Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Jul 1937, p. 4

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Wedtu-sday. July 7. 1937 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE FLE&HERTON AOVANCL Published on Colling-wood Street, Flesherton, Wediieaduy of each week. Circulation over 1000, Price in Canada $2.00 oer year, when paid in advance $l.gO; in U. £. A. |2. per year, when paid in advance $2.00. . W. 11. THURSTON, Editor. F. I THURSTON, Associate Editor EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porleous, recent biidi- and i^rooni returned from thtir trip to Toronto, St. Catherines and Niagara on Saturday, June 12th. On the following Monday evening about one hundred friends and neighbors gathered at the bride's home and churivai ied Ihoni, after which they were invited in and a few social hours spent in chat and dancing. A shower was held the following week on Tues- day evening in the L. O. L. Hall. During the lunch hour at midnight, the bride and groom were asked to conic forward ami an address was read by Hillio Ilanley and presenta- tion of an Aladdin Lamp and a set of ivory and red kitchonware was made by Messrs. Court Smith and Chas. Hanley. They also received some other pretty and useful gifts during the eveninf:. The address was as follows: Dear Rowena and Joe: We, your friends and neighbors, have gathered here this evening to spend a happy time with you in hon- or of your recent marriage. We hold you as one of the highly esteem- ed couples in our community and are delighted to know that you are go- ing to live in our neighborhood. We ask you to please accept this Aladdin Lamp and set of kitchenware a.s a small token of friendship. Hop- ing this lamp may lighten many of the dark evenings of your journey through life and wy all join in wishing it may be a long happy one. Signed on behalf of your many friends and neighbors: Chas. Hanley and Court Smith. Joe replied in a few well chosen words, thanking the friends for their kindness and inviting one and all to visit them in their new home on the 8th line after which the crowd joined in singing, "For they are jolly good fellnwc," Lunch was served after which danc- ing was resumed. We extend our sympathy to Mr. Thos. McKee and relatives in the loss of his siste», Mrs. Hahn whose fun- eral to'ik place on .June 24th. Those nttendipf the {.dricial from this com- munity w(«re Mr. Jind Mrs. T. McKe«, Mr. Fred .Jamii'^oii. Mr. and M^. Ale«. CiH-nithors nad Mins Muriol and \\r Ticttr Campbell. The ciitinncj) pti)iils, Rryc(> Hanley, Jimmic Mago«, Rth lint pupils and .lean Proctor, from the village who wrote fheir exams at Flesherton, wwp all fncco<wiM. Hazel Macrr*. Rth line pupil nnd Doris Fnf^'cpU. Eugenia, where she has accepted a good pos- ition. ROCK MILLS CHARLES K. JOll.MSTON, president of the Northern Business College, Owfii Sound, a nativi- of Ontario, who for the past ten years has been in charge ol' tlie Coinniercial Department of Mount Allison University, Sack- ville. .\ew Brun.swick. MISs MARJOKIl': H. WILLSON, Setretary- Treasurtr of tlie Northern lUisiness College, who for the past six years has Ik (11 in cliarn'' of the (-'omniercial Uepartnieiit of the Ontario Liidies' Colli'ge, Whitby. Ontario, prior to which she spent three years on the teacliing statf of Shaw Business Schools, Toronto, Ont. lations to Miss Dorothy Janiieson, whose entrance pupils were all suc- cessful. Dorothy is re-engaged for another year at Feversham school. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Johnson and little .Miss Agnes of Toronto were week end visitors with Mrs. Wilson and the MacMillan and Janiieson fam- ilies. ,. Agnes remained for a few holidays. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. and .Mrs. .Jas. I''awcett and family were .Mr. and .Mrs. .iMbert MacWhinney and family of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roff and Mr. and Mrs. Zakryscke ot Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Fawcett and Herb accompanied the Buffalo friends to Point df Baril ior a fioliday. Master Leonard Parliament of Shcl- hurne is holidaying with his cousins, Fidith and Elnora Fonwick. Mrs. Thos. Crowe and Miss Helen Sloane of Toronto are visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. .los. Williams. Miss Lila Harrison of Priceville is a visitor with the Falconer families here. Mrs. Cordon McKinnnn of Toronto is visiting with her sister-in-law, Mrs. II. Foester. .Mrs. Well-Craham had h«M- tun.>rils r(moT<-d in .Markdale Hospital one day la.'^t wciU. Wo \Tish ln»r a speedy recovery. .Mr. and .'Wnj. Etlwin Purvis and f;4<iily of Toronto visited over the weak end wi<h the fornier'f parents. Air. arul Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Soma of ("ho ahiiWIren r('nfain(«l for a few khi'Iiilavs. There was a fnn ntlin(l«n»« at (linrch on .Sunday to hear the n*w pastor. Rev. Mr. Elliott. He gars a fine sermon. N<'xt .Si«iday ho wMl We ex- 1 'peak to the Ornaegmen. I We T>n»«fd nn their year'^ work. teuil oont'â- ratll^ati8ns to fhom, also to j We are very sorry to report Miss their teaeh^rn. Mr. Ross Smith of the ' Kjithlc-cn Pcdlaii had to undergo an Bth line and Miss Irene Dinsayore of opi'ration in the Owen .Sound Hospital ICugenia. We itIib pxiend cnngratu- | for an nbscBss near the near. TEI.FPMONE THE WATSON FAMILY 4i Heres Dad, it's his turn now! I'riilav iiighrH a s|>c('ial iiiglit witii the \\ alMiii.x. Promptly at eifilit llit; lele- plioiic Ix'll liiiklf.M and Hol/s liearly voire eonies bouiiiing over the wire â€" then Muri«'rHan(l the youngsters'. "Long DiHiaiicc keeps iih youn|!," say their grand pa rents. "It'« the cheapest phiasuro we know of," lAki- ilii- If'niHon family, yon ton will find l.on^i Di.itani-r ihv idi-ol way of l;<'i'pin(i in loiiih iiith onl'itf-lniin rcla- /ji'i'.v «ir frirnih. Thi' Inw rust will Mirprixv you! I fl.ow Niglil llHleH begin every rvenlnR I ;ii »ivin, mill iipply ^'•'- "** siiNnw! J Miss Kilith Fenwick has returned from Palermo. Mr. and .Mrs. Mark and daughters of Gait visited the Hanley and Jam- ieson families during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Kaitting and .Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schmidt of De- troit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kaitting in the Valley. Mr. Cecil Monaghan, Jack and Ruby motored to Toronto and spent the week end with friends there. Mrs. â- John Monaghan of Toronto returned home with them for a short visit. Mrs. M. Badgerow of Priceville spent the week end with her daughter, .Mrs. Laurie Betts. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited with friends in Durham and accomp- anied Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Whitmore and family to Pike Lake, where they spent an enjoyable afternoon, A number from here attended the V. F. 0, Picnic at Durham on Thurs- day and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts visited on the 1st with Mr. and Mrs. Louis New- ell, Durham. Mr. and Mrs. RicTiard Tucker of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts and Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts. Messrs. Earl Ottewell and Mervyn lohnson of Pickering visited over the week end at their parental homes. Many of the farmers have started haying and the crop is very heavy this year. Mr. Sam Fisher took his mother to Bracebridgo on Sunday for another treatment. We trust they will prove to be beneficial. 1 > ; ; :: 1881 Important Announcement 1937 :; :: .of ^ :: :: a Change of Ownership I CENTRELINE We had a splendid rain in this dis- trict on Friday last. It was of great benefit to crops, gardens, strawber- ries, etc. The wild strawberries are very plentiful around here this year. Mrs. Wm. Callahan, Mrs. Robt. Crane and Mrs. Elsworth Seabrook, all of Chatsworth; Mrs. Lome Calla- han, Lorria and Donald of South Por- cupine and Mrs. Jack Grahlman and littk' son. Toddy, of Kapuskasing, also Mr. and Mrs. Jack Badgerow and little daughter, spent a day last week with .Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne, The W. A. of Mt. Zion will meet at the home af Mrs. Gilbert Little on Thursday of this week, June 8, in- stead of Tuesday, July I'!, the regular day, owinir to ihv 12th of .July being on Monday. Mr. .John Osboniu and Jim Elliott of Shrigley spout Sunday at John's parental home hare, MiuK Lillian Mi>rton R. N.. has left ffH- ft-or|Mi)i« Falls, Northern Ont.. VICTORIA CORNERS Mrs. Reta Regan and Jack and Maisie visited at Milton Bannon's; also Miss Mabel Binnie, all of To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hawes and .Mary of Bright, Mrs. Wm. Coon and boys of Acton are visiting at Mr. Al- bert Stinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicol and fam- ily of Detroit are visiting their res- pective pai-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Nicol and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Ludlow and other friends. Mrs. Wm. Nicol, who resided on the East Back Line near her son-in-law, Mr. Wm. Crockford, one night thought she heard some one calling her and hurrying to go down stairs, fell and broke sonif bones, besides bruises and shock. As she was alone, .ihe was unable to summon aid till morn- ing and is at present recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Art Tackson, Highway No. 10, She is improving very nicely. There is an epidemic of new roofs in our burg: Mr. Jno. Henry Richard- son has a new one »n his heuse, Mr, i Geo. Ludlow i.i putting one on the | barn, Jas. Be.^t on his bam, Mr. Er- | nest Stinson on his house and Mr. . Uni. Scott on his bnrn. The aiost of the rest of us wish w« could too. i Ot The Northern Business College OWEN SOUND After 56 Years For the pa.st fifty-six years the writer has had the pleas- ure of conducting the Northern Business College â€" and on July 1st transfers the I'esponsibilities to Mr. Chas. K. Johnston, the Pr(sident and Miss Marjorie H. Willson, the new Secretary-TVeasurer. To the old students, and old friends and the public gen- erally, we say thank you ever so much, for your generous patronage. The choice of my successors has been made with great care â€" I wished to have the college carried on in the same practical and thorough manner that has characterized it in the past. It is with complete confidence that I hand over the owneiship and management to my successors. Their scho- lastic attainments, splendid record of leadership in commercial education in well known Canadian schools and excellence of character make it a pleasure to transfer the management and makes me happy to see the institution in such good hands. I bespeak for them a welcome to our community and the splendid support you have given me through the many years I have had the privilege of serving you. C. A. Fleming ; ; The NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Limited ; ; Owen Sound, Ont. Chas. K. Johnston President C. A. Fleming Hon. President Marjorie H. Willson Secy.-Treas. 4* * **** * *************** ** * ***** * * ************* * 1* t * * I SLACKS 98c New Summer Shades in Silk Hose CHIFFON HOSE 69c H KNEE LENGTH 75c WHITE SHOE POLISH 15 and 25c LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SUMMER BUTTONS MEN'S SHORTS 33c and 49c JERSEYS 35c SPORT BJ^.ACES 50c VARIETY STORE, Flesherton ass ^f^iffl 85-M.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD SIX foi Smoothness, Performance and Unequalled Economy! 0.\CE, you had to sacrifii'e low run- ning costs t(i gel the driving thrill of power, pej) and "pick-up". Hut not since Chevrolet Ktepjied-up the famous Valvo-in-Head economy engine to 85 smooth, eager horsepower! J Twenty- five aud more miles to the gallon of gas! . . . that's the kind of economy t , , for economical ^i >^ reporli-d l»y this j ear's (Chevrolet buy- ers. And they're all enthusiastic about the way Chevrolet rides. J "My 'Knee- Action Chevrolet glides over the bumps like u $1500 car!" say many. Other.-*, safety-minded, put Chevrolet's perfected Hydraulic Brakes first in the list of (juality extras. All enjoy the added roominess, beauty and protec- tion of the exclusive Unisteel Bodies by Fisher. 5 You get the only complete low-priced car when you buy a Chevro- let. And you save money every day and mile you drive! *0n Master De Luxe ModeU. transporliition f ^-.- â- -.â- â™¦ f^-'v f^1 C?t7B Abort L*ltâ€"Chnrol»t Mmtitt D» Lux» Stdm with Trunk. Abov Riililâ€"Clfvrllel Multt Coach with Tmn*. CHEVROLET PRICED$ FROM 745 Mtiltr 2Pass»»gtr Bijintii Coupt dttiv- frtd *t t*ctoty, Oihmw*. Gartrnrntnl M.VW, tictnn snJ Irtitbi tMiiionJ. (Prieu i»iitct to ebangt without iiottet.) • Monthly payments to suit your pisrsi ott tht Gtneral Motors Inttainnni pUn. 4 : ' ' O. McTAVISH & SON FLESHERTON, ONTARIO

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