Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Dec 1937, p. 2

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is delicious aoi HAM BY Sharon Wynne DE BUT ANTE When Gay Needham, whote home is a Wotrrn ranch, inheriu a large »i>m of money, her mother decide* that it should be used to get Gay into society. Mrs. Needham moves the entire family to New York, where she connects with Bernal Van Gordon, an agent who arranges for Gay to have a joint debut with Irene' Stromley â€" Gay to supply the money, â- mil the Stromleys the socinl pres- life. Meanwhile, Gay meets Rod- ney Sinclair, a wealthy young social- ^â- <)U II gel more Umt and laut heal â€" suaranieed â€" wiili this new lypt oar healer, because ilic Sicwari- VV'.irncr Souih Wind uM-s an uiicrly new prin- ciple! li burns gasoline in â-  I'Menttil, Itultd mrl.il clumber â€" al an average cost of only Vg of a cent an hour ! lis Ifasi â€" jiniple â€" »afe â€" fully auiniiiatic. ' An ciccirk if;niur lii,-lif. ilu- gasoline and ilitn »hut"i off so ilitrcs no heavy drain on )<iur baiicry. No lunics can escape inio your <.ir â€" no ail from inside llic car is burned. Tasy lo insiall â€" no hose â€" no cxira tlierinosiais lo buy. Come in â€" see ii â€" enjoy iis isimtr comfort - -loiljy ' jli',i,./y,V (it tti: i;ijml iltfilti.^ (Jiiii 'fiu'jtn: uillr itlrrrt |.l Stewart-Warr.er-Aleniite Corporation of Canada, Lir.-ited liclievillr, Ontario ite. Irene has designs on Rodney, but he falls in love with Gay, and it is only because of him that Gay is willing to go through with the preparations for her debut. ('n.\prKR III The Necdhams were at dinner in their palatial new home. "What's the matter with you, John?" Mr.s. Xecdham a.sked sharp- ly. "Not eatinjr your steak?" "Aw, I don't know. Ma," Mr. Needham answered pathetically. ''It's so bif, I reckon we'll never be able to find each other. And that fellow that you call my valet. I don't know what to do with him. Why, he ain't even a good poker player, and when I asked him to ko to a movie with me, he nearly choked." "John Koedhanil" Pa iiuailed be- fore the withering: {glance of his wife. "You're jroinj^ right back to the ranch. You haven't any sense, and you'll n"Ver learn!" "Goody I" Celia leaped up, ran to her father, -iml threw her arms about him. "You and me!" she carolled. "I hate it here. I'll go Vvith you. I'm pining to see Dick, and. . ." ".Sit down, Celia." Mrs. Need- ham's voice was commanding. "You are going to boarding school this year. And there's to be no argu- ment." Celia turiieil rebellious eyes to- ward Gay. "What do you think. Gay?" Gay hefitateil. Loving Kodney, she knew how Celia felt about Dick Myers. Hut if she were to mairy Kodney, the whole Needham family must be made over to fit the Sincl.iir pattern. Too Young For Responsibilities "Mother is riglit," .she finally said. "The school will do you good, and you're too young to take on the re.'^pon.'^ibilil ics of a rancher's wife." "All right," Celia answered sul- lenly. "Hut if Dick iiiatries someone else, I'llâ€" I'llâ€" I don't know what I'll do!" • » • The next day, I'a Needham wa ; (lacked off to the ranch and, a few days later, Celia left for Virginia, svhcre the boarding school wiis locat- ed. .Ml:-. Needham sighed with relief as she liiiiicd lo (iay after thi'y had â- Aa\<'d goodliy to the morose Celia. "Well, thnl's over! I hope they teach her something. If she were only moie like you. Gay. The way you're co-operating. . . Van Gordon f.ays you are an apt pupil and, v. itli the 'Xception of Jock, the most in- terested one he has ever sponsored." "Jock!" It was (iay's turn to be surprised. .She had been s<i busy with her own affairs that she not paid much attenti<in to brother and what he was doing. â- Yes; Van Gordon has put under Irene's wing, and I heaid liiMie li'll him the other day that he seem- ed born to the iiiirple. I Ihiiik, just between us, she likes him pretty will." had her him LOOK, MOTHER, THAT COAL IS COLOURED -« - t Coloured 'BLUE as youi ossuianco of quality, 'bluo coal' burns evenly, without waste, filling youi home with comloil . . . givinq you (no gieatesl liealing iaiiofactlon ot the least cost thiouqhout the season. Your fuinaco is designed lo burn anihiacilo. So Older 'bluo coal' â€" the woild's finest anlhia- cile. Six siies â€" a siio lo suit oveiy fuinoce. Hci'.l how fi.r fri^e lopv c,l !â-  IR.ST AID TO lll-rnKU UKATINU. from .vmir iiviiD'Ht 'blun ciiul' ilmilrr or write, 'blu« (onf c/o ^IV liny St., Toronto. Consult your 'blue coal' dealer today. |,FOR$0UPC(^f:(^][ j^; "I hope â€" not," (Jay said slowly. "There's something about Irene â€" I don't know. . . ." â- 'Piffle," snorted Mr.s. Needham. "Irene is all right." • * « The days lengthened into weeks and months, bringing nearer and nearer the time for the debut. Then, one day. Van Gordon came rushing to the Needham home. "That boy Jock," he raged, "is getting himself into a mess. There's a certain Broadway actress, Esme Vaille â€" twice his aj,'e â€" she's playing him for a fool ! Until you folks are entrenched, as it were, we can't af- ford notoriety. And if Jock tells this woman too much, she's apt to re- sort to blackmail. Do you under- stand ?" Wanted: A Little Fun "Ye-es," Mrs. Needham .said in a feeble voice. "Now, see here, Mrs. Needham." Van Gordon's voice was harsh. "Jock is genial and easy-^oing â€" but weak. You might just as well admit it, and start a program to keep him out of mischief. I've talked to Irene Strom- ley, and she has promised to help." That evening, Mrs. Needham took Jock to task at the dinner table. Irene Stromley was a very amused listener. "Huh," Jock blustered, "I gotta right to a little fun. If you're so darned afraid that debut won't come off, why don't you rush it?" "I'm inclined to think Jock is right," Irene put in. "Why not set the date for the debut early next month? Meanwhile, bad boy, you're going to pay more attention to little Irene and less to that actress per- son." "That so?" Jock grinned. "Well, suppose we go for a drive ami talk it over?" He and Irene sauntered out to- gether. Mrs. Needham smiled Iriumphant- ly. "That's the way out of our dif- ficulty with Jock. . . Gay, why are you so quiet this evening?" (To He Contjnued.) Llaton to "THE SHADOW" â€" Iv«ry Wod., CFRB, 9 to 9.30 p.m. Brazilian Women Enjoy Athletics They Are Gn'ng In Strong For Tennis and Swimming niaziliaii ^woinen i.io bej;iiiiiiiig lo niake naino.'f for themselvi . in two atlili'tic liilds, ti.'iinls and swlnuniii:,'. It Is not iiiir ;:'al, now, to sr.j the tiMi- nis courts and (lie swiinining |K)o1s of local clubs and beaches Jammed v.Kh young woniim of all sl:;es anil age.s. Instead of bavins tutor:! in the iiitri cades of Krcnch verb.s and Italian verse, they liave lessons In t.'.inis and swiininim; uniii'r c< iii;i'l! nl 'cacliiMs contiacled aliroad. Ib'ie tlii> modern- ity of Hrazll shown iisi'lf. Many i'' them swerv(. into tli,' ilriveways of their clubs a.s thouRh Ilraziliaii woni' i had alway.: driven automobiles, dash into tlielr dressing rooms, emcrt.' v.lth the only sensible clolh -s a woi:i::n can play tennis in, ihrdi after I rll.s and serv(> as tlioimli lennis were a t'l- ililion of the ra<o and not sonietliitig ixtreniely recent In tlie 11,',- of i;- ilrazlliaii girl. Anil thour.'l II In a le'W day, l;,a- ;'.lllaii fathers, brothers, Ini.dnaulii aii'l MHeelhearts still Wa^; tlcii- lu?ads and wonder where this worbl Is r'dni; lo. One has the f, liiii; tliat !'••• ti!ul(-'.v lies and tri>nris of lhi> inoilerii Ilia;'.!l- ian girl have tiic bhssin.i; of her elder kiiifolli. I'erhaps tli-y wish that they bad been able to live tli, ir yoiiiitei' lives in Ibis modern a,i;i'. Eyes Of Deed Men Help The Living A year ago I'n)rc:-..-or \' . P. I''ila- I'll-, of Odessa, said lie cotild cure the ill' ailed form of hliiidius.i known as '\. all eye.'' "Wall eye" ma;, Lj cau.s. il liv d ease or injury, ait I takes pla'i' wli 'h llin coiiii'a. or lio. ny (v)V;'r of fie e. .' bull is cloiid.'il. Professor Filalor, ri'placing the dif.cl've corneas the living with tl',' htallhy corn of Ihi- dead, has actually icslo: sight to :";l P'li;'!'' durin,': tin- ',: year. v 10- a IDay 'iiiya a n:-. i piiarnlced REMINGTON PORTABLE TYPEWRITER with all etienlial features FREE CARRYING CASE TOUCH TYPING INSTRUCTOR IV; if- Remington Rand Limited Toronto Impromptu Holiday Menus » The Christmas season is usually one grand round ot meeting and talk- ing to old friends, entertaining them and being entertained. The young crowd, too, whose long holidays give them a lot of time on their hands, find this an ideal tinio to entertain thelr frlends and everybody has a marvel- ous time all round. But there la one drawback to all this fun as every housewife knows and that is the work involved in pre- paring and serving the food for all the different occasions when people gather at her house. We have prepared I no menus here which will lake care of almost all occasions and the recipes are desigued to ieave the hostess free to enjoy the party as much as the guests. It will take some planning and preparing in advance, but that is certainly worth- while when you are rev.arded by peace of mind and an assurance that every- thing will taste marvellous and you don't get flustered prcpiiring things at the la.st minute. First occasion for food is when old friends drop in to help you trim the Christmas tree. Whether they come in time for supper or do the work .-Mid eat later, this suiiper will be a pleas- ure to serve and eat. Cream ot Tomato Soup Scalloped Oyster.'* Jellied Spanish Relish Stuffed Celery Dread and Butter Sandwiches Ice Cream and Cookies Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolate Scalloped Oysters 4 eups tine soft bread crumbs 'i teaspoon salt Dash of pepper Dash of paprilia '/4 cup melted butler 1 pint ovsters, drained t 1-3 cup oyster Ininor % cup top milk. Combine bread crumbs, salt, pepper and paprika. .\dd butter, tossing Ib-^htly to mix w-ell. Sprinkle 1-3 of Make Smarl Tailored Ensemible For Mid-Win- ter and Early Spring Issue No. 51â€" '37 c~t I'V'rTKlJN !;;>;) By An!:r Ad.->mi llei-e".> ji.st the thing for Miss S lo Hi , . . a very ;-.niarlly tailored eii.-enible consi-Uir.g of a d: e.ss and either a belted or throe-nuartcr fric swiii'iing coat. 'I'here a>e r.l; sorts of stunning I'aHrie combina- tions you can u: e to cre.itL> nev,- aiul :,.ikiii..; eirect.s. Kor isi ..arce, you could make the dres.. .'uliii color with a plaid collar then Make the coat ef the same (ilaid . . . wear the dress collar on the oul- siile . . . there's no collur o:i the (I'.i. You'll be amazed to ilis- cover bow quickly and easily this eii..einlile goes together . . . .ju^t nine eas.v-lo-follow pattern piocc>^ tirand for wear under a coat no.. and without n coat when Spring conies. Ulust rated step-by-steji sewing instiuctions included. Pattern -l-liiK is available in girl.s' si,£es 8, 10, I'J, 14 and 10. .*?ize 12 takes ;»'« yards .'i-t inch fabric. Send Tweidy Cents (20c) in coins (stamps cannot be accept- ed) for this .•\niu' .\dams pallern. Write plainly tAze, name, addie.ss and style numbei'. ?end your uriler to .\nnp Adams, Uoom 42i">, Wiliton HiiiUiinsr!". To- ronlo. crumbs in bottom of greased baking dish. Arrange >^ ot oysters on crumbs. Sprinkle second third of crumbs over oysters. Add remaining oysters. Combine oyster liquor and milk and pour over oysters. Top with remaining crumbs and sprinkle light- ly with paprika. Bake In hot oven (450 degrees F.) 30 minutes. Serves 8. The beauty ot this whole menu Is that you can prepare It early. Put the oysters, butter, crumbs and season- ings into the baking dish and leave in refrigerator until just before bak- ing. Then heat the milk before you add it and the oysters will bake more quickly than usual. The celery can, ot course, be stuffed ahead ot time with cream cheese rel- ishes, the sandwiches prepared and covered with a damp cloth and set in refrigerator and the relish can be made hours before serving time. Jellied Spanish Relish 1 package fiuick-setting jelly powder 1 pint warm water IVi tablespoons vinegar I'ash of Cayenne ',â- {• teaspoon salt 2 pimientos, finely chopped % cup white cabbage, finely chop- ped 1 cup celery, finely chopped % cup sweet pickles, finely chop- ped. Dissolve jelly in boiling water. Add vinegar, Cayenne, and saK. Chill. When sliglitly thickened, fold in pimientos, cabbage, celery and the pickles. Turn into individual molds, filling them half full. Chill until firm. Unmold. Makes 12 half- molds. For your Watch Night supper, plan a buffet meal, something like this: Tomato Juice Cocktail Chicken Pot Pie, Carrot and Cabbage Salad Baking Powder Biscuits -Angel Food Cake Coffee Tea Cider Chicken Pot Pie 2 '-2 tablespoons <iuick-cooking tapioca U teaspoon salt Hash of pepp'M- Dash ef Paprika 2 cups cooked chicken, cut in pieces 1 'i cups milk or chicken stock 2 tablespoons melted butter 8 unbaked baking powder bis- cuit.s rolled 'i inch thick. Combine ingre.lients. Turn into greased casserole; bake in hot oven (-125 Deg. K. ) 23 minutes, stirring twice during tiist 10 minutes. Place biscuits on top of chicken mi.xture after it has baked 10 minutes; re- turn to oven and bake 12 to l.'i min- utes longer, or until biscuits are browned. Serves -1. Afternoon Tea Served In Beauty Parlors Kror.i Xev.- York comes the latest t.tory of the .-Vnj^Iicization if the Uni- ted State.-. The story links the acme of .-Xmerican modernism â€" the beauty parlor â€" and England's greatest colonization agent â€" afternoon tea, in anu;sing fashion. ."lodern science, lending all its energies to aid in the beautiilcation of madam, ha< not been able to elim- inate the mi .-t tedious feature of a beauty treatment â€" the wait of an hour or longer while feminine ties- ;;es dry. I'p-to-daie beauty parlors some time ago coniiuenced serving a cup of tea to dioiUs as they waited for their hair to thy. But the crowning touch came with tl • nnnovinccnient by a Fifth Avenue beauty pallor that henceforth trim waitresses will serve alternoon tea â€" to husbands. IMEW YORK Tke^xtStop? If New York it your noxt stop, you'll wont to iinow obout Tlio Slitllon Hold. The Shelton provides iti gueits with"odded ottroclions", at no added cost, among them ore the famous Shelton swimming pool, gymnoiiuffl, library and solarium. Furthermore. The Shelton is in the Grand Central zone, considered the best location in New York. If cream refiises to "whip." add just a squeeze of lemon juice, continue' whipping, and it will soon become the. right consistency. Another way which slightly increases the qi;ality of your' whipped cream is to beat the white ol . an egg until very stiif. fold into th€ creaai, and whip until heavy. You Hear the Voice Bat NOT what is SAID? ^^^ Siice t907, many Ike yc'J ruj have been helped by usirg jy^j^ LEONARD Z Relieves partial deafness. Stops head noisi Leonard Ear Oil is rubbed back of the ears (n put in the ears'. (It .'.>5 at youi- druggist's. Read "Care of the Hearing " in every pad^jge. Distributed in Canada by • LAURENTIAN AGENCIES. MONTREAL COULDN'T EAT COULDN'T SLEEP Now Free of Bad Liver and Kidney "Trouble and Feeling Fine Here's Siiother woman who (e!t terrible until sho found how tu get back appetite, sleep loundly, and secure new health. Mrs. A. H., Montreal, writes, "I had years ol liter complaint and dixiy headaches â€" boweb â- nvjular, cripplt-d with kidney trouble too â€"no appetiteâ€" no $le«?. Many laxatires javc ine craraivs. 1 tried Fruit-a-ti»e$ anc' my health greatly improved." These famou fruit juice, herb, and tonic tablets cleans: and strengthen lbs liver, help stomach, kid- neys, intestines. Troubles go. Health must improve. 25c. and 50c. All dniggistv f? *;(> ' •UOTiXOUUtl Buckinqham FINE CUT

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