Wednesday, January 7, 1942 THE FLESHER'JON ADVANCE Fresh and Cured Meats The Best STEAKS BAILEY'S FLESHERTON HIGH WINDS AND LOW TEMPERATURES PREVAIL Tuesday was the coldest day we have experienced in this district dur- ing the present winter, the ther- mometer reaching 14 degrees below zero. A driving snow prevailed at times Tuesday afternoon, but most of the country roads are open yet for motor traffic. We can ex- pect ihwn to be blocked at any time. Tuesday night and Wednesday morn- ing high winds blew fine snow in clouds, obscuring vision for motoring and many narrow escapes from col- lisions were reported. The night was the roughest we have had this year, but the SDVW did not block the roads toany extent. Artemesia Fox Hunters Bag 28 Reynards Three Artemesia hunters, *- >. Love, Harry Fisher and Emerson Gallagher, have had considerable suc- cess fox hunting this season. There have been plenty of foxes in the country this year and this threesome have been successful in capturing 28 rcynards. Ther largest catch was four in one day. Local and Personal ' Russians don't seem to want to take a day off to let the Germans fig- ured out how it has all happened. Germany took a long time to prc- part for a short war. Britain, in shorter time, is preparing for a long war. Future Events SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. Car of OATS has been ordered and will arrive shortly Phone your order now O. & A. Co-operative FLESHERTON OPTICAL IX Cempheii the optometrist, will be at the Munshaw House next Tuesday, Jan. 13th, from 12.30 to 6 p.m. Please call early. ARTEMESIA DISTRICT L.O.L. The annual meeting of Artemesia District L.O.L. will meet in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, Tues- day, Jan. 13th, at the hour of 8 p. m. Will the brethren please take notice and attend. G. W. Little- Johns, Dist. Rec. Sec. NOTICE Mrs. Lloyd Talbot spent the pas week in Toronto. Stanley Teeter spent his holiday.- with friends in Markdale. Cpl. Norman Stoddart, RCAF, To ronto, is home on five days' leave. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Boyd were re cent visitors at Orangeville. Mr. Everette Talfcot of Toronto was in town on Tuesday. Schools re-opened on Monday for the winter term. Pte. Laurie Smith of Toronto was home with his wife and family on five days' leave last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bellamy of St. Thomas spent the past few days with the former's father here. Rev. and Mrs. K. O. .McMillan spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson spent New Year's with the latter's par- cuts in Toronto. Mrs. D. C. McAdaui of Toronto spent New Year's with Mrs. Laurie Smith. Dr. and Mrs. W. K. Boyd of To- ronto were recent visitors with Mrs. W. Boyd. Mr. D. McTavish has returned to his home, after spending 1 a couple of weeks with his sons at Oshawa. Miss Doreen Hagan of Toronto This is to certify that I, V. J. was fchc guegt of Mrs j A Kerna . Tomlinson, of Trout Lodge, Eugenia, Ont., will not be responsible for any of Mre. Tomlinson's debts frcm this date of notice published. (Signed) V. J. TOMLINSON. Dated Jan. 7, 1942. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by under- signed up to 6 o'clock p.m. Friday, Jan. 16th, 1942, for supplying 20 cords hardwood (maple and beech) 18 in. long, part to be delivered at S. S. No. 17, Artemesia, by Jan. 31, remainder in February. Lowest r any tender not necessarily accepted. Frank Belts, Secretary. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will 'be received for 12 cords of body wood, maple, beech and birch, 20 in. long, to be deliv- ered to S. S. No. 7 school house, all tenders to be in by Jan. 14th. The lowest on any tender not necessar- ily accepted. Tenders to be sent to W. R. Meads, Priceville. As always for bargains and first quality merchandise, do your shopping at Hill's F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. MARKDALE, Ont. THE FRIENDLY STORE ban during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. N. Scarrow and Mr. Arthur McDonald spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Glen McDonald at Chatsworth. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hawken at- tended the funeral of the former's uncle, Mr. W. J. Hawken, which vas held at Harkaway on Thursday Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bentham and two children of Toronto spent New Year's with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. The W. I. postponed their January meeting to Wednesday, Jan. 14th, at the home of Mrs. 0. *W. Phillips, at 2.30 p.m. Trooper Eric Henderson of Camp Borden spent hig New Year's leave with his mother, Mrs. R. H. Hend- erson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter and family spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Percy Wright, Mr. Wright and Roy in Markdale. Messrs. Stewart McTavish and Jim Noxon of Oshawa visited sever- al days last week with the McTavish families and enjoyed some ski-ing. The W.M.S. of St. John's United church will hold the annual election of officers in the church Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. All members are urged to be present. Another successful dance was held New Year's Eve in Flesherton when a large crowd was in attendance. Music was supplied by Hank Hamil- ton's orchestra. Walter Russell, student at the 0. A.C., Guelph, was successful in passing his fall term exams, and spent the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Russell. A lovely reversible blanket was sent recently to L.A.C. Douglas Morgan and his recent bride, as a pift from his friinds in Flesherton. Douglas is stationed at Calgary. Mr. Mark iStewart was stricken by a stroke on Friday of last week and on Monday was taken to the Owen Sound hospital. He has full use of him body but his speech was affected. We hope that some rest will make him as well as ever. Sergt. Fred Gorrell and Sergt. Wm. Welton left on Monday to re- turn to Debert, N.S., with the Grey & Simcoe Foresters. Those who did not receive their Christmas leave, will start for their homes following the return of the remainder of the ' Regiment. I Miss Alice Armstrong has return- ed to Kingston to resume her studies ( after visiting in Flesherton a few days. During her vacation she it tended the twenty-nrst anniversary conference of the Canadian Student Movement, held at St. Andrew's College, Aurora, as a delegate from Queen's University. River Home Guards Protect Britain's Inland Waterways Britain's rivers, like her country- side and rolling downs, are patrolled night and day by the Home Guards. The rivers and inland waterways, on which seaplanes might try to effect a secret landing, are watched by a special section, the River Home Guard. These men, recruited local- ly from anglers, yachtsmen and others with special knowledge of the reaches, are armed with rifes and machine guns, and regularly patrol the waters in fast motor boats. Here is one of the patrols. American Tanks For Britain Arrive in Egypt Large numbers of tanks, further proof of the U.S.A.'s aid to Britain, arrived recently in the Middle East. Here is one of them being unloaded at an Egyptian port. Small Ad. Column FOUND License plate 43484T. Can be secured at Advance office. :A_ME ASTRAY Collie dog, tan, brown and White. Owner can have -same from John Nuhn. SKATES FOR SALE Girls' tube skates, size 3, good condition. Apply at The Advance office. jOST Purse containing $5 and some change around my garage. Finder please return to H. Sym- onds, South End Garage. 31p2 SKATES FOR SALE Pair C.CJtf Men's Nemo, size S, (2.50; pair C.C.M. Specials, size 8^, cost f!8, will sell for $5. Harold Best, Flesherton. 32p2 'OR SALE Number of cows, also reg. Berkshire boar 18 mos. old, bacon type, choice animal. Sam Grummett, R. R. 1, Flesherton; phone Feversham Ilrl3. 31p2 ARM FOR SALE Lot. 164 - 166, Con. 2, S. W. D. R., Township of Artemesia, containing 100 acres, good house, barn, out buildings and well. For particulars apply to Mrs. Susan Doupe, Proton, Ont. FOR SALE "Corona" range cook stove in good condition, also kitch- en cupboard. Inquire from Gordon Irwin, Flesherton R. R. 3. 80p2 WANTED Teacher of Music qual- ified for High School work, grades 9 and 10, minimum qualifications: elementary vocal Type A, Depart* ment of Education. Apply immed- iately to Roy Piper, Secretary Flesh- erton High School Board, Ceylon, Ontario. FARM FOR SALE Lota 16 17, Con. 2, N. D. R., Arte- mesia, containing 100 acres more or less, )?ood wells, creek at back of farm, good clay loam. Reasonable price. Possession at once. Mn. R. Stewart, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 14-15, Con. 1, S.D.R., Art* mesia, containing 100 acres, on which is situated a bank barn 45x55, also large driving shed. Thi.< property must be sold to wind up estate. Those interested communicate with John Oliver or W. R. Meads, Priceville, Ex- ecutors for the estate. 47e- i'OR SALE 7-room brick house in Flesherton, large lot, garage, gooc well, must be sold to settle estate of the late Andrew Gilchris-t Ap- ply to John Stewart, Executor, Pro- ton Station, phone 32 r 4. FOR S\LE Cow to freshen early in Jan.; Yorkshire sow and pigs Sett double breeching team harn- ess; 2 setts single driving harness good double driving sleighs, sett beam scales, 2 cutters. R. Allen & Sons, phone 45r21, Flesherton. Adolph Hitler is not feelinp so wo 11 ns he did this time last year when he promised Germany n com- plete victory in 1941. HORSE WANTED Small blocky mare, about 11 or 1200, not over 6 yrs., sound and quiet, black pre ferred, must be willing to take sound S-year-old driving mare, about 900 a s part payment. F. C. Eagles, R.R.3, Proton Station, tel- ephone 41 r3 Flesherton. 32pl FARM FOR SALE Farm, about 100 acres more or less, with dwelling house aid good buildings, about S miles north of Feversham. For sale conditions ap- ply Elmore C. Carr, Solicitor for Walter J. Milne Eestate, Thornbnr* BUSINESS CAKDS AUCTIONEER WALTER SBELEY See me about your auction sal*. Al sales conducted on business pita* ciples. Phone me at Feverahaa 4r or make arrangements at tfce Flesherton Advance office. DR. S. R. THIBAUDEAU VETERINARY SURGEON Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Coll- ege. Phone: 91 day or night MARKDALE, ONT. DR. J. E. MILNE Office Durham St Office Hours Afternoons, 1.36 to 4> Eveninta, 7 to 8.M. Sundays and Thursday afternoon* by appointment only. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 888, AJP. k A.M., meets in the Fraternal HaU, Flesherton, the second Friday in each month. W.M.: J. S. McDermid; Sec- etnry: C. J. Bellamy.