Unemployment **4 Insurance Plan Dominion Government Scheme Cewn Into Effect July '1 H.r,'. How It Affect. C.rv Working People fe iu a Uriel outliue otOui- v V oj. I + : t I f * I I 'B nnemployment ineuraace aoherne which will effect July 1: The Bill affects? Workers who earn lesa than was no good I (imply couldn't get to sleep," said the clothing "I told you," the latter replied, waVnd "gtfoff u*fle ' ,,. b . aajd the manufacturer. T sheared them, eombed ttie We4,' ; hkd ; 4t pun into i-l<.th and made into suits, took 'em to market and lost |20TJ. I didn't gat a win! of ntwrt '** +** or water, stevedoring and pr Joan had been naught; nearly all d.y Wh.n Kr mother warn putting her It bed she laid: "When you ] fftriilpotkif, afk to b |0<x&irl U|W>rrow. I a Vlu^P^f ,('* nc ^ en tomorrow?" ~ : - who earn between $5.40 and |7.50 a week to 27 cents by employ- )89Wn oi Rane from 4-OS persona and 14.80 for married In tbe cae of those earning cento a* bJe sbare and driveiepf the spjrts It sloTBng crabvise road, j||t missing M fore it stopped. Up strolled a policeman. i "Well," he remarked geniily, rot ^a nke skid there, s$r." as4he) person,! -jn $14.40 for married persons In iD lunflfir. jjt.ajift noose. week cannot draw benefits but may accumula After 30 weeWyrrrrt8<Kdiiy contributions *Ttnm'aiWo : year period, nine days of Lsiolt trnniur^rl Wasio Rodi'igue, 50, ceji ' tii.lt -fotto.au **r-Hie--SMrW; and Power Company a|Tst. variste de Beauce, Que., 'ijvas brought lo hospital, in a critical s and fed aWliv'Aseiving a fell- across the vehicle. Workers entttlexL to .benefit pay men W aMU contributions mad in vioue five years., less men! for "eierSj ll iiMM hand and one foot wen- charred and one side of his Jody ,'lfl r ilfte metal |and ' on his body at the tima^ in- a wrist watch and Hpec-- nielted by the $oii- tact. wooz HBTtMHl j u 4 ^LADA"|TEA :T77J TuA /. .< Modern i ari; BY ROBERTA LEE . .. M 1. 'What U tk correct way to : announce the- birth of a child ? 2. Why, bliouiii a man tip hit h/at with the hand that is farthest , away from the person he \s greet- 3. Does a bridegroom CVri tfsk men- other than hi9 best mart- and ushers to his bachelor dinner? 1. Is it always necessr.vy to , have ourselves announced when ralliug on someone who if staying * h Wt should one do, in Conversation, when the person to one is talking persists in . te it evtrpdnnlfcsiWe, when 1 drinking i-fff that is; unusually hot, to Wow on, it to cool U? AnM ers - ^ . ; 1. The. correct and also the usual' 'form uf'the' personal note or message. 2. In order not to Mde M* fate-' frdnt^lmv 3t Ten, if he wants to. He is privileged j to nkk any frt-mib i. cho.ose^- 4. Yes, we must, always announce our presence or be announced by tfne of the attendants. 'Bo not 'take e liberty' of gtoing to a room without this formality. 6. Say, pleasanj^.. 'fLet^s talk about . something else." . 6. Ha, There is nothing to do but t<i be patiem, and it will soon cool. .- ' ' 2i! n ' ; " 1r f9fl Largest Silk Flag ^"grgaYrtlb 1 nirtenn flag, vepu- l tedly re L TirV|!r*ftt 'SiWfHfr in'tha- world, has been presented to the municipality of Santiago, Chile, of J of the celeBraTibn of the 400th afrniveWnry - bf'-'the 'founding of rfgiH IP irorfo , ... .. , ->jiT:io3 ct rtsonoo T 9V(9 sdj riir/r .toil j " g'nrfot .13 rti TRIP * M fr* Q. ; How can I clean white felt hatsT A. Rub into tiitir .uufaca a ixture oi one rjuart of cornmftal, one cuj of salt, anT'oTH cup < flour. Allow this to remain on the hats overnight, and then brush off. Q. flow can I cause eggs to hold together much better when poaching them? A. A teaspoon of vinegar put into the boiling water will cause the eggs to hold toother much better. *T< Q. How caa I eliminate til* aimoyanrf of perspiring hands when playing tennfs?' ^ors bsa A. Rob on> BUkgnaaiuiu car- bonate into rtm palms oi the hands, and it will result In a better grip. Q. How can I remove egg from linens? A. Before washing, Beak the hi cold water, as hot water will nly set the stain*. Common table salt, if rubbed h immedi- ately, will sometimes remove an stain. Q. What can I do if the seam* f a garment are shiny after irofl- A. Touch: W; , Uy with ' flece f rheeM water. tli wrung out au "~ort " Y80 HEABD? " Jackie, aged ilx, *as trying l ' lriv a nail into the wall, but he Ji3ii the head of the nail agajnet the wood and waa hammering the point. ;. At length JB^ftpm /lown the Uail in disgust an<T Vst^'WfMHC* fav me a nail with the head at the wvongi'eud/' ..^ Sister Josephine) - *K<J V - ****")" ' l:o had bee,a, juit^hiug hini, TSU-'" Can to latffeh, 'n^ pwnlbi* to .h- opposite a)l aid "No wonder" the nail dowm'-t go "ii)t*Hn. Can't -jrou- > ik& jfa was mad* for the other side of th^'ro'oflJ5' r> Til* oiinilr wnt f )>! flock wkf uol mlttncUJ ihurrh "W.J1, , u ie, ... The Internatumal Plowing Match held at St. Thumaa hist year set a new rerun! in the number oleutries ami attendance. The most coveted prize offered wae> that fur the Hprcial <.>Liw; t:ponenreti-by the Salatia Tea Coaipiiny and upen t ail horw ploiviiien in jbinter Plow od classta, who had qualified at branch rcaU-hw a six weeUd 1 motor trip to the west coast and inn k. It is a coincidence that the trip, along with the gold and silver medals- for first and wxmd pmea in this class, waa won by two neighbour plowmen, John LiHter deft) and Harold Pu Ut, (right) both of Hornby, Ontario. Their journey v us planned undw the guiding hand of J. A. Carroll, numngpr of the Ontario Plowmen.'* Association, and will take them to areae of agricuTturaf interest in the l.'mti-d Mtates and Canada from Toronto to Vancouver. Gordon MoOavin . (oaotre), acuother well-known plowman, of Walton, will accompany the winners a& guide, companion and manager. T'u> trip cliimld prove inii-nbely ietereetwe and of great educational -nlu to tne^ethreelu.-ky plowmen. Wffl Divert More Water Further *xtfii!,ive iii-. "-. m.s of wai*r at Niagara" Falls go t:ii all Idie power-produqinK maclTinery m bo.tk side* nf the Niagara Kiv- r may be put into operation ) -being considered -by the *'snailian and t'niteci Statea igovernments. If Rtioh a <tep is d<>fided upon tt will lik.ly i> carried '^-ajii oti authority of an exchange of'hbtfea ' Wtw'e^il'ithe two., governments as TOS the procedure followed when an additional 5,000 cubic feet per second was allotted to Canada last iiihinin JTP Hif miilyi tlilling *''** Canada would put compensating .into the Great Lakes *y- pr lakes it. would be possible to take the water required to set nil the machines along Niagara >n<^ - liif without affecting the w<ehie liemity uf (lie Kails Tor a yea* at least." ' hd nl- n.n, "!' ben troubled t bunion on my foot." "Strange, " jaict the prton, "that a bunion .hould impede tli* pilgrim'* profreu." "1 trinj counting sneep, but it "The < it seeTris ,--J u Jhe war effo (ii JI.JL '"-"IJjyWR^ p we are in a wt cycle ^nd .xHfu tfo hic vaserveg of water in th up- ill i O wn . < I /vo/v- 124th Burglary . . 'Negro was.,.ar- resied on 123 chjirjrps of burglary. After he hnd pU-inlni jrmJi.y to 7 :.! t^SOU he ^s taken to 'Ws fc,m.for a change of. lotbj% He ( .yarware, and four dollars had Australia's Own Landing in AuKt'-)ia, Captain ,Cook aflkt'd a native what a The "Kan-ga-roo," i ^.11 native responded : meaning in hi* MXJtapjir," ^Coolc thought hat it was the aniiiiaTli Mam.v.Sjtl JJ_ h been ,so call'id ver since. ii ' ". " HlDDLE-AGEv WOMEN H THIS ADVICE 1 1 of wltb r rn'B Votablr Compound fmou for ovei 60 yar In re- lieving female func- tional troubles. Try Itl Discovers Savages ^Jufigte Gettttetnefi* Noted Sculptrets Sy Tliey Can Outdo White People In Courtesy . Am. i' .:ii and European gentle- men could take a few tips from and head-hunters In the o( courtesy and politeness, Maltlna rlofTmiin; fh* notetf'-noulp- trees, helievM. MisS Hoffman, who hoe spent nor* tl.Mii rive year* travelling about, the .world, using many dif- J*r*nt iwoplft fpr her models, made th**B phswvaiiuM In a recant ad- dress at tll( I'llivt ':ty ot Pittfi- irteADBtJMTKRS 1 VEfcY POUTE ^''frl**' people- fcMPmiM been 'in -Island* inhahitf ii W liMnl-tnmi ami in junKlee where cannibals re;;iajwe-fltvioHen t my flurflg," to* spul&tiwss. .Mid. "1 jljaatily., ./iwwnia,.. ihffi\..j&t .jtpwer people were more mil teou than the so-called saya.gf-6.'' Misis Hoffman said sHb found hendhimtefs "most' Infe-reSted" and Trr helpful' Jtt a*r -workTIn '1830 win \i ..-. ii'mi--u;ii~i h; the Field Mi iM :ni of Chicago to travel.- or r the nor id and m:. m- or dif- V' i-ir .- ;.i i-)-. f>)r five .-. .-..I b IN.>- \ s;i-'l i in .mis Kino ; i ' natives to pose wli!I' she r Treat Iron Special Wash "is Required For FirB irB ffr Protective Cpat -- t"rhe six months or so before it ,s ov,,- ,:;: -,,-ii -i, miUe the fins ciif f-icuity m:iy . : eral iyashp! which. *fioujd: bp ed^ and Wpt. itv a ;;!.-.' ur earth- en vessel ^nd anpfie'd with a Any -of the umnii -mi u : ' i i vinegar OB wealt acetic ftcwJ ;, ba)t: ,en , 8rt. c*m- ruen'iai hj-drochloji-ic, .<}*;., nigriatie acid. : with .fOHV k JaV*?" til, .water; (3) 12 ounces of copper chloride, 12 ounces coppejr nitrate, JL2 onnot'S eaUinmoniAr. 4"H gallon!! water and 1* onnces hydrochloric arid, Mix in or<if>- K !vtn: (4 1 ) a wtak aolation at- ammonia, five to SIA iiuiiL-i-s copper acetate, one gallon water. When the chosen solution has dried, wash the surface with %tor, let it dry thoroughly, then apply the desired coating. Who! Science Is Doing HP ; POISON-IVY TREATMENT* Ivy and sumae poWonlng. says a timely announcement by tbe Unit- ed States Public Health Service, may be Affectively treated witii Utuxic ao-id. Tbe service's tel howiMJ that 10 per cent solution In w .in apinied' after the affect- ed area had been cleansed with al- cohol, wa helpful, but applicatloii by a vhyetcian to urged. Eqoally in- lereMine, witb arrival p( i lie out- door M-iiMu; itt i H4- 1'eport .'. inn the same M'-I i- that a cream contain- ing 10 per cent of sodium perbor- ate, rubbed on ttie l<in. Is effective- In preventing tiie poisoning Uumi^i ; oxidizing action. The oream coaliox must be renewed r .four hours. -o EXERCISE AND PARALYSIS \ I'li-l: i M ; in- Jll: t In ''i i; . b.MJili i. ins of infantile paralysis develop may aggravate a relatliejy bann- Ifees' ariark into one which produc- es paralysis, according to * report to the U. S. National Foundation for Infantile PxraryBia by Or. Al- bert Sabin, of Cincinnati. Dr. S;,- l))a' . t s,..-i , rllt'f; lllllH iilc Uino UUlt the vjrut> mi, s tbe body not iji.'. ; .<.! 'in. ,nr natal - i r ui-- uro'iig-h the digestive system, and IB the-re absorbed, eventually the nwve centres. TMls y wpTaJfc Why protection Of tile baa not been ffc- ' in preventing the <H*s, mijRiurfT .1! .'H' r-Heeled a<jd . Sboea Popular 9 rb ^ai'iob istdmndm. oiii '.'i-A EtetteuOiaeled shoes,- 'Wrni-tt: all kinds of v*ntsi<<piu:the out- ab whii-bi^y aw tx- uly on the .increase this., "TbiB obstn'aHon be^an wlfh Eas- ter daV parades in 'N'ew YorS a'nd! other large i-ities;* tt'hen town shoes, kvyeil to regulation spring town olotJicsi were seen in 1m- pressivB numbers, and troth flat- ter* in-fit.. I' ' 'ii.-iiiy everybody wears the very (lut-lie^ifd moc- caain nhoes fox country wear, and for town more and move arc; war- 'mg ''drtss shoes" with flat heels. k Protluction of the i.< . <. of Cannda for thfr year 103W was val- ued at $40,075,922 compared with 940,492.976 in 1*38 and $38,976,294 in 1937. Corrat q /oocf gt Ogden'sl . ,'iJhEBJT Want a ooole/, more' jsatisfyirta moke? Then takaan old timer's tip. Corral a package of Oflden's and roll your own way to tiappiness; For Ogden's is not just another tobacco. It's a distinctive blend of choicer, riper tobaccos developed for flavour through a quarte'r of a century of catering- to mn who know. Alwavs roll 'ana witrt OfldenJai. ..-.am td* Only the beet ciguretifl p>)Mr "Vooue" or ;'Chanteclr"^ ro* enwgh w4}<jn'8 iilW.JJ AUJJ JUtiJ 9iilU<J FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pipe Snwicri( Cuf &"* ~^ " Rooster's Rides . - At Rivenon, Wyoining:, a ter rides f|ye milea to church "ii the bumper of bJ owner's ar,r roosts until the wrvi'-p is ova? and then rides fcck with urn famiiy. lunoqqo ltit.'e . _ _j_k_^ _ - - - HERE IS GppO NEW3 IN KINGSTON T\v ^EMEI>JJ:! rre-'tnaiiiiCnitiirvrt fi* Kay' KVj', luiii ABthuiH. li.v,. ^Jw, U .:T. Bert, I'hm. B. ISittcr Mi-di. in- Co. Thlr. .window* nr flllert with leltof* /mm all iivrr i';ini.ii . I..M. fog Information :iml t>'.ln-i-s from fafe piiiiejitb ivtic I.UVK biion of mifffcUuK, 0.n.eQt(ry tt leiunrd rHnf Tfr<W r iu*c1n. < vcrfm-iu- iQiniMire tn, malcina lite worth living tm h<,iipuntt i>I iUfffetors. Thf-i 'Ffi-*' flfscovcTcfi' by U I. IJti^t, riui>..U wlio naul-he would in- irl:il to ' nil frt-e inform- ation to mr>- &urfr who-lrrofk him. Nu i'. .iii.i 'i, I,;- icatieri \vUl l>r tflftil "f ttip , M'I.I f.inlty W L Wiite Mr. I!. M. ia..miui.i" Eight 4x6 Enlargements 30c our film ,1. -> . i..|,..., nml rurh ,.i me . oliirji,,! i,, I i .. i|>. . lli-|irlnl, nme nUe, 8 for ui, mm - i i M M SERVICE 189 ItiUK l-'.:ii. il. , ; 7, l'ui.,111,. ...CLASSIFIED ADVEBTISEMENTS. AliKVTS WANTED UT.Ni.NO HOD AI.IEXT WANTED .j sell I'liaups Lighfnlutr Protec- iy System.' B. Phillips Compnny Limited, 31 Osborne Avenue, To- ronto. MAKE "REAL MONEY" CET INTO BUSINESS FOR TOUIl- elf. snpiplv local cuRtomera will) 100 estanlsheil humi: and fai-m ur, il" 'iH-!llilli,t,' tens, ,,fr. . , . medioinS> otittle (prnya and ton- leu. Fenwlck rande $125.00 Intit R, . ,i Patmore earned 131. DO his firnt day. Garnrd 1143.00 weekly, Btllniiiire'e in.-ome was $4,OHi) in' i year. No :i< -<. v,,u take no riBk. Full or i-pur* time x- clunive territory. No capital or vx- piin- required. Writ* W. H. Purnell, t>p. WV. Paula Co.. 21 St. I'aul Street East, Montreal. Que. BADV mi l.s Jt'NK I'BICEK NOW IN EFFEl.'T and in "addition we offer valuable premium*, providing >< ,ui- order in IH;I, t-ii ten daj's in udvaiic* of delivery date. 16 purebreeda, 8 hybrid ci onsen, 4 ,.,-. . ... of turkeys to choo> from. Special prices on twu unit three week old White l-eniii'i-u pullets. Free cntaloKUe. TweddM Chirk Hatcheriei Limit- ed, FitrKUK. Ontario. PHODLCBRS OF CHICKS FO 16 yeni-9. . bai'reil rocks bred to lay and 8. C. W. Leghorns Ban-on dtrnlii, .Voiie but large eggs .let. Rock and leghorns ,,i> hatched Lociits, Rook pullets 15 cents. i. horn i>illis l cents. Every chick,'!* from blood tested breed- ers. dktlsfaction KUnranteed. SI. nil your ".''i J. M. Jiilinruii. BAHY -'CHICKS AM> STAHTKH Pullrfto. Bai-red nocks. White LeK- nui'nf.. Uylit BiiBsex (lOvernmont- Aii|>.-ovd Htook. Write to Cov- ent.-gjt- Ifttyhary. Mitr-heil, Out. BHAYJ?i Pt'LLETS SHOI LP 1'AY K">'<|- UiVilll'lldf mi,-.. ,1 ;i i- slli|l- iti' ill du^ -old.i started, especiiilly r njhiu-i'K. Hatrcii Mui-ks, N H x I. qkT.iBttinimt.ii i-hi.-Us slii'iild h i'nl*? : ii<t': now limiied iiunntlty, tnnnediatn nhipmei t Krny Hatcli- 1-29 John.. HHtnilton. Out. OAi'ilJKBBKUV POULTRV FARJf, lliK-hfcSt Ullnlltj. iiruillli tinn HIII-- nd Hi'oU Ohlrhs. from I-KKI liiii <m farm onljt. Blood-tested, un- IK-Afil. >',' fSCll. I .11; ll.l 18 yrii. Conlun Bum.s. r.-ulii. Out. a5 FREE CHICKS EVBRY 100 PULLETS OR ) ni|--'til chlckn ordered, we Rive free chick*. Pullets |14.0A to 1.00 per IdftTMixeiJ Cbloks |7.flU ID.OTi per 100: CockerelR Mr 100. light brffH, fl.lft; heavy tried le.W. t'uiipin ai r ~ bt i in June. i!od^ Hntcncrle*, Srltaimla Qnt. SI 'Tl II s .lft; heavy ttd mlxe.l afd Ohick WK J'AT HIGHEST 1'RICKS FOR Oanadlaul pure beeewnx. Plenn ubmtt orfcrlng* Immediately. Ucyd'a Loboratmlet, Mobtral. V .M II I II II-- M II BEST QrALlTY. VACKEH UNDER :.i\n i-.i>n-iit Inipeittioii '$22:00 pvr I'-l li'a.llillK Mi);i .li./.ll Ini!" ui'iiril rnrm. P!UB freight your nearest -i. .,! AD Koods Kuaran- teed. T. M. LJnklctter. Hummel-aide, P.K:r. Egg*! Eggs! Eggs! . FOR export. . .to, i. HI--I.-II Market. HltfheFt marU*t prices paid. Fur fm-i'ni pnrtlcuUr*. vrrlt Canad- ian Provmlon A Supply I'oiupany. IWtTrnnt Street East. Torontn. _ DAI. I. IH I.<1' M'MI M PAKER8' OVENS AND MAC'HIN- ry, n .MI rebuilt euuiprneiit al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. CorrBponiiene InriUd. Hubbnrd Por'ftble Oven Co.. 103 Bathursl St.. Toronto. _ CARS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., - Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers: three locations, 632 M t. >'i--i,'in ' K.jim. 2040 Vongft St., 1*60 Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cars make ua manj' friends. EXHAUST BXHAL'ST FANS, NEW GENERAL JClecU'ics. w^y mi<ir wholesale. Toronto Mercantile. 29 Mellndn. Toronto. _ _ FOR SA I.R _ Dlii'OUA-TW WITH "Nr-XVALL. 11 Tft cpn<)inieal pnlnt fto^ walls and 'in', . Vour hardvrare or paint Won will glndly nhbw you the attractive n.-i,i. -. anV-toll ybu all about it. NL'-\VALb Limited. I AIIM I IIS JVI.TH A VOiCKTAHiA^N Bearer. Knsily raised. Pair |3B.(li>. Cotrtntx^niltiiio* m <,,.. -i, ,., i \\ , Cole, Clinton. OnL i. J. N. LINDSAY. L.\\V (JPFICB, CAP- *!' Ticati' Bviiidthgr, Sr. Thoinns, Ontario. ,'M'r- ,.ii , i LDII ;: Mii-nt (or fnrmern <*ollr-ctluni. UODSi - 'JWJY FROM manufacturer. Sftve thirty to forty >.r 'dent. Phillip* rompuny, SB Uthorne Avenue, Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED . A YD I'lllN IKU <>r S KM'0iI HI'S 25c MM 111,1 I tl.lll W I-IH I with KTcrr "<" \l HO FILM I I MMII-II- O.T 1ZI TORONTO ISSUE 23 '41 I.RAK mil M , ii TOI'R POUNDS HL'RLEV AND VTR- fjiiiia }., if for pip* ' t.:if.. Ftv Prnurint Virginia UR{ Katurul Leaf 'Cobacco Co., Ml Dli M HAVE VOL" 'JUITKK-.' -A i-Mlui-f* nncl rcmovrs. I'ricc $5. OH Pfr bui.tle. J. A. Johnston Co.. 171 KiiiB E., Toronto. WA.VTEIJ BVKK.V > ri-'iiniju or Rhoumatlo r.-iin.- i.r Vcurili.s to try. mxiin's Hunii <1\ ilujiro'a Druit Store. 335 Eluin. Ottawa. Post- \o-rit -i<: Fill, IT AND VK'-iKT/iHUK CROAV- n-s. The Onkvllltt Wimk-t Co., IM.. OBkx-lllc. Ontario <'iin supply your boxen, crntus and bwcketfr prompt- \y 'n't rfUM'tialt]. i>rit <*. _ OFFBII TO INVEXT(III AN OB-FER TO EVIiUY INVENTOR L|st of Inventions ond full Infor- mation s&nt free. The Ramsay; Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottawn. i.'nnadn. KUKl MAl'K PAINH rnr - iT- JuicBS THE PRINCIPAL' tngr.ll-nts In Dipw>n> .Remedy tor HhiMimatlo I'nlnti. Vmritln Sold. only Miini-i, .'i i > UK Store. 3SS ri- Kin. Ottawa. iv>f>titnii| . |1.(H>. P.UNTS PAIN-IN'. soT.n OVKR DOMINION; riltet from fnntory. Ixxreat price* FreiRht prrnnid, Q.uaMty ,Bwn, Hotue Pnlrlts. WVIt* ff>r prt1c- Arm< i. rndunvlf*. SBKD "HADOT orn" nil gradce and blend* writ* direct for u :i- . .,, price*. Hood Bay Jun- THACTQR FOR 9AI.B .U- K K R T N G 10-S Tractor. Reconditlojjea Iw the In- tel-national HarvestMr Co., an* in Kood rumiing orden. J, H. Bnrrle, Ontario. Write for Drifts, Fleshe s. Pl ion TVonirit Mllln ^^^^^"^^I^M^l SNAPSHOTS TO-DAY TREASURES TO-MORROW four films are carefully n.nd sctn. .(Jqilly proceised by Imperial, le make cure timy ' r 8 EXPOSURE: . with beautiful enlargement ffe*. 8 reprints with enlargement no. Thousanda of letters from aatlsflw customer* testify to our superior duality and service. IMPERIAL run in SERVICE! Uept D, Station J, Toronto. -