Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Apr 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, April30, 1941 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Clydesdale Stallion For Sale "CRAIGIE LORD ROBERTS" (20895, Imp.) Apply to H. Lougheed, 682 Broadview Ave., Toronto, or John Lougheed, Dundulk. VANDELEUR Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Dennis and Beryl and Miss Marion Boland of Mimico and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Byere and Ruth of Tara were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bo- land and family. Mr. Geo. Kelso, wVo has spent a few months at Gait has returned home. Mr. Will Radcliffe is home from Malton where he spent the winter. Mr. Jim Cargoe had a successful sale of stock and implements on Wed. afternoon O f last week, The April meeting of the V. W. I. WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF Spring Seeds FOR Garden and Field ORDERS RECEIVED FOR "Fertilizer" "Delivered from Dundalk." Inquire for prices. & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON, Ontario was held at the home of Mrs. Will Radcliffe on Thursday last week with a (rood attendance. It was the annual election of officers. The president, Mrs. Geo. Shaw and other officers of 1940 were returned to office. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson and Beverley were presented with an oc- casional chair by the community, prior to their moving to their new home at Kimberley. The Sunday School was re-organ- ized for the summer months at a meeting following the service in the church on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Lunday Johnston is the new superin- tendent. EUGENIA On Sunday, Rev. Mercer preached a very impressive sermon to a fair congregation. On Wednesday evening, April 23, the discussion period in the Y.P.U. was in charge of the Cultural Con- venor, Miss Evelyn Campbell. Her topic was "An artist without hands." Mrs. Andrew Armstrong of Long Branch visited a week at the home of Mr. Wilfred Magee. Sergt. Arthur Lawlor of Camp Bor- den and M*. Lawlor orient Saturday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, 8th line. We are sorry to report Mrs. Court Smith on the sick list with pleurisy. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Jack Park of Toronto is visit- ing at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Graham of Clarksburg and Dr. and Mrs. Russell Cameron and little son, John, spent Sunday with Mr. < nd Mrs. Alex. Cameron, 8th line. Local and Personal When the Ontario Brotherhood of THreshermen met in Peterborough one speaker said, in referring to fires at threshings, that friction originat- ing from mortgages was believed to have caused some of the fires. No one need fel embarrassed because he mentioned no names. |Mg^MgM>*-*+<H>*-4>**+<Mg^ T f T f T ? T f y f f T t T T t y y * * y y y f I t y y y y y y ? y y y y y y y y f y y t *** Hill's Specials OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF THE SMARTEST AND NEWEST STYLES IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS, DRESSES AND BLOUSES. Prices to suit everyone. LADIES' TAILORED SUITS In some of the newest materials and styles, sizes 14 to 20. Special .. $14.95 MILLINERY We are showing' a wonderful range of the newest and smartest styles and colors in Ladies' Hats at very moder- ate prices. MEN'S PANTS Made of durable blue drill, sturdy and strong for general knockabout wear; waist band is wide with two dome-type buttons and belt hook; front pockets have turn-back button flaps with zipper closrd pocket on right side, sizes 36 to 38. Special per pair $1.95 MEN'S WORK PANTS Made of durable S <>/.. blue- or black denim, front pockets have turn-back button flap with zipper-closed pm-kd on ri;Tht side, belt strap and cuff bot- om, sizes 32 to 42. Special, pair $1.85 MEN'S SPORT JACKETS Made of sturdy, strong mate-rial in popular two-tone effect^ <n plain ad- justing for neat tit at waist, zipper closing, two front pockets with button flap, sizes 34 to 44. Special $1.69 Bovs' sizes 26 to 34 $1.48 FLOOR COVERINGS Felt base borderless Rugs in several new patterns- sizes 6 ft. by 9 ft. At a Special price of $1.48 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Men's heavy work boots, good strong wearers with panco or leather soles. A big assortment from which to choose, sizes 6 to 13 $1.69 to $5.50 MEN'S FINE OXFORDS This smartly-styled shoe, correct to any dress-up occasion with good black leather uppers. Made on a good fitting last with sewn soles and rubber heels, si/.es 6 to 11. Specal, pair $2.50 BOYS' OXFpRDS Mothers! Here is splendid value in neatly-styled long-wearing blucher ox- i .' is in black side leather with sewn ;.. ..tiler soles, rubber heels, sizes 1 to 5. Special $1.95, $2.45 WOMEN'S SHOES A popular choice for growing girls and women ; made of good durable 'leather with good weight soles, built on a full-lit ting last with low rubber heels in black or tan, sizes 3 to 8. Special, per pair $1.95 True Economy in Food Values at Hils Sweet Mixed I'ickles 27 ox. jar .... 27c oaj 2 Ibs. for 25c 1'aiu '! I'iscuits 2 Ibs. 3Sc While Means <> Ibs. 25c Medium size I 'nines 3 Ibs. 23c Mess Raisins 2 Ibs. 21c Mia 1-2's ISc 1's 25c Pastn l ; l f >r. 24's 63c Soap !''lak''s- faniilv si/e '... pl<. 23c hard 2 Ibs. 19c J'urr Raspherrv or Strawberry Jain >-/.. jar 25c e 22clb. ()1<1 (Mu-'-M- 25c Ib. IV:i'<. ('urn, Tomatoes, regular sixe 3 for 27 c I'astrv Monr, O8' s $3.10, F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. t T T f y f V t y y y y y i y f y y y y y y t t f y r y t \ f f f y y t f f y y f y I i Mr. Eviaon Wilson of London was in town on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson spent the week end in Toronto. ' Mrs. W. G. Trelford of Toronto visited for a few days this week with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr. Laverne Wood left Tuesday to take a position with Mr. Emerson McKee in a garage near Bronte. Mr. R. Bentham has rented part of his farm to Mr. Gordon Irwin, a neighbor. Mr. H. A. MtCauley is erecting a summer cottage at R"d Bay, north of Wiarton. Rev. G. R. and Mrs. Service of Hamilton spent a couple days with friends in town last week. C.Q.M.S. Angus Turney is taking a course at the small arms school at Long Branch. Mrs. G. E. Henry and son, Ken, and Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCauley spent the week end with the former's par- ents at Granton. St. George's Day was observed in Flesherton high school on Thursday of last week, when the pupils pre- sented a special program. Mrs. Irish and daughter of Proton Station moved to town on Friday and are occupying the apartments in Mrs. McGeoch's residence. Mr. Findlay Hoy, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Hoy and Albert Phillips of To- ronto spent the week end with the former's mother, Mrs. R. Hoy. Mr. M. E. Gardner and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gardner of Meaford called on Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith on Sunday. Miss Irene McDonald and Mr. Alex Doyle spent last week end with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. Edward Fisher of New York Mr. Fred Fisher of Hamilton and Mrs. Sparks of Hamilton visited a day last week with Mrs. L A. Fisher. Miss Alice Armstrong spent the past week with her uncle, Mr. F. H. W. Hickling, after recently finishing her year at Queen's University. Mr. Oscar Jacobs and son, Bruce, of Buffalo, N.Y., visited a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Adams. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. W. S. Inkster on Wed., May 7, at 3 p.m. Roll call, najrment of fees; election of officers. Everybody is welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton, Mrs. Douglas McArthur and little daugh- ter, Elaine, spent the -first of last week with Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Donald. Mr. Ken Kellar, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar of Markdale and well known in Flesherton, last week graduated as a Leading Air Crafts- man from the Calvary wireless bombing school. Mrs. M. Jamieson returned horn* last week after spending the winter with her daughter and son at South Porcupine. She was accompanied by hrr son, George, who remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips of To- ronto, Mr. ad Mrs. Lloyd Oastel and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Phillips of Owt-n Sound. Mr. Frank Leavt-ll and Ruth of Collinprwoc'd and Pte. Ben Leavell of Toronto wore Sunday call- ers at the home of Mr. Robt. Clark. Mrs. Currio and Mr. and Mrs. F. Hiincox of Toledo, Ohio, spent the past week with the former's brother, Mr. Jos. Bbtkeley, wh.-se condition is not greatly improved. Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Wilson, laobel and Inez, Sing- hamnton visited with them Sunday Mr. n'l-lmar Mi-noun, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. E. McClean of r.rinip'lon. formerly of Flesherton, lias enlisted in the Ore" & Simcoc Forostprs. His brother, Rhesa, is with *hp Foresters, linvinp- enlisted on mobilization Inst June, T y y y T T f .AIWMITISINO IS BKST IN SMALI,KR NEWSPAPERS The srmrp decrease in 'ho number of !>;!!'(< in newspapers in England, caused by the war, is proving to kd- vertisi'rs the greater value of an ad- vovtisnu'iit in a small daily. The atlvrrtisimr ni;in:i"er of nn ad- vertising ajjcm in !"i!"hiul is quoted as savintr thnt ho \v.i> "astounded at the .'ffir'eney ,,f advertising in the C- mier compared \vith I ho 24- fn the smaller sized papers he found that small spaces wore far more pr minent than Wgtjor ,;p:ves in 1'inr-v paper*, lie said: "Today's ;i'!viT'isintr in the smaller-shod imp- <TS is actually lieinur read which is the fivil h-.il (! niorj' people .thin tiimr''! 1 adverti -monts wort- in the imst. ! MM MM MM I Drop in and See our Special on Pot Roasts for the week end Home-Rendered LARD and Homemade Sausage on hand. BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont. PHONE Canada First Lest We Forget! Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Young cow due May 6. Oliver Thurner, Eugenia. 48p2 FOR SALE Small Sword seed peas. J. W. R. Lever, R. R. No. 2, Flesherton. 48c2 PASTURE Cattle wanted for pas- ture. Chas. McDermid, phone 45 r 13 Flesherton. 48c3 PASTURE For rent by month for cattle, sheep or horses. Donald Stewart, Ceylon. 48c3 FOR SALE Misses Coat, size 16, good as new, cheap, may be seen at The Advance Office. FOR SALE 5 pigs U weeks old. Robt. Oliver, Priceville, phone 21r2 Flesherton. 48c2 FEATHERS Will buy new or used feathers or exchange for spring mattresses. Phone The Advance, leave name and address. FOR SALE General Purpose team of horses, 3 and 4 years old, also duck eggs. C. McDermid, phone 45 r 31, Flesherton. 46c2 PASTURE Pasture for number of year-old cattle, abundance of feed, shade and water. J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. 48 FOR SALE 2 Purebred Hereford Bulls, ready for service, 11 and 12 months old. Wm. Fadden, Fev- ersham, phone 22 r 41. 45c2 NOTICE Paper hangind and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. Ross Mitchell, Dundalk, telephone 77. FOR SALE 4 steers rising 2, 4 heifers, 2 years old, in calf, work horse, 2 brood sows, single furrow riding plow. Richard Allen & Son, Flesherton, phone 45 r 21. 48c2 WANTED Reliable girl for gener- * al house work, over 20 preferred^ permanent position if satisfactory. Mrs. Lyness Myles, Thornbury, Ont., phone 16. 47c2 FOR SALE Heavy black team ol Percheron horses; 3 purebred Jer- sey cows, fresh; Cockshutt disc drill; cultivators, etc. Otto Meyer 1V miles east of Flesherton, R.R.3. FOR SALE House in Flesherton, with seven rooms, hard and soft vnter, double lot and barn. Foi full particulars apply to J. W. Mo- Mullen, Ceylon, Execi tor. 30c FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to'John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. POTATOES FOR SALE - - Grade j . Canada No. 1, early varieties Warbas and Cobblers; later var- ieties, Katahilins and Dooleya. Alex. S. Muir, R. R. No. 1 Ceylon, phone Flcshertoh 47 r 14. 44c4 RliAY titarted pullets are good bets for the early market money. Cua- tomors report laying at 4 Ms months. They forge ahead, catching up with many others. Rocks, Reds, N H x L S wise choices nw. See John McAVilliam, Flesherton. Success can bo boiled down to mak- iii ordinary uimmnt of brains do nn extraordinary amount of work. There !R something w->rth while in havim* n husband. A woman in n-ilhis, Texa-i, parted from her man in--'t a week nijo niul i now charged with ni'.inlrr. Montreal man sowing overseas issued a p:iir T "ftvka am! found they had been knit by hid wife. Possibly In wan surprised as ho may nevei have beon aware sho could do such a thing. FOR SALE -- 150 acres, Lots 181. 182, 2nd Con. N.E.T.&S.R., Arteme- sia, VIT.V cheap; abo 13 year old mare 3 year old horse, cow, cattle, dog, . hoavy harness, light harness, cut- ter, plow, mower, jrravel box, hay rack. Very reasonable. Apply to Geo. Allen (Mt. Zion), R. R. N i, ,1, Flpsherton. 47c2 FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 5 acres wheat, .sin-inn creek, tiled well and windmill comfortiililti dwelling, barn and hen- house, situated 1 mile south of Flesh- ertn on No. 1 Highway, reasonably priced for quick sale. Apply to Fred Irwin, Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE Red Clover seed, $8. per bushel. Austin McKee, R. R, 3, Proton Station. FOR SALE or RENT for pastuer Lots 167 on East Back Line. Har- ry Patton, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE Corona kitchen range, in good condition, bargain. Mrs. S. E. I. Holley Flesherton. 48p2 WANTED Any number of fresh ground hogs lOc each. Jas. B. Sinclair, Ceylon. 48c tf FOR SALE Alfalfa clover seed. $8 bu. Gordon McMullen, phone 170 r 5, Thornbury. 46p2 FOR SALE C.CJM. bicycle in per- fect condition. Wm. McBride, Priceville. 46p2 FOR SALE Cows, horses, oats (with a little mixture of barley W. J. McFadden, R. R. 5, Mark- dale, phone 33 r 3. 46c2 FOR SALE Good used car, lately overhauled, new rings and brakes; good truck car, cheap. Mrs. J, W. Cook, Flesherton. 48c2 FARM FOR RENT Lot 20, Con. 9, Osprey, formerly McQueen proper- ty. Apply to I. B. T ucas & Co., Markdale, Ontario. 47c8 WANTED Girl for general house- work, must be good with children, good wages, must be ready to star* May 1. Apply to Miss B. Cairns, 11 Haddington Ave., Toronto, tie- phone MO 5368, Toronto. NURSERY STOCK - Surplus stock for a limited time: 12 ro<3c plants Jl; 10 perennials $1; Regal and Madonna Lilies 15c each; shrubs 15c and up; Hood Acres delphinium or long-spurred columbine 25c per root; choice fladioli 25c doz. _ McLeod's Nurseries, Ceylon. 48 FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x55, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- t cutors for the estate. 47c PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood St, OB which is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Those interested communicate with I. B. Lucas, Mark- dale, Solicitor for the Ella Gibson Estate. AUCTIONEER , WALTER SEELEY See me about your auction sale. All sales conducted on business prin- ciples. Phone me at Feversham 4rl2 or make arrangements at The Flcshertou Advance office. BUSINESS CAK'JS ' DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MAUKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham St, Office Hours _ \fternoonn, 1.30 to 4. Kvnings, 7 to 8.M. and Thursday afternoon* by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 833, A.F. & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall Flesherton, the second Friday in each mouth. W.M., Herb. Corbett; Sc- -f -3

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