BRITAIN WARMS UP HER INVASION BARGES As Russia called on her ally to strike at Germany in the west, Britain staged a demonstration f her invasion forces for Prime Minister Churchill. Here Bren gun carriers roll from one of the much- touted invasion barges that did such a good job in the "practice invasion" of the German-held Lofoten Island* off the coast of Norway. HAVE YOU HEARD? Two very weary soldiers were hiking the long, long road back te camp. It waa a lovely evening, and presently one paused to arf- mire the sunset and the view. "Isn't It lovely?" he exclaimed. "It make* me feel like the poet. 'Oh, for the wings of a dove,' you know." The other wiped his streaming brow and retorted: "I'd rather have tha breast of a chicken, thanks." Pat got job in railroad tatloo- When the firit train ~ - in, however, h forgot tit* Baun* of the station, 10 h called out: "H*r* y are for where ye mn going. All in there for here, come oat." "Now, children, said the teach- er, after a nature lesson, "I have told yon how the little new birds learn to fly. I'll play the piano and I want you to imitate the birds' movements in time to the music." A* the music went on, all the children waved their arms ener- getically, with one exception. "Come along, Johnny," said the teacher coaxingly: "why did you not imitate the little newly hatch- ed birds as I told you?" "Please, teacher," replied the irrepressible small boy, "I'm a bad "U the doctor in?" -No, air." "Do you know when he 11 b. back?" "I don't know, ir ba went out case." eternity A male nurse in a mental hos- pital noticed a patient with his ear close to the wall, listening in- tently. The patient held up a finger as a warning for him to be very quiet: then beckoned him over and said: "You listen here." The nurse put his ear to tht wall and listened for some time, then turned to the patient and said: "I can't hear anything." "No," said the patient, "and It's been like that all day." There appeared in the Muggleton Time* the follow- ing advertisement: "If John Jones, who deserted kit wife nd babe some twenty years go will return, the said babe will knock the stuffing out of him." C.N.R. Net Revenue After payment of operating expenses, the net revenue of the Canadian National Railways all- inclusive system in the month of June amounted to $6.828,443 an increase of $1,267,236 as com- pared with the corresponding month of 1940, according to the monthly statement of operating revenues, expenses and net reven- ues issued today at Headquarters of the Canadian National Rail- ways. Net revenue for the six months of 1941 totalled $32,108,211 an increase of $15,908,129 over the first six months of 1940. Operating revenues fox June, 1941 were $25,642,352 compared with $22,359,937 for June, 1940. For the first six months of the present year, operating revenues amounted to $141,715,488. For the corresponding six months of 1940 the operating revenues am- ounted to $113,681,561. CT^^fe,-'!;^." ;'.''..: .vr.i WHY pay morcP Money cannot buy a aafer tire. Why accept lenP Firestone tflvw 70* extra lafety, extra value >n<l ex- tra mileage at no extra coat t AW here'i how: BeoaM* only tha Firestone Champion Tbe hat th0 amazinf Gear-Grip tread which givta 11% longer non- alad mileige than any comparable lire Firestone hut ever built. It thousands oi eharp-edged eaglet frip the road with a awe, firm hold and patent Jaunt tkida and aid* alipt. And, only the Firettont QauBpion Tire it built with the patented Safety-Look Gtnn-Dipptd cord body which MVrldee 27% ttronfer bond ketiiMU trtad and eord body, ad 35% greater protection gjahat blowout*. daageroui, worn tire* Hive your nearby i Dealer pot Firestone plou Tiree on your ear May and know that yon are tUlfnt the hwt word In lafety and economy. money. . Wu MY T/KfS MADE THAT ARE SAFETY- PXOVFD ON TH* WAV FOS YOUR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY How Con I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Should servants be intro- duced to visitors? 2. When should the coffee be served at an informal meal? 3. Should invitations be sent to a general list when giving a bridal shower for a friend? 4. At what hour should a musicals be held? 5. What is the proper way to eat watermelon? 8. On which side of the bride- groom should the bride stand dur- ing the wedding ceremony? Answers 1. Servants are not introduced to the casual visitor, but should ba introduced to a friend who is visiting for a few days. 2. Cof- fet is served at the table either during or after the dessert course. 8. No; only intimate friends of the bride shouM be invited. 4. If the musicale is to be held In the morning, eleven is the cus- tomary hour; if in the afternoon, four o'clock; If in the evening, It may begin at eight-thirty, un- less it follows a formal dinner and then it begins at ten o'clock. 6 With a fork. Cut off one bite at a time, and be sure to leave the seeds on the plate. 6. She should stand at the left of the bridegroom, facing the minis- ter. Canadian National Railways Earnings The gross revenues for the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending July 14, 1941, were $5,543,909 as compared with $5,494,501 for the same week of 1010, an increase of $49,408 or 1%. Q. How can I bore a hole in glass? A. Use a regular steel drill, and keep tht point of contact saturated with camphorated oil or turpentine. You will be surprised at the ease with which this is done. Q. How can I remove grass stains from white canvas shoes? A. Add a few drops of house- hold ammonia to one teaspoonful of peroxide. Rub the stains with this solution, then wash off. Q. How can I remove old wall paper from my walls? A. Use a strong solution of sal-eoda and water. Boil the mix- ture and apply while hot. After a few applications, the soda will eat through the glue side and the paper will come off readily. Q. How can I restore flan- nels, that have become hard and shrunken, to their former soft- ness? A. Soak the flannels in gaso- line for a few hours. Then wash in soft soapsuds as usual, and rinse in clear water of the same temperature. Q. How can I clean old soiled photographs? A. Rub over their surface with some soft, white bread. They will elean very nicely. Q. How can I clean windows very well without water? A. First wipe the windows with a dry dusting cloth; then go over them with a soft rag dip- ped in kerosene; and finally pol- ish with tissue paper or chamois. Windows cleaned in this manner will not only look unusually bright, but will keep clean longer than washed ones. C.N.E. Features Model Homes Six Canadian Homes of Var- ious Sizes and Stylet Will Be Shown This Year In the International Building The six modern Canadian homes which will be an important feature of the International Build- ing at this year's Canadian Na- tional Exhibition are, state, C.N.E. headquarters, Hearing completion. They include an eight-roomed house, a six-roomed brick house, a $3,OdO cosy cottage for a this year's June bride and groom, dis- tinctive for its color and design, and yet so planned that every- thing in it is keyed to the small income of the occupants; an all wood colonial bungalow, a modern small family apartment, and a "live-alone-and-like-it" business women's apartment, so compact and stream-lined that one can sit in the tiny kitchenette, make toast and coffee with one hand, read the morning paper in the other, and check up on make-up In a strategically-placed mirror above, ali at the same time. Furnitbed Completely These houses will, it is announc- ed, b furnished throughout with furniture, electric fittings, china- ware, etc., of purely Canadian manofactvru. Wallpapers just arrived from bomb-torn Britain wfll be used on the walls of each of the homes. Individuals speci- ally chosen by the C.N.E. to make up families or groups will actually demonstrate the livable qualities of these houses and apartment* at the Exhibition by living In them. Four At A Time For Beaverbrook The New British Minltter of Supply Uaea Four Telephontt at Once, Talking About Any- thing From Politics to Hair Cuts Tlie British House of Commons was given a word picture of Lord Beaver brook the other day when hie aucceesor as minister of air- craft production, Lieut-Col. J. T. C. aCoore-Brabazon, said "he robbed every hen roost op and down the country to produce planet which never, under any circumstances, oouW hare been produced other- wise." HE DOBS IT COHERENTLY "When I visited Lord Beavar- brook," Col. Moore-Brabazon con- tinued, "he reminded me ot those fllme where everyone Is talking over the telephone at tht same time. I found him interviewing four people at the same time coherently. Ha was talking to America over eh* phone and at the saint time ordering a hair-dresser to come around to cut bis hair In the of- floe," Lord Beaverbrok, as minister ot supply. Is now busy repeating the airplane miracle in the matter of tank*. Grisly Loot In Philadelphia, a thief stole two nnlabeled bottles. They contained rt poison and roach powder. In Salt Lake City a thief made off with 15 drawings of a cemetery. Check With Care Food and Water If Holidaying In Out of th Way Placet Why Take a Chance on Contamlnattd Water or Spoiled Food Whilst drmxing water sujkpllte have been improved generally, it it not safe to use water from any and all sources In out oC way placet. Pollution may be present only at Infrequent Intervals but why tale a ohance. Usually a fire la avail- able and where tbU U so. viator for drinking or washing raw vegetable! or cooking utensil* should bt brought to boil before using. K when "vacationng on wheeU" a flre li dangerous or out of the question the simplest method of purifying your water Is to chlorinate It Thli can be performed quite easily by uaing the chlorine outfit to be had for 80 cents at the Ontario Depart- ment of Health, Parliament Build- ings, Toronto. Vacationist* or res- idents unable to conveniently secure their chlorine outfit from the above source may employ the following method: TO PURIFY WATER Prepare a solution by adding halt a teaspoonful of fresh chlori- nated lime to one pint of water. Use one teaspoonful of this solution to ten gallons of water to be part- fled, 36 drops to one gallon, or I drop* to one quart Let the waUr stand at least 15 minutes before dosing. The solution should be freshly prepared for each ehlorln- ation. Tablets of calcium brpo- ohlorlte and ampules of the dry powder can ba procured for thai purpose and are th most 8atiiao- tory since they do not lose their strength if properly sealed. Food supplies need watching, ae that they are properly stored at low temperature. Do not allow food sup- plies to get hot by day and cool act nightly on successive days. Main- tain them at an sven low tempera- ture Where ice le used set that the source Is reliable. Cheese Output Up 54 Per Cent Substantial Increase Is Seen In Canadian Production Far Month of June Over May Figure A 14 per cent Increase In Cana- dian cheese production during June was regarded by spokesmen at tat agricultural branch of the Dominion Bureau of Statistics as Indication that farmers are tieedUig the gov- ernmemt plea for Increased produc- tion. Bureau figures showed June pro- duction totalling 25,650,190 pounds. 54 per cent In advance of the prev- ious month's output, and 6 per cent ahead of the June make last year, which totalled 24,050,316. MORE CREAMERY BUTTER Creamery butter production In June totalled 40,498,503 pounds, compared with 32,978,810 the prev- ious month, and 40,192,223 In June, 1940. Infant Enterprise In The Bronx, New York, flvt children with one nickel tried to paes through one turnstile all at once. Police pried them out with a crowbar. Tie up to Ogden's! Ask any old timer how to get tha greatest satisfaction from rolling your own and he'll tell you to tie up to Ogden't the light green package that i* your green light to the bast imoke of your life! For Ogden's isn't "just another fine cut". It's different, gorgeously different a distinctive Blend of choicer, riper tobaccos. Try It today. Only th best cJgaiette papers "Vosua"or "Chantecler" U9 good enough for Ogden's OGDEN'S FINE CUT Pipe Smoker: ( Atk for Ogden's Cuf Plug Should Not Worry On Your Holiday A few words on how not to worry might not be inappropriate at this time. Some people persist in taking their pet office worry with them on their vacation. Don't. Worry is the most futile of all bad habits. It can do no good. It can cause definite harm. It reacts on the nervous system, causing indigestion and insomnia, which In turn causes more worry and 10 a vicious circle (roes on. Train yourself to accept life for what It is rather than fretting about what it is not. Learn to relax it is the only means of treating the vicious circle. With rtst and relaxation should come less nervous irritability, better sleep, better digestion and fewer worries. This is the only way to break the circle. This Is what your holidays are really for. While you can, Rest and Relax. You owe it to yourself, your busi- ness, and to your country. Hearing and Believing Recently an advertisement ap- peared in the Portuguese press, lays the Movie-Radio Guide, which was headed: GERMANY SPEAKS AND THE WORLD HEARS HER. The British Em- bassy soon replied with this: THE VOICE OF LONDON SPEAKS AND THE WORLD BELIEVES IT. ITCH STOPPED in a //&!( or Money Back ft* quick relief from itr lnn nf era? nu. pmipk*. aih- I we fool. Kales, scaiiim. rullf* ami > nhn - -> u t r i ; i ! * cnued .km trouble*. <IK fi-. inn. ..-.;,, i,. an ii- Mplic. liquid I). D. D. rWripliun. ^mirlm. Uinl.Niatljnimttion>nili|iiirkl> t<>| rnie Itching . 35o t, .. ! holilc pnnai It. ,>r rm.nv l,- k. Ak roar dnuBM today for D.U.O PHRSCRJPTION. .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. \VA.\TKD BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN NOW re*dy. cost determined by terri- tory desired, but not prohibitive: article sold by the gallon with Inevitable repeats: a natural pro- duct, unequalled and easy to nell. Apply Aqua Vltae Sales Office, 146 Yongre St., Toronto. ANIMAL PET STOCK WAITED WANTED TAMED, UNINJURED young" wi|d animals and birds. John Wood. 2722 Yonfr* Street. Toront- . IIAIIY CHK'KS HERE ARE SOME GENUINE BAR- ff&lna In well started chicks. Non- axd two-week-old Barred Rocks. Nw Hampshlres $14.70. 90% PuJl- t* White Leghorns S21.40. New Hampshlres S20.95: Barred Rocks PJ.7B. Cockerels: Barred Rocks J.20, New Hampshires S11.60. R-horn pullets: 3 week old S21.40. week old SS.40. Order direct from this ad. Also older pulletp. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Frsrus. Ont. IF TOT" WANT BRAY LATE SUM- mcr or early fall chicks, plaaae order now. Hatching to order, immediate delivery on pulltts which are atlll good buys: started, day-old, most breeds. Bray Hatch- ery. 130 John. Hamilton. Ont. BEE 9VPPL1KS WBI PAY HK4HEST PRICES FOR Canadian pure beeswax. Pleaae aubmlt offerings Immediately. Lloyd's laboratories. Montreal. Eight 4x6 Enlargements 30c Yur film developed nud enck prlal lara-ed o 4 x 6. .in... Rcprlat*, arae *lr.e. 8 for '>, I'Ull i I FILM SKRVICB IKS Kins i '-' I't-i-i 7. Toroato ISSUE 31 '41 BELTING FOR Tlllll-> IIKHMEN THRESHER BELTS, IiELTINO, pulleys, hose lacing, feeder can- vas, motors, shaftlns and hangars at reduced prices. Send for new list York Belting To.. 88 fork Street. Toronto. KARMS I mi - \l I 200 FARMS FOR SALE IN MOST fertile sections Ontario. For in- formation advise requirement Mor- ris B. Percival. 252 H Dundaa 8t, London "Western Ontario's Fore- most FVirm Sales Agency." KOR sill REBUILT 10-20 McCORMICK- Deertng Tractor. Same Kuarantee at new. International Harvester Dealer, J. H. McCaw, Barrle. IRISES, LILIES. PEONIES, TULIPS Daffodils, Narcissi, Rockery ami Perennial Plants. Numerous Var- ieties and Colors Sensational New Introductions. Our descrip- tive Autumn circulars are agrnln ready. Copies mailed on request .Iambs' Sri'iln. Llndyny. Ontario. HEAMfV<; DKKKCTIVEf LEONARD INVISIBLE Hl'BBBR Ear Drums, helpful In many cases. Sold since 1907. Send for special 12.60 trial offer and recommend- ations of satisfied users every- where. Write A. O. Leonard, 11 Boon \ve., Toronto. BVSISTKSS (iri'OKTl MTV SELL OR TRADE. ONLY HOTBL In good town near larse military oamp. Good repair. Twenty bed- rooms. Hujjh McKenzle McCallum. Triiro, Nova Scotia. L.KGAL J. N. UN USA 1. LAW OKKh'E, CAP- Itol Theatre Building. St. Thomaa, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. KfR 1 \II\IIM. NORTHERN liK.AUTIKS. i 'HOICE, Large, |i;,,k. Silky, ll.nvily Purr- ed, PediKi.-ed Kilts. K:>mnii MlnH Ranch, Maikstay, Out. MEDICAL HAVE YOU COlTIiK ' "AHSORHO" reduces nnd rmovi>. Price J.1.01 per bottle. J. A. Johnston (".. 171 KiiiK E.. Toronto. IT'S BXt'EI.LBNT. HK.M. HKSUI.TS after title IIIK Divon's Kem.'ily r.r Rheumatic Puma -iiul Nenrltlu. Munro's Druic Store. 335 Hli?in. Ottawa. Postpaid Sl.nO HIIKI'MATIC I'VI\S PEOPLE ARE TALKING AUOUT the good results from InUitiM Di\- on's TCemody for Rheumatic I'M HIM and Neuritis Munro's Drup: Store, 335 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid J1.10. TKACHKK WANTKU CLl'TE, ONTARIO: PROTKST- ant teacher. S.S. No. 2, Leitch, Cochnino district. salary one thousand, duties commencing September first. Thomas Pope, rhite. STBADT INCOMK. FULL OR PART time selling 2UO necessities. Guar- anteed Familex Products are at- tractlvelr packaged, create instant eye-nppenl. build and hold cus- tomers' confidence. If you are wllllnir to Invest a few dollara without risk we will help you to progress surely nnd quickly In your rhosen district. Inriirmntlita nnil llhiMlrntrd Catnloft-iip Seat r'rec. KAMILEX. S70 St. I'lement, Montreal. SNAPSHOTS TO-DAY TREASURES TO-MORROW Your films are carefully and scien- tifically processed by Imperial, to make sure they lust. or 8 r \i'ci>i (!: FILMS 25o with beautiful enlargement free. 8 reprints with enlargement 25c. Thousands of letters from satisfied CUItoraen testify to our superior 'KiiiHty and service. MI ri nit i i no i ii SKKVICB DepL D. Station 1. Toronto.