Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1941, p. 8

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Wednesday, October 1, 1941 THE FLESHER'UON ADVANCE Round Trip Rail Bargains From Flesherton October 3-4-5 To OTTAWA MONTREAL QUEBEC W-95 $12.25 $17.45 Trois Rivieres $14.80 Ste. Anne de Beaupre $18.05 First train from Toronto 10.55 p.m. Oct. 3 Return Limit - October 6 Not good on 3 p.m. trains from Ottawa and M ontreal To the Maritime* October 2 All Canadian Pacific stations in New Brunswick All Dominion Atlantic stations in Nova Scotia For rates, limits, detailed service, etc., consult agents Procure handbill Not pood return on 3 p.nv train from Montreal CANADIAN PACIFIC STOVES NEW AND USED STOVES If you are interested in a new Stove this fall, it will pay you to call in at the Cockshutt Agency and see our new line of Renfrew Ranges. Prices right; good allowance made on used stoves. Agent for Fleury-Bmell Implements and Repairs W. EDGAR BETTS Cockshutt Implements - Flesherton, Ont. Local and Personal Dr. and Mrs. Milne and Mr. Ed. Loucks were in Toronto Monday. Pte. Carl Teeter of Kitchener was home over Sunday. Miss Kate McMillan of Toronto was home over the week end. Mr. Ted McTavish of Toronto spent the week end at his home. Miss Mary Whitehead is taking a position in F. H. W. Hickling-'s store. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mclntyre and Bobby of Dornoch spent Sunday with Mrs. Nuhn Sr. Mrs. W. H. Thurston is spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant, at Mitchell. Mr. Keith Brown of Toronto was a visitor last week with his grand- mother, Mrs. M. Thistlethwaite. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts spent Sunday at Alliston. Mrs. Thompson returned home after spending 1 the summer months there. Considerable rain lately with an absence of frost has brought the fall pasture along well, better than it has been this year. Mr .and Mrs. W. Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. A. Peck of Toronto spent the past few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. Sloane. Pte. Walter Thompson, of the 5th Armoured Division, Camp Borden, spent Monday with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts. *<<KK**<~X*<^ THIS WEEK WE ARE SHOWING A FULL RANGE OF OUR NEW FALL *j* GOODS. LET HILLS OUTFIT YOU WITH SMART FALL CLOTHING ^J MEN'S WEAR MEN'S SUITS Made of fine English worsted, all new patterns in stripes and checks, with two pair troupers. Special $23.95 MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS Some very snappy styles and pat- terns in grey and brown shades. Special values $10.50 to $18.00 BOYS' SUITS In a big assortment of patterns, a wonderful range to choose from. Special $5.95 t<> $13.95 MEN'S SWEATER COATS A wonderful range of different col- ors, in plain or jumbo knit, size 36 to 44. Special $2.35 to $3.95 BOYS' SWEATER COATS In plain heather shades, good heavy weight- with shawl collar, size 28 to 32. Special 98o MEN'S FINE SHIRTS All the new patterns, in stripes or ^ checks with fused collars. Special 4 *< prices of 89c, $1.19, $1.39 J LADIES' WEAR WE HAVE ALL OUR NEW FALL COATS AND DRESSES ON DISPLAY THIS WEEK. Some of the newest and smartest styles to be seen here. Be sure and visit our Ladies Ready-to- Wear Department and see the wonderful values we are offering. LADIES' FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS Some very smart styles in a good range of colors, with spot or Paislrv patterns. Special $1.59 - $1.95 MILLINERY See our showing of all the latest styles and shape's in Ladies Mats. Priced at $1.95 and up SHOES FOR LADIES' & GROWING GIRLS' Some very outstanding values in these lines in black or tan, wthi Cuban or low heels, sizes 3 to 8. Special, per pair $1.95 Problems of Sunday Schools Discussed The Grey County Sunday School Institute was held on Thursday in St. John's United Church, with both afternoon and evening sessions. The afternoon session opened at 3 o'clock with a worship period con- ducted by Rev. A. E. Millen, who spoke briefly on "Inspiration and Vision." "The Church Sunday School Ad- vance" was the theme of an address by Betty Ross Steihlin. She discuss ed the plans of Canadian Sunday Schools, particularly that of decline in attendance. Only 54 per cent, of the students enrolled now attend Sun. day Schools, she declared. An outline was given of a proposed interdenom- inational plan for a nation-wide and continent wide effort in the home, church and community to increase at tendance. The first abjective of an advance in Sunday School work is to teach everyone with Christain teaching, the speaker stated. A demonstration of the teaching of a missionary lesson was given to a class of junior high school boys by Rev. T. Tucker, who chose to speak on China, and was very instructive. Rev. C. H. Dickinson gave an address on books and the advance and im- provement of material and made suggestions for more uniform les- sons. The meeting was then adjourned and lunch was enjoyed in the church Sunday School rooms. During the supper hour Rev. T. Tucker spoke on "Light from Dark Africa." The evening session was conducted by candlelight owing to the storm, and opened with devo- tions by Rev. C. D. Farquharson. Three discussion groups were a prac- tical feature of the session; Tem- perance and Missionary Propaganda by Rev. W. Howey a nd Rev. T. Tuck er; Christian Teaching for Older Boys and Girls by Rev. M. G. Butler and Religion in Public Schools by the Rev. H. W. Vaughan. A very in- spiring address on "Evangelism in the Sunday School" was delivered by Rev. C. H. Dickinson. FLOOR COVERING We are showing a complete range of Linoleum, Congolcitm, Feltol Kugs, in all sizes and at very special prices: also a big assortment of 2, 3. and 4 yard wide floor covering, by the yard F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. OSPRKY TOWNSHIP RED CROSS The following articles were shipp ed by Oaprey Township Red Cross during the last five months: Maxwell Institute 6 Prs. pyjamas, 24 handkerchiefs, 6 seamen's sweaters, 11 helmets and caps, 1 scarf, 2 prs. seamen's socks, 4 prs. mitts, 11 prs. socks, 1 refugee shirt and 1 refugee quilt. Singhampton Unit prs. pyjamas, 145 handkerchiefs, 1 seamen's sweater, 14 scarves, 3 prs. seamen's socks, 13 prs. mitts and gloves, 12 alternative caps and hel- mets, 62 prs. Air Force socks, 1 navy tuck-me-in and 10 quilts. Community Club 6 children's night gowns and 3 refugee quilts. Uadjeroa L'nit 2 prs. pyjamas, 12 sweaters, 10 helmets a nd alternate caps, 11 scarfs, 3 prs. seamen's socks, y prs. sea- men's stockings, 15 prs. mitts.'j) prs. children's mitts, 18 prs. socks, 4 prs. wristlets, 24 handkerchiefs, 6 quilts, 9 pillow cases, 1 child's dress, 2 prs. children's bloomers and 1 boy's shirt. Keversham Unit 1(5 prs. pyjamas, 1 pr. pyjama pants I'M handkerchiefs, 10 sweaters, 13 helmets and alternative caps, Hi scarves, 1 pr. seamen's socks, 6 prs. seamen's lent,' stockings, 11 prs. mitts, 2tf prs. socks. 10 quilts and 1 refugee skirt. The quota in knitting for the next three months has just been received. This shows a large increase in the de- mantis for sailors. With the ap proach of winter it is imperative that we attempt to surpass any pre- vious efforts to supply the men who dnre so much to keep the seas open. The quota is ns follows, for each of the months of October, November and December. Seamen's Com forts 10 navy or grey aero caps, 10 prs. long grey stockings, 10 navy or grey turtle neck sweaters. 10 prs. navy mitts and 10 prs. plain navy or grey heavy service sockg. Army and Air Force Comfort* 6 khaki scares, B khaki helmets or alternative caps, B prs. glove- (kha- ki), 5 khaki n v t-nf r.eoJ; sweaters and 1.) |,rs. khnki or grey socks. As there are sufficient army socks on hand to meet the quota for the next three months, will knitters please choose some other article to work on. All the units have boon turning in Inrgo numbers of quilts for the refu- gees. Badjoros Unit which is anxious to undertake additional sewing for refugees has undertaken Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes Municipality of the Township of Artemesia Province of Ontario BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Reeve under the seal ot the Corporation of the Town&hip of Artemesia, to me directed, having the date of the llth day of August, 1941, commanding me to levy upon and sell the land mentioned in the following list tor arrears of taxes with cosU due thereon, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the Mid lands, or as much .thereof as may be necessary for the payment of MM said taxes and costs, at the Coancil Chamber in the Village of Fleeherton on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1941, at the hour of 2 o'clock In the afternoon. Ay lands not sold on the above date will be sold at the adjourned tax sale at the same plac and hour on Monday, the 22nd day ot December, 1941. AND NOTICE IB ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that it is the intention of the Municipality of the Township of Artemesia to purchase such lands which fail to bring the full amount of arrears and cosu. ALEX. CAMERON, Treasurer, Municipality of Artemesia To be published in The Ontario Gazette, September 6-th, 1941 (one insertion only) Assessed Owner Lot Concession ;e 1-34 1 N.E.T.8.R. 30 13 N.D-R. 16-3 3N.E.T.S.R. pt 150 3 3.W.T.S.R. 131 3 8.W.T.6.R. 35 * 3 1 N.D.R. 1 to 6 1 Napoleon N. 1 to 6 5 Raglan S. Roderick MoKenzle Estate Henry Williams Estate Anne J. Wright Estate John Kennedy Herb. Douglass John Dow Thos. Gilliland Thos. Gilliland Arrears Costs Total $129.21 $6.45 $136.68 7.06 166.80 4.60 4jM 4.50 3.0.5 1.66 1.60 159.75 61.33 54.77 56.79 5.28 31.68 26.60 65.33 58. 8S 61.29 8.33 33.34 27.10 the following British civilian quota: 20 prs. boys' pyjamas, 10 misses slacks or skirts, 10, light weight blouses and 10 woollen blouses. ORANGE VALLEY Mr. and Mrs. W. J, McFadden visited with Mrs. McFadden's par- ents recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gillen Currie of Chatsworth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. LittlejohnB. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Patterson o Wallaceburg, who were recentrr married, visited in this vicinity last, week. Small Ad. Column CAME ASTRAY Number of sheep LOST Car marker 91 T 27. Finde r Owner prove property and pay ex penses.ZC. Smellie, Cylon. 17c please leave at The Advance office. LOST Brown Water Spaniel, anst wers to name of 'Tony." Finder please see H. Best, Flesherton. WANTED Someone to paint a steel roofed barn. Apply at once to Claude Akins. Flesherton. LOST On Friday, Sept. 19, sledge hammer between Flesherton and Eugenia via Percy Magee's. Finder please notify The Advance office. FOR SALE Cook stove, extra large fire box, economical on wood, good baker, cheap, moving. Will Hut- chinson, Kimberley. FOR SALE 8 small pigs, 8 weeks old, 2 Oxford ram lambs. Fred Jamieson, Eugenia, phone 52 r 4. Feversham. WANTED Room or rooms for the winter, for married couple. Apply to the Flesherton Advance or phone Feversham 66. WANTED Good prices paid for aged or crippled horses, suitable for mink feed. Jas. R. Sinclair, Ceylon. FOR SALE 10 young pigs, have been vaccinated for shipping fever Wallace Fisher, phone 42r22. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams and WANTED Aged, injured or dead animals, suitable for mink feed. Frank Baffles, phone 41r3, Flesh, erton. LOST Tire and wheel from Ford truck, between Priceville and Rock Mills. Finder please call post office nt Priceville. K>2 FOR SAL.E Moffatt cook stove, top heater, grand cooker, in good repair, sell cheap, reason I'm burn ing coal. W. J. Car 1'. town. FOR SALE Good horse about 1,100, good worker, sound. Apply to W. I. Henry, Flesherton. 18pc FOR SALE 30 Barred Rock Pull- eis, ready to lay. Frank Eagles, telephone 41r3. 17c2 FOR SALE Durham Cow 6 years, about due; Oxford Down rum lamb. Geo. Cairns, phone 44 r 13. 18 FOR SALE Bred-tolay Barred Rock Pullets, also democrat. J. K. McLeod, Ceylon, phone 40r4. 17c FOR SALE One Renfrew Cook rite Cook Stove in good condition, warming closet and reservoir. Coal and wood grates. Also one Gem Cook Stove only used for 6 months. Coal and wood grates. E. F. Fisher, Flesherton. 18cl9. FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 17, Con. 2, N. D. R., Arte- megia. containing 100 acre* more or less, good wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at once. Mr* R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-16, Con. 1, 3.D.R., Am- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 46x66, also a large driving shed. This property must be seld to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with Jok Oliver or W. R. Meada. Priwville, B*. ecutors for the estate. 47 C FARM FOR SALE Lot 168, Concession 2, Towiukip of Artemesia. Land is all in good state of culiration. Possession giv- en to suit buyer; ill health reasan for selling. For further particu- lars apply to ^Geo. R. Blackburn. R. R. 3, Flesherton, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE .heap, abo... 46 acres, good 'bank burn, SO acres under cultivation, rest pasture with good spring creek. Apply ai The Advance office. FOR SALE or RENT Solid brick 6-room house in Flesherton, hard- wood floors throughout, bathroom, furnace, soft ar ' hr.rd water. Ap- ply to Mrs. C. Wilcock, Flesherton. CAME ASTRAY Came to Lot 22, Con. 10, Artemesia, about Aug. 1, 1941, 2 young cattle. Owner prove property and pay expenses. Jos. Buchanan, R. R. 3, Flesherton. PROPERTY FOR f \LE IN FLESHBRTt . 't 10 on Colling* uuJ St., OB is situated a 7-room house, well and stable. Will sell at sacrifice for quick sale to elose estate of Ella Gibson Estate. Communicate with L B. Lueas & Co., Markdale. BUSINESS CARDS DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. LOST Between Betts' corner and Purvis' Friday night, Sept. 11>, wrist watch with name Tpr. Homlley on back of case. Finder please leave with Chas. Williams. Eugenia, or at The Advance office. I7p3 FOR SALE 7-roora brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Aadrew OiUhrist Ap- ply to John Stewart, Bxecutor, Pro- ten Station, phone 82 r 4. OR J. E. MILNE Office _ Durham 8t Office Hour* _ Afternoons, 1.30 to 4 ETMhw, 7 to 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoon* ky appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. MS, A-F. 6 A.M., meets in the Fraternal M^ Flesherton, the second Friday in wu* month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; 8ee retary, C. J. RelJmmy.

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