Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Oct 1937, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 17, 1937 SSSit rt k .'-^ CENTRELINE We have had a real squaw winter, but it looka a little more cheery this Monday morning, the sun is shining and the snow is disappearing. Here's hoping we have some good weather now. Mr. Edmunds, a missionary from China, gave a good address in our church on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Fawcett of Duncan vis- ited recently with her mother, Mrs. Margaret Little. Mr. Allan Davison had the mis- fortune to lose one of his work horses recently. The animal dropped dead while plowing. We are sorry to report that Mr. Jack Haney has not been very well the past week. Mr. Fred Linton and Joe Little have returned home from Clarksburg where they have been picking apples. Mr. Edwin Little of Clarksburg ^visited at his home here on Sunday. Mr. and Mr;. Gilbert Little, Gar- field and Jean Lyons spent a day re- -cently with Mr. and Mrs. Rusisel White at Saugeen Junction. Mr. Robt. Sheardovm has returned home from Clarksburg where he has spent the past few weeks. A truck will call at Wareham and Mt. Zion sheds on Thursday morning ' to pick up supplies for the West, don- I ated by this community. ' Mrs. J. W. Lyons of Dundalk vis- 1 ited with friends here last week. The Mount Zion W. A. met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Little on Oct. 12. There were 10 members and 6 visitors present. The word for the next devotional roll call is "thanks." It was decided to have the Maxwell play, "The rebellion of youth," put on at Mount Zion hall on October 26. The next meeting to be held at the home of Mrs. Herb. Walker, Portlaw. FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Charltjs Hornby of CoUingwood were visitors with Mrs. Hornby's sister, Mrs. Mary Whiteoak here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Light have moved to an apartment in the Bank ijuilding and Miss Tola Spofford is assisting at the Telephone centre. Messrs. Russel Hawton and Lloyd Hudson were visiting with friends in Hamilton and St. Catherines over the week end. Mr. James Hudson and W. I. Conn are busy getting out logs, but the roads are very soft for the trucks to take them away. Mr. John Robinson is running his mill again having got enough logs out to keep them sawing for some time again. We understand that Mr. Robinson .s going to have lights in his sawmill. Mrs. W. G. Dand and son Gordon and Mr. Harry Horton of Long Branch spent Sunday with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colquette here while here Mr. Horton called on his aunt, Mrs. A. J. Conron and Mrs. Dand stayed for a visit with her par- ents. PRICEVILLE EUGENIA ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID The October meeting was held at the home of Mrs. W. Akitt. There were six members and two visitors present. The meeting opened by singing, "What a Friend we have in Jesus," followed -by reading 1st Cor. 8th Chap. Rev. Ashton led in prayer. The main bus- iness was arranging for the fowi supper to be held on October 28th. The collection amounted to $1.15. The meeting closed by singing hymn No. 616. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Rev. Ashton. Flesherton on Wednesday, Nov. 17th. Lunch committee: Cake, Mrs. Walter Akitt, Mrs. B. Field: Sand., Mrs. C. Hanley and Mrs. Sam Fisher. MAXWtl.L Mr. Edmund, a returned missionary from China, occupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday evening and gave a very interesting address on the subject of missions in China. Mrs. Mary Henderson, a former res- ident of Maxwell visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Priestly visited friends in Flesherton on Sunday. Mi.'^s Mable Ross is visiting in Col- ingwood this week. Mr. Joe Wright has bought a new tractor plow and now that the thresh- ings are over, is busy plowing. The Guild of St. Mary's church met at the home of Mrs. D. Ring last week and decided to hold an .\rmistiee fowl supper on November llth. k meeting of the Young Peoples* Society will be held in the church hall on Friday evening, October 29th. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". The Fowl Supper on Friday even- ing, given under the auspices of tht Woman's Association of the United Church here was a decided success. There was a large attendance. The amount taken in at the door was over $102. The Shiels family of Chesley put on an excellent program, their children, three daughters, (the oldest is eleven) and one little son of seven years, are talented singers and actors. Much credit is due their parents for the careful training of their children. Rev. Mr. Elliott gave an opening ad- dress and introduced the Shiels fam- iiy. Rev. Mr. Edmunds, recently re- turned from China, assisted Rev. El- liott in his service on Sunday. He gave a fine address on China, re cos*- tumes, situation, etc. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wilfred Magee in Markdale hospital where .she expects to undergo an operation. We sincerely hope that the operation Aill be a success and that Mrs. Magee will have a speedy recovery. Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Ferris of To- ronto spent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan. Mrs. Ferris remained for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie of Toronto, spent the we{?k end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Messrs Joe and Chas. Williams vis- ited over the week end with Toronto friends. Mrs. J. H. Scilley and family of Dundalk visited a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parson. Mrs. Levi .\llen was in Toronto a couple of days and took treatment at the hospital. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Russell Cameron of Barrie on the ar- rival of a little son to cheer their home. ROCK MILLS FOWL SUPPER A fowl supper will be held in Rock Mills Baptist School room on Thurs- day, Oct. 28th. Supper from 6 to 8 p.m., followed by a good program of music and song, also a play entitled, "Thanksgiving Ann", will be given by the Durham Baptist Young People. -Admission: 36c and 20cr »*» m I ff ♦♦»♦♦♦♦» # »»>>»♦ » »♦♦»♦»»»» n »»»|i» m t»»»>» There is Moneyll in Poultry I But How Can W^ Get It Out of Them? USE MASTER LAYING MASH MASTER RED HEAD LAYING MASH MASTER POULTRY CONSENTRATE SHUR-GAIN BIG 50 CONSENTRATE % MEAT MEAL BONE MEAL POULTRY SPECIFIC ROOST PAINT WORM POWDER AND WORM TABLETS \ AND HAVE EGGS TO SELL WHEN THE PRICE IS HIGH Osprey & Artemesia Co-aperative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON The W. M. S. and Willing Helper's societies met at the home of Mrs. J. A. Nichol on Tuesday afternoon with a good attendance. Mrs. J. McMeek- in presided over the W. H. meeting and opened with hymn, ''From Ocean unto Ocean," followed by prayer. Miss Margaret McArthur gave a splendid paper on "Home-making"; Mrs. Jim Sturrock gave a reading on "taking part in the program." Mrs. A. L. Hincks gave a reading, "The Deacon's Good Neighbors." It was decided to have a fowl supper on Friday, Nov. 5th with a good program. Table Committee, Mrs. J. Whyte, Mrs. Wil- fred Watson, Mrs. Sutherland, Mrs. .A.llie McLean. Com. for making out the menu list, Miss May Stewart, Mrs. Hector McLean, Mrs. Dan Campbell, Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Considerable other business was transacted. The meeting closed by repeating the creed. Mi-s. Sutherland presided over the W. M. S. meeting and opened with scrip- ture reading from 8th chap. .Acts read responsively. Prayer was then given by the president. Hymn, "Sun of my Soul," was sung and much Ijusi- ness was dealt with after which the hostess served a dainty lunch assisted by Mrs. Jim Sturrock, Mrs. D. Camp- bell, Mrs. A. B. McArthur and Mrs. .â- V. L. Hincks. The November meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Dan L. McArthur. Next Sabbath there will be no ser- vice in the morning but Rev. Mr. Jones of Grand Valley, a representa- tive from Presbytery will preach at the evening service when a good turn out is expected. .A. Hallowe'en social under the aus- pices of the Institute will be held on Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Watson, the pi>oceeds to go for the dental clinic for the school. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence, Dui-- ham, visited first of the week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Tucker. BORN â€" In Pontiac, Mich., on Wed- nesday. Oct. 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Baird (nee Gertie MacCuaig) a daughter. BORN â€" In Dui-ham hospital on October 9th, to .Mr. and .Mrs. Jack Mclnnis (nee Margaret Black) of Priceville, a daughter. Mr. Gilvray McLean and friend, Kitchenei', spent the week end at Mr. Hector McLean's. The O'Neill brothers are threshing Tuesday at Mr. D. Campbell's. .Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family visited on Sunday at .\. L. Hinck's. Mr. Stuart Carson, Dundalk, spent the wek end at his home. CEYLON The Rev. W. E. Newman of Elm- wood and Crawford, occupied the pul- pit of St. Columba on Sunday, very acceptably. Rev. H. E. Wright shar- ing in the pleasure there of the lat- ter's anniversary celebration. Miss M. Fawcett of Duncan, after a three weeks' visit with friends here, left Saturday for a further visit with friends in Durham. Mrs. Emily Tucker, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Barker, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Tucker and Mr. Joe Turnbull and lady friend visited at the home of Mr. Walter Turnbull over the week end. For the llth time the Dramatic Club will give the play "Closed Lips" at Dromore on Thursday evening, the 28th. St. Columba W. M. S. and W. A. held their October meeting at the home of the W. M. S. president, Mrs. E. G. Ritchie, with a good attend- ance. Mrs. Ritchie presided and gave an exposition of the much loved 23rd Psalm. Mrs. J. C. Harrison read a summary of the year's study book, "Men and women of far horizons." She also read reports from the blue book of the work of the missionaries, well known here. Miss Florence Fee and Miss M. E. Halpenny. Miss Edith James presided for the W. \. when final arrangements were made for the fowl supper to be held in the church basement on November 8th. .\ social half hour was enjoyed and tea was sewed by the hostess, assisted by Misses L. Mather and A. Shortreed. TORONTO LINE NORTH Visitors over the week end with Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey and family oi Shrigley; Dr. and Mrs. Wyllie, To- ronto; Mr. Harold Spofford, Ux- bridge. The Ladies' Aid held a very success- ful sale in Flesherton on Saturday, at Mrs. Moore's building. Rev. Ser- vice very kindly assisted in getting the donations to Flesherton and several Flesherton ladies lent a helping hand 'ig the afternoon. Over %\1.m was i-ealized from the sale of aprons, baking, etc. The Aid is very grate- ful to those who assisted in making it such a success. Miss Millie Cook has returned from visiting at Orange Valley. Mrs. J. B. Cummings. Oshawa, was a visitor among friends last week. Miss Marion Muir has returned from Ora where she was bridesmaid at the Peerey â€" Moore wedding. Mrs. Beattj'. Orange Valley, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. Richard Whit- taker. BORN _ To Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Campbell, at Mrs. Nuhn's nursing home in Flesherton on Friday, October 22, a daughter. Congratulation. Mr. .Albert .-Vrrowsmith. Niagara Falls, is visiting his brother, Mr. Geo. .A.rrowsmith and Mrs. .-Vrrowsmith. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Oliver and fam- ily, Deti-oit, Mich.. Mr. and Mrs. John Hatton, Markdale, Mr. James Turnn and son Bob and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ferguson, Laurel, were visitors the latter part of the week with .Mr. and •Mrs. Joseph Oliver. Little Beth Farnell, Shelbume. is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Hosirawser. Miss .A.gnes Macphail. M.P., left on Monday for Ottawa before proceed- ing to Minneapolis on the first lapse of her speaking tour. She will visit various places in the States and go a;- far south as Texas, returning she will speak at Timmins, Ont., before ar- riving in Ceylon. Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie Sinclair, Dun- dalk, spent Sunday with friends here. Priceville Store News BLANKETS AND YARNS Now is the time to buy your Woollen and Flannel- ette Blankets. We have beauties at attractive prices. A full selection of Colors in Monarch Dove Knitt- ing Yarns, Scotch Fing-ering and Wheeling Yarns. Let us supply you. Men's Black Rubber All Kinds of Over Rubbers Boots and Overshoes Special $2.19 »a > /. r^ 1 ni I Chinaware and Crockery Men's 6 Eyelet Black Rubbers Xever have we had such Special SI 79 ^ splendid assortment of gift china, glassware anc! Boys' 5 Eyelet Black household dishes. Come Rubbers in and see our lovely dis- Special $1.59 play. Fred G, Karstedt Priceville ROCK MILLS The mill was closed for a few days this week owing to repairs being done on one of the boilers. Messrs. Glen and Harvey Croft motored to Hamilton on Sunday and visited with relatives there, returning home on Tuesday. Mr. Elwood Partridge spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Sam Croft spent a few days with relatives in MarkdaU-. Mr. Cook of Stayner and Mr. Som- erville, electrician, of Barrie. Com- menced work Monday on the contracts of wiring a number of the farm homes for Hydro. They are at Mr. Chas. Newell's at present. We are very sorry to report Mr. James Stafford not enjoying good health at pi-esent, but trust he may be restored to better health soon. yiv. and Mrs. W. J. .\i.'well ami family visited recently with Durham friends. ' 1" > i I I 14 »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦**â- > H"H"H"> -l'*i H '|i« * *«' H i*«*»«**»'» â-  ' HALLOWE'EN DANCE I 4 < • I FraternaKHall, Flesherton ;! i Friday, Oct. 29th I Music bv BILL OSBORNE AND HIS AMPLIFIERS with the latest recordings. Special Prize tor the best Ladies' and dents' Costume ;; Costume not Compulsory Admission:- 35c Lunch Extra ' • â-  • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦â- >♦♦♦♦♦â- >♦♦♦♦ ♦*♦ ♦â- >â- >â- >â- >*» ♦» > H" >' l"H - ** **** » * â€"Collections of blood for use in manufacture of infantile paralysis serum cost the province over $30,- 000. .â- Vppro.ximately $300,000 cubic centimetres of blood from former No safety zones have been marked off for reckless businessmen. One kind of hopeless optunist: The curler who thinks everybody should bi paralysis sufferers were collected at i glad winter is getting nearer becau.--- government clinics and paid for at the ! it will bring the curling season a- rate of $10 per cubic centimetre. round again. MORE OR LESS TRl E One cuff on the wrist is worth a dozen on the ear. People who give themselves away are not necessarily charitable. The things that usually happen are those that seemed impossible. The starter of a race is one man who is always taken at his word. Wisdom and love have never been able to form an effective alliance. Adversity lifts up many a man whom prosperity had knocked down. The greatest medicine is a true friend. â€" Sir W. TVmple. THANK YOU ;I wish to take this opportunity of extending niv sincere thanks to tho.se who supported me in the recent Provincial Election in which I was the candidate for the Liberal-Conserva- tive Partv in the Riding of South Grev. To all those who worked in my interests or in anv manner contributed to the magnificent vote registered for me. I wish to express my sincere appreciation. Brad. Jamieson t ? t t Mr. Delbert .\lcox had a successful auction sale recently. Delbert is giv- ing up farming. Mrs. H. Richardson and children .•spent a few days with her parents :»nd friends at Barrhead. Messrs. F. Mathewson, G. Long and VV. Lever are working at the King farm near Holland Centre. Mr. and Mrs. G. Campbell of Dixie were recent vistors at R. Richardson's. Mr. Geo. Swanton, who is moving to the R. Swanton farm in the spring is busy doing his fall plowing. Mrs. .\. Patton of Richmond Hill, who spent the past couple of weeks with her parents in Berkeley, visited with Mis. T. Lever on Sunday and re- turned home with Miss Gertrude, who spent the week end at her home hero. BORN McMILL.\N _ .At Mrs. Nuhn's Pri- vate Nursing Home, Flesherton, Sat- urday, October 23rd. 19.37. to Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan of Priceville, a son. t T t T T t ? ? t t t t t t t t Display and Sale LADIES^ GOATS, HATS | and DRE SSES I Friday, October 29 | t TAKE ADV.\NTAGE OF THIS OPPORTUNITY TO SELECT YOUR ^ WINTER OUTFIT h Display and Sale by Wray's Ladies' Wear, Owen Sound. R H. W. HICKLING FLESHERTON, Ont

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