i; â- German Sea Menace Extends South t. > «^ ) i: ♦ % Existing or Po&5ib!o German Sub Attack LaiMt Britith Convey Routes SOVIET RUSSIA German lubt, brought by roil, rtportod ready to strike in Mediterranean from Kumanian, Butgorian bases Menace of German submarines and planes to British shipping grows 83 Hitler'fi threatened "unprecedented sea warfare" hits in the Atlantic and othe? waters. U-boat attacks last week were expected to extend to the Mediterranean, where German bombers have already been raiding British vessels. ♦••»•â- â- â- â- •â- •••>â- â- •â- •»< t HAVE YOO HEARD? During a lull in the conversa- tion at a dinner-party the hostess was unfortunate enough to emit a loud, rasping hiccup. A French- man, sitting by her, immediately apologrized profusely, as if he had committed the faux pas. When the ladies had left the dining- room, an American asked . the Frenchman why he had acted in this tnanner. "A3 monsieur knows, we are a chivalrous people," was the re- ply. "1 saw that jnadame was em- barrassed, so I tried to throw the blame on myself." Presently the men Joined the ladies upstairs. After a little while the Ameriemt found him- self in conversation with his hostess in the middle of a gToup of guests. â- " â- ' Suddenly the alarming incident was repeated â€" the hostess hic- cuped again. . The American turned quickly to the assembled guests, and an- nounced with an engaging smile, "Folks, this one is on me!" Shade Trj^ef Add Value to House odern Etiquette BY ROBERIA LEE '^^â- •-^so<Ty, madi 'so<Ty, madam," said ndant at the movie, 't take that dog iaio tnipdieatre." , How ajjifuril," protested l6«^v!MN;^^^^What harm can pictures aS^rlitlle tWe?" \-^ Builders .-Qif, nstr. hotte^, jjvjUl*' find it a<Jvfeable,to' set a^idet-% small sum of money for a.sizabia shade t^e^, ^lajctd, 'planting experts say. "* ' It wa4- suggested that the horn* owner go to a reputable nursery- " man aind.8gl«ct a tree of a hardy, ' long-lived viviety which will add permanent value to the property. The owner should' avoid on* J that will grow so rapidly, as to be? seriously injured . by ^the first wind or ice stonU^ or- one wh^e roots will come to the jiir^.ca and injure lavros or jpl 'jlog sewer lines, • ' ''9 ^ Some hardy trees are' naturally low-faranched-qr cag t^^'^ e shade and if used, shoulSBe placed where they wiff^.g^^^P interfere with lawns, drijggptys and walks. He's Off to See the Wizards . . , 1. When one finds hinuclf in a predicament, where a "white lie" will extricatf him, isn't the lie justified'.' 2. Is it necessary to repeat a newcomer's name to every per- son when introducing him to a group? 3. Is it good form for the bride to go with the bridegi'oom when he buys the wedding ring'/ 4. Isn't it a father's duty to reprimand his young son for any breah of courtesy? 5. Isn't it the proper thinj for a hostess to insist upon pft^ ing for the long distance ph^e calls of a guest? 6. What should one say telephoning and fails to fltdcr- stand some remark? ^ Apswers / 1. No. It is l)etter to^ell the truth and face l!|)Ci< consequences. The only •" jusfifieati^ .far. <» "white tie" would bgyn;y._pvgtect another jFro:m inj u^ ^ii f ;0'giye happiness to the rtMMF who is • burdened. : 2. tio/ii we thipk that the persons .h>«rards *he end of tlic group di£;inot catch the . aante, it- may J? repeated, but lUriialiy ghee ia^ufficient. 3. Yes, the bride has^he privilege of ex- pressing he^ preference as to width iind ^za and her choice of gold, why|e .--gold of pUrtinum. 4." Yes, bujc itfit in a scolding man- ner. An* above all, the father •Itll^d ^et the example and not repriinltrid his son for what he f a^gfe JigMjgfelf . 5. No. The gUM^ s^lHPpay this expense. 6.^^ am sorry. I didn't under- stand what you said." No New Roads Of Cheap Kind Ontario's Minister of High- ways McQuesten Reveals Policy to Safety League â€" Traffic Accident Toll la Greater Than War In Libya Increased Value Tobacco Output In Canada for 1939 the In- dustry Produced Goods Worth Six Per Cent More Than The Previous Year â€" Cigarettes Main Item dog like Pat had bought a watch guar- anteed for twelve months. At the . end of nine months, how- ever, he reappeared at the shop add complained that the watch had stopped six mouths earlier Tfhen it had fallen into the pigs' trough. "But why didn't you bring it back at once?" inquired the jew- eller. "How could I?" replied Pat. "We only killed the pig ve<itcr- day." "Gweo said if any man kissed her without warning she would scream for her father." "What did you do?" "I warned her." An Albanian was imprisoned by the Italians. He annoyed his captors intensely beau^e he kept saying: "Anyway, the Greeks gave you a bashing at Koritzn." One day the officer in charj^e of the prison camp took him aside and said: "Look here, if you'll shut your mouth I'll make you an officer in the Italian army." "O.K." said the Albanian. Next day .Mussolini visited them, shook hands with the .\1- banian, and remarked: "So yo.u are now an officer in the great Italian army?" 'Thaf.< ri.ijht," came the ans- wer. "Hut, oh, boy, what a bash- ing those Greeks gave as at Jvoritza'" Canadi«in National Railways Revenues Tha grois r»Tenues of t!;*- all- teclaalTS C.'it^adlan National Rail- wajns S.vst.'m for the pprlo<l ending WartA 7. Ift'tl. were $.5,094,144 M oonn>aie<l*wlth !.0!t.",9>v lor thfl c li>4 0(1 Foreign iVIinister Matsudku oi Japati, above, last week 'vns travelling across vast Siberi.i to- ward a meeting with Hi tier â€" and possibly Stiriin â€" that the axis is touting as wo.Wd-shaking. Baffin Island Query Baffling Ottawa Chamber of Commerce gets some baffling queries, but this one has officials talking to themselves. A woman writing from Providence, R.I.. wants to know "all about" Baffin IslanJ â€" its clim.Tte. hotels and tourist traffic. Baffin Islanii's 207.000 square j mlies are located in Canada's frozen north. Most of the inhabi- tants are Eskimos. Accordiug to the latest Consus of Industry at.atistics of the tobac- co Industries in Canada for 1939, the output for bhe year, including; exci.se duties, was valued at $90,- 590,244, which, represents an in- crease of $5,501,944, or ov,?r si.x per cent above that of the previoii;- year. Cigarettes I'orm&d the main lt(?m of production with an output of 7,1G3,1:!3.000 valued at $57,277.- 052. Smoking tobacco was next In Importance wltU an output of 24.- 709,819 pounds valued at $21,498,- 111. Cigars camo next wltli a pro- duction of 135,825,000 valued at ?5. 411.0."!, followed by chewing tobacco. 2,577,890 pounds, valued at $2,184,537, and snuff, S3(!,955 pounds, valued at $1,149,262. 4 PLANTS MADE SNUFF The number of establishments roportiug tottiUed 80, located by provinces as follows: Prince Ed- T/ai-i Islcuid, 2; Quebec, 51; On- tario, 9,1. .Manltoil)a, 1, and British Colummi.. ^ Tjjggg. piajit3 i-epi.e- seni.'d a e-'Prhv, investment of $60,- 1 t-i G42 in 1 1 Kft(I aatu 1 ,.,.gi4 ^ I a.x«v -.m-rent assets. They fiiiiiisiied employiti*..,^ 158 pfi'sotis who were paiU' v," 733,023 in salaries and wages. The plants also spent $2:!, 001,310 for materials and coufalners, and pro- duced goods with a net soUiiis value at the factory of $47,054,707. Of the establishments reporting, 46 mude cigars only; 17 mado tob'"'- CO only; S made tobacco and '^^'S'^J]- ottes; 4 made tobacco am? cigars; 1 made snuff ottly; 8 n>«'i'i tobacco and snuff: 2 made .-'Uacco, cigars and cigarettes, ft'"! 1 "Bade tobac- co. ci.e:ars, an'' snuff. SyntJietic gasoline made from coal 's said to be quite suitable for use in aeroplane engines. It takes seven tons of coal to pro- duce one ton of petrol. .Aircraft of the Trans-Canada ! .\ir Lines flew more than 5.000,- 000 miles in 1940, and carried J nearly 10,00,900 pounds of mail, 100,000 pounds of exprcs.s. and 55,000 passengers. for common ordinary sore throat '^ai* M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED 610 YONGE ST. - TORONTO MOVING SHIPPING PACKING . STORING Itc'liurrl Uriic I'll t Ii i t U: •â- I'l"! t ' I '. ^-- U intiiiH-i:' anil \\'<r ;â- , I'.ia.i. ^V\Â¥^\vi M ontholat u m helps cbeck gath- eringof mucun... rnlipven stuffed. thokod nostrils. r« and tubf*. Nervous Restless i|* I I Cranky? Restless? lalMA I Can t sleep? Tire mi Id 1 easily? Annoyed bv fc- male functional dis- orders and monthly distress? Then take tvdia E. P1nkli=>m'5 Vcgetiib!,- Com- pound, famous tor 01 er CO vears In lit-ipm,; such ruadown. weaU r.cnoufl condition.'!. Made cspci.j.'.'v /cr '-c-icn. â- ,v :XL WORTH TRYIHa I ic£-'E 12â€" '41 Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Oatiuio'a highway minister, in a brief ad- dress at the annual "safe drivers" bauquot of the OnUrio Safety Lea- gu(>t said "we are not going to build any nioi-e low si.iudard roads, yen if we build no road at all." Sufficient hazards existedljli^ said, /without poor roads. • Louis B. Diitt of We-llaud, Ont., said the tale of the highways is one of the "very darkest In the hlstosy of the province." He com- pared the number killed on the higihways of Ontario last year iFlth the British losse^jlnr the conqnesf- of Libya. Higlnvay deaths last year were 725 and the British conquest cost 525 men,V ,\ WASTE Of'llbM^' LIVKS A. G. P^trldso,-:j»r^(i|igt ht the league, paid a' tribute t^tbe coni; mercial car "safe drivers." TUey had .driven 102,735,000 accident- free milee. He said gross economic loss In Ontai-io iJ^^^c ;iocIdent« roaches $20^0<IO,0<io?HM|LOOO,000,- 000 yeajjjf,.;'. ^^^^^^flha- The., *|^ will tax hum5iri'1(M|3»^ tai-lal resources to the llnrit, Mr, Partridge said, and to survive all waste must be elimiuated. "I think you will agi-ee," he said, "that traf- fic accidents constitute a, fi»rm of economic waste that we mi?Uc well do without." Who! Science Is Doing With DIXIE Pl'Jyj SMOKINC TOBACCO STAR'S ATMOSPHERES BOIL The director of Mount Wil.sjn Observatoi-y, P;i.3a<lena, Calif., suys ho has found evidence that tUo atmosphei'es of the largest stars ara boiling at a terrific pace. A temperature of 5,000 degrees Fah- . renheit is quite usual. SOME GERMS DIE FASTER Resistance of bric-tei'i;i to asen- oles that would desiroy them var- ies over a wide ranjje; young bac- tea'ia are strongly resistant, and the older ones nave reduced pow- ers of survival by a 3-to-l ratio, the â- ine<Iical section of the Amori- oan Association for the Advance- ment of Science is informed. Fur- ther differences are duo to inheri- tance, some strains being particu- larly hard to kill. The combined differences due 10 ags and iulipri- tiiuce give a ratio of 10 to 1 be- tween the most and least resistarit Individuals. 5/oir BurniiMf CIGARETTE PAPF*^ ! It QUE FIMER M/f ' ow Can I? BY ANNE ASHL£y i eather and Famine Q. How can I prepare a simj^le' furniture polish? ' A.. A furniture polish that can be used on the finest woods can be made uf one part vinegar, with equal parts of linseed oil and turpentine. Q, How can I prevent mus- tard plasters from blistering? A. They will net blister, and the result will be better, if the Ij;iste is mixed with the white of an egg, or witt warm camphorat- ed oil instead>0f hot water, v, Q. How cu^^ remove w^hte; spots on the lH|ing-rooni tabw.^! caus«>d by heat^^BL A. Apply, in tdBkrder nam-^' ed, kerosene, alcohlK^id linseed or sweet oil. A fflttferent olotii ' should be used, for each of these , â- applications. Rub in fte linseed fc until the spot disappears. Q. How can I ,mlce a whip- ped cream substitutif? A. Grate one apple, ^d two or three t.iblespoons of sugar and one egg white, then baft until light. This makes an excellent , substitute for whipped cream.'-.-' Q. How can I scale fish mc^ easily? ^^ A. Taice five or six bo ^, caps, nail them on a .conveni«pif stick, allowing for a Ifandle, "and this will make, an excellent im- plement for scaling th»"fisli. Biwfcar md. jocular history are full of' insTwfSHP^of famines, and these we^ no doubt caused by droughtsiS There are many re- cords ^fiirops suffering from in- sufficient^ains and of the iin- fortatio.. ^ grain tp th^Jtftmine- itricken cUitries. J<â- (^t.)M^y Pal- atine butftther countries of the HditeiTart'ean Sea were and are U'ect to droughts. Italy less Greece, however, but it also snfleis from low water .supply. In j^ese countries it was neces- sary" to send away tor grain, generally to Egypt. Oae of Nature's sources of supply of iodine is in the skins of certain fruits, inriuding ap- ples and plums. HOW TO The huhii qtiality of Cc , ...ineral aj»urf! faMer Uv< Btr- j healthier animals .'md <noR - ' I Corn King actually ^nM common mmernl mr^ IIU TWSNrV ^\'id^ vulue o( tr.Mii. ij.f '";? bone sTucf.v."^^'"'"*^ ^"11*" 'VitbilU LM. g,n, !>toy, Ortirie ;iro .troubled wttli Itching or reM«rsorene!j3, do not delay tmunt ttiid run the risk of letting. This oondition become chronic. Any itch^g or aoreneas or PHinrul_.ca3a- '^ of stool Is nature'.") warnln^that roper treatment should be eerufed at once. For this purpose get a pucka -,-e nt Hem-Roid from .vour Jrui;gist anl use as directed. Thla Hem-Roid formula which is used internally ia the form of a small, ea.sy to talts tablet, will quickly relieve the Itch- ing and soreness and aid in healing the acre tender spots. Hem-Roid I* pleasant to use. Is highly recom- mended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at so reasonable a cost. If ygu try Hem-Koid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your drugKist will gladly return your money. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... ELECTH'^ MiuoKSiamSAL^ nLBcniUC McrjilS. .NEW AND TtZ'oudltloncd .Icnes & Moore Bl- ecirio Compariv. 296 Adelaide t^t West, Toroiii UAI1\ CHICKS QU..UJTY CHl'JKtj, BAKRED IIOCK and white teghorti. Blood-ttsted by Govenimeiit upprcved labor- atorv. liigidly culled. ICeily chick Hatcheries, Barrie. •â- OXl'-OKD' C'lUCKS FKO.M Un"- tario liiccdiiig Station l''locU.s, six- ti enth year culled and blood- tested by the t'oultry Depart- ment, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Burred -" -cliLCock- 91 els 5o ouch. White l,eii'ii>orn. Cockerels 2c (.ach. Writrtor Cir- cular. The O-vford Kajfters" Co- operative I'roduce Coirjpany, Li itod, VVoodstocU. Ontar RAISFJ GOOD CiUCKS Wlto JUH.N- son's bred to lay barred Wyiuouth M.cks and S.C.W. leghoriiS. Barron Strain. IC years brcoding.WuIling hatchins nnd blood tostinjL Price for Mnrch and April Uucn and l.eshoi ii.H a.s h.itchort 10 \cnl Rock I'ullets J 7 cents, IjOi l^ullets 20 cents. Circular otiier prices on rcqiitst. Johr.son. KerRUs. Om. orn ifli l-fl.l, STE.iM AHK.VD WITH chick buyiiiK. No time to lo.<« to oatoh- high fall ef.-g price?. Bray IjCBhoni and -NH. x IjS. lAillcts; heavy breed cockerels and capons. Immediate delivery. Started chicks. Order chicits huiulred.") Bray customers chooi^e yenr after year. Mray ll.iliher\. 1:!') .lohii. jlaniiltun. an r-'Hiii-: t imi\> WITH KVEUV I'H.. I-ILLKTS OR IMO mixed chicks < nlereil. »e give 2,'. free chicits. lullcts Jlj.dO to »i;).00 per 100: .Mi.x.d Chiekf $8.0(1 to $10.00 per UIO; Cockerels St. 50 to $5.50 per 100. Our price list will surprise you. l'< :nd_.for copy. Goddnrti C.'"k HaKj "" '^ nia Hciuhts. t.>Tit. ( nil KS. i»i i.i.l-;i> R<.>OKI.fc;T I'RODL'CINt; liXinsi. t'N- der Tell '"'eiits per dozen for Feed Cost niriilc-d free on r. quest. Order ihicl;;^ anil pullots now. Manor l''arm, t'larkson. <.*nlar i.>. â- \Ki:i;.-^ ovi:;.\.'< a.sii macui.n- ei.\. also lebuili Cduipmetii hI- iva> < on hand. Terms arranged. Coi i> spondencs invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 103 Dalhuril it., Toronto. ^ UEVl.aKS WAM'liU ^\i.\JL. -JOli ARTICLES FROM Dl^R to door; toilet, medicine, essi en, spices, farm products, cleani ul.;. Guaranteed quality, won wide reputation. Every family cuatomci. Energetic workers a^j aured of .«uccess. NO RISK. Cat* alogue, conditions, on roquesf F-Hmilex rroducts, 570 St. Clemetj^ M ontr^'MJ, - K.VR.ns roil SALE L,E1UAL FAltilS OF EVERY T^PE l.N Bruce and Grey Cou.tlea troni %\T,m to $8000. otto Jc.ann, Oweu So und, VAIOl F<n SALE ilXCELLENTL^^'^yiTUATED FIFTY rfi-^riw-wiy ttct?. Vlay loam, small house, BSSiWJient bffn^ electricity; town schools close. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. _ J. N. UNDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAIJ- Itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas^ Ontario. Special l.iei>nrtment for farmer!' colleetiuis. .>u:.\ WA.\Ti:u rA«.n E<ttii'>»*i-^T F.AJS-NING MILL (Kline) BEST Seed Grader. Wild Oat Separator. Kline Manuf.icturiiig, -ISO Wlllard Avenue. Toronto. KIJf.\ACIAL MOItTGAGES OR AGREEME.NTS of sale purch.iaed tor cash, prompt attention. North Shore Realty Co., Oshawn. Ont.ario. \= CiOlTKF. LOC.U. M.VN â€" GOOD FAY WEEK- ly. Full or spare time. Book or- ders tor Cnnadas finest treoii, plants. Experience unnecessary. S.ales outfit tree. B. D. Smith's Nursprics. Winona. Or.t. PHOTO FINISHING TRY IMPERI'SjL, F0R..J»-"*« 9t.'AI^ ivv Photo Flnlf«i** Any i. or 8 Oixii. .'ura fti* developed and »t*ii--"w., Ttiln ontnrgrcment, 25o. Ca?li(S,JT)«o*BS3lns by experla who knon? hb?, assursB satisfaction. Imperil Photo Service, Dept A.. Itft^Wi .1., Toronto. <)l.Fl;il TO INVK.NTUIIS \N OFFER TO hiVERV INVE.NTOR ' "Vit a,' InventUms and full infor- mation aent free. The Ramsay Co., Ketjistered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Banis .stre et Ottawa. Canads. > ~ â€"â€", I'KH'-O.liAL fiOI*rRE? •ABSORBC)" For particulars write Men Co., 171 King E., Dl-PREE PILLSi^.50 QUic;<. reliable relief for dc.ayod, ovei.iue, or painful periods. Wll- Mmii CroBtiy. DeP*- ^^L. 204 On- to ' Bwl M'ni; . Torniifo. R.\Burr>> St atiji* Ktlle. 'â- ««• causli K suffered ter- paiua beU»w bre.ist- hours after eatinet, fciis and bloatlnBT. My only soda anil that only 'or Then I took Dr. Mc- m.ichic. Aftir three bol- p.iin. I kepi have now been enr.«, enJnyluK meals »ithotit niirdicine. Good for all forms of iTidi^e.stion. Drug .Store or write Iii. .Mcleod's Stom- 4:hie Co., 5.">8 Falhuist. Toronto. 1.' r bottle pnstpaid. ~t relief was so I snort lime. ' ^Leotl'^i StomaL ... J'lhs I wa.'i free f.-on / on iminaving; and h ' well fo: several .le VTISFY VOtrnSBLF â€" KV*;«V sufferer .r Kl eumntic Pains cr Neuritis si u!.' try Plxon's R<m- • dy. SoM , ' .1' Monro's Druif .•<-ii:o, 3:],') ji : 1. ii'tiwa. foslpald ^ V '.'0, JiVISK, RABBITS. NOT A OST- rich-iiuick scheme but a 80ua# - *â- Literature inett. I'liriyi branch of .'i-*'lcultiire. Literat -ij....c. Br -•• " ''•â€" "."f, .i: ^^inn MHi'-.i y\ ATic SI i-iii:Kr.n» ITS l-UOVi;.V - lOVERY SCFFHR- er of Rheumatic PnliiJ or Xeur« iti- should try Dixon » Remedy. Sold only at Munro's DrUK Stor« :!nri Elgin. Otiana. Postpaid JLOft. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used â€" New -.pt I I M 1 / 1 M. l^ ittiiiii.l Mo- iUU> t'ow I ;u-l Ml>. H^draallii â- <r I • t • . llMBfcee, Viea«ret»r*. .xtarlrr*. Mi>*«*lse, <-' ill lw lnlâ€" » RaailMlor* â€" Kxekaace Se n I c e. Klnsit â€" ^atliaranlna »f refBMtf- LcTf Auto raria, OrpL J.. roroa<».