THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, April 30, 1941 HAVE VICTORIA CORNERS PLEDGED ALL YOU CAN TO BUT WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES YOU KNOW that Canada's War Effort requires a steady flow of money week by week, month by month loaned from th savings of her people. If YOU HA VENT pledged yourself If YOU HAVE pledged yoorseH keep up your pledge. See yoar invest- ment grow as the months go by. INCREASE the amount you have pro- mised to save and invest. And remem- ber that, in addition to your regular pledged amount, you can at any rime buy extra War Savings Certificates from your local Bank Post Office or you can send your money direct to the War Savings Committee in Ottawa. ACT NOW ! Canada needs ALL you can save and lend. There are three ways to pledge: 1. Ask your employer to deduct a speci- fied sum from your salary or wages each pay day. 2. Authorize your bank to deduct it each month from your savings account. 3. Sign an "Honour Pledge" to buy Stamps or Certificates for a specified amount at regular intervals. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton and Douglas, accompanied bv Mrs. Edith Hall of East Linton, spent the week end in Toronto. We welcomed our new student min- ister of Emmanuel College, Mr. Thos. Jackson, who preached on this circuit on Sunday. Mrs. Jackson and babe will be joining Mr. Jackson later. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blakey of Toron- to visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blakey. The ladies of the W. A. held their April meeting' in the church Thursday last, with the president in the chair; 14 members were oresent. The roll call was answered by relating an event which took place after the re- surrection o<f oar Savior. Papers were read by Gertrude Montgomery on "Summer Schools'* and by Mrs. Chas. Moore on "Preparing oar part after the war," by Nellie McGung. Birthday gifts were distributed. Mrs. Gallagher had two beautiful o^iiVt tops on display and for sale, which had been pieced by herself and Mrs. Albert Stinson. The Y-P.S. met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Irying, between Corbetton and Sbelburne. They will resume their meetings in the church this week and continue each week during the summer months. (Too Late for Last Week) The beautiful weather has cert- ainly taken a chin and is blowing terrible today, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Stinson of Port Rowan visited his brother, Mr. Albert Stin- go n last week. The buzzing bees are very busy, but are nearly done in our neighbor- hood. Last Thursday evening as some of the younK lads were placing fte sawing 1 outfit at Mr. Angus McCaul- eys they saw the silver fox persnm- ably belonging to Mr. Louis Sheardon of Wareham, sitting on the Mr. Mc- Cauleys gangway, They tried to catch it but Mr. POT enjoyed his free- dom too much and ran away up to Ern Stinsons where he doped in to a building: but found a small hole through which he escaped and said eoodbye to his pursuers. We were very sorry to bid fare- well on Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Pat- terson our minister and his wife. Mr. Patterson preached a very im- pressive sermon in farewell. ORIGINAL A/V/Vl/Al ON Save NARVO! 'GALLON Publish*! by tbt rr Saving, <* Ottawa up youfc ffledy / . . . INCREASE YOUR REGULAR INVESTMENTS IN : . WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES We read where a robber in West ern Ontario, "was surprised when at his work and made a hurried exit.' Reading our book "What To Do In An Emergency** we concluded tliat the robber did the right thing. A great man is probably one whs lives in the pleasant memory of his friends after he is dead. When your dealer's store closes Monday, May 5th, NARVO goes back to its reg- ular price for ar Qt ^ |<>r year. Don't miss <ht annual opportunity to serve. 30 beau- tiful Colors to choose from. NABVO flows freely, dries quickly, covers in one coat and is odorless. --.. StaJan of Murphr Pond For Sale by OSPREY & ARTEMESIA CO-OPERATIVE Co. Lid. FLESHERTON. ONTARIO INSURANCE Authorised ageat for GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY also All LJBS of CAR INSURANCE, BONDS, etc Se HERB CORBETT Phone Dundalk 44 r 21 Proton Station, OnL . CEYLON Miss Elsie Fiaher of Toronto spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher. Miss Agnes Macphail was a speaker at the Community Life Conference, Bracebridge, Saturday, and also poke in Toronto Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Goleman of Lon- don were visitors the latter part of the week at J. F. Collinson's. Mr. Percy Hemphill had had the hydro installed in his store and dwelling. Mrs. A. S. Muir returned home on Saturday after spending the winter in Toronto. Messrs. Bill and Keith Cairns accompanied Miss Catherine Cairns to Toronto on Sunday. Messrs Melville Hunt and Paul Gil- lespie of Gait and Mias Maltby of Kitchener spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. Stewart Muir of Oahawa was home for the week end. Miss Basel Oliver returned to To- ronto on Monday after spending the week end with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oliver. Spring turns the thoughts of some to love and others to poetry. To illustrate here is a couplet we heard last week: "Spring is here, the grass ri, I wonders where the flowers is." The only thing that can be said in favour of overly tight shoes is that they take your mind off the rest of your troubles. NO WA/T/NG/ NO DELAY! GET THE TIRES YOU NEED Today! WE HAVE YOUR SIZE M COME IN AND THE '*> You don't have to buy the tiros you need sight unwwnt You can ee and get thea* big-mileage, low- priced Goodyeara at our place today. We're ready to put them on your car without dlay, without fuaa or muss on your part. And we'll mount them correctly. Goodvoor Pathfinder ha* all theie quality feature* for long service CENTRE-TRACTION TREAD TWIN PROTECTOR CORD PLIES NEW SUPERTWIST CORD D. McTAVISH & SONS, Flesherton PRICEVILLE A splendid service in celebration of the Paying of the Mortgage will be held in St. Andrew's Church, this Sabbath, May 4th, at 11 aja.. The mortgage will be burned at the ser- vice and addresses delivered by Hec- tor McLean, Donald Ttewart and others. Everybody is welcome to attend this service. Cream of the West, Purity of Robin Hood Flour in 98 ft. bags for 12.96 at Karstedt's. Priceville. Mrs. Jos. McJKee, who has spent the past three months in Markdale hos- pital, returned and is at the home of her sister, Mrs. Aldcorn. Her many friends here are glad to know that she is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Marshall, To- ronto, spent the *vtrk end at Mr. Hector McLean's. The Y.P.S. is holding the weekly meeting: Monday evening at the horn* of Mr. Allie McLean. Messrs. Donald and Stewart Carson and Bert Watson of Toronto visited Tuesday at the formers' home. Mrs. Mary Macdonald returned on AVednesday to the home of her par- ents at Swinton Park, after spending the past month with her sister. Mrs. A. L. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McLellan of Niagara Falls spent a couple of days at the home of Mr. D. Campbell. Mr. J>)hn L. McDonald of Ottawa visited recently with friend? here. Miss Mabel Adajju. F'.esherton, spent the week end with Miss Ber- nice Carson, Reeont visitors at the home of A. L. Hincks were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay and Marie of Swinton Park. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker. Thelnxa and Gorald, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Calder and Larry of Fairbairn. Mr. and Mrs. A If Hincks and Marilyn and Miss Almtda Hineks of Toronto. Mr. Dick Oarson of Guelph spent the week end at hi? parental ho>me. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKeehnie of Durham visited the first of the week at the home of A. L. Hincks. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Seigner (nee Willa MacCuaig) of Walkerton on th arrival of a baby boy. Mr. Murray McMillan of Hamilton visited recently at his home. How to WOOL ONOWERS ORGANIZATION IT PAYS TO MARKET ON A GRADED BASIS Obtain Sacks and Twine from LOCAL LIVE STOCK TRUCKERS or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bay Street - Toronto in Service Costs en Your Truck D. McTAVISH & SONS, FLESHERTON, Ont H. Grummett, Dundalk, Assoc. Dealer