VOL. 61; NO. 5 FLESHERTON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1941 W. H. Thurston Son, Props. , * it 4 I C. R. CHAPPLE RESIGNED AS PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINCIPAL After a term of teaching in the FU' shorten public school of nine years, Mr. C. R. Chappie banded in his resignation to the Board to take effect immediately. Mr. Chappie has secured a position in the Lucknovi high school and will assume his new duties in September. The Trustees have advertised for applicants and a number of personal interviews have been made, but the choice will be left to a meeting of the Board this week. Mr. Chappie has been an excellent teacher here and tlje best wishes of a host of friends go with him in his new work in high school teaching. St. Columba Church News 35 Years Married Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Phillips were given a pleasant surprise on Thurs- day evening Imst when members of Grey Chapter No. 170, O.E.S., met on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary and presented them with a lovely lace table cover and a sterl- ing silver fruit bowl. A most pleas- ant evening was spent with the bride and groom of 36 years ago. FERRIS McMULLEN A quiet wedding was solemnized at the United Church Parsonage, Flesh- erton, on Saturday, June 28th, when Elsie Madeleine, daughter of Mrs. Samuel McMullen of Flesherton, be- came the bride of Mr. George Edward Ferris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ferris of Flesherton, Rev. G. K. Mc- Millan officiating. I I FLESHERTON AND ROCK MILLS B PTIST CHURCHES St. Columba strawberry festival was held Thursday evening, patroniz- ed by a larger crowd than for some time. Supper was served ir. the church basement. The Priceville Civil Guard paraded on the fair grounds, and later in the evening the Y.P.S. presented their new three-act play "The Rose Covered Cotage." Salem garden party and strawberry festival, was held Thursday evening with a large attendance. Supper in the church basement was followed by a ball game on Ed. Beard's field. Salem Y.P<S. presented their new play for the first time, "Take My Advice." Between acts music was supplied by Joe Whyte's orchestra. Wallace Haw sang a solo and Aadrey Heard and Helen Black rendered a duet. Mary Elizabeth Currie, daughter of Thos. Currie and his wife, Sarah Vause, born Feb. 8, 1940, received the r ite of Christian Baptism at the home of her parents on Friday afternoon, Rev. A. R, Muir officiating. The Y.P.S. gave "The Rose Covered Cottage" at Maxwell United church strawberry festival Friday evening. The cast consists of Elmer Harrison, 4frs. Gary Whyte, Sadie Oliver, John Ritchie, Tommy Mather, John Woll- ard, Jessie Harrison, Susie and Elsie McKinnon and Margaret Weir. A number of women representing the congregation met at the Manse on Saturday evening and presented Mrs. Muir with a farewell gift ol Wabawo sheets in appreciation of the help she has given in the work of the church while in Priceville. Rev. A. R. Muir conducted farewell services Sunday morning at St. Col- umba curch and in the afternoon at Salem, taking as his subject "Un- conscious Influence, 1 ' his text from John 20: 8. Turner Reunion Held At Sunset Point Saturday The 13th annual Turner Reunion was held at Sunset point, Colling- wood on Saturday, June 28th. The weather being fine a good crowd Jas- sembli'd in the park for dinner at 1 o'- clock. Relatives were present from Toronto, Scarbora Jet., Clarksburg, Heathcote, Berkeley, Maxwell and those living in Artemesia township. The original Turner family came to Canada from Lincolnshire England and there are only three members of the second generation still living, those being, Mr. J. H. Turner, Pais- ly, Mrs. James lonson, Scarboro Jet. and Mr. Geo. Taylor, Michigan. It was deeply regretted that-^hese most worthy members were unable to at- tend through illness and bereave- ment, Mrs. J. H. Turner having pas- sed away three weeks ago. It was decided at the afternoon meeting that a donation be sent to the Queen's Fund for British War Victims. The 1942 reunion is to be held at Sunset Point. Officers elected were: Pres., Oliver Turner; Vive-Pres., Mr. Chas. E. Tur- ner; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Edna Russel. Services Meaherton. 11 a.m. Worship. 12 noon, Bible Schu >1. 7 p.m.. Gospel Service. Monday at 8 p.m. Y. P. Service. Rock Mills 2 p.m., Bible School. 3 p.m., Worship. Next Sunday, July 6, L. F. Kipp, once pastor of the Flesherton-Rock Mills churches, will preach at both of these appointments. In each it be Communion Sunday. PTE. ELDRIDGE BOYCE Pte. Boyce is a son of Mr. and Mrs Calvin Boyce of Nottawa and is a member of the Royal Canadian Armj Service Corps, and stationed at Camp Borden. Flesherton United Church REV. c. K. MCMILLAN, B.A., B.D. MinUtw 10.00 a.m. Ce- Ion. 11.00 a.m. Flesherton. 7.30 p.m. Flesherton. Maxwell United Church RET. GEO. L. MERCER, U.D., D.D. Minister SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1941 11 a.m. Eugenia. 2 p.m. Mt. Zion. 3.30 p.m. Wareham. 7.30 p.m. Maxwell. Note; The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed at all sej> vices next Sunday, July 6. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH FEVERSHAM Rev. R. Forbes Thomson, B.A. Minister Our subject for Sunday: "TOO BUjSY FOR GOD" After the regular service the con- gregation and choir will gather out- side on the church grounds to sing some of the well known hymns of the church. We invite the people of the community to join us in singing these favorite hymns of Christian believers and fco enjoy an hour fellowship together. of Christian v/ PRESENTATION MADE TO DEPARTING PASTOR Mr. Donald Dinnick, pastor of the Maple Grove Baptist church, was presented with a purse of money at a social evening held in. Maple Grove church on Monday evening, by the members of the church and residents of Feversham and community. Mr. Fred Hale gave the address and Mr. Morton Sayers presented part of the money from the Feversham district friends, while Mrs. Louis Hill read the address and Mrs. Mervin Mullen made the presentation on behalf of the members of the church. The church was crowded to the doors for the evening, as Mr. Dinnick was a very popular minister. Rev. J. F. Thomson, Presbyterian minister was the guest speaker, while Mr. Elgin Mullin presided. Songs were given by children and community singing was enjoyed. Mr. Dinnick preached his farewell sermon on Sunday and left on Tuesday to take over the work in Scarboro Baptist church. PUPILS SUCCESSFUL IN PIANO EXAMINATIONS Examinations in connection with the Toronto Conservatory of Music were held at Hanovur on Tuesday of last week, when four pupils from this district tried music examinations. Evelyn McTavish, a pupils of Mrs. F. G. Karstedt, L.T.C.M., passed Grade 6 in piano with first class honors, taking two grades in one year. The following pupils of Mrs. J. E. Milne. A.T.C.M., were .successful: Grade 6, Gcnevieve Milne, honors; Grade 4, Blanche Walker, first class honors, and Mabel Chard. Blanche Walker obtained 88 marks, the highest mark ever given to a candidate from Flesherton. - / ENGAGEMENT School Promotion- Results Fine Street Carnival Flesherton-Artemesia Red Cros | Branch staged a successful street ! carnival in Flesherton on Tuesday evening, when a large crowd was in town to take part in the festivities and to assist furthering the work of the Red Cross. The sum of about $525 was taken in through the sale of tickets on A draw, and from the numerous booths and games. The Mr. and Mrs. George Blackburn wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Georgina Grace to Lea. Guy, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Jamieson, Toronto. The marriage will take place quietly on Saturday, Aug- ust 2nd, in Mount Zion United Church. MR. AND MRS. W. SLOANE HAVE 50TH ANNIVERSARY night was ideal for the event, wr.rm and calm and the ice cold drinks. ice cream and hot dogs received a steady patronage. MarkoVale band kindly donated their services and entertained the crowd with splendid music. During the evening the draw for prizes was made and Mrs. T. B. Berry of Markdale won the pair of blankets as first prize, Bob Bellamy of Flesherton took second prize, an aero pack, Harold Hutton of Flesherton won the 'War Savings Certificate, and Frank Dorsey of Markdale won the War Savings Stamps. ENTRANCE RESULTS FLESHERTON CENTRE At Flesherton 13 wrote and 11 passed, 1 receiving honors. The followng passed on the Farm Employment Plan: Victor White, Donald Sheardown, Muriel Gilchrist, Delbert Plester, Muriel Plester, Leroy Meads, Jack Porteous, Edna Thomp- son*, Gordon Miller, Burton Russell. The following passed on tr">ir year's work without writing: Eyelyn Phillips, Bernice Johnson, Douglas Turner, Bobbie Avis*, Kenneth Lang- ford*, Evelyn McTavish*, Jean Smith. The following passed the written test: Ted Banks, Harold Betts, Helen Brown. Douglas Falconer, Keith Goes- scl, Doreen Hagan*, Victor Langford, Marge Martin, Marie Phillips, Velma Sewell, Margaret Smith. * denotes honors. FEVERSHAM CENTRE At Feversham 18 wrote and 17 passed. The following passed on the Farm Employment Plan; Neil Moore, Haze! Priestley, Winslow Hutchinson, Geo Bcmrose, Lois Molllmurray, Mervyn Seeiey, Jean Ottewell, Wesley Lawlor Edith Sayers, Donald Thompson, Hec- tor McClean, Elda Morrison The following passed on thei year's work: Jean Cox, Elizabeth Mercer, Hazel Fenwick, Tressa Hill Jean Lindsay, Mary Lougheed. Doris Mi'Intyre. The following passed the written test: Joyce Bristow T no Davison, Marjorie'TJobson, Ruby Dobson, Flor- rie Hannon. Helen Hargrave, Robert Hill, Fimllay Laughlin, Stanley Law- lor, Garfield Lyons, James Macdonald Bill MitcLachlan, Wm. McKee, Nelda Moore, Velena Moore*, Ruth Poole, Jean Wood. * denotes honors. JOHN COOK SENT GREETINGS TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS FROM POINT IN ENGLAND of town had the evening to hear Mrs. John Cook pleasure Saturday her husband's voice as it dme over the airways on a broadcast from England by the boys to their homes in Canada. His voice came over aa natural as could be. Others in town also heard Sigmn. Cook and to know that he was in good health and spirits. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Sloane of town who celebrated the fiftieth anniver- sary of their wedding at their home on Wednesday, surrounded by several members of their family. While Mr. Sloane has ntii been enjoying robust health for a number of years, he is around every day and working at his hobby of wood working. His shop has some wonderful pieces of art. We hope that this estimable couple will be with us for many more years. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and t'r-.-iiil.v of Toronto spent the first of the weefe with Mr. and Mrs. R. Benthnm. Mar- vin is staying with Joanne Wood for a couple of weeks. Those well-meaning sons of demo- cracy who have oeen trying for a long time to fan into flame the dead ashes of Vichy are now getting: their fingers scorched. Future Events FEVERSHAM STREET DANCE A street dance will be held in the Agricultural Grounds, Feversbam, on Tuesday, July 8th, in aid of the Os- Flesherton Public School To Grade VIII Vivian Long (H), Eleanor Williams (H), Lois Spark* (H), Verna Loucks(H), Mary Dolan ;H), Colleen McCutcheon, Donald Langford, Edmund Thompson Elma falbot, Bob Turney, Jim Hamilton. To Grade VI Evelyn Stewart(H), Ted Newell, Shirley MoCracken, Mar- an Stauffer, Bruce Thurston, David Aberdein, Frank Taylor, Jim Arm- strong, Stanley Teeter (Rec.), Bob Long (Rec.). To Grade 5 Barry Thurston (H), Jack Milne (H), Eleanore Sparks (H) and Joan Turney (H) equal, Joyce McNabto, Dannie McTavish, Don Banks, Bilhe Richardson, Ivan Rus- sell, Keith Dungey, Burt. Talbot (R). To Grade 4 John Milligan, Shir- ley Langford, Mark Wilson, Bob Stoddart. Earl McKechnie (R). To Grade 3 Erma Aberdein (H). Audrey Wauchope (H), Margot Anne Goessel (H), Pat Stauffer, Ross Loucks, Bb McCracken, Clifford Richardson, Bruce Langford, Jim Stoddart, Garnet Hamilton. To Grade 2 Muriel Sparks, Mary Jane McTavish, Milford Loucks, El- aine Cooke, Joanne Wood, Lois Rus- sell, Frank Beatty, Bob Teeter, Joan. Avis, Gary Stiles. prey Red Cross. and Good orchestra. dancing to com . PHICE1VILLE CENTRE At priceville 9 wrote and 6 passed. The following passed on the Farm Employment Plan: (See Flesherton list. The following passed on their year's work without writing: Reta Whyte. The following passed the written test; Leona Hiltz, Jean McKinnon. Ivy Ostrander, Elmeda Underbill*. Agnes Whyte. * denotes honors. MARKDALE CENTRE 27 wrote and 15 passed, 6 winning honors on Farm Employment Plan: Pass on year's work without writ- ing: Gwen Burnside*. Mildred Bussey* Jean Elliott*, Muriel Graham*, Loi Kidd*, Jane Robertson*, Don Gas- well*, Harold Stobbe*. The following pass on the written test: Gordon Cherry, Blanche Clarke*, Norma Dennison, Lorraine Hutchin- son, Maurice Irwin, Jean Kinney, Greta McLay*, Oletta Noble, Eliza- beth O'Neil*, Irene Osborne*, Jane Robertson*. Francis Thibaudeau*. Harold Whitney, Kathleen Whitney. Ella Wood. Jane Robertson heads the honoi list, but others are close runners-up. * denotes honors. DUNDALK CENTRE At Dundalk 19 wrote, 17 passud. The following passed on the Farm Employment Plan; Christena Duncan, Ivan Copeland. Passed their year's work without EVERETT PARKER GIVEN writing: Marjorie Jackson, Joyce Mc- WATCH AND WRITING SETT | Connell, Dorothy Duff. Jean Edwards, Dorothy Grummett, Phyllis Marshall, PHILLIPS BUDDY A quiet but pretty wedding was sol- emnized at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon June 21st at the Predbyter- ian Manse, Dundalk, by the Rev. Mr Mclntosh when Mabel Evelyn, onl> daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hud dy, Priceville, became the bride of Neir {Bud) Phillips, only son of Mr. and M*B. Neil Phillips, Boothville.. Miss Beatrice Waiters, cousin of the; brid was iridcsmaid and Mr. Am- brose Huddy, brother of the bride supported the groom. The happy couple left for Cedar- ville, Orangeville, Fergus and othpi points amid showers of confetti and good wishes. They will reside on the groom's farm near Boothville. The bride was gowned in a floor length white satin with tulle veil caught with orange blossoms, and carried rose buds, lily of the valley and maiden hair fern. The bridesmaid Miss Beatrice Watters, cousin of the bride wore a floor length sown of yellow triple sheer and carried a bou- quet of roses and maiden hair fern. Luncheon was served to the im- S. S. NO. 6. OSPREY To Grade 8 Eunice Dobson (H), Donald Wilson. To Grade 7 Loreen Milne (H), Mildred Poole. To Grade 6 Royden Maxwell (H) Bcverley McKenzie, Kenneth Long, Bessie Weatherall, lone McKenzie.. To Grade 5 Jessie Milne, Betty Spears, Jimmie Cox. To Grade 4 Herbert Hockley. To Grade 3 Vera Poole (H), Lawrence Dobson (H), W. Weather- all, Mable Weatherall. To Grade 2 Sr. Lvonne Short. To Grade 2 Ge<>. Spears, Wayne Maxwell. Grade 1 Ruth Milne, Lvonne Dobson, Redge Dobson, Winnie Weatherall. Alda Hawton, Teacher. U.S.S. 12, ARTEMESIA & GLENELG mediate groom. relatives of the bride and mence ai 9 p.m. !. . I | Mr. *> r- ra ' HAIRDRESSING McArthur, the hair dresser Aircraftsman Everett Parker was the recipient of a presentation held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Parker, on Saturday evening, when the neighbors of Springhill I r. OTU., u ,,,,, ""T"" .district gathered to wish him well in T . from Toronto, will be at Mr. Arthur _.: in thfl , c* n *Ai*n Lloyd McClennin. Elsie Moody, E. Perkins, Tom Porter, Oscar Stafford, Billie Haw, Mae Smith, Olive Smith, Glenna White, Margaret Mulhall. Passed on test examination: Ken- neth Allen, Cecil Barker, Harold Equipped to handle the finest service at moderate price* ! Our Beautiful' Air Conditioned Funeral Chapel at 114 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO, Ont RICHARD MADDOCKS, Manager. Umber of tho ClMtMrton Old B ays' * rta' Asaoetatio* BATES & MADDOCKS FRED MADDOCKS. Associate. 124 Avenue Road. of FtashortoB. Out. Toronto* Ont KI. 4344 MacDonald's residence, Flesherton, on Thursday, July 9th. Make appoint- ments with Mrs. Scarrow at the bake shop. ALL-DJAY MAMTOUUN CRUISE (Friday, July llth, is the date of special cruise on C. P. R. liner As- siniboia from Owen Sound to Mani- toulin Island. Leaves at 9 a.m., back at 9.30 p.m. Fare $2 plus 10 r /r war tax. Tickets by mail from Daily Sun- Times, Owen Sound or from Murray's Drug Store, Markdale. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN ANNIVERSARY & G. PARTY Sunday, July 6th, Rev. Ferfrusson of Mt. Forest will deliver special ser- mons at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Special music morning and evening. Monday, July 7th, Garden Party in the school grounds. Supper served from 6 to 8. Play "The Woman in the Fur Coat" by Mt. Zion young people. Fourth Line orchestra, Priceville Pipe Band, harmonica Admission and other 40c and 20c, music. his service in the Royal Canadian j Clarke, Jean Demmans, B. Air Force. Miss Frances Collinson \ Joyce Hall, A. Gilkes, Adeline Jack, read the address and Misses Lavina | Ainsy Jack, Phyllis Livemiore, Dor- othy McCullough, Lorna Mclntosh. Stevens and Jean Hindle made the presentation of a wrist watch and a pen and pencil set. Everett replied nicely and expressed his appreciation of the gift, but words could not ex- press how he felt about their kind- ness. A very pleasant evening was spent by the 90 friends present. DIBD MOFFATT, Margaret Park On Monday, June 30th, 1941, at her home 8th Line, Osprey, Margaret. Park, beloved wife of W. G. Moffatt, and dear mother of John G., Barrie; Gertrude (Mrs. W. A. Blaschke) of Preston, Ont.; Mina (Mrs. J. Craw- ford) Whitiby, Out., and Leila (Mrs. Roy Fenwick) Maxwell, in her 82nd year. The funeral is being held this Thursday afternoon at har late resi- dence at 2.30 p.m. Interment in Fev- erpham cemetery. Irene Middaugh. Margaret Mills, Mary Alice Scilley, Edith Smith, Earl Watson. * denotes honors. CEDARVILLE CENTRE At Cedarville 7 wrote, 5 passed, Passed on Farm Employment Plan-. Willard Keith, Ross Hoiliday. Passed on year's work without writing: Ilem> Smith, Feme Morrison. Passed on test examination: Irwin Hunter, Nelson Manion, Murray Mc- Tavish, Mona Morrison. Verne Small. Grade VII Laurie McKechnie 54. Grade VI to VII Betty Hincks, 71; Jim Whyte, 69: Allan McLachlan, (i ( J; Phyllis "Wauehope, 8; Reta Mac- Dougall, 08; Angus MacLauchlan, 64; Jimmie MacArthur. 62. Grades V to VI - - Kenneth Mc- Kechnie, 67; Cecil McDermid, 63. Grades IV to V Shirley Hincks, 70; Marybelle MacLachlan, 69. ' < Grades III to IV J. D. Why 70; Carman Whyte, 64. Grades II to III Priscilla Suth- erland, 80; Eric Hincks, 60. Grades I to II Angus Campbell, Clare MacLean.. Harold Whyte. Grade I Besftic Stonehouse, Cath- erine MacLanchl??.r, Kenneth Hincks, Jackie Campbell. Irwih, Mathews, Teacher Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bolton and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lennox, all of Toronto, were week end and holiday visitors in town. The former enjoyed a dip in the old swimming hole on Monday, and when your reporter saw him he was as cool ns a cucumber and hap- pier than most kings today. Rock Mais School Grades VII to VIII Mabel Chard, Earl Helmkay, Bill Smith, Edgar Betts. Grades VI to VII Dolores Betts (Hon.). Viva Atkinson and Bill Clark equal (Hon.), Blob Croft, JRm Johnson. Grades V to VI Harvey Atkin- son, Marian Croft. Grades IV to V Joan Betts, Al- lan, Betts, Don Smith. Frank Eng- lish not promoted. Grades II to III Irene Porteous (Hon.), Myrtle Betts (Hon.), Shirley Partridge. Grades IIB to IIA Goldie At- kinson. Grades I to II Bobby Betts. (Hon.) No. on roll a2. Average attendance 19. Perfect Attendance Award went to Don Smith. Best in spelling Ev- elyn Phillips, Harold Betts. Conduct Awards went to Evelyn Phillips and Bill Clark. - Mrs.. Olga Dolan, Teacher BORN BUCHANAN At Toronto General Hospital on Thursday, June 19th, 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Buch- anan, the gift of a son, John Sanderson. Evans At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Friday, June 27th. 1941, to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Evans of Markdael, a daughter BORN WALKER- At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton on Sunday June 29th, 1941. to Mr. and Mrs Geo Walker (Mary Eadie) of Berekeley son, James Wallace.