Vm. Ache.son's for a couple of years, but is t'oing to Mono Road to his sister's now. Mr. and Mr.s. Wm. Talbot, accom- panied .Messrs. iSam, Harold and Geo. Talbot to .Mooii'field (o visit Mr. and Mrs. Dave Talbot. Milt<iii Baniion is sporting an Olds- mobile car. A peculiar rain .storm passed over our section on .Saturday fVeniiig. It was nearly a cloud burst on the East side of No. lo Highway and only a nice shower on the west side , getting preceptably less as it went back till the back lots of those farms got very little if any rain at all. 43he ladies of the W. M. S. held their June meeting at the home of Mrs. Lee on Friday. Mrs. Arthur McNaught visited at Milton Bannon's. Mrs. Robinson i.-* visiting her sister at Harkaway. Fleshertoo High School Promotions R; C; K. ? What Was The Net Profit (Intended for Last week) Kingsley Gallagher and Norman Redick paid a flying visit north last week as far as Sturgeon Falls, King- sley reports fishing no good as mos- quitoes and black flies are even worse than here. The former are worse here than they have been for years. Miss Maud Acheson visited with the Menzic family of VVareham at Guelph. Ren. Acheson and family of Chel- tenham are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Acheson and Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, Maxwell. Mrs. Acheson and family are remaining for the Acheson re-union on Saturday next. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Goo., .Johnson .spent a week with relatives ia Toronto. Misses Marjoric and Boris Duckett of Ge.vlnn spent F»iday evuning with Mr. and Mrs. Cha.'!. Neweil. C>iite a number from here attended the sale of the effect.-i of the late Austin Shackk'fonI in Flesherton on Snburday. Mr- Herb Hetts raised his driving slied on We<lnes(lay irfloinoon of last w-p<*k, and Mr. .John Porte«us raised his barn the same afternoon. -Mrs. Thos. Fisher is not enjoying rood health at present nnd is at the home of her son. .Mr. Sam I'^isher. Wp extend our sincere sympathy to Mr. Frank Cairns of Ceylon in his sore bereavement by the death of his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell were risit(Hs on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. K. Binnington of Maxwell. Mr. llhos. Betts had one of his cows hurt en the road by a car on Siftiday evening while ho was driving them to the pasture ftel.i. The cow's leg was brol«« and she had to be dis- posed of. Mr. Sam Osborne of Markdalo is building tho stons wall of Mr. Levi Betts' new house and will soon have it completed. Mr. Harvey Priddle has been engag- ed by the school board for another year. Congratulations to Hazel Wilkin- son and Fred Belts of the entrance class, who were successful in securing i» pass on their year's work. Those who wrote here were Laura Pedlar and Ted Croft. Quite a number from here attended the I'nited Church Garden Party In Fleshwlon on Thursday nnd re])ort u splendid time. School closed oil Tuesday for the Bummer vacation and the teacher and pupils will enjoy a rest from their studies. CEYLON PUHLIC SCHOOL Jr. 4th, to Sr. 4th â€" Marian Col- linson (H), Mary McMullen (H), Gor- don Nichol, Hilda Duckett. Sr. ;trd to .Jr. Ith â€" Fdna Marshall (H), .Joe McWilliam (11), Kiui Adams (H). Margaret Smellie, George Stew- art, Jack McMullen. Jr. .Srd to Sr. 3rd â€" Jean McMullen (H), Wallace Shaw, Dorothy Plester, Delbert Plester (Rec.). Jr. 2nd to Sr. 2nd â€" Nancy Mc- William (H), Gordon Stewart, Helen Duckett, Billy Shuw, Donald McLeod. Ist Clas."! to Junior Second â€" Fran- ces Adams (H), Kenneth Muir, (H), Ruth Stewart. Muriel Shaw, (Rec.) Primer to First â€" Barbara Mnr- nhall and Philip McMullen. Jr. Primer to Sr. Pr. â€" Harold Nichol. , â€"MISS F. McINNES. Teacher Schedule: C â€" Pass standing during the year and on the final written ex- amination; R â€" Recommended without trying the final examinations; D â€" Dei)artmentul examination to be written; F â€" Failure. (1) From Form I to Form II. Adams, Jack â€" Eng. Comp. Kng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geog. Art C, Bot. C, Alg. R. French Civics R. Bellamy, Benjamin â€" Eng. Comp. K; Eng. "Lit. K; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C; Art C, Bot. C, Alg. F. Lat. F; Fre-nch C, Civics R. Blown, Iva â€" Eng. Conip. R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C, Art C, Bot. C', Alg. C, Lat. K, Fr. R, Civics R. Chappie, Alan â€" E)ng. Comp R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C, Art (', Bot. C, Fr. R, Civics R. Fisher, Eldon â€" Eng. Comp. R, Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C, Art C, Bot. C. Alg. F, French C, (Civics R. Graham, Franklin â€" Br. Hist. C; Bot. C. Alg. R, Latin R, French R, Civics R. Johnson, Eileen â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eii>r. Lit. F; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C, An C, Bot. C. Alg. R, Lat. R, French R, Civics R. , Leavell, Evelyn â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C, Art C, Bot. C, Alg. R, French R, Civics R. IJttlejohns, Clifford â€" Eng. Comp. R, Eng. Lit. R, Br. Hist. C, Geog. C, Art C, Bot. C, Alg. F, French R, Civics R. MacDonald, Oly â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R, Br. Hist. C; Geo. D, Art C. Bot. D, Alg. C, Civics R. , McBride, William â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geog. C, Art C, Bot. C. Alg. C, Lat. F, Fr. R, Civics R, McClean, Delmar â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Art C, Bot. f", Alg. C, Lat. F, Pr. C, Civics R. McWilliam, Charles â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C, Geojr. C, Art C, Botany D, Alg. F, Fr. C, Civics R. Ostrander. Emma â€" Eng. Comp. R: Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C- Geog. C, Art C, Bot. C, Alg. C, Lat.'c, Fr. R, Civics R. Parker, Keith â€" Eng. Comp. R, Eng. Lit. R, Br. Hist. C, Geog. C, Art C. Bot. C, Alg. R, Lat. C, Fr. R, Civics R. Russell, Rimer â€" Eng. Comp. C; Etig- Lit. R; Br. Hist C; Geog C, Art C, Rot. C, Alg. R, Lat. R, Fr. R, Civics R Turnay. Ruth â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Br. Hist. C; Geo^^ C. Art C, Rot. n, Alg. C. Lat. R, Fr. R, 'ivies R. Teeter, Muriel _ Hii(r. Comp. F; Entr. Lit, F; Br. Hist. P; Geog C; Art C. Bot. D, Alg. R, Fr. R. Civi»s R. (Promotion will depend upon the I)<'paitmental Kxaniinatioiis in Br. History and in Botany. (.'!) The followinjc will rep<Hit |iart of the work of Form I but will he lierniitted to lake «io»ie .â- ^nlijects in Fc.rm II. Hopl<ins, John â€" Eng. Comp. F; Eng. Lit. F; Br. Hist. D, Geog D, Art C. Bot. D, Alg. C, Civics R. Maishnll, Freilerick â€" Eng. Comp. F; Entr. Lot. F; Br. Hist. D; Geog. n. Art C. Bot. D, Al* F. Fr. R. CiTi»»u R. (1) Ths following Form II students have obtained pass standing in Form I subjects placed after their names. Henry, William â€" Botany C, l''rench R. Kennedy, Jiuiies â€" Latin C. Magee, I)»ris â€" Br. Hist, C; Fr. R, Civics R. Marshall, Doris â€" Latin R. Oliver, F^ric â€" l-«tin R. Stewart, Betty â€" Br. Hist. C; Bot. C; Lat. R, Fr. R, (jvics R. Wicki'ns, Marion â€" French R FROM FORM II ro FORM III Leavell, Hen - - Eng. f^omp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Vr. Comp. R; Fr. Auth. F; I'h.vsio^raphy C, /,ool. C,. Kennedy, James â€" F^ng. Comp. R; iEng. Lit. R; Eng. Gram. C; I'hvsiog. |1), Zool. C, French R. Geom. F. I McClean, Rhesa â€" Eng. Comp. R; Enjr. Lit. R; Enu'. (Jr. C; Physiog. D, Aiith. C, Zool. C, French R, Geom. F, McCrackeii, Wesley â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Kng. Gr. C; Phvsiog. C, Arith. C, Zool. C, Fr. R. Lat. R, (ii'oni. R. MacVicar, Anna â€" Eng. Comp. R; 'â- 'ng. Lit. R; Eng. Gr. C; Phvsiog. C, Arith. C, Zool. C, Latin R, Fr. R. Geom. R. .War hall. r)oris - - Kng. Coinp. C; Eng. Lit. C; Enjr. Gr, C; Zool, C, Lat. R, Fr. C, Geom. R. Mathewson, Irene Eng, Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Eng. Gr. 1); Phvsiog. D, Arith. C. Zool. D, Fr. R, Geom. C, Plester, Cnrlotta â€" Eng. Comp. C; Eng. Lit. C; Physiog. C, Arith. C, Z.iol. C, I,iit. R, Fr. Comp. R; Geom. R. Stafford, Valeria â€" Arith. C, Zool. ''. Fr. R. Stewart, Betty â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R; Ph.vsiog. D. Fr. Comp. R. The following will be permitted to take some Form III subjects, hut pro- motion will depend upon the result of the Departmental Examinations. Monaghan Ruby â€" Eng. Comp. F; Enir. Lit. F; Ph.vsiog, C, Zool. D, Lat. R, Fr. R. Wickens, Marion â€" Eng. Comp. F; Eng. Lit. F; Eng. Or. D; Physiog. D, Arith. D. Zool. D. Henry, William â€" Eng. Com)>. R; Eng Lit. R; Eng. Or. C; Arith, D. Zool C, (will take some HI Form subjects. Magee, Doris â€" Eng, Comp. R; ' Ex-Councillor Alex. George, says the Walkerton Herald, who in ad- dition to his coal and wood business, conducts a farm on the northern out- skirts of Walkerton, has got rid of all his fat cattle, selling over |,3,000 worth since the first of the year. The final load went out last Thursday and were sold to Mr. Brunt, cattle dealer at Hanover, who got the others, and which made a total of 45 head that he purchased from Mr. George this sea- son. In addition to these, the Walk- erton cx-alderman sold $G60 worth of hogs. All the feed for the entire output of cattle and swine was rais- 1(1 on Mr. George's 100-acre farm, which proved so prolific that a con- siderable (luantity of grain was left after the bovines had been finished I'll the place. Mr. George is authority for the statement that the farmer, whoso stock is properly finished, is getting a good break on the markets this year. , BADGEROS DISTRICT SOFTBALL LEAGUE Must Not Take Trout Less Than Seven Inches A warning has been issued by the Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries against catching undersized trout. "Various streams are being planted with yearlings just now, and reports have been received that they are being fished out as fast as they are distrib- uted," the warning stated, "There is no desire to prosecvite any one, but a close check-up will be made on all fishermen in these vicinities. Fines will be imposed upon anyone found in possession of trout under seven inch- es." As a guard against catching yearl- ings which are about four to five in- ches when planted, it is recommended that all fishermen use nothing small- er than a No. 4 hook. Singhampton leads the league this week by one point. Mdntyre and Redickville played first tie game in the league, since it was organized, at Honeywood garden party on Thursday evening, the score being 10-10, after two extra innings and the game had to be called on account of darkness. Mdntyre 4 2 10 10 aâ€" 10 Redickville .... 4 112 2â€"10 LEAGUE STANDING JUNE 28 W L T P Singhamim-on 6 2 12 Redickville 5 2 1 11 Dunedin 5 3 10 Mdntyre 4 4 19 Maxwell 4 4 8 Badjeros ....; 9 Past week results Singhampton 13, Mdntyre 12 Singhampton 18, Badjeros 5 Mdntyre 10, Redickville 10 Mdntyre 27, Badjeros 12, Mdntyre 12, Singhampton 7. Maxwell 12, Dunedin 4. Dunedin 14, Maxwell 12. Games yet to play - Singhampton at Dunedin Badjeros at Singhampton, June 30 Maxwell at Redickville, June 30, play at Feversham. Dunedin at Redickville, July 5th. BUCKINGHAM We are glad to know that Mr. Wes- ley Fawcett is improving nicely aft«r an attack of pneumonia. A picnic to Sunset Point on Satur- day last, sponsored by the ladies of the Community Club, was a very suc- cessful event. The weather was ideal for such an outing and over one hun- dred took the opportunity to journey down and spend the afternoon. The older people as well as the children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the dif- ferent sports provided, until 6 o'clock, when all gathered at the tables to do justice to the lunch served by the ladies. The accommodation at this de- lightful recreation centre, and the courtesy of those in charge make it a very desirable place for such gath- erings. DOMINION DAY Low Rail Fares Between all points in Canada and t* Certain destinations in the United SUtes Tzlt^, and One -Quarter FOR THE ROUND TRIP READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". GO: Any time Wednesday, June 30, until 2.00 p.m. Thursday, July 1, 1937. RETURN; Leave destination up to midnight, Friday, July 2, 1937. r- Times shown are "Standard" .MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE _ 25c Full particulars from any agent Canadian Pacific Cruise to Midland Via Nottawasaga Bay Etc. A sign used to make others believe you know more than you do. Eng. Lit. F; Eng. Gr. C; Arith. D, Fr. Comp. R. (will take some III Form subjects.) The following pupils secured stand- ing in II Form subjects. Goklsborough, Robin â€" Arith C, Fr. Comp. R. Graham, Franklin â€" Eng. Comp. R; Eng. Lit. R. Hunt, Melville â€" Lat. R, Fr. Comp. R. Johnson, Russel â€" Arith. C, Lat. R. Loucks, George â€" Arith. C, Lat. R. Mc Arthur, John â€" Eng. Gr. C^ Arith. C, Fr. C, Geom. C. Marshall, Jsan â€" Arith. C, Lat. R. Marshall, Murray â€" Lat. R. .Miller, Marion _ Arith. C, Fr. Comp. R, Geom. R. Smith, Defbert â€" Eng. Gr. C; Lat. R. Patterson, Gladys â€" Fr. Comp. R. A new one-day cruise has been ar- ranged from Owen Sound to Midland via Nottawasaga Bay on the C. P. R. Steamship, Keewatin, one of the larg- est passenger ships on the Lakes, on Tuesday, July 13th. Twelve hours cruising. TWo hours at Midland. Leaves Owen Sound 8 a.m., back at 10 p.m. Return fare $2. Tickets may be obtained by mail from Daily Sun/rjmes, Owen Sound. Just What You Need SLACKS 98c New Summer Shades in Silk Hose CHIFFON HOSE 69c KNEE LENGTH 75c WHITE SHOE POLISH 15 and 25c LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER BUTTONS MEN'S SHORTS 33c and 49c JERSEYS 35c SPORT BRACES 50c VARIETY STORE, Fleshcrton • . ^ f f t â- * <- 4» t f > 1 . u4 , . *^ f i * '" •• -.. ♦ ♦ T * , i > r V •I •i \ UTJJJ the ymt} ymdekn 'tlheh"'^^'^' Get set for safe driving now! Let us show you why the Goodyear "R-1" is a better tire . . . how iti wide, thick tread means extra miles of carefree service ... at lower cost! It has all the sturdy, long-wearing qualities that have miule Goodyear tires famous. Drive in today. D. McTAVISH & SON, FLESHERTON, ONTARIO \ . f«r All THE FEATURE 'Oh Uiuter Dt Luxe Modtls C-207B if OH fuwe a ^ht t& demcutdi T^ NEE-ACTION* . . . Perfected Hy.lraulic Brakes . . . Unisteel Turret Top -•â- Â»â-  Hodios hy fisher . . .' Valve-in-Head Engine . . . Safety glass in every window . . . Fislu-r \o-Drufl Ventilation . . . these are the six finest features in motoring! You see iheni all advertised as leading advantages of some of the costliest cars. ^ el Chevrolet â€" an'd (;he\Tolet alone â€" offers theiu all at the lowest prices, and with lowest operating costs! Buy a Chevrolet and you get all the good things of modern motoring, without sacrificing peak economy. Ciievrolet eo.'^tM you less fjir gas, less for oil and less for upkeep than any other full-size car. See it at our show- rooms today â€" <lrive it â€" and you'll never take less for your money than the ear that gives you more for less . . . (Chevrolet, The ( >nly Complete Low-Prieed Car! ALL-STEEL, ALL-SILENT BODIES BY FISHER . . . with solid sieol Turret Top and Unlsteol Construc- tion . . . wider and roomier . . . High-quality Safety Glass in every window, PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES ... the safest, smoothest, most dependable brakes ever put on a car in the low.jst-price field. KNEE-ACTION GLIDING RIDE... on all M.i5ter Dj Lu .0 Mo('els ... for the riding comfort only Knee-Action can t^ive. VALVE-iN HEAD CNGIME ... the famous design th..t gives more power, more acceleration, with un- equalled economy. FISHER NO-DRAFT VENTILATION . . . elimi- nates drafts, smoke and windshield clouding. CHEVROLET . . . for economical transportation / v^ » D. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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