THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, August 20, 1941 i i PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fiaher and sons spent Sunday at Harry Fisher's, 4th Lin-e. Mr. Bill Fisher and lady friend called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fisher a day this week. The 4th Line Red Cross meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Lougheed on Thursday, Aug. 4, with a good attendance. Mrs. Slater of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. John Boyce. Miss Velma Fryer spent the past week with her cousin, Miss Mabel Blackburn. Mr. John McKee and son Kenneth pent a day fishing in Meaford last week. On Friday evening, Aug. 15 friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gourley Blakey gathered together at Mr. Wm. Blak- eys and> presented the newlyweds with a cabinet of silverware. Both Mr. and Mrs. Blakey replied very fittingly. Meaford thought it had a real sea monster last week when a huge mon- ster animal was seen swimming strongly out in the bay. However it "turned out to be a harmless cow, "which had been chased with stones flurtg by thoughtless children and bossy was soon once more on terra firma. THIS THRIFTY GOOD /YEAR SAVES YOU MONEY - IT'S THE EXTRA-VALUE PATHFINDER AT A ROCK- BOTTOM LOW PRICE COME IN AND SEE THIS BIG TIKE TODAY I WE'LL PUT IT ON YOUR CAR WITHOUT DELAY Fora bargain In low long cost, service wheel equip- ment, equip with Pat bonder nd IMW Good- year tubM to- day I D. McTAVISH & SONS Flesherton, Ont. PROTON STATION Mr. and Mrs. Densmore Watson and family were Sunday visitors at Stayner. Mrs. Duncan McNichol of New To- ronto, visited on Sunday with her father, Mr. Chas. Lyons. Miss Margaret Jones, New Toron- to, visited for a few days week with her grandmother, Mra, McNalty. Mr. and Mra. Alex Sherson and family attended the Green family re- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Green ,Ventry. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacDonald and sons, Jack and Donald, wtre week end visitors at Postmaster McCan- nell's. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blakey, Victoria Corners, visited Mrs. Bla key's mother, Mrs. Wm. Sackett. We are glad to report Mrs. Consley .also Mr. John Lockhart, both of whom -suffered heart attacks last week, improving in health. Mr. 'Walter Wyville and cousin Clarence Wyville, both of Cleveland, Ohio, spent the week end with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Ms. Thos. Wyville. On Saturday night, they, with, with Mr. and Mrs. Wyville, visited with friends at Meaford. PRICEVILLE SWINTO1S PARK. Miss Helen Black is holidaying with her aunt, Mrs. Calder at Fair- boirn. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hamilton spent Sunday with Mr. Geo. Haw. Rev. Donald McQueen, wife and baby of Windsor visiter on Friday with Mr. Neil McMillen. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heard and fam- ily spent Sunday with friends in To- ronto. The Rev. J. A. Taylor and Mrs. Taylor and baby of Brussels have spent the past week at the home of Mr. Ed. Haw, and called on other friends. Mr. Taylor took the service in Swinton Park church Sunday afternoon. All were pleaded to hear Mr. Taylor's fine message. Five babies were also baptised at the ser- vice by the Rev. Dr. Campbell. Mrs. Neil Campbell and daughter Ethel returned home, after having spent the past two weeks at Ganan- oque. Mr. H. D. Tressider of Toronto is spending a few holidays at Mr. R. Hardy's. Mrs. Alf Bowden and two sons of Barrie spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Knox. Swinton Park Church will hold its anniversary services on Sept. 28, when the Rev. Dr. Brown of Dun- dalk will take the services. Mrs. Doug Chant and baby of To- ronto spent the week end at the home of Mr. Hugh MteMillen. Dr. W. B. Whyte of Richmond., Mich, spent two weeks at the home of his brother. Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte. Mrs. Harry Richardson and family returned to Toronto after spending two weeks vacation with her mother, Mrs D. G. McLean. Mr. and Mrs. Ray McLean, Glen and Jean of Hamilton visited over the week end with Mrs. D. G. Mc- Lean. Dr. "W B. Whyte, Mrs. Garry Whyte, Reta and Carman. Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte. Marvin and Joan spent the past week with friends in Brampton. Miss Anna McLean of Toronto spent a week with her father. Mr. H. B. McLean. Dr. Maisie Tryon of Detroit holi- dayed for a month at her old home here in Priceville. Rev. Saegar Tryon of Detroit and family spent a few holidays in Price- ville and took the service at St. Col- unuba church on Sunday. St. Columiba Dramatic Society pre- sented their play, "The Rose Covered i Cottage" at St. Paul's Anglican | church, Egremont. Walter, Neil. Donald and Tom Aldcorn visited their mother. Mrs. Wm. Aldcom over the week end. Neil McLean was home for the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLean vis- ited their mother. Mrs. Archie Mc- Lean. Mrs. THE "SNARGASHER". BRITISH TWIN-ENGINE TRAINING PLANE Pupils at Britain's Elementary Flying Training Schools often er", a three-seater plane with a wing their flying course in. the "Snargash- anl length of 26 feet. mid-wing mono- pan of 56 feet An ideal training plane, the sturdy "Snar.gasher" has a large safely factor. WANTED Girls over sixteen (1<5) are needed for important war work by Beatty Bros. Ltd., Fergus, Ontario. Mr. F. W. Marsdef, appointment manager, will be at the Advance office on Fri- day, August 3B at 3 o'clock p.m., to take applications. And here's something to remember every hard boiled egg is yellow in- side. MUM *****>*'>*>* I >*' A Tip to Cream Producers With a good demand now existing for butter as well as an equally good price being paid for cream Ellen Whyte is spending a few days this week with her brother, Mr. Wm. Burnett, Flesherton. (Intended for Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. George McLellan of Niagara Falls, are spending this week at the home of Mr. D: Campbell. Mr. Ed Phillips returned to To- ronto after spending the past two weeks visiting his cousin. Mrs. Allie McLean and with friends in Flesher- ton. Miss Violet Stonchous* is assist- ing Mrs. Dan Campbell with her household duties. Mrs. Flora Sinclair, Toronto is vis- iting at the home of Mrs. Alex Stonehouse. Mr. A. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Sam McDermid arrt Mel, Ceylon ant Mr. and Mrs. Allie McLean and son Clare, were recent visitors at A. L. Hineks. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family, Mr. and Mra. A. MacCuaig, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and J. A. attended the shower Friday night for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mac Cuaif; Mulock. Mr. John Burnett returned home after having an operation for appen- dicitis in Owen Sound. EUGENIA Mr. Roy took the service Lang-ford of Flesherton here on Sunday MAXWELL Mr. Roy Langford had the services in the United Church on Sunday, his address) and singing were much ap- preciated. Sony there were not more out to hear him. Miss Ethel Fenwick, nurse in train- ing in G. and M. Hospital, Colling- j j | wood, underwent an operation for appendicitis last Friday. She is doing as well as can be expected. Her mother is staying with her for a while. Russel Seeley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Seeley is in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto, suffering from diabetes. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. His mother is with him. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Morrison and family spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Fenwick and Mr. . and Mrs. Louis Kerton visited in Southampton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wright and fam- ily spent the week end at PortElgin. FEVERSHAM (now 41 cents for Special grade, wit 1 * possibility of higher) would it not be wise, during this dry spell, to give special attention and feed to your milking cows, as pasture may improve with pos- sible rains. 1 It is also essential to maintain the quality and by selling your cream to your nearest Creamery, eliminate deterioratioa when hauled long distance by truck. 1 SELL HERE WHERE IT WILL PAY BEST Ope. Wednesday and Saturday Nights Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Shone C6 Angus Avis, Manager morning and delivered a fine sermon, based on the text, "Deep calleth unto deep". Psalm 42:7. He rendered a solo, "In the Garden of Jesus". There will be no service in the church here next Sunday. The Women's Association will meet in the basement of the church on Wednesday p.m. of this week at 2.30 o'clock. All members bring lunch as a social time will be spent after the devotional and business periods. Mrs. Saunders, 8th Line, enter- tained a number of friends and neigh- bours to a house party one evening recently. A very enjoyable time was spent. Miss Carmel Martin of Toronto spent the week end at her parental home. Miss Mary McKee and friend of Toronto were week end visitors with ler parents. Miss Doris Fawcett of Gait spent the week end at her parental home. Mr. Ted Campbell of Barrie was lome over the week end. Little Misses Helen Parker and Merle Essland of Rob Roy are holi- daying at the Shortt home. Mr. Roy MacMillan of Malton spent a few days at his parental 10 me here. His wife and little son Billie accompanied him to Malton to spend a few holidays. Miss Muriel Carruthers has return- ed home after spending a fortnight with friends in Toronto. Mr. Alex MiacDonald of Wcston spent the week end at the Cairn's home. His wife who has been here during the past week returned home with him. Mrs. J. Cairns and Shirley who have been visiting at Niagara re- turned home on Saturday acoom<pan- ied by her daughter, Mrs. S. Elkins and two children who will re-main for a few holidays. Mr. Elkins spent the week end at the Cairn's home. Master Jim Fa,wcett of Owen Sound is spending a week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fawcett. Little Miss Joyce Purvis of Toronto is holidaying at the home of her grandfather. Mr. Bill Burke of St. Thomas spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Smith, Joan and Allan of Erin spent Sunday with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson and Mr. and Mrs. H. McKee. Mrs. Herb Eby of Barrie spent the past week in Feversham. Mr. Murray Le Parde of Camp Borden visited at his home over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mullin and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hudson. Irene and Russel motored to St. Mary's on Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and family. They returned on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Sled and children visited relatives in Port Elgin on Sunday. Sorry to report that Mr. Jas. Dav- idson is under the Dr.'s care. We wish him a speedy recovery. Miss Verna Hudson nnd her friend, Mr Joe Tate have returned to their duties in Toronto after spending two weeks vacation, the first of the week in Fenelon Palls and the last week at the former's home here. Mrs. Wm. Raiting is at present at- tending to Mr. Wm. Stewart of Flesherton. Miss Burnioce Hudson and Miss Lillian Price of Toronto renewed old acquaintances in Feversham over the week end. \A large crowd attended the social given by the ladies on Friday even- ing in the Orange Hall. The pro- ceeds amounting to $26.00 are to e used for buying Christmas boxes for the bovs that have enlisted. ST. JOHN'S UNITED CHURCH W.A. The St. John's United Church W. A. held their regular meeting a t the home of Mrs. Wm. Inkster on Tues- day evening, Aug. 12th. The pres- ident, Mrs. E. Belts presided over the meeting, which was opened with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Cargo took the devotional period. It was decided to extend an invi- tation to The Grandmothers of the community to attend the September meeting.. A short program followed, when Mrs. Karstedt and Mias Evelyn Mc- Tavish gave piano solos. Miss Mar- ion Stauiffer, a solo. Mrs. Cargo, Mrs. Sled and Mrs. Inkster each gave a reading. A contest of old sayings, was won by Miss Evelyn Me Tavish and Mrs. B. Betts. God Save the King, brought the meeting to ?lose. Mrs. Jack Brackenbury's group served lunch and a social half hour was spent. Collection $4.20. Statistics show women detectives iro increasing. Probably they arc good l +***<**+ Ml II >***+*+<** BEEF SPECIAL :: Buy your beef and pork by the quarter or half :; Properly Chilled, Cut and wrapped ready for your freezer box BAILEY'S ; ; We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont PHONE 47W Canada First Lest We Forget ! illinium ****+*++*+' Feed Prices For and after Monday, Aug. 4 3 C.W. Oats at mill $33.00 per ton ground Sample Barley at mill $32.00 per ton ground No. 1 Feed Screenings at mill $28.00 per ton ground Medium and Fine Chopping 9c pe bag Coarse and Rolled 8c per bag Flesherton Planing Mills Phone 24w or 24J ' GO 50 50 WITH OUR FIGHTING FORCES W ^o* 100*1* VICTORY !