Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Jun 1941, p. 2

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l.anetan Girli Chooi'o Them Because They Can Be Tranei- I . .HI I Hi' H -Ul>!ll .-Mli tit"!-** "*H alwaya possessed of mUe-d fel "fir^ff" iti " i PR's rns to youn^ Keeping Company . . Try Calumet for belter biking r nlli. It coiU lets ntl yt* aa leu baeaBie it ln 'oubfe-aclion. It leaveiu daring miciag and continue* to leaven in ih even. Eaiy-opeDinf, wn't-<pill centiinar, witk bandy meiiaring devica under th lid. PRICED SURPRISINGLY LOW. Adapted from th Metro-Go!dwyn-Myer Picture by Lebbeus Mitchell Copjrrifkt 1940 1. 7 Low' lac. . . . . SYNOPSIS Ted FoiUr and Mary Thomas, living In a amall American city, gat married. Tad det not tall htr that ha hat baught their auto on tlma from an old flani* of his, AnnUiia Atherton, who Ni juat raturnad from New York. S, when Maryiaeei Anaatatia't irm on Ted'a shoulder at thi auto agency, tha thinks they ara mbraclnl where- aa Anaatatia was marely oottgratu- lating Ted n a tchema hi had for elllng a lot of attfoi. They quarrel and separate. Mary'a parent* hope ta bring them together when it oomei to ilgning the deed for the Mia of their home. But Mary and Ted hope for a reconciliation and flrojM toward* it, but neither ia ready to taka full blame far the miunderitinrf and Tad slgma the -dead and ruahat away. Mr. Thoma* tear* up tha daed. CHAPTER SIX Home k pasood. T-d liail loot Interaat iu selliug oars. One day lie went bourn early. MM pre- ItMided gaiety dM not deceive his aotbar. "Can't see much oeutte In Helling ," ! -MI .'..,-- wlteii tlie bottom's .i> iiM"- 1 out if your life, can you, '' H muttered uoimet.bing;, turned hl eyrs away. "I havtm't i I on<" word about your split mi with Mary aud I'm not going bo. "('II get you some lunoh. Why tlon't you .-ii- - your feeling* by tbrowinic ruckd throuih the livliiR room window T" "That'll un !-..' cried Tod and wont outside jimt us Mr. HKllnmn drove up and c-allnd to him In nuicli excitabieiit. "Now. iloh'f <> exfiled, Mr. it-'.'iiiMir I <i.iii ..- i at ibe freig4it y*nVs. Tho ftut tweli oarK are '< and tli 'i of the ' '-> will nnive tomorrow." Oleaster 'Ted, Uie C>)iuiiiiiiiwaultb ('oui- 'i....- not Ailing open the Bflle- ril! factory! " "They bought it. didn't they?" "f Just rani from Hellvlll. Thoy'r* tearltiK out the machinery *n<l shlpptng M to anotliw factory they bought in Lyndhurgt." I ''But we can't sail those cars In l .yinliiuiii' jii'i iniii'.i Ted. real- lite duaslor iiitrj which bin iiilijUsiu liad Iml UH employw. l' '- i.i.t of our territory!" 'Our torrltory, yon iiliot! It' ' oUl'V th tat>>' . . I'm sorry, Td, I know you've not t roubles of , ' - . , _- -. ISSUE 23 '41 own . . . but U' taken avry dollar I can raifH to pay for t>haa car*. You know that. Aud igra'r* ituck wttli them' Paid for in bach *nd uo way out of bha deal. Don't you r*alli* what that uieaoa?" "I'm just beginning to," -wild Ted miserably. "It mean* my Job, yonr Job tha whole ajjenpy Hut wind. I don't aav It'll your fault, Ted. Tha deal looked an ;'! <" n M It did to you." I |M< HHK-M in* fl wori, Mr. H.||III.IM: Aiil I Wtt gOiOg to I" ->< mart!" The arrival of M n y < youug sin- ter, Harriet, pat an en<! to their oonveiAiloii and Mi. ]llluian dnora back to UM office. Harriet w^ntod to My ometblng, but kept talking of anything that poppad Into her mind fr aom time. "What do you want to find out?" Ted asked at Imigth. "You're carrying a torch for Mary, aren't youT" Ha forced a smile. "SoppMe we don't talk a '.'mi Mry." "I KU you just don't lore Mary." "There'* sornekhing you don't understand, Harriet, tbat *:< us from getting together." "Like 4ce cream ?" "Ice cream?" lie asked blankly. "Sure. Tlie Ice cream man's got a lot of ice croani which It'll just ruin him if he dou't aell and here I am needing Ice cream and aomething keeixi ip from getting together. Why <lon't nonwhody work these thlag* out better?" "Why don't "thoy?" said Ted. "Here, this quarter milit help your problem . . ." Harriet took the quarter. ''Rt- mpinber, If tliis ever comt? irp I dMn't aak you for It," "I Hill Rim>|>ly trying to ,- the loe cream mail fjftm ruiu by get- ting 'HIM together witli a cuxloiiifr wlin neodu bw 11 ii i,' 1. 1,- . . ." Ted crid: "Holy mackerel!" ran to hi car auJ drove off. Two days later wan the occasion of Mr. Hdlman's annual party In the park. Won! bail got around tliat h>* wa goinx to make an important aniioiincvuient tliin year and Uiere WHS a UiRtr crowd pr- aeut Limn usual. Mr. nud Ui i Tboiuaa, cairying trask.ett contain iuic their picnic luuoli, saw Ted'* uiolher. Mi's. Foster . ill-i "Susan! Susan Thoinan! ,l<. yrfu or Mary seen Td?" "Why no. Is anytliing wrong?" "I don't know wlml to think. HH' been terrHiIy vp*<H ever since he and M.I, . separated. And ha waau't lumm laxt niglit, or tlie uigJit lH.fore." "I<ook lirti'e," iulprposftd Mr. Thouiii "whi*n a male in po- RB.saion of his normal facultiei de- cide* to stay out, lie's having soni ftin." "Rut I liaven't heard from liiiu!" Harriet, walkinK bnliiud hnr pnr- nu wltU Mary,' cauc''t * witli them. "Maybe w ouiit t.. drag tli. river for Ted's body!" "Draj tha River!" Mary .i.-i. i.-.| auddenly, lior lianil flying to her hHrl. and MI . i ii.. in 11 Imda Km i ni lie quiet. "I'll )> quiet, but you better rtiviij the river," iwuliuuod HaiTlHl. "Tad it vary niy.sleiions the other day and I junl I-M!I/.-I be n nl the 'look of one about to enj It all'!" "Harriet!" noninnindAd hue moth- er, look inif MrW ** Mai^N Atrl^kiin foa. JM I '!: I'm i.n,, M...I ' da Id Harriet >-. A *^Hi Strawberries 20c iH v t 8trawbe>|iea can be obtained IB London, Knjl.nd, but thry are JR a pound*. Sarnie frnltevcr* offer itmm, 'ai .i|ini-il 'coiircvbion to favored customary at 20 cento >meh. OimiKt-.-i an- again at premium dpite 26,000 caaei - about 8,000,000 orange* which arrived on a recent week-end. Tht wx >o1<1 nut in a few writes Altoou Settle, Timy are the wanders ^ MTlAq '"}* j^jWti who later ^ftlfl *ho1<i "trfe fattilrf ini! ,e .til ini;-<. Vet. tha iil< stores ' Ci. Ili'Mi- attur.tinu mi <>Mi:; custom- 11 H while the girls u to hops o( their own choice. The girl* who 'would be leaving school and ' coming-' out" are now going into war Work and the clothe* which once ware itewled for o:l*l events play a small part in tJiefr lives. They wilt get fun after work, but it U (rouventrated and simple- fun. "Background drespns," drwse* which can ha transformed Into many aspects y slight alteration* ar iii iii'irmiii. In color they are like paste's, Including due wool, and pnrma violet. The girls ala aak for (.ait ahadea, from cooom brown to biscuit. They want dress- es with v-u jiui'i'i ,. such aa tie-on apron ikn i-.. matched by a bolero of spotted silk. MOULDED to FIGURE Many d "light in Jerkin*, wuloh >.-]iiac'.. pullorers to some eitont, made in fabric, uot knitwear. Tuer are closely moulded to tlie figure, buttoning; or zipping under the arm and have a widely -cut round neck- line to show blouse or ill >! The girts require a variety of liiiiiit"< not because they lira In neat, Dimple tailored suits, but be- came they like to buy plnafora ill ... -i '< which aliow Uie blouse. An- otbar reason for the popularity of blouse* u he-cause drosses ara ii.ul.- with low neckline* to frame 'in- face and show the iin.ui.. top. BLOUSES AND JERKINS Cotton shirting blouses are popu- lar, matched by a length of tiia in cotton to make a turban tla t-nd 4>y flower* made' in 'did fhlrt- ing for the lapel. Special attention U paid to , details, The girU.ha.ya changes of Collars 'and Cliff*; de- , i 'hah.-. Iriis and tiny li,,i,.;.n to wear witb ready-made dreMes. Japanese Emperor's Daughter Engaged Princess Shigeko Terunomiya, above, eldest daughter of the Kmppror and Kmpross of Japun, is 15, and aityady engaged t In- .married. Cjroom wjll ,be Capt. I*i-in<se Morihiro Hi^ishikuiii, 0n of J*i*anfse general-prince. Sew Rickrack To Underside Of Pillowcases or Other Ar. ticlet ta Be Trimmed With It Neckwear Snowy Collar 'jtf'D'Sea sotna- thing" For Alm&t Any Type of stlma Cottuma in the, i I i/'4 I'.t wardrobe ot the whUe-oollai-glrT" , In 1o * in for assistance these r (you Bueesed itt white col- bus y ire. Tlie young working woman rickrack to tlie uiulemlde of ili" ii-iii of II.'.IIIAI-.ISIM or other articled which )'ou intnud to decor- ate '.in 'i n baud-crouheted edge. Arrange the rickrack in such a way that only a bit o( Hi" points will show on Iliu rislit sifle. When cro- ohetliiR <tah the- hook into tha (ni'nN in tii'. i'l of into Hi.- iniil.-i-iai. When Ilia artl<-l wears out, It is in -ii an '! matter lo rip off tha rickrack brnid and lisa tlio hand- made i.i. ii mi something lae. . When puU'hing uiied garinenl* in >.l" "f washiiblti prints, une> lha wrong sidn of tli new pafph in- stead of the right aide, jjuch ; patch Is less niilicnahle HUH-,, it ma trlies moi- nearly thi> sAmewhat ri.l.ul in.il.-i i-! i - FOR RVKN IIKMH To insure an even h--m pu nap- lillln HIM tilt) Ill-Mini. V <>f the .111 Rlrprt width of ilia sewing machine. ]>.. nut HII-.-II.I ill.- Rowing machine i,..Mli.-. This vrlll fold IB tlie ham nvatily and It will Mian ha ready fi>r band sewinK. W in-ii rut ting anything from Tel- ret, pin the IMI i.,in to tin- wrong side of the velvet and III* velvat will be i-iiiii-i to cut. IT a.,1 1 o lui - ; l;iall.- on biltfl imii'inl .-I nu>r i)i i 'I IIIMI Tlie plalgic ii"im.'ii of HiH bib h,eing ad- justed asily uvur tha heai.Tliern are no 'gfrlnga to tic, nor trouhle- K*nie knots to unii-i later. i - find Latter Usarauce afain.t Jorjk'lng dull anfl (tdwdy^tUUn' Iu a supply of crisp white collars aud cuffs. 'i h.< smart career girl finds that !i-r collarlesa nar^y iilu.- epriug HUH acquires,, a new lease on life 1>y the simple addition of a sailor collar iu Swiss battete, snowy pique or handkeVcblef linen. Long before she Is tired of her he-flow- erect Baater bonnet, ''she'll be look- ing around for a 'dasliiug, wa*!i buckling, brimmed bat in pink or yellow to wear with her suit aud a neat flat coll.ir and cuffs In pink or yellow. DIFFERENT MOODS Wneu It conies to basic dreaee-s tbf very foundation of her work-a- day .wardrobe sin- thinks again in t-jiim lit' jif-ckwear. A pointed Bwisa or^undy collar creates a plugging neckline Affect ou . the otherwise tailored juvy blue sheer shirt- walster which came with 'a flat piqae bow. A good idea, where 'She's In an "I'm-just-fresU-out-of-souool" mood, to tie |am '(Jressl 'plus a square collar. Aud ("i dalyg when dii.-'n feeling feminine and fragile, Vvra are stunning Regency collars with laoa edging*. SOFTEN BRITTLE APPEARANCE that; frothy, frilly lingerie .collars arid, jaljqts are perfect foe sof Jen- Ing the brisk, brittle appearance ha fi^his hard to keep from ac- quiring. She likes jabots et 'whit Swiss organdy with lace ircs6vttoni wii,ii her tailored day suita. Unless ba is a raving beauty, ahe know) that frou-frou, blousM are likely to IM more flattering tlvan severe mStf. New this year are yoks-tyoe col- lars which simply snap on and so tliininiiin the boring business of tackling with needle and thread, Also easy to manage are Che V- n--h.nl siyi..s which may be caught to the neck of a areas with notU- ing more than a little gold safety pin at the. back aud an ornamental plu or clip at the point of Hi* V at th front. - - CHAMBErtS PartnersMp With Refrigerator these giarioHB aim-; D * J Brides Prefer June t 1 CICI eJUUC - More Expensive Wedding* Take Place In Month of R " ' Sentimental June wedding* ara likely-to He 'a brt note Wrpensrv* tlr.ni tin: usual liiml, -what with lacy veils and diamond ringd and multiple bridesmaids, but nobody seems to uiiud. Brides still prefer them. About 75 per cent of brides in the U.S. get engagement rings. The engagement ring isn't neces- sarily expensive. A survey of jewellers shows that about half of all engafrnicnt rings are priced at $50 or less. Only once in five years do the jewellers find a iM-Jdegioom willing and able to buy a $100,000 ring. WEDDING BAN'DS SENTIMENTAL Wedding hands, too, are senti- mental once again after about ten years of severity in styling. New ones, made of gold or platinum, arc elaborately carved and often set with diamonds. Engagement ring and wedding band often are .selected at the same time, in re- lated styles and usually the bride helps with the selecting-. rot mo itlof omical meals than the modern r. V.iiiH. SaM CCatai* milk ' .bnuo? 1 . % cup jfi-HiHiUteil suxar j 2l to 3 tablespoons i-'inutarch Pinch salt 2 gyolk,s Vt teaspoon pure vanilla ... Heat milk Ito scalding point in upper part ''-'of double boiler. Com- bine sdgat- thoroughly with covn- stardi and salt and slowly stir in hot. milk. Return to double boiler ami stir anil cunk until the mix- ture ha thickened smoothly. Cover and rook with occasional stirring until no raw flour re- mains. Beat, .the egg yolk's slight- ' I/ arid slowly stir in fhe'hot thick- ened' mixture. Return to double holier ami stir until yolks thicken. Remove; from host. .Cool ly and add vanilla'. Turn into custard cups or dessert glasses and r'ull. S'<-M. with i-rrsm or fruits. Re fi-i Iterator Pi.tr r 3ii cup , sifted , pastry ,floju-T n \, "Measure .flcjur" 'a'rjtf sift with salt. : ' 'Usfe a 1 ' pastty-blendcr, cut to half of shortening finely, cut' in reriiiiining' shortening coarsej/i' J (Gttt in pidces; ^ze of . I I'm n mixtury into j(ff, covr and stwe in re- tor- until required. Thu mixture keeps indefinitely. Wftity pie paste is required measure the required amount of jmsfi-y 1 mixture into bowl and gra- dually add ice cold water to make ai paste, which when lightly mix- ed may he qleaned easily from b<?w|. ; For .a itwo-crustj.pi*. use about 2 cups of pastry hiix; for a pie slifll use IVjj cups. Str wborry Pie l'/i cups pastry-jnix Ite cold water Sugared fresh strawberries Lightly -r- Sweetened To the pastry-mix gradually a<id enough ice-cold , water to make iisi", which when lightly mixed may be. cleaned easily from bowl. jRofl>ut paste ajid fit loosejy into 1 'pie-pan, excluding air. Prick ,paste and fill with dried lima [beans' and bake in hot oveti (450- : 475*F). When pas.te begina tx> brown remove beans and com- plete the baking. At serving time I'll the cooked pie shell with' frifch strawberries which have bee.n sweetened with-' fljuif snv.if file sweetened (lightly) whip- ped cream- generously over the berries and garnish with whola unbroken perfect berries. The Way The River Goes - O tell me, pretty viyefy. Whence do thy waters flow? And whither art thou j*oannnK, So My birthplace was th mountain, My nurse tha April ahowers; My cradle was the fountain,- O'er-curtained by wild flowen. One morn I ran away, A ni.i H.'ip, noisy rill; And .-I'iiny a prank that day I played adown the liLUJ And then 'mid meadow bank* I flirted with the flowers, That stooped with glowing lipi To woo me to their botvars. , -- i . .- - - . ,- But these bright scenes me o'ar, Aud darkly flows my wava; I hear the ocean's roar, And there muat ba my grav*. Canadian Honey u,,.-! what va^t and untamed prairie, Djd you hum valiantly, V 'i i f Little bee, Gatherin.fr sweetnesa of petaled poetry Into this bowl of hdney For m? Christian ScieTife Monitor MiM I'linmlirr^ ivelcume* IHT<.I \rttrit from iHlemtrA rawtWo* Mia I* vlreil | receive vtmSMuU - toplm fnr her culuma, <! I* cvcu reni)7 to lUten <B. rout "pc, iiirvr.." llr(iuel far recipe* or porlul iiiruii* urr In order. l.l.lrr ji-wr lellen to "Miim ."mile M < h.i.i- i.ir., 73 Wect AdrlaMr Slrrrl, T- ro1o." s ru il tamped. Fir-a<ldrenil rn<-lopc If li iv 1. 1, Rj J IVlode rnize Home Redecorating It Cn Do Wonders Light Woodwork Help* Pff" e<lecotatiu -offers.' ait ity U> .iwius :in < lino: ii.'im \vi!i.''ii date a liohi '.. he: rejiepkedi -'and ca,utJon be lined leat, association w eyores dim n'aUvV good taste. le home ot,upu^s(ript oi;u(in brought ihis (Hue Whh tim6 fw inexpensive adjustments he time of rtnlevora.tin{t. K room of Jlil noflhern exposure, a llght-\h'Tevini; iH>irh, and deep red wallpaper with il.irk wii;iis(>'>tini;-. The floors Wti varnished, a hammered br^ii^w fiifey "fiiii mat* i Ing ii\iin.< was suspended from the ce^ltng, and a built-in bookcase.. with glass "doors' hanked the if Ira- place.. VJeafiutel,'.a. \KX>*> tarflO". er'a masterpiece and a home own- . ei'i aUghtmare, dominated tlte room, prownfni do-wu at the hearth ( lika albeetlinx brow. . ' STRIP Ot^K OLD WAi-LfAP^R To inodernize the room, ample floor plugs WHr subsUtntftrti for the. ceiling flxtujjf all" vmoderate cost, and *., (laftiy woodtt scallop replaced the bookcase doou Th heaivy lumber wa* ripped off the fireplace and a oharmiug hand mantel ol laubhanttc aitbatitu>ted. IXiik walluapar was atrippad from tl(e' yalla and wains- cotlng i an4 walls were palntwl tha same ihadift of off-whit as all nth- M womlwork. Convict*' Cafe In a cafe tg be on*rr,o; at San Quentin Prison, California, con- victs will he able to order any fod they fancy. t'' .no Warships ol the Brtti* Nay H.M.*. HOOD * RODNEY . MCM/UC MtK ROYAL MOTOR TOWKDO OAT , aka uroilar Dictum of BRITAIN'S riawrim FLA \L a: i SE?T1> ^OWt'! Take tha label from a tin ot delicious 'Cro.we^Syrup' write your name and address on th lim-k -.viili the name of the pirturo . desired, fiend one co|nolete label .for nrh picture you *^^ wauc address '^E^^^ The Ca IT a d a Starch . Oompftnv lild., Dopt. J.:). 4^-WelHnston St. K.I . TgrGJUv, ,-OiU. . Danger* of Fire In Parcels Abroad yebnoM '.''iH tisD boiormA Cigaret-lig:hter~fliiid and match- es 'Mst 'not 1 be cue lofted t->|M > - f - i-.'U i>'.:.t..'t! authorities- at Ottawi warn. iOiij-tit tins of the fflUM j were recervfly, ..discovered in sol- '- diets' parcels And were reniaved befafe the parcels were allowed to leave Canada. nrr .'.- .1! OK The tlan-i-r must lie aigpareak . especially .in wartime,, the auih- orities point out. They argue that it .is concejvahle that a whale . cargo of mail might be destroyed by fire should these commoditiea ignite while buried deep in th vast piles of mail leaving thia country for overseas. BODICE NOVELTY IN SHIRTFROCK ^>afc. r.os9\' e Adrfm. The shirtwaister plava a return e.iKR.-.n,.n t seasqji af U'r sew*, in the smart woman's wardrobe. ia.iJ_ .vexaion. by Aune Adama> Pattern 4746. The bodice i cleft!>, knoVifigly "planned to*'d <. uae ; rtrWh- Notice the duep curve of the 'ybkea they rne.et the centre bodic rt T T {""r.T jc *'"' s" 11 . - -cut side sections. Thia t eatment, together y with the tiilored, Dotched'ItioJfciv and the buttoning to the waist, makes the 171- traVe\ 'n> HIK) at) wu lath* t^an ofHJV ' *.'Ven tne v 'skrrl >ifis iu i In- -ili'iiik'i i/.in- work with, wst short sleeves are sketched, long sleeve versifB Is included 1(1 this be^qittin^.we^iiable style. : Pattern 4T46 Is availabla In ^omen's sizes 34, ,tt6^A^^d^42, 44, 46 and 48. StzS 36 talte* fcK yards 35 inch fabtu-. Send twenty cents (20c) IM coins "{stamps cannot be accept- d ) for .th,i4 . AJI te, Adanw. p^>- tern. Write plainly size, nam*, Seiul yoor order to \nne A4 ams. Room 125, 73 We^t AdelaiM at.; 'l^oranb. JxiQ ,oint^ H><M<wc^>^

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