THE FLESHBR9ON ABVANCS Wednesday lfoy f C * The poor people of Brussels can now look at the shop windows ia their district which, like their stomachs, are also emptv PS? ROCK MILLS Mr. Stewart Foster was home from Durham over the week end. Some of the farmers in the vicin- ity have finished seeding. The weath- er has been very favorable and seed- ing operations have progressed rapidly. Mr. Fred Betts has gone to Toron- to, where he has secjir ed a position. Miss Ruth Russellof Toronto vis- ted with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Russell. We are pleased to report Mrs. Jim Russell feeling much better at time of writing, and trust that she will soon be restored to her usual good lealth again. Rock Mills Ladies' Aid The April meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Alex. English on Wed., April 16th. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Akitt presided. The meeting; opened by singing- "Rock of Ages." Mrs. Akitt read Matthew 24, and the missionary money was then taken and talent money of $6 given, with collection of $1.30. The meeting losed with singing "Jesus Keep Me NJear the Cross," and all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mm. Harry Patton on Wed., May 21st. Lunch Committee: sandwich, Mrs. W. Akitt and Mrs. Alex. English; cake, A. Blackburn and Mrs. B. Field ALL-WEATHER D. McTAVISH & SONS* Flesherton, OnL VICTORIA CORNERS Milton Bannon, accompanied by Wes Dever of Proton Station, motor- ed to Kingston on Saturday. Miss Doris Bannon returned home with them after completing her year at Queen's University Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Arnold and Bobby of Buffalo and Ted Moore of Toronto visited for a few days at the home of Ohas. Moore. The farmers are very busy with their seeding operations. A real nice warm rain would be a great help. PR1CEV1LLE Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean and family of Hamilton are holidaying with friends here. Mrs. Wright and Miss Margaret Simpson returned home after spend- ing the winter in Toronto. Mrs. Angus McVicar returned home after spending two months in To- ronto. . .- | Mrs. Dan Campbell spent Thursday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Runciman re- turned home, after spending the win- ter in Toronto. SL.Mr. Alfred Hincks of Toronto planted 4,200 trees on Saturday at his cottage. He had a number of boys from Flesherton and this district assisting him. Miss Dorothy Watson of Toronto spent a few days last week with Miss Bernice Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Hector McLean spent a counle of days visiting in Fergus last week, Miss Doris pratt spent a week tak- ing observation lessons and practise in teaching. Miss Ruth McLean, who has spent the winter here, returned to Toronto. Friday was Arbor Day at the school, after which Mr. Matthews treated all the children to ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Campbell and family have moved into tows and are occupying the Gardiner house. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and family of Arthur visited friends here over the week end. Mr. Joe Campbell of Gait spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wauchope and family attended the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Jack Neilson, of Proton Station held on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sayers and family have moved to the farm of Mr. Leonard McArthur. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McArthur of spent the week end at A milk bar in Philadelphia adver- tised "all the milk you can drink for a dime," but it was found that some of its customers could sret outside of five quarts at once. The price has been raised to fifteen cents. ' House Furnishings New Spring Offerings \ \ TUSCAN LACE CURTAINS $1.00 to $3.50 pair RAYON LACE CURTAINS $1.50 to $2.50 pair ; RUFLED CURTAINS 50c to $1.50 pair \ TUSCAN CURTAIN NETS 35c to 75c yard ; NEW CURTAIN NETS 15c to &5c yard 1 CREONNE*, New Patterns 25c to 59c yard ! HOMESPUNS and SHADOW CLOTHS ...... SOo, 59c and 75c yard Congoleum Rugs Feltol Rugs 1 Linoleums, 4 yards and 2 yards wide Congoleums, Rexoleums & Floor Oilcloths by the yard ! Curtain Rods and Window Shades Brandram- Henderson Paints, Enamels, Floor Finishes and Famishes. Paint and Varnish Brushes SUNWORTTHY WALLPAPERS for every room in the house DUST MOPS, O'CEDAR MOPS- LLOOR MOPS, SCRUB BRUSHES, FLOOR WAX V F. H. W. Bidding the home of his brother, Mr. D. L. McArthur, and attended church ser- vice in the morning. Messrs. Donald, Stewart and Jack Carson of Toronto were week end visitors at their parental home. Mr. Donald Aldcorn of Toronto is holidaying with his mother brothers. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Knox and Gar- net and Mrs. Holly Miller of Toronto, Mrs. Art Richardson, Janice and Dorothy of Swinton Park were vis- itors Sunday at the home of Mr. J. A. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Thorold of Muskoka visitec' recently with her parents, Mr. nnd Mr* H. McEachern. Miss Monica Lambert has gone to Toronto. Miss Mary Runciman, Toronto, was a weeV end visitor at her home. Mr. and Mrs. J. McFarlane and son of Toronto snent the week end here. Mrs. McFarlane and son re- mained for a longer visit. Miss Marjorie Meuser of Owen Sound spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Archie MacCnaig. Mrs. Annie McLeod of Swinton Park and daughter, Marjorie, of Dur- ham visited on Sunday at Mr. Archie MacCuaig's. A large crowd was present Sunda" at St Andrew's Presbyterian church and watched the mortgage being burned. Dr. Campbell delivered an excellent sermon and the choir eon tributed a lovely anthem, with Mrs. Mel Watson at the piano. Short ad- dresses wer given by Messrs. Hector McLean, Donald Stewart, Allan Mc- Lean <and JOB. McKed. Beautiful flowen surrounded the pulpit. A number were present from Markdale, Swinton Park and Ceylon. FEVERSHAM Rev. and Mrs. Thompson have mov- ed back to the manse in the village which they vacated last fall on ac- count of his studies. A laqge crowd attended the Com- mencement on Friday night given by the Continuation School pupils. The lengthy program of plays, singing and bar work, which the boys did ex- ceedingly well, was much enjoyed by KIMBLRLEY Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ellis and fam- ily moved during Easter week to their new home near Rocklyn, recent- ly vacated by Mr. Pledger. The W. I. met at the home of Mrs. Russell Ellis for business and elec- tion of officers. It was arranged to complete a quilt at the home of Mrs. Ellis on Tuesday for the Red Cross, and also to continue making quilts and knitting- for the Red Grose. The election of officers was conducted by Mrs. D. A. Graham, and resulted as follows: President Mrs. E. Morwood. Vice-President Mrs. C. Graham. Sec.-Treas. Mrs. Russell Ellis. Red Cross Key Women Mrs. E. Morwood, and Mrs. Ellis Weber as secretary -treasurer. Arrangements were made to hold the celebration on June 9th. A com- mittee was appointed to secure a play for that date. Mr. Norman Buchanan returned to Toronto, after spending a few days with his parents, following Jiis grad- uation from the Toronto Bible College. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson and Beverley of Vande- leur to the village. They have taken up residence in part of Mr. R. Hutch inson's house, the former Hammond store. We are sorry that Mr. Hutch- inson is not in good health. Mr. and Mrs. Elgar McConnell and children visited Mr. and Mrs. Ran Hutchinson. Mrs. Smith and family and of To- ronto and Mrs. E. Foster and child- ren of of Smiths Falls visited a few days with their mother, Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, this week end. (intended for last week) We are glad to report that Mr. F. Chard is able to be out of bed again. Mrs. Jas. Lawrence returned from Oshawa, where she had spent the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tay- lor. Mrs. Proctor spent a day at her home during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wallace mov- ed back to the farm. Mrs D. Wal- lace is improved again. all. The father, mother, sister am Mr. " . L Wkw a4 number of a i a |HB|iiliig to rebuild the 'umiture store in Markdale and clear iway the debris caused by the recent 'ire. Rev. Russel of Ossington Baptist Church accompanied Rev. Young to Cimberley and preached a very im- >ressive sermon on Sunday after- loon. Rev. Russel has been assisting lev. Young with special meetings in Thornbury. A number of people here lave )>(' H attending and enjoying :he splendid meetings. Rev. and Mrs. Buchanan and the >oys went to Toronto on Thursday 'or the graduation of their son Nor- man and also Miss Tena Hutchinson kfiss Thomas and Miss Tena returnee with them We appreciate Miss Lena's putting her graduation flowers n both churches. We congratulate both students. Miss Frances Soul is the guest o! Mrs. B. A. Carruthers. Mrs. Bausides sang a beautiful solo in the Baptist Church on Sunday .fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Neff on Sunday. Mr. Mr. W. and M. Gilbert of Barrie spent the week end here. Two cans of Flo-glaze Interior Gloss paint. Two cans' of Flo-glaze enamel for clipboards and trim. One large and one small brush. A little turpentine. A few hours of application. Result: A bright, attractive kitchen, sanitary and washable. Serves: Entire family. Costs: Surprisingly little, for average-sized kitchen. It's easy to have a kitchen you'll be proud to show your friends and happy to work in. Ask to see the beautiful pastel shades avail- able in Flo-glaze Interior Gloss Paint made especially for decorating kitchens and bathrooms. Interior Glo** Paint McKILLOP'S HARDWARE Flesherton, Ont. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES St Columba Church News The minister has resumed his clas- es at the O. D. R. school following the Easter vacation. The South-East Grey Ministerial Association of the United Church met at the manse on Monday after- noon of last week. All the members were in attendance, and a splendid paper on Christain Unity was pre- sented by Dr. Mercer, followed by discussion. Lunch was served by the hostess, and it was decided to meet in May at Maxwell. The folloowing were present: Revs. W. H. and Mrs. Smith, Durham; S. E. Annie, Mark- dale; G. K. and Mrs. McMillan and Bruce, Flesherton; M. G. and Mrs. Butler, Dundalk; Dr. and Mrs. Geo. Mercer, Maxwell; C. C. and Mrs. Wel- lerman, Mclntyre; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Buchanan, Kimberley. brother of Leierhton McGinnis, Elm- vale, attended the Commencement on Friday night. Misses Trent and Verna midson and Mr. Joe Tate of Toronto visited at their homes here on Sunday. Miss Jane Gould spent Sunday a her home at Revanna. Mr. J. W. Robinson started his saw mill agftin for the season on Moda> morning. Miss Annie Heathcote, who ha been attending Miss Tollie Spoffanl n Collingrwood, has returned home. A meeting will he held in the Sal- vation Army hall, Feversham, on Thursday, May 8th, at 8 p.m., to organize a committee to sponsor a community auction sale in aid of the Telejrram' War Victims' Fmnd. Mr Manloy Richardson, who tins- been with the Bank of Toronto here 'or the past cisrht monts. left Monday 'or a few holiday.-, prior to ioirthe the Roval Canadian Air Force. Best wishes are extended to Manlev in his 'ountrv's service. THINGS MONEY CANT BUY Money can't buy a clear conscience square dealing is the price tag. Money can't buy happiness hap- piness is a mental attitude and one be as happy in a cottage as in a man- sion Money can't buy sunsets, songs of wild birds and the music of the wind in the trees these are as free as the air we breathe. Money can't buy inward peace- peace is the result of a constructive philosophy of life. Money can't buy character char- acter is what we are when we are alone with ourselves in ti*e dark. Hitler needs a kick in the panzer. The greatest use made of national registration so far has been to corner escaped German war prisoner*. General Merchant *** *4* FLESHERTON .*>*>** Mussolini musin : I couldn't whip little Greece myself, but I eot that hip bruiser O f a Hitler to do it for me. The world will see n<vw what a great nwn I am. WOOL GROWERS IT PAYS TO MARKET ON A GRADED BASIS Obtain Sacks and Twine from LOCAL LIVE STOCK TRUCKERS or direct from CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 217 Bar Street - Toronto CENTRE LINE This has been a great spring -o for and th farmers are rashing with the seeding. A nice warm shower would do a great deal of good now, as the ground id very dry and grasi is not growing to any extent. \ Mr. Stanley Little a nd helper, John Osborne, Mr. Etoierson Gallasftor and hiH men. are doing a rushing busin- ess with their tractors and discs, running day and night. Mr. Gerald Magee and sisterb, Mrs. Glen Pedlar and Tliss Hazel Magee, visited with Mrs. Ilorence Lyons and family a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hockley of Chesley visited at the home of W. H. Little recently. Mr. Hartley Arnott, who spent the winter in St. Catharines, visited a few days at the week end with friends here and on the Third Line, return- ing Monday to St. Catharines. The West group of Wareham Red Cross completed a quilt at the homo of Mrs. Gallagher last week and a meeting of the same group will be held at the home of Mrs. 'W. A. Mc- Cutcheon on Thursday of this week to patch quilts. The Mt. Zion W. A. meets next Tuesday, May 13th, at the home. of Urs. Eobt. Osborne. In the absence of Dr. Mercer. Rev. McMillan of Flesherton occupied the nilpit at Mt. Zion and delivered a ine address. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Tuohy and Miss Florence of Mcaford and Mr. iloyd Young of Collingwood were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Florence .yens. Another Kttle girl has arrived at ,he home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shie-rs. Quite a number from this district attended the social afternoon given the teacher and children of Port- law school on Friday last. A num- ber of articles were sold and the ticket drawn on the quilt which the children pieced. Mr. Leslie Chard held the lucky number and received the quilt. This was all in aid of the Red Cross. Mt. Zion Sunday School opened on Sunday with ? far./ i<iod attendance, but there wag 6: t.'ty of teachers. Next Sunday WiH .* Mother's Day, when the service will be appropriate far the day. Mt. Zion church service will be at two o'clock each Sunday, with Sunday School at one p.m. _ t- . Without Insurance You take everything you own for a ride Do pou realize the risk you are taking when you drive your car without proper insurance protec- tion ? In case of a severe or fatal accident, every- thing you own can be taken away to satisfy a judgment. You never know what the cost of your ride will be IN9URH t, H. JAY WITH TLANGFORD i ph&iie 72 Flesheron, Ont. >t+****+**************++************** A large pig escaped from the oack- ing plant in Hamilton and there was trouble enough catching it. To what extent p!(?s think we dn not know but in getting away from the "ack ing plant that pig had the rifrht idea SUPERIOR STORES Specials are Cash Only Canned TOMATOES, choice .................. 2 for 25c "Golden Bantam CORN .......................... per tin lOc SUPER SUDS, large pkg. and relish dish, all 25c TEA IS UP; we still have quantity at old price FRESH SODAS at ............................ 2 Ibs. for 25c Superior BAKING POWDER highly recom- mended ........ 1 Ib. size 23c See our assortment of GARDEN and VEGETABLE SEEDS MEATS Fresh Cured and Cook I all reasonably priced. MEN'S WORK G. J. KENNEDY Phone 37 WE DELIVER