Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Feb 1941, p. 8

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Wednesay, Febnian' 19, 1941 THE FLESHBRTON ADVANCE Let us prove to the world that we mean vdiat w«l My, when we sayâ€" 'This is the best town on the map" Wc like to hotttt about our town. It's • good town. It halt the kind of citisena tliat maka a good town. When w« nndertake to do a job here in Fleaherton ww do « good Job. Right now we hare a big Job to do. 'WoVe got to buy our share of War Sarings Certificates. It should be a big share. Everybody in Flesherton must buy War Savings Certificates and buy them regularly. We've got to win this war. Let'ii show other towns . . . «nd all Canada . . . and the Empire that Flesherton is in this flKht IM per cent BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY 0. W. Phillips & Son HARNESS SMOE REPAIRING Flesherton, Ont. Second BattsJion WiU Provide Reinforcements Landon says hair pins are beconi- ing so scarce that the bob cut is cer- tain to return. Two things never have been explaiaed â€" where flies go in winter time aa4 wliat becomes of all the haid pins. Miss Ethel Burnett of Toronto was home over the weak end. Miaa OUie McDonald has returned to Toronto after holidaying at her home here. Mrs. Lloyd Talbot and daughter, Elma, spent the week end with rela- tives in Toronto. Come in and see our 1941 selection of wallpapers. â€" Bennett & Rich- ards, Flesherton, phone 78y. Mrs. Dave Niciiol of Priceville visited during the past week with her daughter, Mrs, John Cook. Mrs. Z. H. Fetch of Cornwall was a visitor last week with her parents Mr. ami Mrs. Herb Smith. Mrs. C. F. Ball of Alida, Sask., arrived on Monday 1» spend a couple of months at the home of her father, Mr. J. A. Lever. ' Mrs. F. W. Duncan held a bridge party on Monday evening in aid f the Red Cross and realized $8.00, the total amount going to the Society. Mr. D. McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. John Nuhn and Mrs. Herb Smith attended the McTavish-Daniels wedding at Osha- wa on Saturday. Mrs. K. G. Betts was hired by the Flesherton Ptiblic School Board to teach in the senior room, while the principal, Mr. C. R, Chappie, is ab- sent, as he is forced to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best, Jos. Banks and Jim Thurston attended the euchre held in Toronto by the Flesherton Old Boys' & Girls' Assoc iation on Wednesday evening of last week. The amount of $18.35 was sent as a donation to the British War Victims' Fund, sponsored by the To i-onto Telegram. We wish some person would ex- plain the proper way of putting the furnace on a diet. New instructions issued by the National Defenc« Headquarters set out definite and varied duties to be performed by Reserve units ef the Canadian Army In relation to war. It is directed that Reserve units which have furnished active battal- ions, batteries or other components of the Active Afmy will not be mob- ilized for active service overseas, un- less all other qualified and suitable organized reserve units have slmilai participating units in the Army, Their primary responsibility, as Sec- ond Battalions or units is held to be to provide re-inforcements for tlieir actioe counterparts now serving. Those Reserve battalions or bat- teries or other units not having been up to the present called to mobilize for active service, have now as a primary responsibility, to prepare for mobilization. The instructions with regard to Re- serve units ot yet mobilized, empa- sizes the importance of niedical fit- ness in the personel. Officers com- manding are urged to see that change from reserve to an active role can be carried out with a minimum of delay. Supplementary to these instruct- ions is the advice that all Reserve units authorizezd to organize are li- able to be mobilized for Home De- fence in cases of emergency. In view of this and other demands upon per- sonnel, those units are authorized to recruit a suffecient number to re- place all those despatched to the Ac- tive forces or to training centres as re-inforocements, since September 1 1940. These will be exclusive of the strength aditiona brought by the posting or recruits from the training centres established under the lompul- sory training plan. Such recruits for the present will be carried surplus to establi hments. All re-inforcements for the Active Army from the Reserve must, of course, volunteer for such duty. The same practice will be observed when Reserve units are mobilizsd. Only such of the members aj will under- take Active service will be included in their ranks. BRirriSH NAVY SMASHES DREAM OF MUSSOLINI SHUR.GAIN J fXH*<*^><*<*<*<*<^><*<*<*<*<*<^*<**>^^ t T J T T t f T T t f t t T T T T t t i February Specials Ready-to- Wear Department t T t % THE FEBRUARY SALE STILL CONTINUES WITH X NUMBER OF ADD- % ED SPECIALS. REMEMBER, WHEN THE MONTH IS OUT, THIS SALE A IS OVER. BUY NOW AND SAVE. ♦♦♦ t t T T t t t ? t Ladies' Winter Coats in final clearance. 12 only, fur trim, values up to $14.95 in the lot. February Clearance .. $5.95 Ladies' Better Quality Coats, 15 only. Values up to $25.00 in the lot. Extra Special $14.95 Ladies' Rayon Flowered Drfesses, only 15, Valued up to $25.00 in the lot Sizes 34 to 42. Special, each $1.44 YARDS GOODS â€" SPECIAL Hundreds of yards of yard goods in Shirtings, Grey Cotton, Flannelette. Extra value at 2 yards for 25c SATEENS 1000 Yards of high grade Sateens which as various uses, quilt linings, slips ; regular 2Sc per yard. February Special, per yard 15c FRILLED CURTAINS Real values in this lot, think of it, a pair of curtains ready to put up at 39c, 49c, 59c and 79c a pair. Buy and Save. Silks end Satins by the Yard. We still have a good assortment of this merch- andise suitable for slips, underwear and Dresses. Extra Special at per yard 25o, 35c and 39c HILUS FOOD SPECIALS New Cheese lb. 20c Med. Old Cheese lb. 25c Canned Tomatoes, standard quality, 2J^|size, per tin 10c No. 4 Peas, standard quality, 20 oz. tin, per tin 9c Royal York Golden Bantam Corn, cream style, 20 oz. tin 2 for 19c Libby's Pork & Beans, 20 oz. .. 2 for 15 Libby's Pork & Beans, 28 oz. .. 2 for 19 Medium size Prunes 3 lbs. for 23c Fine quality Toilet Soap, many differ- ent makes 3 cakes for 14c Bulk Black Tea & Indiaan and Ceylon blend, real quality tea lb. 59c PURITY FLOUR We are featuring Purity Flour f^r the next two weeks at a very Special Price. Get your supply now. Special $2.95 for 98 lbs. t t t When Italy declared war upon Britain and France on June 10, 1940, we already had a considerable fleet at Alexandria under the command of Admiral Sir Andrew Cunningham. The 3ommander-in-Chief's main object, o.^ course, was to engage and destroy the Italian fleet wherever he mig-ht find it. He had also to pro- tect Egrypt and the Suez Canal, and to harass any invading army moving along the coast road to Libya. He must guard the oil supplies from Iraq which reach the Mediterranean at Haifa; maratain the Allied trade in the Aegean; and interrupt Italy's import line of communication with the oil wells of Rumania and Russia passing out of the Dardanelles and through the Aegean. To a man of Sir Andrew Cunning- ham's determination and mettle, it mattered little that the paper srength of the .Italian fleet was superior to his own. He knew his ships and the temper of his men, and always a firm believer in the offensive. Moreover, through long srvice there, he knew the Mediterranean like ihe paim. of his hand. Within a abort ^ime oi Italy's unprovoked stab in the back at a very critical time, the Mediter- ranean fleet was at sea. Because the surrender of France was imminent, Mussolini may have thought the British Empire would be unable to fight on alone. No doubt the Italian dictator wished to share in the spoils of the German conquest- without serious fighting â€" to acquire control of Egypt and the Saez Can- al; to take over the French eolonie^ of Algeria and Tunisia; to exert his influence over Greece, Turkey and the Middle East; to transform the Medi- terranean into an Italian Lake. If Hitler has spread himself over most of Europe, where could Mussolini come in ? The Italian despot reckoned with- out the paralysing effects of Brit- ish sea power. The British control of Gibralter, the Suez Canal and he Aegean cut off all the sources of supply of fresh oil for his aircraft, ships, mechanized armies and indus- tries. His coal, which normally came from Britain and Germany, was ser- iously diminshed. Main Theatre of War Libya, too_ was more of a respon- sibility than an asset, since the large Italian army there had to be supplied and re-inforced fj-om the home coun- try, with vulnerable lines of com- munication by sea. Abyssinia, Eri- trea and Sonialiland were at the end of what someone called a British drain pipe, and would have, coUoqui- ally_ to live on their own fat. Muss- olini could crow as much as he pleased about the British withdrawal from Somaliland; but it would have been folly for us to. pass troops into that colony to hold it. Events have proved that we were wise not to dissipate our strength in sideshowe, but to concentrate in the main theatre of war against Italy â€" the Mediterranean. The end is not yet in sight, and it may be unwise to predict, but it seems not likely that Italy will eventually lose Libya and Eritrea. Somaliland and Abyssinia as well. Mussolini's dreams of himself as a second Caesar; of an Italian Medit- erranean; and of a vast Italian Em- pire stretching from the Mediterran- ean, through Egypt and ijie Sudan, to the Red Sea and Indian Ocean have vanished into the thinn«st of smoke. The amateur strategist who is Hitler's weaker partner appears completely to have ignored his own many- weaknesses, and the over- whelming and far-reaching effect, of British sea power, wielded as it al- ways has been throughout the whole Of our long history. Hog Growing Mix For Hogs from 70 lb«. to 150460 iShur«gain Hog Concoitrate 100 lbs. fine 400 Hm. fine ground, 200 Hm. medium 200 lbs. Cost oi mixing 24 cents FleskertoD Planing Mills HOCKEY Saturday, Feb. 22 IN Flesherton Arena HEATHCOTE vs FLESHERTON ADMISSION:- 25c and 15c SKATING AFTER THE GAME meeting of the Grey -Presbytery in Central Church Owen Sound Tuesday. At the annual congregational meeting of §t. Gbhimba Chur«h, held on Jan. 20th, reports were tabled showing total receipts for 1940 of $1176.73, and a balance on hand of $158.83. Missionary ,and Mainten- ance fund totalled |70.65. The Ses- sion report showed: marriages 1 burials 6, members received 2, re- moved 5, present mennbership 120. 51 morning services and 26 evening services were held during the year. Gross receipts of organissations re< ported were: Sunday School $41, Batoy Band $1,49, Y.P.S. $149, Wo- men's Association $148^ WM£. $27. A committee was appointed to pre- pare a financial statement and tkes* will be available soon. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 â€" day or night MARKDALE, ONT. Small Ad. Golumn FOR SALE â€" 12 good ewes. â€" Geo. Johnson, R. R. 3, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of dry cedar. Mervin McFadden, Flesherton. p NOTICE â€" Nuraiber of sheep to put out on shares. Apply at The Ad- vance office. NOTICE â€" Will buy new or used feathers or exchange for spring mattresses. Write Box 245 The Advance office Flesherton. For Sale â€" Quantity of second hand red brick, in good condition. To sell at 2c each. â€" Harry Fatten, Flesherton, R. R. 3. FOR SALE â€" House in Flesherton, with seven rooms, hard and loff water, double lot and barn. For full particulars apply to J. W. Mc- Mullen, Ceylon, Executor. 30c News of Priceville United Church F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. ^ MARKDALE, Ont. The long-anticipated and eagerly- expected Treasure Trail program, sponsored by the W. A. of St. Col- umba church was held in the base- ment Friday evening. Large red hearts supplied the appropriate Val- entire decorations. Following com- munity singing. Edna Harrison and Sadie Oliver led a program of games. Rev. A. R. Muir, as master of cere- monies, assisted by Sandy McConkey, then took charge of the Treasure Trail program. This was greatly en- joyed by all present and provided a full evening of fun and enjoyed by present and provided a full evening of fun and enjoyment. Edna Harri- son took the honors of correctly answering the question of higheet value, and Mrs. W. Meads won the grand prlie. Many of the contest- ants, with correct answers won valu- able tokens and prises. Rev. A. R. Muir and Mr. Joa, D. Whyte were the delegates to the FOR SALE â€" Small farm, 16 acres, near Eugenia on County Highway good iheuse, barn. Bargain for cash. â€" Mrs. R. Bentham, Flesh- erton. 38c4 FOR SALE â€" In Ceylon, comfortable 7-room house, electric lights, hard and soft water, good stable, hen house and garage with cement floor, lot containing 1 acre more or less. For particulars apply to Mrs. Nellie Gilchrist, Badjeros, R. R. 1, or Fred Irwin, Flesherton. BRAY CHICKS are the favorites of the sani^e Bray customers year after after year. Order Chicks now and catch the better customer markets. Chicks, started chicks, pullets, cockerels, capons^ immediate deliv- ery. Start right â€" with Bray. See John McWilliam, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE 100 a«re farm, 5 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, comfortable dwelling, bam and hen- house, situated I mile south of Fleah- erton en No. 1 Highway, reasonably prioed for qnick sale. â€" Apply to Fred Irwin, Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE â€" 9-piece solid walnut dining room suite, in good state of repair, priced low to sell. Inquire at The Advance office. FOR SALE â€" Chesterfield suite in good condition, also man's overcoat large size practically new, beauti- ful material. â€" Mrs. G. Ward, Eu- genia House, Eugenia. S8pl EXCHANGE â€" Established. garac« business in down town Torontt^ equipped and a going concern f«f small farm in trout fishing district Wonderful opportunity. Owner called up. Estimated worth $3000. Box 212, Flesherton Advance. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arts- mesia, containing 100 acres, on wUek is situated a bank barn 45x65, alao a large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. ThoN interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, PriceTille, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47< BUSINESS CARDS DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durhaai St Office Hours â€" AftcmoABa, IM t* 4. ErwdiWi^ 7 U MA. Sundays and Thnrsday aftamooM kf appointment only. Prince Arthur Lsdg« No. Ml, AJT. * A.Mh mseta in tha FratanMl EaU, Flesherton, the secsad Friday li «Mfe month. W.M., Hm)>. Corbott; Is^ rstary, C. J. BoHamy. ROYLANGFORD DiaMct Ac«a* f* MtnruAL un <w camaba ACCTOEMT and KOKKWU, AUTOMOBILB, BUMILAIT tfMMMl U^kOMy Aay fanmi FLBSiirarroN, o»t. â- ^'-

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