Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Jan 1944, p. 2

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Pimples and Blackheads Relieved by this Medicinal Ointment Whether in batliing suit or evening dress you become very much embar- rassed by skin affections and irritations on the riioulders and back aa well as on the face. Why not do something about it something worth while. Dr. Chase's OINTMENT ia a medicinal product on which you can rely for clearing up skin troubles of this nature aa , well as itching and eczema. Mothers who are accustomed to use Dr. Chase'a OINTMENT for baby's skin troubles and eczema find it so delightfully healing and toothing that they soon acquire the habit of using it for their own akin affections. 60 rig. a box. Economy Jar, five times aa much $2.00 HEl^-DIVING Dr. Chase's Ointment How Can 111 By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent chapping t hand? when they have been In rater? JL. The skin will pucker if the anils are In water for any length f time. But If rubbed with either Inegar or lemon juice. It will take them soft and white, and rvent chapping. Q. How can I make waffles or riddle cakes so that they will all e the same size? A. Mix the batter In a large Itcher. They will be uniform In Ice and evenly baked by pouring M batter Instead of using a spoon r dipper. Q. How can I make a cement >r glass? A. Cement for attaching objects > glass can be made by melting Mrether one part of resin and two arts of yellow wax. Q. How can I mend a woolen sweater that has a large hole in it? A. Try basting a piece of mater- ial on the wrong sl.le and darning through the patch. It will make the darn stronger and will keep the shape of the garment. Q. Mow can I clean a very greasy sink? A. Dust well with scouring pow- der and then sprinkle with am- monia. The ammonia will kill the disagreeable odor and a- rag and hot water will wipe out ail grease. Defeated A southern Xegro struggled desperately with his draft ques- tionnaire. After much sweating and worrying he gave up in de- spair, returned the paper with a notation: "I'se ready when you is." I RUINED CHURCH IN WAR'S WAKE Cultural casualty of the fighting in Italy is the 1100-year-ola St. Thomat Cathedral, shown here with its roof destroyed and its dome shattered shell. The famous church is reported to have been blown Rby German units retreating during the bitter fighting with the nadiani in Ortona. BARK MUST BE WORSE THAN BITE A fearsome pattern of smoke and flame belches from thit large Ccrnian railroad gun as it booms at the oncoming Russians. With anconscious humor, the German caption on this picture, received IkroiiRh a neutral source, located the cannon in "an endangered Hi-tor of the Russian front." which would place it almost anywhere In the thousand mile* between the Gulf of Finland and the Black Sea. H re's an idea 01 wha: Japs at Rabaul saw when 23 "Helldivers'' ..reamed through some SO Zero? and heavy flak barrage to leave Rabaul harbour an inferno of smashed ships. In photo above, landing barges circle as dive bomber roars down on "enemy there." Employees Of Tea Company Honored Newspaper advertising has been almost the exclusive medium for advertising products of tlie Salada Tea Company throughout Canada and Vnited States for 50 years, 1C was announced by company of- ficials In celebrating the 33th an- niversary of the founding of the company by the lato Hon. P. C. Larkin. More than 150 employees at Salada Tea attended a celebration at the Royal York, given by G. R. Larkin and his sister. Miss L.. Aileen Larkin. In appreciation of employees' co-operation in meeting wartime problems. Thirty-four employees who have been with the company for 25 years or more, were honored by presentation of suitably inscribed watches by Miss Larkin. The highest wind velocity ever recorded in the Ur.:s .! States was one gust of 231 miles an hour in 1934 atop Mount Wash- ington, New Hampshire. BUCKLEY'S Ml PoaNctt of Mc r*livt win, (wins oirt com. h..l. quickly, no Kr. S5c, 35e. 50c, $1.00. MECCA OINTMENT PILES Sufferers ot bleeding and p r 3 t r -iding piles should know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at Its source. Money back If the first bottle does not latlsfy. Buy from your 13. lNb, .1 .l pfovi 1 1 el mnv bk f Relieves distress from MONTHLY> FEMALE WEAKNESS Lydla S. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound not only nelps relUve monthly pain but also weak, nerv- ou* teellngs due to monthly func- tional disturbance*. It helps build up rt3tauc against distress ot "diffi- cult ilv." Made In Canada. Canada's Position In The Air World T.C.A. Laying Foundations For Future Of Aviation In Canada It is still too early to predict the shape of the world after the war, says H. J. Symington. K.C., President. Trans-Canada-A'.rways. It is true our thinking Is not limited to guessing and planning is going on but aa con- ditions are continually changing It seems to me essential that we remain flexible In our thinking and planning. The tame is, of course, true of aviation, which we all know will play an Important part In the world after the war. It has come so much to the front In the world picture, that it la now trite to say aviation has opened up new per- spective in human experience and international relationships, that it has. indeed, changed geography and given us a new world. We are conscious as never before of gobal air routes and already before :be war is won. we are beginning to hold conferences; to formulate policies and to lay down plans for equipment and services. Much of our thinking about post-war aviation must per- force be speculative and the time has not come when the nations can throw them open for public discussion. It Is important to know, how- ever, that Canada Is well aware of its strategic position 'n what has been called "the air ^rorld". The shortest ro"tes between North America and Europe and Asia cross this Dominion. This gives u? at once an opportunity and a resrwjnsibility ami rl'.p Can- adian government has been quick to realize both. ' Some time ago, it set up an intenii-paitniental committee on international civil aviation which is making a thorough study of 'he whole question and which adv'sps the government on The Tran -Canada MACDONALD'S Air Lines, too, li exploring all the ramification*. Trans-Canada haa been desig- nated as the instrument of the Canadian Government In Interna- tional air transport in addition to being given the responsibility of operating all main line systems m Canada. The record of the past year has demonstrated that the con- fidence the Canadian Govenment has placed In Trans-Canada Air Lines haa been folly justified. Though not on a commercial basis, nor as part of Its regular operation, T.C.A. actually began flying the Atlantic this past sum- mer, in a special government war- time service. Passengers on urgent war business and tons of important Cargoes, and mails for the troops overseas, have been carried in large aircraft operated by T.C.A. crews. The volume of traffic in 1943 showed a considerable increase over the previous year, i Figures for the T ast three months are estimated. 1 Passengers numbered 141.000 an increase of 35.354. .Vji'. amounted to S.SO'LOOO pour.'!.-, j:: Increase of 1 3:>1.1*S pour.ds. Ex- press weighs! S4'VOO pounds n increase of 47"!> ; i pounds. \...3 was more than double the amount carried in 1942. Winston Churchill, in prepar- ing a speech, dictates to a typist because he distrusts shorthand notes. And He Worries About Breakfast! Back of an award of a military medal to a New Zealand privat* lies the story of a amall New Zealand force besieged in a strong point by the Japanese during the> Solomons fig-hting. The officer and the only com- missioned officer present wer wounded and the cook took com- mand of the defense and directed It ably, holding off the Japanese all night and killing a number of the enemy. But when dawn came and '.he fighting ended the cook bezan to look troubled. ' What's the matter?" bis buddy asked. "I've got to get out of here," the cook said. "I should be ting breakf.i. ready now" Kidneys Musi (lean Out Acids Excess ic'.ds. poisons and wast?s !n you* blood are removed chiefly Bv your kid.-.tv*. aer.ir.c up S.ghts. Bununj Passages. Back- ache. Nervousness. Rheumatic Pa:r.s. fr- cuer.t lieudachis. and ittlizg worn out. often are caused by Kidney and Bladder tr-j\ibie. Usu&Uy I-T such cases, the very first dose ot CntrT joes right to work helping the Kid- neys clean out excess acldj and wastes. Ana this cleansing, purifying Kidney action. II Just a day or so. may easily make yen leel younger, stronger ana better than in yearm. The ;ran clad money-back agreement oa fjtex insurts an tmroedlate refund of th* full cost unless completely satufsctory You have everythir^ to gain and nothing toloaj under this money back offer so get Cyt from your druggist today CLA&lHhJJ AD\ HK riSif MEN IS It VIU c UK Iv< require aii^.tivnui brirt-u n^ flocks Is lo nuppl j , .. - - foe l'.M4 ."..i: -I-.MKJ ai-.v^u:i. : .-civs cu^.u und bioud- : \i.- mium ; ..i. A - D - - - - ::<-d I'.i rri'd 1; , ...-. tVhiti 1.1 -. Da, White l-U'.-Rs atul !'..a'-^ \ . . a . i ^ W'ri for full ' - (lied . \'\ 7J. 13 -V: , :u .--.',.- :it.o. \\ :: HA\ i: - ,, ,- :vs KOI; IMMI-;I'- . t limited liii.in-.: 1 . 11] . .-U ..i.C I., I.'. . LIU -1 1LIUIWU t eU . v < r - dv:*ir.^. N - : r"v:u. :> M:tl '.i -i:.-J - ' r , ,;,- : , ,| j..'\\ , - . i ; ii.i -- : 1)' john 4ir. .*.,!:.," ^ ii". -i; !..v\ :-; AM - \:\ -'VIM TO HTfc .eg hi s at pi'i. t <. A;.- .> Murrt'd h.'. 't;u- Visu ii;iy o",l h i 'rx*i for innv.td: M" i!>-livt ! \ . Tu . ddl < h.. k Hu*chei -s l.ini..i*1. Kergus, M'Hi . 1:1 i H.H niir i. H.< u r.v\ VIIII.:T\ u\n\ i HICKS TK'S sri;\ \ :s A rr. Ai'i'ii'AU IT"V.i .;^-!>: "<1u. .;IK ">tf. with t.vur.v - : n:>f >'urs ,,f -:>;idy pr. di:'-' h:t k of tin in. They wiil pay ivi for *- >! lii-rp ar.il oare. TII.N * . t-rtai::. t* ..u<t they : :' i. . ^ 'r.i*< 0:1 oar o\\:i farm 01:0 of >'M' .1'.. i * larKi'>* f.^u-pro- tii^-.r- '. -ti.^ \ ou K*: '-'.xaetiy the suni.- i e>1. strai:-. :nj sraJo .is \v t raise tor ouisi'Ivos. Poul- try m<ti::'.K< mm: liaiitlbook Itiuh I'av- Ability" s. nt KKKE on re- quest. ' price II 'A- aJ- vise earl! .'r*l*-rs. ."-rill'' "K- I.K;<;H F.M:M LJMJTKU, BOX 3SDR. Kriiv.tfi'i'd, iltitnviii. A\ i:i;>; A i-vi woi i.i< UK \\ l-:i.- oome t: \ : ; homv in Hv.tain. R;^ht i..-v\ li'-:'re probably lucky o K'"' ; ' '-I-K a month. Kven if V war were t> mil tomorrow thnre M in- a ili-nnitul f.-r eggs and other fWd products that w I'.-iti't hope . M'. Wc'i-f front ll i ''; rs itMl MS su.-n we ha\ > a:: * < - .1 oil;- front Sine fiKht'T.u allies, V. u can KU;irii - .- i iductloo i i:M prof- its'* r.t- \ T l~ . ! '. !> :-itr: : . .t r ,.i , , . hi "-,. eddle ' "hi.-ks >-ou (ar. i-;ire f.'' I\n' f . o: 1- r more ^> nieoll" n:;i> havi- t" Ko ^hivt. AN.- i. : ing -ul rt.idy t. lay pullfts :'.: :ulii,-i3-.i , .!,: \er>. Krt v . ;L* a '.o ^ vie T\\ -'tlo!!o Chick Tl.it- !u .t ~ l.:in:ieil. IMT-.;^. O:u. nit i..%rt: roo I.ATK NKXT Sl'U'.Ni; IHi.N'T I.KT IT IJE s . .J "too late." Send fjr our price list and order your baby chicks now. Ore dollar books your order. lioiKl.i-il Chiol< Hatchery. tTrlian- nin Helth's. . in\ \VK HAVK si ' MI-: CHOICK WHITK - . -ul rea.iy o lay puiiots at rv .1 ^or.ab!* 1 pri.--os. Also Parre.l Kvu-Us and hy'or.ds. I'ree ofltHl.'RUf. H!SV ila.v oul .-hioks i,'-. mini il..,;, delivery. Twvildie ci-.iok H,- !u is l.imiied. KerR- lit MM>S Mru:> IT iOC l-ACKK. i;-KviOM HOl'SK, bii'Mni: ." 50 fel floor sp.ioo. on Ha.lwi;.- S'I'.TI; 'l\ ronto twenty m:l.s. Ill Iv -o.lth. K. H. Kane, Kiolimoml Hill. _ in i-:i MI * < i I:\MM; HAVbi \OL ANiriilXii NEliUH dyeinti or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are gUd to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Oye Work* Limited. 791 long* Street To- ronto. _ MKXT BLJOOTR1C MOTOUS, NEW. I'SED, bought, '-olil. rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 232ii L'ufferin St. Toronto. KDll A'l-IO.X OKSU;.MXC.. A VRAO- tU'al anil thorough course, eusy to learn by correKpondenoe. To- rvnto Schi.ol of l>esign, l'.3?J Fay SU Torc-nto. CLASSIFItU ADVERTI<L : \\E.\rS K 1KMS KDIl tl.i: . : :.--. UJTS .':-.>. S..T. :'. H.iHI'mavd twp. E . fs -lay loam. . :-.! :, r Li 'n. well watered, two : , i' ; r^s. Hydro, to' : : rn^il, :.' ir ^ sin:-". H ihwjy 4J. Appi; .... "FARMS St'Hl'RBA.N I'Ki - ES S Of T . H. If :s llifhni. i Hill, ' inla M \i-!.UC|;t:.^T <Jl Al.lTV Illi-Ks!. k \i.' i-air.fr'il profit pi,.:: :-. I'.'iMiia- I'-'i'S prices, M ip!* 1 - orest Farm. !: "i'f -. i.'op<-:uwn fUK BALK ONK ' iK rill-: MI. >ST 1'ROKlTALil.K rum I h us messes todav '> the l-'KKn. MIXING .VXD GRINDING nus:nes.^. We have several good mills offered for sale in d'ffer- eiu sections of th province. Xo agent's fee cn.irKed. If you cao, Ket r nto '.his rapidly growing bus- iness now. liox 73. 73 Adelaide St^ W-, ''' '' :'-" ' UMII lltl.M UAI Mt;ii;h.A t'-'HM HALJJ Jcstroys orrenslve odor instantly. 45c Bottle Ottawa agent. Lienman I 'run Store. Pita w. II VllilMI I N| \,; M Hii.il L K A H N KobertdoQ method Informalloo on request regarding ..-lasses. Kiibertsou kaalrdrMMni Aoad- _ e m y. 137 Aenue Road, i'oronto. rii,. IIM.H : ;M PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to <.';t nada's :ar;t?si photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Any Size Roll ti or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED AND PRINTED 23e A customer at Ljerwiok, N.S., wri;,' "I want you to know how pleased 1 am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service. " We have su<-h letters from all over Cuti- uda. ENLARGEMENTS 3 for 25c 4xb" in Kusi'l Mounts. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING Knlarsemen-s 4\i>' on ivory ;-n:cd mo vt ills i'\'.'" MI c.olii. Silver. Circas- sian Walnut or 1!1 n-k Kbon> finish frames. i:V eaoh. If enlaru; i -ni, : . STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 11".'. 1'ostal T-i-miiuil A, T CLASSIFIED AD\ FRT1SH \\ENTS on I:H n i \vKvrons rrlnt Your Xntiif and I'lainly on All Orders. Address MAIL YOUR FILMS TO IMl'HUl AL l-'OR iJL AI.ITY. service unil -satisfaction, (j or 8 xposuru films -jc, reprints Ji for 25c. Imperial 1'hoto Service. S:a- tion J Toronto. I>:\K TOHVCCO FIVE I'Ol'XDS VlUtilXlA AX1> Burley l.ouf for pipo $i.t'0. Five pounds Hriuht V'irsiiiiii Ix-af for Clgiircttc. Jl.uu. 1'ostpaut with flavoring. Natural Uoaf Tobacco Co., I it'.-i!nln>;ton. Oiit. MKUIC M. ARTHRITIS rUSlTlVKLA' UKUKV- d with Hreenatone Crystals. Full month's supply Jl.OO. Indian Remedies. l'o\ 118. Vancouver. A TRIALr KVKKY SI K KKK1-1 K OK Rheumatic I'uins or Xcuiitis should try l>ixon's Kcn.-ily Munro's I'I-UK Stovo. :<3J I'.'lsin. Oitiiwa. 1'ostpuid JtA"J. ' i L:VI>: 1 . *' ' ' - tiriU full i: 1 .. i' ' <:. The Ramsay r.i . I; g Psten : At . -' : '.'ft ^'.' a w 1. ' "NOW AVAILABLE" nation l-'euu M;;i* k'ati- ada s mo>t pn/fi tab;,- farm feed pivt-i -s.vir um. t,'cful nil vear i - a, '-hops h:iy ,nto mow. _ra:n fv'f hoi:.*. c:it:I and poultry, mil ijo.-s nririy other fei'd prt-p-ir'n^ lobs. 3 - tea. \v ;a for ':- i> '. t *:!! u re. GEORGE WHITE & SONS CO. LTD., LONDON, ONTARIO Hi,, uiiM- n.,-i fbmhrrx, "llo ill. .'I--. rlr Diftfriliutor* John l)rer TrHftur* and _ Trm-Cur K<|nl;iniet. TOIL TRY GRIT POL'LTKY (JUiT; WHITE U.ME- lb. bugs. lrauird\it delivery in carloads or smaller HU-inT:' * ' T sampies Hn<l I ST1NSON I'.Klil: SL'ITLV . Avc., Moir.rvaL TAT KM* HH it CUMl'.V.NK latent Solicitors. KsCibllslnd 18SU. 14 K-iis We?:. Toiooto. Booklet of Inro.-mation on r- qucsl. ri n--N vi. "E1.1J AH CUMINS BfcU'X'KEl Christ". noniiertul book (re. Mi^;:Udo Ai.sa.^u, Uucliesl ei 11, _ N.\. ri iM-ii-'s i.;oi:i"'.N' si-:TTt;i;>. WELCH A NO sm.'oih iL-niali? Torriurs. OolJen Cufker Si'itii.iils. Black Scof.ios^ out t:am^*i -. Heel- ers .' moM'tis $3. nil. H. M M:'.;er. A:h- i:s. Oinrino. ll ll.TIMi l'AT.'IU> KKOM i-'lM-: MIAN'S SUTlNcJJ! OK o\ coating, u x i>. N '. y \ !. 1'ru-o from ;;>.. up. per pound. Trial pi. k !; $!.!. i. A No rem- nants fo: l idle.s', infi s, rvn's clothes, I.OI'IS KICK. 3S1 RAW WA.V1-EO ONli SKi.N OH TUOL'SA.NU!? IT v\ : t'.iv >L'ii IL' >hip u> On', i J raacber-owuttd Fur Oj-jt. i ;-ive 1 :i'j;r.<;;; market l>::^u. Urilc- t^r sil ' ;>p ; it ', : ' ,- i:;-l ua.im (ovm.v <-':i'..irio l-'u: ei.s' i.'o-i.-pcia: i vc. UiniiicJ. ii> \ o:kvliaStr>;:. Tor onto. KliAi. A\I;I.>UAS " :s:i:!' KOI I . . \\ i 1 .' >(.,-.-i b:tvilir.^; >;.'.-iv. iv^- cnptive fol^icl free. Ivtf^at Uab- . Box TJ ^.. Vital, Ma::. nm:i >iv r UA\ K V O I' HKAKll Pixon's Ni'u:;i;> atul Hhvuinat .0 1'a.n Ki nir .jy : Lt yivi suits. Munro's Urut Sioii. :;o'j Kitt'Il. Oil . ,\ I. Pi .-].:,, I S) i ST AMI'S HA TK1N1DAU STAMt'S Sl'KClAU; tl.UO value (or 30c to approval customers, stumps bought. Col- on, i,. l-.-\ i.'ij, t'lucv U Aimca, Mo lit Hal. STOMACH AM) THHKAD WUU.MS ofieii ate the cause of lll-hultn In hum. u.-, all ugea. No ui) uu- miiin.! Why not riiid out if tlii* is >uin iiuuUle? liitn.'siiti^ unr- MCU|;IIS Free! Write Mulveucy'l Ki-iiietiies, Specialist* Toronlo S. UllL

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