Wednesday, July 30th, 1941 THE FLESHERU0N ADVANCE BUCKINGHAM Mr. A. Mitchell and daughter, Gertie, have returned from Toronto where they spent a week vigitinif friends. Mr. Earle Thuwton spent the wek end at his home in Fleaherton. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stephens and fam- ily of Gibraltar spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Taylor. Miss Hazel Cameron, R.N., of Oranjreville is spending some time with her mother and brothers. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. W. Arm- strong of Barrie went on a trip to the Bruce Peninsula, where the men of the party enjoyed some fishing. Mr. B. Taylo-r of Barrie spent the week end at his home here. . A number from here attended th<; I sale at Ravenna on Wednesday last, j the proceeds ol which went to swell the Telegram B. W. V. Fund. On \Vednes<fay, Julv 23rd, the Community Club members and their families held their annual picnic at Sprimrwater Park, Midhurst. De- spite the intense heat everyone seem- ed to have brought along a good ap- petite for dinner, after wliich all availed themselves of the opnprt^in- ity to sec the different forms of wild NEW AND USED Farm Machines FOR SALE AT COCKSHUTT AGENCY Asphalt Roofing Renfrew Stoves Woven Wire Fence Barbed Wire NUMBER OF GOOD USED HINDERS RENFREW RENFREW Cream Separators Washing Machines Agent for Fleury-Biuell Implements and Repairs W. EDGAR BETTS Cockshutt Implements - Flesherton, Ont. life in the park. One young membei of tin- group expressed hnnseif as> being ,1-nvi >m of the beaver, who were splashing at will in their puiid. Tliose with sufficient energy made use of the sofbball diamond, while others were content to stroll along the artificial waterways an',d view the hsh ponds and beautiful flowers. Unfortunately, some were unable to attend, but all who did expreasec themselves ast enjoying the outing very much, Hitler ie a vegetarian. Judging from accounts all the other Germans are too. Historical nite: On the 25th of October, 1806, Napoleon's army ent- ered Berlin. We will probably have more mech- anics that we need after the war, but that is something we will have to figure out in the future. Unless we win the war nothin-g else matters. NOTICE TO CRFDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims or accounts against the late JACOB ANDREW LEVER, of the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, Farmer, deceased, are required to send full particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before the Twen- ty-third day of August, 1941. After that date the opiate will be distrib- uted amongst thos entitled thereto having regard only to claims and accounts of which notice shall at that time hare been received. C. C. MTDDLEBRO', City Hall, Owen Sound * t t * f y I T t X * i y t T T t T t t t I T T T T t t T i T * *** Hosiery Week We are offering this week many lines of Ladies' Hose, including Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sockees; also Men's Fine Socks in Rayon and fine wool in many new patterns, including Men's Cotton and Wool Work Socks, at prices which save you money. Prices will be higher, so be on hand early, as all lines when sold cannot be repeated. LADIES' SILK HOSE Full fashioned in chiffons or light service weight in new season shades, size 9 to 10 1A . Special, pair 69c MERCERIZED LISLE HOSE A serviceable hose for general wear with seamless feet and ribbed top for extra stretch, in several new shades; sizes 9 to 10 l/ . Special 49c LISLE HOSE for the woman who wants a {food looking yet serviceable hose; good quality lisle with back scam, reinforced toes and heels for ex- tra wear; sizes 9 to 10 I/4 . Special 39c BOYS' ANKLE SOCKS 1'opular with active boys: sturdy cotton socks, smartly striped, lastex tps to keep them neat; sixes 7 to 9 Uj . Special, pair 19c MEN'S SOCKS In cotton and Rayon and cotton, in new strine and block design, strongly knit, hard wearing, medium weight, some have lastex tops: sizes 10 t<> 1 1 1 * Special, pair 25c RAYON HOSE, good looking, yet serviceable Kayon Hose with seamed back and reinforced heels and toes, in several new shades; sizes 8 l/& to 10 % . Special, pair 25c COTTON HOSE Strong cotton stockings at a big saving, seamed back and comfortable seamless feet. They come in sand and gunmetal; sixes 8 1/4 to 10 I/6 . Special 2 pair for 29c SOCKEES Dressy anklets, heavy Rayon, made wtih lastex tops for a smooth fit. Five cheery solid colors: rose, blue, red, yellow, white; size n to 10 % . Special per pair 19c LISLE HOSE, good serviceable wearers, seamless feet. They c.omc in ,sand or gnnmetal shades: sizes 9 to 10'*. Special pair 29c MEN'S WORK SOCKS Ribbed wool work socks, knit with comfortable seamless feet and snug ial, pair 29c ribbed tops. Save money here. Spec- Groceries I.ibby's Pork & Beans, 20 oz. size 2 for 15c Maritime Hard Soda Biscuits 2 Ibs. for 25c Soap Chips 4 Ibs. for 2'Jc Fancy Biscuits 2 Ibs. for 35c Prunes .. ... 3 Ibs. for 2.k Carnation iMilk 2 for 15c 1 Large Chipso and Pitcher All for 28c 2 All-Wheat and Cup & Saucer All for 34c Good Humor Puffed Wheat 2 pkgs. for 15c 4 Ib. pail Peanut Butter 49c HARDWARE DEPARTMENT RUMMAGE TABLE We have pone through our stock and picked out many lines of hardware graniteware and aluminum ware. You will find these lines all on one table and the prices very low. OF INTEREST TO FARMERS Buy your Hinder Twine now and save, and the hest place to buy is Hill's. We guarantee the quality, and prices have every appearance of being higher should we require to buy again. F. T, Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. t T T t 1 T I I I f f T 1 V f f t i T y i f y t y y y f f y t T y f f y y y y y t t * Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Howard Million spent Sunday at Alliston. Mr. Jim Wilson of Owen Sound spent the week end with nis parents. Master Mark Wilson spent UK- past two weeks in Owen Soun-1. Mrs. T. Jackson and little daugh- ter of Proton Station are visiting at the parsonage this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy oi St. Thomas spent the week end with the former's father, Mr. W. J. Bellamy. Aircraftman E. I. Holley of St. Thomas spent the week end with his family. Miss Lucy McDonald is spending a month with her brother, John, and family at Hill's Lake. Miss Maud Richardson of Toronto is staying for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. Mr! and Mrs. Cecil Alexander and son of Dungannon visited with Mrs. Alexander and family. Mr. and Mrs. K. Goheen and two sons are spending a couple at weeks at Peterfooro. Mrs. Jean Rennick and Raymond and Bobby Stoddart are visiting at Dungannon this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts and Janet Visited at Mt. Albert on Sunjday. Janet remained for a week. Miss Janet Candler of Orange, N. J., is visiting with her aunts, Mrs. Dave Williams, of town and Mrs. Jos. Thompson of Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Huctwith and children of Watford spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. S. McMullen. Mrs. Catherine McLeod celebrated her 85th birthday with a of her family at the farm in and spent a very happy day. Misses Mable Jones and Ella 'her of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, vis- ited last week with Mrs. Lyness t :he home of Mrs. Cargoe. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Duncan and Mr. and Mrs.. G. B. Weltjn attended the funeral of the late Mr. PTa"nk VanOusen which was held in Toron- to on Tuesday. Corporal Stoddart, of Equipment )epot, Toronto, enjoyed a weeks eave with friends at Malton, Camp- x-llforfl and Markdele, accompanied >y his wife and three boys of Flesh- erton. Missi-s Gertrude Lever, Grace Austin. Mnrion Scrivener, Doris ne and Laura Frislby of Richmond iill visited on Sunday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. T. Lever, To- unto Line North. Mr. R. B. Heard, manager of thi- local branch of the Can-adian Bank of Commerce, commenced his holi- days on Monday. Mr. J. W. Hornell of Dundalk is manager during hi = absence. Mr. and Mrs. John McCracken of Malone, N.Y., and Mr. arul Mrs. Albert Roy of Massena, N.Y., sppn* the week end with thr former's brother, Mr L. MeCracken, and family. Mr. E. McKenzie of Sarnia had n close call from going through the fence at the big fill over the river a mile east of town, when he crashcni into the wire cunrd fence which held. Assistance was needed for him to escape and travel again. Congratulations are extended our fellow townsman Mr. W. J. Bellamy, who observed his 88th birthday quietly at his home in town. He was to be found as usual at the i tVi< e, where he is still presiding us (.'icik of Artemesia Township, whi :h office he has held for 62 years. Mrs. R. M. Henderson and son, Bill, of Moose Jaw, Sask., are on a motor trip East, and called last week on Miss Tena Henderson of town. They are also visiting with Osprey relatives. Mrs. McGueggan accompanied them and is visiting at Slnghampton. LADY BANK Born In Markdale hospital, on Tuesday, July 22. 1041, to Mr. and Mr. Wm. Sanderson, a soil. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. John Graham and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Burel McConnel at Kimlbcrley. Much credit is due to Mr. 'Walter Wilson in the erection of a nice up to date bam. Mr. Wm. Harris and son of Kimberley wtre the framers. Mrs. Jas. McKenzey and friends have the sympathy of the community in the loss of her mother, the late Mrs. Parsons, Mr. and Mrs. Roy White and fam- ily also have the communitie's symp- athy in the groat and sudden loss of their beloved son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Percy Semple and son Roydon and Mrs. Wm. Semple spent Siimtay with Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan mwr Singhnmpton. It seems like old times ami the middle -of summer with the Canadian National Exhibition sending out 700, 000 chidren's free tickets to the 1941 shows to grade schools in every pnrt of Ontario. Last year there were many doubting Thomas** who favour- ed cancelling the Toronto Fair for the duration of the war. Fortunately their advice was n ot accepted and the Exhibition will feature the war effort, and the Dominion Defence Department is now arranging a dis- play of war material that will illus- trate what Canada is dk>ing in the way <if furnishing tools for Britain. Feed Prices For and afteir Monday, Aug. 4 3 C.W. Oats at mill $33.00 per ton ground Sample Barley at mill $32.00 per ton ground No. 1 Feed Screenings at mill $28.00 per ton ground Medium and Fine Chopping 9c pe bag Coarse and Rolled 8c per bag Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24vv or 24J PICKLING SUPPLIES VINEGAR Spirit or Cider; all kinds of spices GEM JARS all sizes Rubber Rings. Zinc Rings THIS WEEK ONLY BULK SHORTENING 2 Ibs. for 25c PORK & BEANS 3 for 25c TOMATJOE, Choice, 2 for 25c TEA Still at the old price, while it lasts A good supply of TWINE and all sizes of ROPE 0. & A. Co-operative Company, Ltd. FLESHERTON. Ontario One report says arthritis can be relieved by injecting a solution of gold in the hip. That's fine, brother, but where will they get the gold. The thing that goes the farthest Toward making life worthwhile, That costs the least and does the most, It's just a pleasant smile. It's not a bad idea to get all your bills paid up before starting on sum- mer vacation. It is suggested that Canadians should start and eat fish in place of bacon. That's alright, only we have known so many people who go off to catch a fish and never in H. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE Daisy Churn. Mrs. Sam Croft, Flesherton. WANTED Good work horse, ar- ound 1400 Ibs. Jas. A. Stewart, Flesherton. 9p2 FOR SALE 8 pigs 5 weeks old. A. A. McLean, Priceville, phone 49r3 9cl NOTICE Paper hanging and paint- ing at reasonable prices. Estimates free. Rosa Mitchell, Dundalk, telephone 77. FEATHERS Will buy new or used feathers or exchange lor spring mattresses. Phone The Advance leave name and address. FOR SALE Four Collie pups, will make good healers. Willard Mc- Whinney, R. R. 1, Markdale, Ont., phone 132 r 2. 8p2 MODEL A FOR SALE '29 Ford Sedan with 4 new tires, motor completely overhauled; real thrifty car to own; see it before you buy $160. Harold Best, Flesherton, Phone 79 w. 9 P CAME ASTRAY To lot 28, con. 7, Osprey, year-old calf; owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses. T. B. Pallister, Singhampton P.O. 7 FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia. containing 100 acres, on whico is situated a bank barn 45x55, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. ThoM interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ei ecu tors for the estate. 470 FARM FOR SALE Lot 168, Concession 2, Township of Artemesia. Land is all In good state of culivation. Possession giv- en to- suit buyer; ill health reason for selling. For further particu- lars apply to Geo. R. Blackburn, R. R. 3, Flesherton, Ontario. FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must bo sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 82 r 4. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will 'be received by the undersigned up to and includinf? Tuesday, Aug. 5th, 1941, for 60 tons of Pocohontns mine run coal, to be delivered in bins at the High School. R W. PIPER, Secretary. FARM FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 6 acres wheat, spring creek, tiled well and windmill, somfortable dwelling, barn and hen- house, situated 1 mite south of Flesh- erton o No. 1 Highway, reasonably priced for qlk sale. Apply te Fred Irwin, Flesherton, Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE IN FLESHERTON Lot 10 on Collingwood St, OB which is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Will sell at sacrifice for quick sale to close estate of Ella Gibson Estate. Communicate with I. B. Lucas & Co., Markdale. BUSINESS CARDS DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St. Offlr, Hours Afternoon*. 1.30 to 4. KTenings. 7 to 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoon* top appointment only. Prino* Arthur Ledge No. MS, AJT A A.M., meU in the Prmtoraal Hall, Ftesherton, the second Friday in month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; retary, C. J. Belhuny.