Wednesday, December 17> 1941 THE FLESHERUON ADVANCE ATTENDED FUNERAL OF GBO. PATTON IN OWEN SOUND Mrs. (LeRoy McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Patton and H. McCutcheon of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Murk Wil- son of Guelph and Mr and Mrs. Roy Patton of Durham visited with Mrs. Patton and family and attended the funeral of the late George Patton in Owen Sound on Monday. All men are not homeless, but some men are home less than others. It has been suggested that now that ceilings arc ao popular the town council might try to put one on the taxes. READ THE "SMALL ADVTS". ioaiiMiiti^^ GIVE THE MEN TOOLS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE SEE OUR TOYS and GAMES A STORE BRIMFUL OF A WIDE VARIETY OF USEFUL AND PRAC- TICAL GIFTS FOR THE COMING CHRISTMAS SEASON ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES TOASTTERS IRONS LAMPS Razors Carvers Clocks Watches Tree Lights Flashlights Boys' Wagons Bicycles Velocipedes Sleighs Skates Hunting Knives Chromium and Silver Plated Hollow Ware Hockey Sticks Ski-is, Ski Poles Toboggans Rifles Shot Guns Ammunition Silver Plated Table Flat Ware CHINA, PYREX OVENWARE, ENAMEL UTENSILS F. W. DUNCAN HARDWARE "BLUE COAL" 'PHONE 54 THIS IS STOVE WEEK AT HILL'S WE CARRY THE BIGGEST INDIVIDUAL STOCK OF STOVES IN GREY COUNTY, and as you know, Stoves are hard to get, owing to Government War Regulations, cutting down manufacturers' production, so if you are interested in the purchase of a Stove, you can save a lot of money by visiting our Stove De- partment. Prices no higher than lastyear and much below regular. If it is a COOK STOVE HEATER FURNACETTE This is Blanket Week You will be surprised at the values offering in this Department. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS 72x84, On Sale, pair $2.35 11|4 Ibex Blankets, On Sale, pair $2.49 70x80, On Sale, pair $2.19 WOOL BLANKET PRICES Finest Quality $11.95 ... $9.75 and $10.75 Mossfield, pair (irehnra, pair . GROCERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS BUY ORANGES THIS WEEK On Sale Special 16. 25, 30 and 35 cents dozen Fancy Quality Grapes Ib. lie Peas, larfje tin lOc Corn, Golden Bantam .'. 2 for 25c Flou Specials Buy-a-sak, 98 Ib. baj? $2.39 Keynote, 98 Ib. bag $2.39 Tomatoes, choice 2 for 25c Raisins 2 Ibs. for.25c Good Humor Puffed Wbeat, pk. .. 05c t I T T f T T T T T f f T T T f T f f f f f I f T t T f t t f f f T F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont, THE FRIENDLY STORE >* Local and Personal Schools close thig Friday afternoon for the Christmas vacation. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Creemore was a visitor fn town Tuesday. Mrs. W. Inkster has left to spend the winter with her family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hazard of Gait ! visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart spent the past week at Malton and Toronto. Mr. arid Mrs. Wallace Hamilton spent the week end at Islington and Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kaitting of Teeswater spent the week end in town. Mrs. W. H. Thurston left Saturday to spend the winter with her daugh- ter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant, at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fawcett and babe of Hamilton spent the week end in town. A heavy fall of snow on Sunday made motoring very heavy the first . of the week. Snow plows were at j work on Monday clearing the roads. j M r . and Mrs. Wm. Kaitting left ' on Saturday to spend Christmas in Detroit with their son, Gaylord, and family. Aircraftman I. V. Holley, Mrs. Holley and little son of Dunnville are spending a couple of weeks here and -with his parents at Holland Centre. Mr. Adam Hopps of St. Catharines is visiting his grandmother, Mrs. McLeod, recovering from an accident in McKinnon Industries that laid him up in hospital for six weeks. Come to the Baptist churrh, Flesherton, on Monday evening, Dec. 2nd, at 8 p.m., and enjoy Christmas slides and carol singing. Free-will offering will be taken. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce of Nottawa have received word that their son, Eldridge, had arrived safely in England with the " Army Service Corps of the 6th Armored Division. Mrs. Isaac Smith received word that her sister, Mrs. John English, is recovering in the Collingwood hos- pital following an accident when she broke her hip. Her condition recent- ly was alarming. Miss Diane Mix, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of To- ronto. Diana usually received a gift from her grandparents and this year requested that thty turn ove r the money to the Telegram British War Victims' Fund. Mr. Brown wrote a cheque for $1,000 and gave it to Diane to take to the Telegram office. Miss Mary R. Stewart has accept- ed a school at Kenora, where she will commence teaching following the Christmas vacation. Her resig- nation was accepted by the Board last week and Mrs. Carl Carruthers of Kimbcrley, a former teacher in the high school, has been prevailed upon to accept the vacancy and will assume her dutiee after vacation. Miss Stewart will be greatly missed as she was very liberal with her splendid musical ability and her solos were always enjoyed. Best wishes follow her in her new school. The Late Thos. McLean Deuth occurred in Collingwood G. and M. hospital on Saturday, Dec. 0, of Thomas McLean, second son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McLean, 4th lino, Osprey, due to a stroke, followed by pneumonia. Mr. McLean was born in Arteme- sia township 58 years ago and was never married. The funeral service was held at the home of his only brother, Allan McLean, of Feversham on Monday, Dec. 8th, conductod by Rev. Dr. G. L. Mercer of Maxwell, assisted by Rev. McNicholl and Rev. Thompson of Feversham. Interment was made in Maxwell cemetery. The pallbearers were Merssrs John Stephen, Reg. Londry, Tels. Allison, Austin Hill. Rny Pedlnr and Earl Croft. The flower bearers were: Nellie and Bob Allison and Wilbert Fisher. In Memoriam TUDOR In loving memory of a dear wife and mother. Bertha Jane Tudor, who passed away December 21st, 103!). Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile, A lovely heart that knew no guile; Deep trust in <7od that nil was right. Tf sick .or suffering one she knew, Some gentle net of love she'd do, No thought of self, but of the other, I know Ho anid: "Well done, dear mother." Ever remembered by Mother. Husband and Daughters. Britain Strikes Another Blow at Axis Shipping in East Recently the British Fleet Air Arm has been very active in attack- ing Axis shipping in the Mediterran- ean. British Swordship torpedo-j carrying aircraft are shown attach- ing a large Axis convoy. Three of the convoy received direct hits and a vessel of 6,000 tons sank after two hours. A tanker was left blazing and a merchantman, which beached after being struck by a torpedo, was later set on fire by a heay bomb from a British Blenheim bomber. Recent weeks have proved disastrous for Axis shipping, both in Eastern and Western waters, and all services of the Allied Forces are united in their determination to strike harder blows for freedom, until the Nazi regime is driven from Europe. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE 2 Young cows due to freshen in January. Wilfred Magee, Eugenia. 29c2 WANTED Goose feathers 7Bc Ib and up, Duck feathers 65c a Ik. and up. S. Goldman, Dundalk. 26p2 FOR SALE Number of White Rock pullets, ready to lay. Wm. Ess- land, Feversham, phone 6r33. WANTED Some cattle to feed for the winter. E. C. Pedlar. Sing- hampton, phone Feversham Ir22 FOR SALE Pair of oy's hockey boots and skates, size 5, good as new. May be seen at The Advance office. FOR SALE Fresh cows. A. P. Pedlar, Eugenia. FOR SALE Tube skates, size 5, boys, good as new. Enquire at The Advance office. LOGS WANTED Highest cash prices paid for logs and standing timber. Dundalk Saw Mills, phone No. 3, Dundalk. " 26*5 FOR SALE High grade wheat at $24.90 per ton; Buckwheat $23.90 per ton; Ontario Oats 40c and 45c per bu. Terms: cash. A. C. Muir, Ceylon. 27p2 FOR SALE Good driving mare or will exchange for heavy horse; also few cords of small hardwood. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, phone 32rl2. HIDES WANTED Licensed buyer of hides of all kinds: beef, horse, calf and sheep skins. F Eagles, Proton Station, R. R. 3, phone 41r3. FOR SALE 2 Light driving mares, Durham calf week old, 2 pairs of pigs 6 weeks old, also number of good Oxford Down ewes to let on shares. Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Proton Station. 28c2 FARM FOR SALE Lot. 164 - 165, Con. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, barn, out building? and well. For particulars apply to Mrs. Susan Doupe, Proton, Ont. PIANOS Pianos and organs for sale, choice selections; pianos tun- ed and repaired. Satisfaction as- sured. Write J. C. Blackstone, 515 8th St. A. East, Phone 672, Owen Sound. 25p3 FOR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, good well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchrist Ap ply to Jnhn Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. FOR S\LE Cow to freshen early in Jan.; Yorkshire sow and pigs; Sett double breeching team harn- ess; 2 setts single driving harness; good double driving sleighs, sett beam scales, 2 cutters. R. Allen & Sons, phone 45r21, Flosherton. Saturday was the 8th birthday of FARM FOR SALE OR RENT 50 acre farm in Flesherton, with good buildings, cement garage for car. sugar house and arch, and spring creek in pasture. Permission to do fall ploughing this fall. Will let on shares to right party or tell on good terms. Also 50 acres of wod- ed pasture weH watered and twenty or more acres of tillable land. Apply to Mrs. S. E. Fisher, Box 93, Flekherton. FARM FOR SALE Farm, about 100 acres more or less, with dwelling house and good buildings, about S miles north of Foversham. For sale conditions ap- ply Elmore C. Carr, Solicitor for Walter J. Milne Eestate, Thornbur* FOR SALE Two young boara, ready for service, Yorkshire and Tamworth, purebred. Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell P.O., phone Fever- sham 4 r 2. 27 FARM FOR SALE Lots 16 17, Con. 2, N. D. R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres more or less, good wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at once. Mr*. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x65, also large driving shed. This property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for-the estate. 47 BUSINESS CARDS AUCTIONEER WALTER SEELET See me about your auction sale. AB sales conducted on business prin- ciples. Phone me at Feversham 4rll or make arrangements at Tk Flesherton Advance office. W M. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey I have taken up residence in Flesherton and am now in a position to accept auction sales. Farm and stock sales our specialty. Term*: reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates arranged for at The Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham 8t Office Hours Afternoon*. 1.80 to 4. Efeninis, 7 to 8.3. Sundays and Thursday afternoons by appointment only. Prino* Arthur Lodge No. 8*3, A.F & A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, the second Friday in month. W.M., Herb. Corbett; retary, C. J. Bellamy.