Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 Dec 1941, p. 7

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HELP FOR RUSSIA Valenline tanks built at the Canadian Pacific Angus Shops en rente to the Russian battlefield. HOW CAN I? Y ANNE ASHLEY Wnat is a good fertiliser for a raT a. Try nslnc a solution ef eight of tedium chloride, four poUaslum nitrate, and two magnesium. Mix thoroughly Mt4 put Into bottle. Dissolve one tstspoonfil at this solution. In a fMit <rf water and water the fera boat once a week. Q. Bow ean I prevent squeaking sjstan in my furniture T A. Before Inserting ths oastere, the shanks into vasellae and MB slip them Into place. This Ml only prevents squeaks, but also reatly facilitates the rolling of *W fBrnltnre, Q. How ean I prevent syrav from tamlnc baok into sugar! A. The turning- back to sugar can be avoided when making ijrur if. It is eoming to a boll, one- teaspoon ream of tarter is Mad to every two eups ef sugar Q. Bow can I elean oerduno. X Use par* whit* soap an4 warm soapy water when was him sjs ilui uy. Plunge the goods *p and i; rins* serert! times ia clear Do act wring; hang up laeM* out, dripping wet, to dry. Oe not iron, but ose a hnsfe when ttj (only on* way of the e'oth) te smooth the nap. Q. What Is a good home remedy S*r relieving a cough T a. A mixture of honey and lemon will often prove effective. ' in hot milk, taken before re- wrtng, will eaae the throat and in- a pleasantly drowsy '.e t, MODERN ETIQUETTE BY ROBERTA LEI 1. What to- the proper .y to speei" into a telephone T 1. Should salads always fee cut and *aten with th* fork? I. What kind of place-carda should be w*d at th* bridal table te indicate where the guests are to ait: 4. What are some of the expres- sion* salespeople in stores should aroid using T I. as it ever permissible (or tue osteaa to sit at the side *f the 4tnMr table? (. Wfcat to ths correct prcnun- alatkm of "decollete" and what It mean? ANSWERS L Talk directly into ths mouth- piece with your lips not more than ball an inch away. Each inch thai yen add between your lips and fee mouthpiece is equal to adding IK wire miles to the distance your voice must travel. Us* a full. aetur*: tone, and take care to pronounce each word clearly and dfctinctly. Don't talk too loudly, M this may cause the word* to War in transmission. 2. All salads are eaten with the fork. If hard kearu of lettuce are served and feey oanuot be managed with a fork. It is permissible to out them win th* knife. S. Pain whits curds, embo*sed with the brUto's initials. 1 Such phrases as "Look here,' er "Say now!" to attract one's at- lection. And slang phrases such, as "Q. K., "Suff," and "All righty." I. No; she should always sit at tfcs loot at th* table. (. Pronouuce 4a-kol-ta. both a's as in day, o as te of, *c^nt last syllable. It U French word tliat means "leav- Kg th* neck and shoulders uucov- ered." Clean Sweep ie> .-.-: was mounting nicely t the benefit turkey shoot when med man strolled up and it*d te know what went on. nsors explained that thr** y and a goose were beinc away. All you bad to de hit the birds' head* bobbing box 90 yards away- at ft shot The uniformed man laid k* veuld try fifty mnts worth. He feed four times, picked up three twkeys and the goose and went iome without ns!vti'r {>: h ; * dime dsenge. TV - p.Iso went kerne. Have You Heard ? Having extended her vliit long- er than she meant to, the old lady was going home after dark and it was dark. Presently in spite of all her care, she bumped into a dimly-seen man and they both crashed on the pave- ment. At once the man was tt apologies. "So sorry," he murmured. "Care- leae of me. Let me help you ap. 80 sorry." "Never mind all that," returned the old lady, enrtly, "Will you please tell me which way I was facing before I was knocked down." v Some gulls were following a ferry boat An Irishman said. "Nice flock of pigeons." A tourist Insisted: "Those re gulls." "Well/' eald the Irishman, "gulls or boys, they're a fine flock ef pigeons." T A nw syitea of memory train- ing waa being taught in a village school and the teacher wae - oominr enthusiastic. "For Instance," he said, '-.,- m< you want to remember the name of a poet Bobby Burns, Fix U your mind's eye a picture ef a policeman in flames. See Bobbj Burns?" "Yti, I sees," _.. a brigut pupil. "But kow is one to know It does not represent Robert Browning?" An optimlet and a pessimist were defined by s speaker at a meeting In Fslklrk the ether day as follows: "An cc""?t Is a man whe sees a light that Isn't there, and s pessimist Is the fool whc tries to blow It out." v Hitler was interviewing ail troops and stopped to talk te eae private. "How are things with you?" he asked. "Oh, I can't complain, sir," an- swered the soldier. Til say you can't." agreed toe Fuehrer. v Wife: -You kissed the maid, you kissed the msld, yeu klse- ed the maid." Hubby: "You don't hsve te repeat It so many times." Wife: "You didn't have t repeat it so many times eith- er." v The man, hearing of a poki*n open lu another eity. wired the following message, direct and eo;- lect: "Am on way to accept Us posi- tion stop deduct cost of this tale- gram from my first week's salary." He got the Job. T Teacher: "Name the five aones." Pupil: "Temperate, Intemp- erate, war, postal and e." Submarine Officers Under Great Strain Submarine officer* often have ridges acrosa their finger nails, each ridge being caused by a sep- arate period of mental strain, ac- cor i _- to Charles Graves, ia a book entitled "Life Line," just published in London. White hair and baldness are alse found among captains of subma- rines. Baldness cannot be caused by nervousness but white hair can, he says. It is not unusual for a submariner's hair to go from jet black to gray in twelve months. The.se and other strange facts B hi* account ef the navy's de- fense ef Britain were obtained through special facilities accorded by the Admiralty. MsntholituM sickly wotbw BJUal irritation , . . relieves miff- ang aud ncvft- tag. Clean th* note. Jan nd tubs*. 30c. nit What Science It Doirq WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING? SNEEZES Professor M. W. Jennlson of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology has been investigating th* "velocity of sneezes," reports Th* Halifax Herald. The profesor used a camera in his research work, and his findings, Just published, are worthy of note. In a "good, full-bodied sneeze" thousands of particles, he assure* us, leave the mouth in much the same manner aa pellets leave the muzzle of a shotgun, with a vel- ocity of 150 feet a second. The moisture of them quickly evapor- ates, and the germ-laden particles are left wandering about in the air looking for somebody to in.'ect. v SOY-BEAN HELMETS The Soybean Products Labor- atory of the Department of Agri- culture and the cotton specialists of the Southern Re-gional Research Laboratory have jointly developed a plastic helmet out of heavy otton cloth and soybeans. Object: To protect the heads of miners and workers on construction job* Irom tailing material. Tha new helmets are lighter than tus old metal kind hitherto used. In fact, they are strong enough to deflect blows up to forty pounds, which 1* about all that the human cecif ean itacd. SELF-HEATING Popular Science tells of cans that heat themselves. The cans are double, with a chemical be- tween ths walls that heats on jon- tact with air. Turn a can over. punch four holes, and let stana about fifteen minutes. The result will be piping hot, ready-to-ier-re apafbetti, beans, or coffee. Nearly 2.500.000 tons or rice was hipped from Burma in K-J: months. Speaks For British Artillery shells enemy posi- tions as British forces fight on in new Libyan offensive. Christmas Boxes For War Prisoners As early as August, 72,000 Christmas boxes began their trek from the Red Cross packing cen- tre in London to Britain's 70,000 men in the prison camps of Ger- many, British Industries Bulletin relates. The extra 2,000 parcels are an insurance that everybody gets one. The first lap was to Lisbon; the next to Marseilles; then on to Geneva, and so to Germany. In each box was a Christir.as pudding, a double ration of choco- late, chocolate biscuits, rye bis- uits, jam, margarine, roast pork nd stuffing, a tin of steak at i tomato, condensed milk, four ounces of sugar, two ounces of tea and a Christmas cake. Also, 7,200,000 cigarets went off at tte same time in separate packages f 100 a double' ration for eaoii man. The value of this Christ- mas gift is 36,000. Nor has the Red Cross forgot- ten the little band of eleven Brit- ish children in German intern- ment camps. Kach of them has been sent a special parcel of bar- ley sugar, boiled sweets and so on. And to one hospital in Bel- gium where there are soldiers who have been lying on their backs since Dunkirk, has gone a con- signment Ot' ij .s \V 1- ItS, Relieves FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer pain o Irregular periods with cranXy nervousuess Sue to monthly functional dlsturb- mcea unould find Lydlft K.1 Pml- hnVs Vegetable Compound Tablets (Witt added Iron) very effects to relieve such distress. Pmkham =sTab- toij made efVfCially for women help build up resistance aralnst sueri annoying symptoms. Follow Ubel directions. Mncle In Cnnnda. Dinna Ye Hear The Highlanders? Scottish Battalions, Bagpipe* nd All, Take Part In Libya Fight While regimental anonymity U still observed with regard to the Battle of Libya, It U learned In- directly tr>at there are Highland- ers in the fray. As a matter of (act there have been Scottlsu battal- ions Ip all the North Africa cam- paigns down as tar aa Ethiopia. It ia in thU great struggle In Libya, however, that the presence of the Scots haa become known through Incidental reference . to the Dag- pipes. A despatch fern Cairo In the mid- dle of last week stated Uiat be- tween lulls In the gunfire, the sound of the bagpipes could be heard puttln^ fresh heart into taeir comrades. A later despatch told of the joy with which a Highland regiment heard tae skirl of the pipes coming from up in front. That waa a pre-arranged signal that a certain point had been cap- tared. Colors In Action In olden days bands used to play the regiments into action. The colora at the regiment were carried Into the fight too, and th. music and the colors were great source* of inspiration. When theee customs were abolished, the bandsmen eith- er went Into action, too, or acted as stretcher-bearers. It seems, however, that ice Scots' pipers go Into action still, to Inspire and encourage their com- raoee. Scots are stirred by the story of the capture of the height* at Dargal during the Chltra cam- paign in northwest India, In 1397, the hero o/ which Plpr James rtndlater of the Gordon Highland- era, is still living, and visited rela- tives in Canada a few years ago. Twice, tnglUi regiments had at- tempted to storm th heights, but were driven back by a withering Are. Then Colonel Mathlas rods C u> his msn and said: "The gen- eral says that hill must be taken. The Gordons wi!l take it." ; - Piper Flndlater waa shot going up tke Bill. *t propping b.'mself against a boulder he played "The Cock e' the North," and thus Inspir- ed, th Gordons took the hill. Find- later waa awarded ths Victoria Pipes Give Warning Frobablj Scottish men ai -o- aaen have a sharp sar for ths sound of tfce pipes. When the Brit- 1st garrison of 10, together with fw civilians, were besieged in Lucknow for four months, they nad Almost given up hope and were re- signed to massacre when the wif of one of the Scottish sc'..;ier suddenly leaped to her feet and erled: "Dinna ye hear them, 'li^of ye hear them? The Highlands are comin'." Nobody eice did but in a few minutes ths pipes were plain.y heard and a column of Highland- ers soon arrived causing th Sepoyg to flee. Perhaps there 1s no sound the Italians and Germans more oread to hear on the field than the bag- pipes. It warns them that not only the Campbells are comin' but * the reel of the Scotties. One-wheelers Ths C. 0. of a regiment in the Middle East was puzzled when he received notification to maKe ar- rangements for the arrival of: "Carriers, general utility, one- wheeled, sixty." He thought it must be a n\v type of small whippet tank and made the* necessary parking ar- rangements. Eventually he received sixty wheelbarrows. GERMAN HOWITZERS IN RUSSIAN HANDS Soviet artillerymen examining Gerrnan Howitzers captured hi recent fighting. Except for missing parts of the breech block, tha nearer gun appears :o be in good condition. Hitler Treats Friend And Enemy Alike It U not only in the invaded and occupied countries that ths Nazis are hated. For tome time now the Italians have been be- coming increasingly restive since they are finding by bitter experi- ence that as Hitler's jackal they fst remarkably few tit-bita. A most interesting articls recently appeared in an English newspaper by an Englishman who haa lived in Italy for many years and who was very recently a prisoner In Tuscany. The writer says that Italy is subjected by the Nazis to almost as much indignity as a conquered country. There la Ger- man contro! on al! railway sta- tions, German supervision In sev- eral centres, and the Italian sec- ret police takes second piacs to the Gestapo. Food is exceedingly scarce; tile Italians have had no butter since they entered the war, and they have meat only once a week. The main reason for this is that ths Germans have annexed most of their produces such as oil, fat, oranges and lemons. Hit- ler adopts his "bleeding white" policy towards his friends as we!! as towards his enemies. 1941 Farm Income Higher Than 1940 Increase of 46' 2 Million and Trend Is Greater tc Mixed Production Tie prairie trend to mixed farm- ing wag exemplified In figures of the Dominion Bureau of StatUJcs **w.^:~;r th;: farm income for ths Irs; nine months of 1941 was sub- stantially higher than for 'he same period in 1940. Live Stock Increases The Increase In value of live- stock, and livestock products sur- passed that of field crops, al- thoug'i increased returns from tooth categories were reported. Cash income Jrom prairie farm products tales was placed at $255,- 859,000 for the nine months tils year compared with |*flS,5.S,dtlC In the same period in 1940 The value of field crops advanc- ed to 1141.036,000 from J122.942,- 000 in 1940. while the value in livestock and livestock products rose to $114,303.00. from JS3.646,- 000. Wheat production in 1941 was reduced sharply compared with 1940, but during the present year large quantities of the 1940 crop were marketed. The bureau said that higher re- ceipts in 1941 were recorded lot all Individual items contributing to the total of farm income. Saga of the Sea The perils of the sea are not reserved to the menaces ef tor. pedoes and mines says the 11 ener Record. The old sea with its hurricanes, its pounding waves and its typhoons is stiil the same elemental terror that chal.enircd mariners ince Viking days. Of recent date is the story of Canadian three-master schoonei from Lunenberg caught in t-.vo iurricanes and breached. Her men were reduced to starvation wrten a. amall freighter hove in s : <ht and took on the uespairing crew. Salt water permeated the v-ij- sel and spoiled the food. The oien caught water in reservoirs de- signed to hold the rain. This A at all they had to drink: The -kip- per had a new dress shirt and he converted the pins in it to lish aooks and the men caught small fish over the rail o the stajrt^r- ing ship. This is just another saga of ths sea that has no U-boat- or lurking mine in the back (pound. It is the peril mariners havd brav. ed through the ages, and it is the sort of thing that has made men of mariners who now keep open, the life lanes of the Empire, op- erating the merchant marine in spite of the hazard of stor war. British Ships Carry New S.O.S. Signals A column of rejiiish-orange smoke rose over the ocean, nearly 30 miles away. A British pilot on patrol over the Atlantic spot- ted it, and realized :r what it was an SO S. The smoke came fr->rr. a box about two feet square and every new ocean-goir.sr British shir carry several of them. This is the l::o-savi:i_ .ipparatui secretly tested by the Ministry of Shipping, and when that F- pilot sighted the colum:-. of smoke from the air ti:e expert.';. n:s w,.r ended. Shipwrecked men carrying one of these boxes need only to pull a trigger to release :i cioiKl of smoke which will rise for an hour, becoming thicker every minute. The box floats, and if watei gvts into the chemical insiue the s:r>'>k becomes still thicker. Raw fur production -ii Cau.ni* In tae twelve months ended june 30, 1940, amounted to $lii,'iu...34S. an increase of 177 per cent ov~r the preceding season. .CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... BAUV (.HICKS MAKE FULL USE OF VUUK try vtuipmcnt, nil your bouses wit&i birds bred tor iteudy u i full production, lou can 't nfic i to do anything: else if you wa;<i to mt *K demundd al hoinu ii:d abroad. Wan for the Br.iy price list, out shortly. We call fill order* now for pullets. H::iy Hatchery, 13U John .V. Hum Iton, Unt. L K A K N .HAlKDKESfl-NU 1'HH Kobertion Method, luform.iti^a on request regarding full ci;<s~ -. now beginning. Robertson s H cii-ess:;ig Ac.idcin.v, 137 Avvua* Koad, Toronto. I'AKS 1>KU AXO XKW MOUNT PLEASANT MUTUKS Ltd., Toronto'* oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; throe locutioiia, 631 Mt. -..-.' Koail 2040 Yonge St. and iSSu Danforth Avenue. Our I'sed Cars make us many friends. Write for our Free Book- let on pedigreed renewed and an- alyzt'd used cars. FIRST HORTlJAr.E MONEY WAMTKD XXi'KFTlOXAL, OTFOKTUMTT AT thU time. Investigate now. Box 4". U Adelaide W.. Toronto. KIR * TUMM-IM; 8.V.VR1NU, TRATl'lNO AND FUR MrkUng tips, particulars on Indian Secret trapping method*, lures, snare*. Rig Fur catches ft*ure<l. Bill Hoffman. Russell. M.ni. I Mill 1 N. LJNUSA1. I .AW <>FFI''B, CAP- Itol Theatre DnlMlng. Si. Thomas. Ontario. Special Department for farmer* collections. . '. I l ll I'U l.\\ K.N IOKS AN UFFEU TO t:\KKY INVENTOR LJst of inventions ind full luror- maUuti senl tree. Tn Kamsay Co.. Registered, l-'uteiil . \itorneys, 17J Ba:ik Street, ur. j \v:i. Canada. CUiU'A.NX Mitent Solicitors. Establisnea 18u; 14 Kins West, Toronto. Booixiei of lutormat:un on re- quest. UHUCAL IT'S L'itOVEN EVERY SUF- ferer of RfieuraaUc 1'aius or Meu:-i'.:s s!'. ..;:! try l'ixi>a' Kem- edy. Sold only Miinro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, \ utawa. Foet- P.i.d Jl.OU. KLJJAH O O il 1 X i! Christ, \\oixlerrul book sent free. Mesiddo Mission, Rochester, New Xork. Tl flOV 1CU.NMKNT JNS1-ECTED AND Banded Broad r.re:rsted Bronze Turkeys. Healthy r:mg stock. Alt."- BrlgJfS, M:ibo:-ly. Ontario. $2 Quilting Outfit $2 c \ fX'H uuilt Uet one (inn ivu. L' 'i Ihs. uotn-r. pi- : uu:ll L P enoiiu'li \. !i . > . doub:o i" '< 8 111' -i -:;(> . l - ;ill for on'.' ;_ \V TI-M -. - , . .1 St. w.. r. , YOUR FUTURE FOR 1942 LIKE UE.UH.Nv; AND I'UEl'v i OX ni.-':itli by mvitli li-:- one . CoV'-'.MiK fuily Uu;-.n- s n, uri erapioy ni- f . ivve. in;i.r.-iuL;:.. .. . tii;Ui.>n. lieulth. UICK;. eic. Coiiiple'i-, Sl.ou. s>h->rt ua 5'Jc. Sell'! Ivrtlui i!o. .M. K.i Louise i-rni;;<. llox ITi, S PCJ;, Man. n vrn r vi SATlSl'-\ VOL KSlil.K - KVKKV sufferer of Kheum .-i: i.- !';i;n or .Neuritis to try Utxun".' Ueinedy. Munru'd l.irujr Store. J35 tTIjj :-., ii-M\vi. I'us'i'.iul SI.'"-' UAIIIIITS \VA\TKD L.AUUK UVIT. OO- mestic rabbits. Any quantity, price l(jc per pound, you pay ex- press. Ushtroot. St. Lawrence M ;l r I; e : . _Tor. ' v t o_. \VItl--> WAXTED VVANTliUV \VO.MKN TO TO HUM b; sew 'vs. Best pay. l-'osTnpe p.< 1 on ill work. Sent anywhera. Bontfti Specialty Co., Box 17. ')i. -.-. i: C FOR QUALITY SF-RVICE AM) s v riM.-vi riojf Tll\ IMI'KHIAI. f or S -p.'.-u: filin.. lev. J and priiitetl. or 8 reprints, tfia. Both with free en!:i : .^.ment. v -:'\i 1'IIOTO Si -l, n .1. T ISSUE 52 '41

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