THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 9, 1941 A MAXWELL On Friday evening of this week there will be a Good Friday service in the United Church here, to bt conducted by Rev. Dr. Mercer. Kr. and Mrs. Edgar Kerton and Mr. Downing: of Kerwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton last week. The W. A. was held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross on Thursday of last week. Mrs. Geo. Morrison read the cripture lesson and in the absence of the secu-etary, Mrs. Mercer acted as secretary for the meeting. The date was set for the strawberry festival for June 27th. Arrangements will be made for the program later. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Priestely oi Owen Sound are visiting relatives here. We are very sorry to report Mr. Norman Mclllmurray under the Dr Care, but hope he will soon be im- proving in health. Some fight the rest buy certifi- cates. SAFE LOCK WIRE FENCE is best because si ays are flexible, not rigid. If accidentally depress- ed it springs erect the moment pressure is removed with no straightening of bent wires. Many farmers call it Hinge Lock Fence Ask your local dealer for it. Made only by the KEENAN FENCE CO, OWEN $OtrND, Om. Advertisement of Sale Under and by virtue of the powers contained in certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for ale by public auction on Friday, the 18th day of April, 1941, at the hour of 1:00 o'clock, in the aft- moon, at Robinson's Store, in the Village of Feversham by George E. Duncan, Auctioneer, the following property, namely: Lot 18, Concession 8, north of th Durham Road, in the Township of Osprey, in the County of Grey, containing one hundred acres, in- cluding buildings erected thereon. Terms: Ten percent of the par- chase money to be paid down at the time of sale, balanc to be paid within te.i days. Subject to reserve bid. For further particulars and con- ditions of sale arply to Robert S- Johnston, Barrister, 211 Imperial Building:, Hamilton, Ontario. Dated at Hamilton, the 29th day of March, 1941. CENTRE LINE Not much news this Monday morn- ing as we are sort of blocked in here soft snow banks. a nd bare flats. Ev- en walking is bad except early in the morning. But we have had some nice spring days and the snow is melting fast. Some of the boys ai-p getting anxious to see the road open for cars. Our Mail Carriers started coming in the morning, even then he can't get here every day. Mr. Wm. Collins spent a couple ol days last week with W. H. Little and family. Mrs. G. Little and Mrs. T. Lyons spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russel White, Saugeen Jet. Mr. Alex Kendrich lost a good cow one day last week. The (West) Centre Line Red Cross group are quilting another quilt to- day at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Little. Our Minister, Dr. Mercer, had the misfortune to sprain his ankle severely on Sunday while walking from Mt. Zion to Wareham. (Intended for Last Week) Nice spring days but the snow is not going very fast. Miss Marjorie Jamieson of Tor- onto visited with Mrs. Florence Lyons and family over the week end. Mrs. Jack Badgerow and Inez and Mrs. Mac Cudmore and baby Ken- neth spent a few days with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne and brothers John and Victor over the week end. Ptes. Victor Oaborne and Joseph Little left Sunday evening for Camp Borden after a pleasant 6 day leave spent with friends here. On Friday evening a large number of well wish- ers gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Little to spend another evening with our soldier boys, Joe and Victor, before their return to camp. Mrs. Jack Hargrave and Gordon spent Friday afternoon last (with Pte. Victor Osborne at his home here. The Wareham Red Cross Society met in the church basement last Thursday and quilted two quilts. They decided to hold their meeting monthly now for some time. The Centre Line (West) group quilted a quilt at the home of Mrs. Eva Arn- ott on Monday afternoon of last week and have a couple more ready to quilt. Mr. Robt. Nichols has gone to Tor- onto for a couple of weeks to visit with friends there. The Mount Zion W. A. which was to be held at Mrs. Robt. Osborne's home this month will be held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Hopps Portlaw. The May meeting will be held at Mrs. Osborne's. Pte. Victor Osborne, John and Garfield Lyons, visited on Saturday with friends at Clarksburg. Owing to unforeseen circumstances we regret to announce that the Display and Sale of Ladies' Coats, Dresses and Millinery by Wray's Ladies' Wear of Owtn Sound, adver- tised to take place on Wednesday, 9th inst., has been postponed for a few days. Furthe announcement later. F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON 4. Meat Storage WE FEEL THAT WE WOULD NOT BE FAIR TO YOU IF WE DID NOT AGAIN REMIND YOU OF THE COLD STORAGE FACILITIES. A $5.00 box for a year will hold approximately 220 to 250 lb. meat and you may refill the bojc often as you wish. You may also place meat in storage at th rate of I 1 2 c per Ib. NOW IS THE TIME THAT THE STORING , OF MEAT SHOULD BE IN FULL : PROGRESS. Call in to see us about the storage. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Phone C6 Angus*Avis, Manager | X'*^><*><^^ EUGENIA Service will be held in the United Church here at 11 o'clock a.m. Good Friday. On Wednesday evening, March 26, at the Y. P. U. meeting, Mrs. C. Martin had charge of the discussion peridd. She took for her topic a talk on "African People".. On April 2, Miss Edith Betts took as her discus- sion topic "Spring". The meeting this Wednesday evening is in charge of the citizenship convenors Doro- thy Falconer and Jean Proctor. Pte. Jack Traynor of Camp Bord- en was a week end visitor with the McMillan family and Mrs. Wilson. Pte. Allen Love of Camp Borden was a week end visitor with friends in the village. The Misses Mary and Isofoel Mc- Kee and Mr. McArthur of Toronto spent the week end at the former 1 !! home here. Mr. Roy McMillan of Oakvilk spent the past week with his family. Pte. Clarence Williams of the 2nd Batt. Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto and brother Joe, also Pte. Norman Williams of the Tank Corps, Camp Borden, visited over the week end with friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood and Mr. W. Love of Markdale were callers at the Martin home one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler have moved back to their farm again from Flesherton. PRICEVILLE The play "Crazy to Reduce" was presented by the ladies of St. An- drew's Church, Friday night, in the basement. A good sized audience en- joyed the play. Each character play his part well Mrs. Elizabeth Haw of Brampton spent a few days visiting her sister, Mrs. Jim Sturrock. Gordon Stur- rock, who spent some weeks in the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, returned home feeling much better. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Wm. Burnett and family in the death ot Mr. Burnett, whose funeral took place at his late residence on Monday afternoon. We are glad to report Mrs. Archie McKechnie and son Laurie improving after being sick with pneumonia. Miss Marjorie McLeod, Durham, was nursing them. All were very sorry to hear of Dr. Milne's illness and wish for hjm a speedy recovery. Miss Kathleen M'eArthur has gone to Hamilton, where she has secured work. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me Art In Collingwood, spent the week end at the home of Mr. D. L. McArthur. Mr. David Hincks returned home after spending a week with his daughter at Atwood. Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc. MRS. ALEX. CARRUTHERS will sell by public auction on LOT 26, CON. 14, ARTEMESIA (2% miles south of Kimberley) TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1941 when the following will be offered: HORSES, SHEEP, Etc. Team of Horses, Mares, 10 and 12 years; Year old Oxford Down Ram, eligible for registration; 7 Pigs, 3 months old; Brood Sow, due June 18; 16 Ewes, Number of Hens. CATTLE RedCow, calf at foot; Grey Sow, 6 years old, due April 1 : Black Cow, 5 years, due March 24; Blue Cow, 3 years, supposed due Jan. 9; Heifer, 2 years, due April 15th; Yearling Heifer; Yearling n teer. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. F. & W. Binder, with trucks; P. H. Mower, 6 foot cut; Buggy; Hny Rake; Culti- vator; Mnd Roller; Road Cart; Seed Drill; Cutter; Set of Discs' 3 Single burrow Plows; Hay Rack; 2-Furrow Plow; 2 Wagons; Set Heavy Sleighs; Fanning Mill; Set Light Sleighs; Set 2,000 Scales; Stoneboat; Wagon Bo>: and Stock Rack; Cycle Grinder; Root Pulper; Drag Harrows; 2 Canthooks; Logging Chains; Jacks; Crowbars; Wire Stretchers; Binder Tongues; Hay Fork; Anvil;. Pick; Scales 60-lb.; Incubator, 130 egg; Shovels; Melotte Cream Separator, new last Sept.; Root Scuffler; Hoes; Quantity of Hay and Grain; Numerous other articles. FURNITURE Piano; Kitchen Table; 2 Iron Beds and Springs; 1900 Gravity Washer* Studio Couch; Coal Oil Stove with Oven; Rocking Chair; Fruit Jars; Numerous other house- hold articles. SAfcE AT 1.00 P.M. SHARP Positively no -reserve; as the owner is giving up farming. TERMS Hay, Grain and all of $10 and under, cash; over tha amount 6 months' credit will he givi-i on notes approved by t the Csmadiai Bank of Commerce, Flesherton, bear \ng interest at G' ; I . GEO. E. DUNCAN. Auctions. Have y&u Been Overlooked? LET'S MAKE IT A WHIRLWIND FINISH! ("The Boys Rely on the Folks Back Home") Thousands of firms and individuals, in all parts of Canada, have respond- ed magnificently to this Six-in-One Appeal. But there are other thousands equally ready to help. You may be one who has still to be heard from. This is an appeal to every Cana- dian who has been overlooked. W wish for every Canadian, at home, an opportunity to support our men in uniform. The Fund is now well on the way to its objective. That objective definitely can be reached, probably exceeded. For the sake of "The Boys", let's finish it with a bang that will raise resounding cheers from Coast to Coast! How You Can Help If you have not yet been called on by a War Services worker, and if yon have not yet sent in your sub- scription, make up your mind NOW what you are going to do, and do it TO-DAY! Fill in the coupon below and mail it to your' Provin- cial Headquarters at the address shown. If you know of some friends who have also been overlooked, get them to do the same. . The form is self-explanatory; Simply check on the left in the appropriate place, and if you enclose a remittance, make it payable to Canadian War Services Fund. An official receipt will be sent you by return mail. Every Dollar Does its Job Remember all monies contributed to the Canadian War Services Fund will be divided in accordance with government-approved budgets, amongst the six organizations em- braced in this campaign. A non-profit corporation with let- ters patent from the Dominion Government is your guarantee that every dollar that you subscribe will be properly applied to provide com- fort, cheer, recreation and needed personal services to our fighting forces services not provided in any other way. Your contribution ft urgently needvdl MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYI Provincial Headquarters, - Canadian War Services Fund, Room 101, 200 Bay St. Toronto, Ont. {Cheque 1 Money OrderV for... as my contribution to your Fuodl Postal note ' Q Please send me in duplicate official pledge card providing for instalment payments, which I undertake to complete and return, subscribing all told the sum of.. .......................... Name (Mr., Mrs., or Miss) Street Address ............................................... City, Town, Village or R.R Telephone (if you have one) THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM VANDELEUR The March meeting of the Woman's nstitute wa.-i held at the home of Mrs :has. Boland on March 27th. The .'resident, Mr*. Geo. Shuw presided jnd there was a good attendance of ncmbers. Mrs. F.R. Boland gave a juper on "History of Vandeleur Church^ past and present". Miss Dora Boland conducted a contest and was won by Dorothy Kelsot and Mrs. Geo. Shaw. Five young ladies wert ippointed to get donations for war purposes. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Geo. Shaw. Mrs. Will Johnston was hostess 'o the Woman's Association on Wednes- day, April 2nd. The president, Mrs Geo. Buchanan, presided over a well attended meeting and a fine progran was provided. Mr. Will Bowles of the West Back Line is moving his property to the Warling farm which he recently pur chased. Misses Hazel Morrison and Dor Bnlnnd spent a day in Owen Sound. Week end visitors with Mr. an Mrs. Jim Cargoc were Misses Jea and Verda Careroe of Toronto an Pte. Will BurreU of Camp Borden, Mr. W. G. Hutehinpon is having sale on Thursday afternoon of this .veek. Mr. John Boland of Weston was a ecent visitor at his home here. THEY'LL NEVER QUIT In Philadelphia 30 members of a orpedoud British ciirgo ship are 'ready to go to sea again." One of hem, named McKillop, has been li rough three sinkings. Said he to he reporters: "It's a rotten feeling. But it won't stop me from going to sen again. I'm ready now." The export of eggs from Canada to Britain is reported high. It is to be hoped the eggs are not HI that condition. Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, Etc WM. G. HUTCHINSON will sell by public auction on M. 'o of Lot 21, Con. 13 Artemesh About '4 mile north of Vandeleur THURSDAY, APRIL 10th whpn the following will bn offered: Horses 1 horse, 15 years eld: ! Mare. Cuttle Durham Cow, 10 venrs Id; Durham Cow, 3 years old; Dur- um Cow. 5 years old; Holstien Cow, ! years old; Black Cow, 6 years old; Spottced Cow, 5 years old; Steer rising 1; 2 Steers rising 2; 3 Heifers, isinj? 1; Baby Beef, 6 months old; Vged Cow, due date of sale. Swine - Yorkshire Brood Sow, luc May 13; 5 Chunks, around lOOlb. Implements, Etc. M. H. Mower; 10 ft. steel hay rake; No. 21 Fleury plough; 12 plate disc harrows; set iron harrows; wagon; buggy; light sleigh; stone boat; ladder; M.-H. root pulper; hay rack; double harness; 2 almost new collars; Perfection coal 011 heater; 12 grain bags; number sacks: small Vega cream separator; metal churn; butter bowl and ladel; graduated cream can and numerous other small articles. TERMS OF SALE All sums of 10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 months credit will be given on furnishing approved jomt notes, with interest at 8 per cent per annum. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Sale to commence at 1.00 p.m. NOTE: Roads open for cars from Fi,'-hcrt.on via Eujrcr'a to Power; of sale M hill 3 little west f .,,.., i| .,o.