THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, October 1, I! KIMBLRLEY Mr. Ray Fav/cett motored to the north, taking his brothers, Maurice and Rag back to camp. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Fawcett accompanied him a.' far as po-wassan to spend a few days with Mr. Ashley Fawcett. A number of ministers and theit wives gathered at the parsonage on Monday afternoon, with Rev. and Mrs. Buchanan for their monthly social and helpful get-together. Several of the men of the commun- ity put on the north side of the roof of the church which was badly , in need of shingling. They also did re- pairs on the parsonage roof. Mrs. Thompson of Orangeville is visiting- at the home of Mr. and Mn. N. E. Bunitt. The terrible wind on Thursday did a great deal of damage to the apple crop. Fully half of the crop is a loss. Some of the trees were -also broken. Mrs. Laurie Lawrence of Larder "Lake spent a few days with Mrs. J. Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Burritt visited Mrs. S. S. Burritt and other friends on Wednesday. TORONTO LINEiORTH PROTON STATION We are sorry to report that Mrs. John Carson went to Markdale hos- pital to undergo an operation. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Jackson and son and Mr. John White, all of Clin- ton, spent the week end here. Mrs. Burton and family spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville. Among those who attended the convention at the Pilgrim Holiness church were: Rev. B. E. Manker, Hastings, Mich.; Rev. Surbrook, De- troit, Mich.; Rev. S. D. and Mrs. Snort, Massey; Rev. A. L. and Mrs. McGuire and family, Oshawa; Rev. Robt. and Mrs. Gordon and family, Toronto; Rev. W. J. Cowherd and two daughters, Clinton; Rev. Roy Rapp, Dyers Bay; Rev. D. K. Alt, Wiarton; Rev. A. Barker, St. Catharines; Mrs. Wesley Bray, Earl Bray, Julia Hoath, Clarke and Anna Bridge, Mrs. Jas. Shaw, Myrtle Watson, May Corn- field, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bray, all of Lions Head. s. Wilson and daughter, Alma, and Mr. Lemmon of Barrhead spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson recently. Mr. W. Hazen and family of Owen Sound spent Sunday at the Mathew- son home. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mathewson of Hamilton attended the funeral of their aunt on Friday and remained over the week end with Mrs. Math- ewson's mother, Mrs. Barrington, "Who returned with them for a time. The community was shocked to learn of the death of Mrs. Fred "Mathewson on Wednesday of last week, after a lingering illness. The funeral was held Friday to Flesher- lon cemetery. Sympathy is extend- ed to the bere*ved ones. Mr. Frank 3Wnlejr of Guelph. a son, was home for the funeral. Miss Gertrude lever of Richmond Hill spent the week end at her home. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor and Florence, motored to Preston to vis- it their daughter, Mrs. George Mc- Grfegor. Florence remained for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fatchelor attended the Gait Fair. 54r. Merritt Nichol is repairing the cottage on his farm, on the East side of Highway No. 10. The former Will Acheson farm has been rented to a Mr. and Mrs. Bing- ham of Southampton, who will take possession in March next. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson spent a couple of days in Toronto last week' Maud Acheson visited at Berkeley and helped the choir with their anni- versary music. Mr. Aaron Jordan, a life long resi- dent of this neighbourhood had t. fall 'on Wednesday of last week, and has been very sick ever since. Mrs. Wes White and daughter of Severn Park arrived last week to re- side with Mr. Geo. White, Springhill. Wes expects a call to the R.C.A.F. at any time. Eat Good food for Better Health BEEF is the Best Health Bnilder you can eat. Now that the colder weather is approaching, build your strength up by eating GOOD BEEF. We can supply y u with the Best BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Oat. PHONfc Canada First Lest We Forget! iMMMIOniMMMMf>MMMIMMMMMM< CAREFUL WEIGHING V ACCURATE TESTING Thank You For a plentiful supply of good grade cream during the summer months, without which, we could not have maintained the consisently high quality of our product We trust you will care for your cream with the diligence durng the fall and whiter months, and, if possible mainain production at, or near, the sum- mer peak, remembering always Our Country and Empire need guns AND BUTTER TOO . . . COLD STORAGE The stabling of cattle is near at hand. How about butchering one and placing it in Cold Storage? Our rates are reasonable. It will mean a big saving to you on your meat re- quirement* for the winter. SYSTEMATIC GRADING SPEEDY SERVICE Fleaherton Creamery t Produce Co. Angus Avis, Manager EUGENIA Anniversary service was held in the United Church on Sunday mornirtg, with a fair attendance. Rev. A. B. Irwin of Holland Centre delivered a very impressive sermon. Mr. A. T. Kellough of Owen Sound rendered two lovely solos in his usual pleasing manner, accompanied at the organ by Mr. Clow of Owen Sound. Pte. Williams, a member of the Polish army, also assisted in the choir. We were very grateful to these three men for their help in the service. Flowers were in profusion on the altar. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar of Feversham were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, 8th line. Mrs. A, Cameron and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor spent a day recently with Mrs. Lewis Genoe, Collingwood. Pte. Willard Jones was home from Camp Borden on his last leave. Miss Millie McMullen was home from Toronto, also Miss Irene Martin from Islington over the week end. Miss Evelyn Campbell of Markdale spent the week end at her home. Mr. Carman Sewell 6f Vandeleur visits frequently in this vicinity. A.C. Argyle Martin, who graduated from Montreal Wireless School with honor standing, has been posted to Dunnville Flying School as an in- structor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns (nee Mrs, Lily Graham) have returned home from a honeymoon trip to Mon. treal and other points. Miss Taylor, teacher, visited in Owen Sound on Saturday. We extend our hearty congratula- tions to Miss Bernlce Campbell, who was married recently to Sergt. Wm. Welton of the G. & 3. Forsters, now stationed in Nova Scotia. We wish them a long and happy voyage through life. (Intended for Last Week) Miss Bessie Cairns' of Ceylon is visiting with her aunt. Mrs. J. Cairns. Mrs. A. McWhianey of Windsor spent the week end in the village. Congratulations to the recent bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns, (nee Mrs. G. C. Graham), who were married on Saturday and are now honeymooning. Trooper N'orman Williams of Camp Borden spent the week end at his parental home here. Miss Marjorie Taylor spent the week end with her parents in Palm erston. Airs. Alkn Cameron of Toronto spent the week end with her sister. Mrs. Bert Magee. gth Line. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce. of N T ottaw a visited in the village on Monday. Mr. Ben Shortt who has been working at Bellevelle, has returned home. Miss Doris Magee of Toronto spent the week end at her parntal home. Miss Lillian Mage* has gone to Toronto where she has secured a position. Quite a number from Eugenia at- tended the Markdale fair on Friday. Mrs. Martin as usual secured a num. her of prizes in art work. Mr. Everett Graham of Windsor spent the week end at his house in the village. Mrs. Melbourne Phillips accompan- ied by Miss Irene Walker, spent a few days recently with the former's daughter. Miss Jean, who is work- ing at Erindale. Mrs. Wm. E~ssland of Rob Roy. spent a few days last week with her daughter. Mrs. Ben Short and fam- ily. Messrs Jim and Eddie Margrave of Toronto spent a few days recently at the Park home. Miss Irene Martin of Islington spent the week end with her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gorley. Misses Mary and Isabella McKee and friend of Toronto spent the week end at the former's parental home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell. Toron- to spent a few days recently at thei, cottage in the village. Mr. Roy MaeMHIan of Trenton i spending a f ew days at his home here AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELET See me about your auction sale. AD ls conducted on business prin- ciples. Phone ne st Ferenaam 4rU or make ammresnenU at Flesherton Advance office. PRICEVILLE Over 100 friends and neighbors as- sembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Carson on Friday evening in honor of their son Dick, and wife, who were recently married. The evening was spent in card playing and danc- ing. Good music was supplied by Messrs. Bert Watson and Archie Mc- Arthur with violins and Alex. Knox and Harold Johnson of Toronto with guitar. The bride and groom were recipients of many beautiful and use- ful gifts. A very happy evening was spent. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed next Sunday, Oct. 5th, in St. Andrew's church. Prepar- atory service Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. Watson of London spent a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McCormick and family of Toronto spent the week end at the home of John Nichol Sr. Mr. N'eilbert McKenzie spent last week with his brother, Bill, at Dro- more. Bill had the misfortune to have his shingle mill burned a week ago from some unknown cause. His many friends here sympathize with him in his loss. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock and Mrs. Ferguson visited recently at the home of Gordon Ferguson, Mt. Forest. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Williamson and the latter's niother spent Wed/- nesday in Toronto. The ladies of St. Andrew's church held a bee on Tuesday, cleaning and washing the walls and ceiling in the basement of the church. Sunday last was Rally Day in St. Columba church. Messrs John Mc- Kechnie and Innis McLean rendered some lovely music with their violins, accompanied by Mrs. Jos. Harrison at the organ. Miss Mary Weir returned to Toron- to, after holidaying with her parents. Miss Elsie Fisher of Toronto spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincks and Mar ilyn and Misses Jean and Almeda Hincks of Toronto spent the week end here. Mr. D. Hincks, who spent the past three weeks in Owen Sound, taking treatments, returned home on Saturday. Mr. John Nichol Sr. had a bee last week, filling his silo with corn. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson spent th week end at St. Catharines. Some from here attended anniver- sary services a t Swinton Park on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLeod, Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams were in Owen Sound last week and visited with Mr. D. Hincks while there. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Watson (nee Elizabeth Brown) on the arrival of a baby boy in the Durham hospital on Sunday, Sept. 21. Mrs. Ellen Parslow of Flesherton visited the first of the week with her sister, Mrs. John Nichol. Rev. T. 0. Miller of Orangeville occupied the pulpit in St. Andrew's church or. Sunday and gave a splen- did sermon. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hincks. Mary and David, spent a few days visiting friends at Brougham. Oshawa and Bellville. Sunday was the twelfth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Hincks. who observed the event with the trip. S WIN ION PARK Mr. Robt. PhiUlpa of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Hugh McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Carson and babe of Dundalk and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Calder of Egremont spent Sunday at the home of Fred Knox and attended the anniversary services. Mr. Wes Flood, who has been en. gaged at Fergus, Is home at present with a broken wrist. Mrs. Currie of the OD.R. is at present nursing Mrs. Robt. Knox, who is very ill. Anniversary services were well at- tended Sunday, despite bad weather. Rev. Dr. A. B. Brown of Dundalk gave two very impressive messages. Salem quartette and the choir sup- plied music at the afternoon service. A strike at the enemy is two in a defense plant. wor AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. LESLIE POOLE will sell by public auction on Lot 4, Con. 11, Osprey THURSDAY, OCT. 9 when the following will be offered: CATTLE Hereford Cow, 8 yrs. old, due Dec. 1; 2 Hereford Cows, 5 years old; Heifer, 3 years old; Heifer, 3 yrs. old, calf at foot; Red Cow, aged; Hereford Cow, 5 yrs. old, due in Jan.; Black Cow; Red Heifer, 2 yrs. old; Hereford Reg. Bull, 2 yrs. old; 5 2 year-old Hereford Steers; 5 Yearling Cattle; 6 Spring Calves. HORSES, PIGS 2 Black Per*. eron Mares, 5 years old; Clydesdale In the evening the Ventry choir had j g orse> IQ yars O id ; Brood Sow with charge of the music. The church was 12 young pigs; 9 Chunks of Pigs. beautifully decorated with gladioli am other flowers. Mrs. H. D. Tressider, who has SHEEP, FOWL 13 Sheep, Ram, number of Plymouth Rock Hens, 20 Spring Chickens. spent the past two months with her j IMPLEMENTS, GRAIN, Etc. M. daughter, Mrs. R. Hardy, returned home to Toronto on Sunday. Rev. Dr. Brown of Dundalk spent H. Binder, 6 ft. cut; Deering Mower, 5 foot cut; \ Wagon; Buggy; Single Walking Plow; Cutter; 2-furrow Sunday evening at the home of Hugh ( Walking plow; Single Furrow Riding TENDERS WANTED STEAM COAL FOR FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Tenders will be received by the undersigned until October 11, 1941. for SO tons of stam coal, delivered at the Fleherton Public School. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. J. FISHER, Sec. of Board PORTLAW Field Day was held at Wareham school Friday afternoon, and Miss McKinnon took her pupils over to join in the sports with Miss Oliver's. Congratulations to Inez Badgerow and Gordon White, who carried away first prizes for Portlaw school. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Pedlar, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meidrum. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar were at Collingwood fair on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pedlar spent Sunday in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hill and -Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Menzies visited re- cently with Harry Fisher's. Sorry to report that Mrs. Wes Plantt is under the doctor's care, with nurse Smith in attendance. Miss Mabel Blackburn was home from Toronto over Sunday. Miss Florence Boyce is visiting at her parent's home here. Mr. and Mrs. John McKee are spending today (Monday) with Mr. McKee's mother at Holland Centre. Mrs. Lewis Fisiher. Mrs. Laurie Pedlar and Mrs. Harry Fisher at- tended the field day at Wareham on Friday. The Fourth Line Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Roy Lyons Thurs- day and compelled another quilt. It was decided to send $1 to the Brit- ish War Victims' Fund. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rathwell and son, Harry, visited wits Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meidrum on Sunday. Plow; IS-Disc Drill; 12-Plate DISK; -Tooth Cultivator; Hay Rope; Set McMillan Mr. John Campbell of Toronto visited Sunday at the home of Neil 5 Bec tion Drag Harrows; Set Sloop Campbell. . ' Sleighs; Turnip Pulper; Sugar Kettle, Mrs.. Bessie Hill of Dundalk spent get Team Harness; Set Single Har- Sunday at the horns of Walter Knoxj negSi near i y new; Set P]ow Harness; and attended the anniversary services, ^ Renfrew Scales"; Number of Sap' Buckets and Spiles; 700 Bu. Oats; u. Wheat; 40 Bu. Bar'ej; Load There'-* n bright side even for the school children only a little over three months until Chris-tins*. LADY BANK Many from this district attended Collingwood fair. It was a grand day and a good exhroit. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wagner of Stay- ner and Mr. A. E. Semple of Colling- wood and Mrs. M. Irwin spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple. Mr. Archie Graham and bride o Barrie spent a day last week with the former's brother, Mr. Jack Graham, and family. We join in wishing the happy young couple a long and prosperous journey through life. It is no sign that a girl is an angel because she is flighty. of 2nd cat Alfalfa; Dais? Churn; I Leather Rocking Chairs; Couch; Mel- otte Cream Separator; Range; Child's Cot and Mattress; Heater: 2 Tables; Graphor.ola with Records; Forks. Shovels, and numerous other articles. SALE TO COMMENCE AT 1 PJI. No reserve; everything must be sold. TERMS OF SALE Hay, Grain and all sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 12 mos.' credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes satisfactory to Bank of Toronto, Feversham, bearing 6 per cent interest. GEO. E. DUNCAN, Auctioneer Cheater Long, Clerk. "Imagine it taking a war to set us right" Husband: "There's one thing we ran thank Hitler for. He's got us saving at last." Wife: "\es! Imagine! L iitil it became a positive </utv we certainlv never managed to put any- thing by each week.'" Husband: "I think it"? partly because the^e War Savings Certificates are >o simple to buy. Wife: "\ou in. MI', the idea of getting the office to deduct a regular amount each week from your salary?" Husband: "Aes! And how they're mounting up! (^uite a nest-egg when you count the interest they're earning." Wife: "VI ell the more the merrier. 1 say ! There are lots of things we'll need the money for, as the years roll by!" The help of etwy Canadian is needed for fit-lore. In these dirn of war the thoughtless selfish spender is a traitor to our tenr effort. A reduction in personal spending is note a vital necessity tir rr- li-'i.- the pressure for goods, to emable more and more labour and materials to he diverted to u imim, the war. The 'ill-out effort, tohirh Lattuda mutt make, demands this self-denial of each of iis. SPHD ICSS - TO WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES