Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Oct 1937, p. 3

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! » ih $ >^ n â-  ^ â-  â-  AH â-  â-  '*^ â-ºJ V Classified Advertising â-ºi< K ^lK<K>lCK<<<iX<<<*lK<K<<<>>X<<<<^^^ AGENTS WANTED jy|i;N, WOMKN, â€" EARN BIG money. Start now to represent the Creasy Factory in your neighbor- hood. Two hundred guaranteed home necessities. Tea, cofTce, extracts, etc. Real, immediate and steady profits. Repeat business. Free premiums. No money risl<. Big field for profit- able, fast-selling Christmas lines. EsUbli^ed territories available in localities. Write at onie to J. R. Crcssy Company, 1536 Dundas St., Wost, Toronto. 'agI'JNTSâ€" TO SELL MKN'S NRCK- lies. 100 per cent, prolit. Write for tree samples and catalogue. Mur- gati'oyd Agencies, Yongo St. Arcade, Toronto. I OCAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted, for subscription work. Re- newal list supplied. Good commission. Wrilo Canadian Magazine, 347 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto. JWJi'lN, WOMEN, ALL AGES, MAKE nioney spare time in home, experi- ence liiinecessary. Write Business As- sociates. Chatham, Ontario. ct{)iu-:keepers! agents; trad- â- ^ o:sl Write for free Price List of amiziii:; bargains in drygood.s. Gen- eral i^iittitters Reg'd, Box 965, Mont- real. AGIO.CY OPEN IN THIS DIS- tiict. Dauble your money sellins: our (loli;jhtfu! Old Ens;lish Lavender Shampoo, sample fifteen cents. Do- inion Specialties, 213 Pear.son, Toronto. drprt=:sentative wanted in op.ch town for subscription work. Renewal List supplied. Good com- mi.«sion. Must be energetic and re- liable. Write Canadian Maarazine, 347 Aflefaide St. W.. Tcvrnnto. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST pHARLES ALLDER, ANALYTICAL ^ Cliomist. established 1!)26. Analy- sis of poultry and stock feeds. Box 117 TnKersoll. Ontario. BARN ROOKING FENCE POSTS QTIR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES ^^ save you money on Supertite gal- vanized roofing. Superior steel Fence Posts and steel granary lining. Super- ior Products Limited. Sarnla. Ont. BUILDING WRECKERS 117E will buy old OR CON- demned buildings to wreck. Green- wood House Wreckers. 440 Greenwood Ave., Toronto. BULBS MARCISSI â€" PRINCEPS MAX'IMUS. Early Yellow Trumpet-Daffodil. Pheasants Eye (Poet's Narcissus). fraKrant. white, latfi. Evangeline, frag- rant, white, fluted yellow chalice cup. mid-soason. All Held rim bulbs, as dug, $1 per 1.000. Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens. Duncan. Vancouver Island. BUSINESS BROKERS A TTliNTION! ANY BUSlNE:St), anywhere, sold quickly, confiden- tially for cash. Consolidated Business Brokers. 24 Bloor West. Toronto. FURNITURE LYONS' USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Great savings In our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices have made this department the larg- est and most popular in Toronto. Just a few of the hundreds of specials are listed here. If you don't see what you want advertised come In or write, Lyons are sure to have It and at the lowest price in town. Every piece of furniture Is sanitarily treated and completely rellnished to look like new. ttCQ QQ Beautiful American walnut * * bedroom suite, large chlff- robe, full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4-poster bed with saglesa spring. Completely reflnisbed. Cost new over $200.00. ^21 50 ^^'°"^ fluish dresser, In ^ perfect condition, with full size steel bed to match, sagless spring and biir.'d new all-felt mattress. C1Q CA Solid oak dining-room ^ • V suites, large buffet, exten- sion lableg and 6 leather upholstered chairK, in peifect condition. Your choire of golden or fumed oak. $S9 00 ^^^"^-'^u' ^°"<} walnut din- ^ ' ing-room suite, la»go buf- fet, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and € chairs upholstered in .genuine leather. A really fine suite and looks brand new; completely re- flnished. Cost originally about J300.00. $47 00 Kight-piece, 2-tone walnut •p**! **'*' finish dinlng-roora suite â€" Queen Ann design; large buffet, ex- tension table and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Completely refln- isbed. C^Q AA Luxurious 3piece Chester- * **'*^" lield suite (unclaimed). â€" This .luito has been rebuilt and recov- ered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible spring cushions and Is a real bargain at this price. Originally cost $175.00, Is oxaclly like new. COQ JjQ Full length chesterfield '•^"^ * and two roomy chairs to niili 1\. upliol.stered in a novelty repp with reversible Marshall cushions and show wood walnut frame; completely ro conditioned and dry cleaned. $'5 00 ^^""8® Chesterfield with *^ " ' two big chairs, covered in a French Jacquard Taupe shade; conii.Wi'lely rebuilt .ind thoroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen Cab- inets, Sewing Machines, (Jas Stoves, l^,„.Z'." T"""'"^- ^'"'^'*- Sprine Mnt- tresoes, OdJ Drcsseia, Chlftonlers, Studio Couches, etc., at ar.iuzingly low pricci. TRADE IN DEPT. LYONS' BEDr^I VND UPHO'.STERING CO. SciVT! 10%. Buy Direct from Factory 473 YONGE ST. TORONTO CARPETS RE-WOVEN INTO RUGS rVLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO RE- ^â- ^ versible Ruga. Write for price list. H alcer Cleaning Co.. Toronto 4. DOGS CROSSED FOX AND BLOOD- hound pups, 3 months old, males <t.6.; females $3. Allen Hill, R.R. 2, Heavertoii. FILMS AND PRINTS /-"HRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR favourite negatives. 12 for 7.^c; ."? for 2!)C. Cnmplele witli envelnpa;'. Sample. lOr. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E.. Toronto. â- VERO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. Roll with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios. 1)3 Niagara Street, St. Callmrines. Ont. FUk< FAR.MiNG piXE DARK EASTERN MINK from foundation stock and high kit production; correspondonci! invit- ed. Maple Lraf Mink lianeli, lilon- lioini, Ont. a/iiNEit minki':ry. ki.ngsville Ont., offers for sale Quebec. Lab- rador. Yukon minU of select breoiling st'jck. Place your order early, OAISK MINK FOR I'ROFIT - GET r.ta.'li.'d rislit with Moss "Qiielico" st.-ain mink â€" guaranti'od stock. Wiite for full informal ion, Moss Fur inarms. Liinilcd iminii breeding spocinli.st.s). S.Tpawe. Ontario. GAMES pOR FALL AND Wl.N'TER I'AKTIES Ten entirely new and original club and parlor games, in attractive booklet form, a.si?orte:i to suit all tastes and occasions, 10 cents. Can- adian-.American Novelties, 122 Well- ington Street West, Toronto. CLASS EYES r* LASS EYES, $4.r)0 EACH. THOUS- ands to choose from. Twelve sent to select from. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Pitman Optical House, Vancou- ver, B.C. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS QRIGINALLY COSTING WHEN ^"^ new up to $800., good makes, beau- tiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano benches: bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, $59.50. Ideal for homes, schools, churches. Write for our bargain price list. Sovereign's S ales, 2413B Dufferin St., Toronto. HAIRDRIESSING SCHOOL ~ A NDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIR- dressing. Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus. 961 Bloor west, To- ronto. LILY BULBS pLANT LI LI MS NOW â€" ADD TO brightness of your garden with Lilies from, home-grown bulbs of re- liable varieties. Also other perennial flowersâ€" and fruit trees for northern gardens' all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with In- structions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaran- teed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, F. L. Skinner. Prop., Drop- more, Manitoba. MALE INSTRUCTION yOUNG MEN, 18-30, WE ARE prepared to train a number of young men for refrigeration and air- conditioning industry. Applicants must positively have 2 years hif;h school education or equivalent. Wrifce, stating age, etc, to Canadian Mech- anical Institute, 210 Dundas Street West, Toronto. MEDICAL /-"ONSTIPATED?â€" IM.MEUIATE RE- lief (Money back guaiantoe). Per: feet (brand) La.xative Pills, 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00. Mail orders invileil. Perfect Chemical, 4G0 Richmond W., Toronto. rCZEMA, ITCH, Pl.MPLKS, SKIN disorders and piles are cpiickly re- lieved with H.nmes Ointment; clean, safe and sure. Send 40 cents for or:? ounce jar, Humes Medicine Co., Ot- tawa, Canada. gTOP SUFFERING, llAv'E YOU itcbin.!?, burning, scalding, wet or dry skin trouble. If so. use the guar- anteed Inch Eczema Remedy, Write Inch Drug Company, li:!0 Weston Rd., Toronto. Sold from coast to coast â€" O ne Dollar prepaid. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS I EARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE I'niinpet, I'romlione. Ik'CDUie a .Miisjcian. Send for Form tor six da.vs' Free Trial. Ten niontlis' termsâ€" no in leix'st, Mteratuivi I'l (m.!. Greene Music Company. 57 tjueen St.. East. Toronlo PATENT ATTORNEY DOY L. KNOX, Registered Attorney. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawin.gs; Registrations; Sales. 14 .Metcalfe. Ottawa. PATENTS JNVEXTiONS PATE.\TEU, WHITE today i'or helnful. iHaslrated book- lets free. W. Irwin Haskctt, l.S El- gin, Otti'.wa. ^N OFFER TO EVERY INVEN- tor. List of inventions and full information sent free, THE RA.MSAY COMr.A.NY. Registered Talent At- torneys. 27:'> liank St,. Ott-r.va. râ- .'.-.^. PERSONALS A MAN'S TONICâ€" MEN'S FRIEND (For men only). 50 pills $2.00â€" directions enclosed: mail orders post- paid. Hygienic Laboratriies, 4G0 Rich- mond St. W., Toronto. Phone W.\. 244S. PROPERTIES WANTED QOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD Buildings anyv.herc for wrecking. (jreenwood House Wreclicrs, 410 (Treenwood. Toronto. ,1 =: REMNANTS pRKE!-70 QUILTING PATTERNS! Giant washfast remnants! "Makes (Ivn finilts" Cottons! Prints: $1.00 ''Collect". Sample bundle. 25c. Re- fund guarantee! Maritime Textiles, snin Degaspe. Montreal. STAMPS AND COINS CORONATIONS, JUBILEE, COM- memoratives. Triangles â€" 40 dif- ferent stamps lOc to approval appli- cants. Edgard, lOS Maple, Windsor, Ontario. TIRES jyjENZIE'S USED TIRES $2.9.'5 UP for Ford, (^hevrolet. Plvmouth, Dodge. Buick. Oldsmobilo. Packard, Cadillac and all oilier cars an/l frueks. Every lire giinrnnte<>d. 190 King West, Toronto WATCH REPAIRS .30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1 00 'â- â€¢"'''"''^'' mainspring, jewel, ' (â- li'anii>g, hands. crvstalR, dial rei)airpd. Providing no parts missing. 2-yenrs guarantee. Re- t'lT-n nostaf'e paid. Formerly with Un"iiHi>'i Wntrh Factory. .Atncrican Swiss Watch Specialist Reg'd. Dept. W.. •I.TI.'! Rrelipuf. Montreal. MACHINERY DEBUILT FARM MACHINERY AND trucks composed of: Grain chop- pe.-8 8" to 15": Gas engines 1% to 14 h.p.; Tractors 8 x 16 to 25 x 40 h.p.; Power units 26 h.p, up; Ensilage cut- ters; 21 Trucks from %-ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors. Write or see us. Hanna's International Sales & Service, MacDonnell St., Guelpb, Ontario. MrSCELLANEOUS I^EAF BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS $1.00, fourteen pounda $3.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobac- co $2.00. Postpaid with flavoring. Nat- ural Leaf Tobacco Co., Lean'ington, Ont. 15 JEWEL WATCHES ONLY $5.95. Send us picture of any man's lady's wrist watch, sold anywhere up to $15,00. We will closely duplicate it for $5.95 with written guarantee. Wilson's Watch Company, 357 St. Catherine West, Montreal. VUE (.JUARANTEE YOUR FIT WITH host quality, latest style suit or winter overcoat (slightly used), regu- lar to $G0.OO for $G to $12. Fall coats, regular to $35.00. for $4 to $8. Suit coats, $2, $2.50, $3. New trousers, in tweeds, serges and worsteds, $1.25, $1.75, $2.25, $2.95. Postpaid. St.ite measurements, colours, style, age. Sat- isfaction gu.iranteed or money refund- ed. Send money order â€" Ruskin & Co., Peterboro, Ont. gONG POEMS SET TO MUSIC, Anthems, hymns revised ready for publication. Henrv Graves, Mus. Bac, 42G6 Old Orchard Ave., Mon- tre-"' MEN WANTED WANTED â€" AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 years or over, to le.arn detective work. Big pay. Rewards. Interesting home-study courso. Free Information. VVi Iti- to Morris L. Jullen, Box 25, Sta tion T., Montreal. Fruit Crop Outlook Continues Bright According to the latest official report showing the condition of fruit and vegetable crops throughout Can- ada, prospects for the fruit crops continue bright. All commercially- grown fruits in the Dominion have produced larger crops this season than in 193(5, with the exception of pears and cherries. Substantial in- creases are reported in the produc- tion oir apples, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, and grapes. Plums made a moderate gain, while the falling off in Ontario's pear production was not wholly offset by the increase in British Columbia. Matured Earlier As a result of the hot dry weather which prevailed in the Maritime Provinces, also in Ontario, crops ma- tured earlier than usual and the ex- port season for apples commenced about two weeks ahead of 19,36. No major epidemic of disease or insect pests affected the quality of the crops and on the whole fruit was of a dis- tinctly better quality than a year ago. Generally .speaking, weather conditions throughout the season fav- ored the normal development of the crops, although boisterous gales whicli swept Nova Scolian oi'chards in the early part of Soplombor shook a tpiantity of fruit from the trees and caused considerable loss. Canadian Eggs Become Important to British Canadian eggs are becoming in- creasingly important in the Rritish bre:'kfast. Agriculture department odlcials prediited shipments to Great Britain this fall would lie I,2.''>0,000 dozen, a .'!7-per-ccnt. increase from 912,000 dozen Inst year. The e.Nport season is from mid- .September to the end of November. Up to last week 270,000 had been shipped. Although e.ximrts to Great Britain are not larije in comparison with those to otiicr countries. Canadian eggs sell at a premium lliere. Sa.s- Itatclipwan, Manitoba and Ontario are the chief exporting provinces. FSto.T».e Mouthpieces Fairly Harmless Scientists B'lieve Urnrs Not Like- ly to Pjck up D.'sease The chances are .slim you'll pick up a <lisca.so from talking into a tele- phone mouthpiece, two scientists agreed last week af'pr tabulating germs on 2!(j public and private phones . In tiieir 18 months' study Dr. Calvin B. Coulter ami Dr. Florence M. Stone, research bacteriologists at f^olumbia University, New York, said they found as many germs on tele- phones in private lionus as on those for public iitu" in I'lc-rooms ,and res- taurants. To gather t!ie germs they used glass lips designed to imitate the action of human lijis spi-aking into a transmitter. Although they found pneumonia and deadly streptococcus bacteria on I he mouthpieces during certain sea- sons, the research workers concluded that the :-tagiuint air of closed booths might prove more dangerous than the telephone transmitters in spreading the germs. WAVE heARD The proof is here: â€" '"Do you think there is any truth in the theory that big creatures are better natured than small ones?" asked the tnlellectual young woman. "Smely!" returned the young man addressed, ".lust look at the differ- ence between the .lersey mosquito and the Jersey cow ! '' Accepliiig an invitation to play on a golf course during a membership drive is as hazardous as Inviting a book agent into the house for a social chat. Doctor â€" "Great Heavens, who stuffed that towel in the patient's mouth?" Patient's Huabaml ' I did. Doc. You said the main thing was to keep her quiet.'' Mrs. Paul â€" ''Daughters need discip- line at limes." Mrs. Sam â€" "They certainly do. My M."»rgery'g IG, but only lant night I had to send her to bed without break- fast." Her Orace â€" "Your name is Evange- line, is It? Well, I shall call you Mary. That wag (he name of my last nn»id." Maid â€" "Very w<dl, ma'am, and I'll call you Mrs. Gogson. 'Phat was the name of my last mistress." Patient â€" ''Toll nie the worst, doc- tor!" Doctor "No. Ill mail the bill to you." I Best sign of returning prosperity, sjiys an exchange. Is the customers query of the storekeeper, "Is this the best you have?" Customer â€" "How long will II take you to give uk; a shave?" Barber â€" "Ten minutes, without a flaw." Custonuiâ€" "Holy anujko.sl What do you stand on ?'' HOW'S YOOR STOMACH? you lose vital nerve force if wii allow vour .stom- •icli to distress you. Acid -stuniach, indi- gestion, gas or bil- iou.sncss and "cos- tivcnc.-is" cause the blood to be poisoned and will evinUially destroy hraltli and nerve force. Itiis is uluu W I. l-'ishrr nt 4 .SallfuKl .Vvc, ,\.. Ilaniill.in. Oiil., .siiiil: "I suffiTcO with niy '.tniii.Kh, toulrl cat hut viry lilllc anti that wuuUl i.iusc Oislus.s. I Ki'i-.w weaker d.iily ami siifiVrcU fri>^n hcitl- iitlifs. My weight wciil fr<»m ITo to I.M TKumiJs. 1 ioolc l)r, Pierce's Colden Medlc.il Distovciy antl was â- -0011 .-il»lc to t.it nor- mally, 1 gained ill weight .itnl stirrtKtlt ami iniild resiinic n\y v,o:k. I he 'D.itovcry' nude a well peisou uf luc," Uuy nowl issue No. 42â€" '37 iM- 4 / A-- *â- ! DIXI PL«SteM«NG TOi "It's almost imposi^ible for a girl l<i outstrip her mother these daysâ€" un- less she joins a nudist colony. "My. oh my, v,hat's the i-oimtry coming to! My neighbor is seniling his son to a cooking school because the bey says he has the promise of a job in a drug slnre when ho gradu- ates." Bank Casliierâ€" "Mrs. Green, your account Is overdrawn by $50." Mrs. Greene â€" ''My goodne.ssl I'll give you a check at once."' Science should now (ry hoiincing us back from the .grave by devising a rubber telephone pole. Ofnee Hoy â€" "I fuel I'd like to punch the Doss on the jaw again." St(-uograpaer^Again?" Office Boyâ€" "Yeah, I fell like doingj it on(o before today." 1 After listening to a lot of tbeBa newfangled "cowboy songs'' on the' r.-idio, 1 understand why the range cat- tle used to stampede so often. Daughter (looking up from her nov- el) â€" 'Papa, in time of trial, what U0| you suppose brings the must comfort! to a man?" Papa twlio is a nowly appointed magiatrate) â€" 'An acquittal, 1 should think." If horses' eyes were in their flanks where they could watch their load,, most of them would balk claiming itj was too heavy and they couldn't draw| if. &v!>5. cJ/e^e and ^Itekoy WITH THE :^^:BOY SCOUTS After an address by District Com- missioner Norman Kilpatrick and other leaders from Stratford and Seaforth, the Lions' Club of (loderiih. Ont., decided to become sponsors of the Scout Movement in that town. It was emphasized that financial assist- ance was not reipiiroil, but moral support and "fatherly interest." • • * An unplanned but successful "dem- onstration" at a district Scout li,ld day at McLean's Uanch on Swift (^urrent Creek, Sask., was the rescue from drowning of a small boy by Scout .lames Falconer of the Gull Lake Troop. • • « A hike of nearly lOU iniUs along foothill trails, fishing, camping amid snow in July and bathing in glacial streams at noon, were some of the experiences of senior Scouts of the 2nd Calgary (Christ Church) Troop this summer. The party hiked through the mountains west of Bragg Creek to Kanaiuiskis Lakes, carrying tlieir kits and supplies by pack train. • * * The Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion ribbon for excellent work done along horticultural lines was award- ed the Boy Scotits at Thamcsvlle, Ont., at the amiual Flower Show of the Thtimesville Horticultural, Society. The boys won prizes in sev- eral gladioli classes. The bloomsj were grown from 200 bulbs given, them by Vice-President R. R. Tru- ilell of the Horticultural Society. * * * Attendance at the annual Niagara Peninsula District Scout Jamboree, held at Fort Krie. was considerably i affected by the paralysis epidemic. ( Some 200 Scouts took part in the week-end program, with the Fort Krie Scout Troop carrying off major honors. In the athletic competitions the 1st Fort Krie Troop took tRe Niagara and St. Catliarincs Railway Cup and the Hugh McKeane Tug-of-j War Cup, also the Fort Erie Lions' 1 Club Troi)hy for Junior Scouting. The 2nd Fort Erie Troop for theJ second time, won the MacDonaldj Shield for General Troop Efficiency. j An International exchange of Boy Scout campers -- four Canadian Scouts for four .\merican Scouts- was one of ihe summer's camp news novelties. Four Montreal Scouts at^ Camp Tnniaracouta were selecte<^^ and sent to a Brooklyn camp in New York State for a two weeks' period^ and four Brooklyn Scouts took the! Montreal Scouts' places at Tamara-'' couta. GENERAL "SUPERBILT" General "Superbilf "A" & "B" Batteries The best and most economical battery eiiuipment for your radio. THEY LAST LONGER Write for Patnphlc' on "SUPERUILI " "A" Ballcri! General Dry Batteries of Canada Ltd.

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