THE FLBSHERTON ADVANCB Wednesday, December 10, 1941 * t t * ' * < CEYLON REV. c. K. MCMILLAN, B.A., B.D. Pastor St. John's United Church, Flesherton, guest speaker at mission- ary services on Sunday, Dec. 14th, on the Maxwell charge. ' CENTRE LINE Miss Olirer and pupils are busy -practising for their Christmas ent- ertainment. Gunners John and Bruce Mossop, who have been home on furlough, returned last week to Prince Rupert to resume training. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Seeley and family moved on Thursday to near Orangeville, where Mr. Seeley has a large contract cutting logs. Mr. and Mrs. Mac. Cudmore moved tfle same day to the farm vacated by Mr. Seeley. Mr. Jos. McCutcheon moved to Toronto on Saturday. We are sorry to see so many leaving our community. V/c ait? plcustfii to report that Miss L. Jackson, who was go seriously in- jured in a car accident two weeks ago, is improving favorably now. Wareham Red Cross intend packing boxes on Tuesday and Wednesday for our six soldier boys. Mr. Robt. Sheardown and Miss Mary Sheardown of Toronto spent a hort time Sunday afternoon with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Haney. Mrs. Haney is not en- joying very good health just now. Wareham Red Cross held a sale of baking in Dundalk on Saturday It was quite successful, bringing in a nice sum to buy material for Red iCross work. A number of friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. Newton Davison on Friday evening and spent a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Len Seeley. During the evening they were presented with an address and a lovely clock. Mr. "Win. Ferguson is leaving on Monday with his team to skid logs near Orangevilk. The western group of Wareham Red Cross met at the home of Mrs. Eva Arnott on Thursday afternoon and completed another quilt. The next meeting is on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Arnott Menzies, when another quilt is to be finished. It was decided to drop the meeting for a couple of weeks until the Christ- mas rush is over. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. John McWilliam, the president, on Wednesday evening the 3rd, at 8 p.m., with a good attend- ance of members and visitors. The meeting opened with the singing of "0 Canada," the roll call being answered by "My Favorite Christ- mas Hymn." The scripture reading was taken by Mrs. McWilliam. Dur- ing the meeting $10 was voted to the Artemesia & Flesherton Red Cross Branch, together with one pair of socks and cigarettes for each boy ovej^eas on active service, the cigar- ettes to go direct from a tobacco firm. The articles for the Salvation Army box were displayed and appre- ciation was expressed for the dona- tions from friends, particularly that of Mrs. Kate McArthur of Priceville, 82 years of age, who sent a wonder- ful box. The ticket on- the blankets was drawn by Mrs. Hannison of To- ronto, and Cecil Parsons of Toronto was the lucky holder; $7.11 was cleared by the sale of ckets. The meting closed with the Mizpah benediction. The contents of the box was as follows: 4 heavy quilts, boy's coat. 11 pairs slippers, house slippers, pair shoes, 4 pairs gloves, 4 pair pillow cases, 5 girls' dresses, 2 girls' skirts, waist, pair stockings, 2 men's vests, kimono, 7 boys' caps, 2 scarfs, 2 vests, slip, 2 bloomers. In addition to the above, Mrs. Kate McArthur's box contained quilts, lafghan, 4 small dresses, 21 pairs bootees, 2 slips, 2 pairs bloomers. Mrs. Thos. Wilcock of Regina is visiting Mrs. Wilcock and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cairns. .Mr. Jos. Stauble was in Toronto the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell of Hopeville were callers on Monday at the home of John McWilliam. Mr. Harvey Archibald has return- ed to his school near Shelburne, after receiving a full discharge from military training. Mrs. Knox is visiting Swinton Park relatives. *" '* '-^- ~'~^' Mrs. Alex. McFayden is *nder the doctor's care. The December meeting of the Cey- lon Ladies' Aid will be held in Ceylon church on Thurs., Dec. 11. Cake, Mrs. S. McLeod, Mrs. G. K. McMill- an; sandwich, Mrs. Plester, Mrs Roy Piper. Most people leam to skate in a- bout six sittings. It is not probable that gag ration- ing will be put into effect before next March. The winter consump- tion of gasoline for pleasure pur- poses is always much lower than at any other season and there would therefore be little point in bringing the rationing order into effect until the opening of spring. ROUND TRIP RAIL BARGAIN FARES (Good in coaches only) DECEMBER 12 13 from FLESHERTON to TORONTO $2.55 HAMILTON $2.90 LONDON $6.00 Belleville $5.95 Peterboro $4.85 Smiths Falls $8.70 Windsor $6.95 and many intermediate points (Government tax 10% extra) Return limit Dec. 15 Consult Agents - Procure Dodger A Timely Suggestion As the pre-holiday season will bring you to town more often, may we suggest that you bring in your cream with you, and there- by benefit by the increase of price over truck cream price*. With regards to Poultry, we are endeav- oring to pay Highest Possible Market Prices at all times, and should there be any change in prices because of demand for the Holiday Season, we will promptly change our prices. Bring in well finished poultry and be assured of highest MARKET PRICES. Flesherton Creamery & Produce Co. Angus Avis, Manager. Phone 66 i mi MI MI inn H H mill ii Special Beef Prices FRONT QUARTER OF BEEF cut for the oven 50 IBs. or over 15 cents per Ib. HIND QUARTER OF BEEF cut for the oven 50 tt>s. or over 17 cents per Ib. HOMEMADE SAUSAGE BAILEY'S We DELIVER FLESHERTON, Ont. PHONfc Canada First Lest We Forget! 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 M Ml I M I >t ******* M Treasurer's Sale of Lands in Arrears for Taxes Municipality of the Township of Artemesia Province of Ontario BY VIRTUE OF A WARRANT issued by the Reeve under the seal ot the Corporation of the Township of Artemesia, to me directed, having Uie date of the llth day of August, 1941, commanding me to levy upon and sell the land mentioned iu the following list for arrears ot taxes with cosu due thereon, I hereby give notice that unless such arrears of taxes ana costs are sooner paid I shall proceed to sell by public auction the said lands, or as much thereof as may be necessary for the payment of t)h said taxes and costs, at the Council Chamber in the Village of Fleeherton on Monday, the 15th day of December, 1941, at the hour of 2 o'clock la the afternoon. Any lands not sold on the above date will be sold at the adjourned tax sa>le at the same place aad hour on Monday, the 22nd day of December, 194.1. AND NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that It is the intention ot the Municipality of the Township of Artemesia to purchase such lands which fail to bring the full amount of arrears and costs. ALEX. CAMERON, Treasurer, Municipality of Artemeeia To be published in The Ontario Gazette, September 6th, 1941 (one Insertion only) Assessed Owner Lot Concession Arrears Roderick MoKenzie Estate 133 1 N.E.T.S.R. $129.2-1 Hnry Williams Estate 30 13 N.D.R. 159. 75 Anne J. Wright Estate 16-3 3 N.E.T.S.R. 61.33 John Kennedy pt 150 3 S.W.T.6.R. 54.27 Herb. Douglass 131 3 S.W.T.S.R. 56.79 John Dow 35 & 3 1 N.D.R. 5.28 Thos. Gilliland 1 to 8 1 Napoleon N. 31.68 Thog. Gilliiand 1 to 6 5 Raglan S. 26.60 Costs Total $6.45 $136.66 7.05 166.80 65.93 58.82 61.29 8.33 33.34 4.60 4.55 4.50 3.05 1.66 1.50 27.10 Christmas Suggestions This Store Offers a Wonderful Selection of Entirely New Seasonable Goods at Very Reasonable Prices Ladies' HAND BAGS New Shapes '* $1.19 to $1.95 BEDROOM SLIPPERS Big Range of New Styles 59c to $2.50 Ladies' Umbrellas Oiled Silk in Fancy Designs; White and Colors $2.25 Jacquard Bath Towels New Smart Designs 25c to 89c MEN'S PYJAMAS Broadcloth and Flannelette $1.50 to $2.95 Velvasuede PYJAMAS Non-run; new colors, one or two-piece style $1.50, $1.95 and $2.50 Aeropacks and Gladstone Bags An Ideal Gift $4.95 to $14.75 Ladies'NIGHT GOWNS Crepe and Velvasuede; white and colors $1.00 to $1.95 WINDBREAKERS Horsehide and Pig Tex Black, Tan and Green $9.50 to $12.50 MEN'S MUFFLERS Reefers and Squares 50cto$1.9S MEN'S NECKWEAR All New Patterns 49c to $1.00 - WOOL SWEATERS New Color Combinations $1.95 to $4.50 MEN'S SHIRTS Collar Attached or Separate $1.25 to $2.50 Gift LINGERIE SETS Crepe a nd Velvasuede; White and Colors $1.00 to $1.50 BABIES' WEAR Bonnets Sweaters Bootees Crib Blankets Mitts Hair Brushes Ladies' Wool Pullovers Big Selection 98c to $3.95 Chenille Bed Spreads Pastel Shades, White Grounds $3.95 to $6.50 HANDKERCHIEFS in Fancy Box 15c to $1.00 Ladies' CREPE SLIPS White and Tea Rose $1.00, $1.49, $1.95 FANCY APRONS New Patterns [ """ SSc to 49c "^ MEN'S BELTS * All New 75c to $1.00 ""* WOOL SCARVES Khaki, White & Air Force Blue $1.50 LADIES' PANTIES White and Tea Rose Silk Crepe 69c Lace Trim 59c and 69c LADIES' HOSIERY Full-Fashioned; Silk, Silk-Wool 65c to $1.50 Men's Fancy HOSIERY New Designs 39c to $1.00 Men's Lined Kid Gloves Black, Tan, Grey and Green $1.00 to $3.50 Velvet GOLOSHES Fur Trimmed; Black and Brown for Ladies, Girls and Children Ladies' BED JACKETS Lovely Pastel Shades Chiffon $1.95, Chenille $1 MEN'! SUSPENDERS Barters or glpeye Holder* to 11.00 ^..i SKI SLACKS Black, Brown and Navy $2.25 to $2.75 - Ladies' KID GLOVES Black and Colors $1.50 to $1.95 Mackinaw Coats and Windbreakers Men's and Boys' Sizes Black and Colors Children's Knitted Suits Botany Wool; Smart Color Contrasts _ $1.95 _ _ Madeira Pillow Slips Lovely Designs $1.00 to $1.95 Linen Lunch Cloths 'With Colored Border; Some with Napkins 89c to $2.95 SKI CAPS, all colors $1.00 to $1.50 LADIES' FOOTWEAR Pumps and Tics $2.25 to $4.50 Ladies' SILK SCARFS 49c to $1.95 CHILDREN'S SETTS Rose and Green Coat, Pulloverss and Caps $2.95 Men's Made-to-Mcasure Suits and Overcoats from $27.50 Men's Ready-to- Wear Suits and Overcoats, Special $17.95 . Toys For The Kiddies Wonderful Assortment of Children's Toys on Display on our Second Floor JUST WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR China Glassware Tea Setts, Dinner Setts, Berry Setts, Water Setts, Bon Bon Dishes, Bridge Prizes, Goblets. Tumble*s, Sherbet Glasses and Fancy Glassware. p Christmas Groceries Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Candied Peels and Cherries Icings and Icing Sugar, Shelled Nuts, Lemons, Dates, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Candy F. H. W. HICKLING w *