* r-^ VANUL1.EUK On Wednesday afternoon the Wj^. inet at the honiie a±" tiie president, Mrs. Geo. Buchanan with a good at- tendance of memibers. Mrs. Louis Teeter, convenor for the program, presided for a we-U-prepared program. Misses Marie and Dorothy Johnston favoured with a duet, Mrs. Lundy Johnston read the topic "Chm-chea Kespponsiibilities." Several members gave reading and Mrs. Angus Bowles conducted a humorous contest, during •which busy fingers worked quilt blocks ot knittiifg. The Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. Howard Craham, the subject being "The Church in the Rural Ck>mmunity." After the broadcast a couple of art- icles on the subject were read by Miss Dawn and H. I. Graham. Two discussion grouips were formed undei' the leadership of Miss Dawn and Mrs. W. G. Bowles and these reported to the open Forum. A period of games, etc., followed. The next meeting will ibe held at the home of Mr. Andy Fawcett. Mrs. Geo. Shaw will be program convenor and Vernon Fawett will have hcarge of recrea- tion. The program will have some St. Valentine features ai:d there will also be progressive croldiiiole. Friends and neighbors of Mr. Chas. Boland met at his home on Friday evening to spend a feiw social hours together. Mr. Boland recently sold his farm to his son, Lloyd. The evening wab enjoyed in dancing and cards and neighbors chatting. AJbout jnidnight Mrsi. Dane McGee read an address and Mr. Frank Davis pre- sented Mr. Boland with a did} bag on behalf of the neighborhood. Mr. Boland expressed his appreciation in a.ferw well-chosen words. Mr. and Mrs- Alex. Gilray are mov- ing this week to Wodehouse. The 12th line neighbors of Mr. Eoy McMullen, who suffered a pain- ful injury to his hand recently, met at his wood lot and prepared for a buzzing bee one day last week. Miss Margaret Dawn sipent the "week end at her home at Heathcote. Mrs. Richard Fawcett is quite ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wyville. Mr. Fawcett of Wodehouse frequently visits his wife and daugh- ter, Mrs. Wyville, and family. EUGENIA Aliss Doroihy Jamieson of Toronto pent the week end with her parents, .VIr. and Mrs. Fred Jamiestin. Miss Blanche Walker spent tlie .veek end at the home of her uncle, Ir. R. C. Walker, Shetburne. Miss Jean Proctor is spending hree weeks' holidays in Toronto and )ther places. -Miss Margaret McMillan of the -i. ui.d M. Hospital, Owen Sound, visited on Saturday at her home. Mr, and Mrs. Baker and Mr. and <irs. Cecil Magec visited friends in lleathcote -ecently. Pte. Glen Pedlar of Petawawa and iis wife of Niagara Palls, visited ver the week end with the Pedlar -ind Magee families. Mr. Delbert Magee of Orillia spent he week end with his parents, Mr. md Mrs. Garnet Magee. Miss Joyce Genoe spent the week .â- nd with Mrs. O. J. Rowe, Flesherton. Mr. Chas. Williams spent a few lays in Toronto. Mr. Thos, Stewart has gone to To- ronto to secure a position. Mrs. Thos. Stewart has taken over the operation of the post office in -he village. Miss Marge Park is visiting with her brother and friends in Flesherton. The Woman's Association will meet a' the home of Mrs. Roy McMillan on Wednesday afternoon, Fefb. 16th. Roll call will be answered by an ex- change of Valentines. Visitors are welcome. A ten-cent tea will be served by the hostess. Miss Irva Magee was home from Collingiwood over the week end. Mr. Roy McMillaji has returned from Collingwood, where he has been employed for several weeks. Little Miss Patsy Gorrell of Flesh- erton visited for some time with her grandlparents, 'Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell. P R 1 C E V U L F The Y.P.S. met Tuesdny eveninsr at the home of Mrs. Dan Campbell, with a g^ood attendance. Mr. Willis Sayers presided over the meeting. and Kenneth Nichol, secretary, took the minutes, and the roll call was anwsered by iiaminp: the first five books of the Bible. Miss Margaret Nichol gave a vei-y interesting paper and Miss Lily Flynn also gave a humorous reading. Mrs. A. L. Hincks conducted a contest, with Allan and Angus McLachlan winning the prizes. This week the meeting is being held, at the home of Mr. Sims. Mrs. â- Bill Hill of Fergus spent a few days at her mother's. Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie and family of Durham were recent visit- prs at the home of Bill McKechnie. Mr. anid Mrs. Russel Park of Flesherton visited on Sunday with Mrs. A. McLachlan. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson and Nar?y of Wingham spent the week end with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McLachlan of Orillia spent the week end with Mrs. A. McLachlan. The cars are now running along the townlino. which was opened on Friday for motor traffic. A.B. Ross McConkey has returned to Gaspe, Que., where he is stationed with the Nav>-, after a furlough at his home here. Mrs. E. J. Bennett has taken a position at London. 8TH LINE OSPREY Mr. P. J. Somers and Miss Kay are spending a few days with Mrs. Somers at Mildmay. Mrs. Ern. Hatton and Carol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stephens. A nunuber of the young folk from tliis line attended the presentation at Portlaw in honor of Mr. and Mrs. "ill Stephens. Mrs. Jas. Ottewell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wickens on Sunday. Pte. Jim Gibblin is on furlough with the Hawkins family. Mrs. Mervin Ottewell of Pagawa visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Otte- well and Dolly recently. The Farm Forum will be held at the home of Mr. Jack Haley this Monday eyening. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous. 4th line, spent an evening at the Ottewell home. THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, February 9, 1944 MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod and Mrs. John Priestley of Toronto visit- ed their home folk, Mr. and Mrs. .A.ngus McLeod over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wi< Kerton of To- ronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kerton. Miss Jean Ross of Toronto spent the week end at her home. Mrs. Ren Acheson of Cheltenham visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross. Marion and I>orothy Fenwiek spent the week end with their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. ffugh Fenwiek. Miss Reta Duckett has taken a position at Dn-rham. The W. A. of the United Church met at the borne of Mrs. Chas. Brodie on Thursday, Feb. 3rd, with 25 in attendance. Roll call was re- sponded to with one verse of a fav- orite hymn. Mrs. CHarence Winters gave a very fine paper on Ruth and Naomi. It was decided that each member would raise talent miney during the year, each to folkw her own talents, and turn the monay in at the end of the year. Following the transaction of the usual busin- ess, Mrs. Brodie conducted a quizz contest, which was won by Mrs. Joe Porteous. CEYL©W Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and sons, LA.C. Gordon Nichol of Winnipeg and Ha-old, accompanied by Mrs. D. Mdntyre of Mclntsrre visited with friends in London last Saturday and on Sunday with CoUingwood friends. Mrs. H. Piper attended the trous- seau tea on Thursday last in Mark- dale for Miss Perle McMaster, R.N., a bride-to-be, whose marriage takes place 111 February to Mr. L. G. Boland. The many friends of Mrs. Chas. D. Cox of Priceville are sorry to learn of her recent illness and. hope for a speedy recovery. Several of our village folk attended the euchre in Flesherton last Thurs- day evening and report a pleasant time. Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam were the winners of the high scores. .\ pleasant evening of progressive euchre was held in the school last Tuesday evening with nine tables in play. Mr. and MrS. J. F. Collinson en- tertained one evening last week in honor of L.A.C. Gordon Nichol of Winniipeg. The saying that one nas to be dead to be appreciated must appiy to bulls also, in view of the posthumous tribute to the noted Millhills Ran- som. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Gordon Whalen and Mrs. Harvey Stevenson of Owen Sound •spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. Clarence Chard. Miss Ruby Dobson of Stones Line spent the week end at her home. Mrs. Geo. Hill and daughter, Geor- ffina, of Markdale and Mrs. Ross Davidson of Feversham visited re- cently with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard. Miss Ruby Akitt returned to To- ront on Friday, after holidaying at the home of her brother, Mr. George .\kitt. She was accompanied back by Miss ES-hel Dargavel, who has secured a position in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard visited river the week end with friends at Preston. Mr. an<l Mrs. Wilfred Best of To- ronto spent the week end with her larents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Mrs. Jas. Humphrey of Toronto Line North spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Hargrave. KIMBERLEY I I Grey and Bruce Counties Food Industries Pledge $25,000 The Food Industries of Grey and Bruce Counties hkve pledged themselves to raise $25,000.00 in War Savings Certificates d'lring- the month of February. When you purcliase from the stores mentioned below buy a War. Savings Stamp, place it In the folder and when you have sixteen change it for a War Savings Certificate. Buy all the Stamps you can, our money is needed to carry on the war to a successful conclusion. I A draw will be made at the end of the month with the names of those purchasing I stamps and the groceries displayed in Richards' Furniture Store window will be given away^free to the lucky winner. •:-> i F. H. W. Hickling I O. & A. Co-Operative This advertisem«it is sponsored by K. G. Betts W. A. Hawken C. J. Kennedy McDonald's Bakery ><•<•♦♦♦*♦ NOT A BAD IDEA Once a rich man Said he would devide his foFtune among his tr'ends if only tie knew who they were. Years passed and at last tine man died â€" in a mid-winter Dlizzard. Uis last request was that his funeral oc held at four o clocK in ttie morning. Although scores had boasted oi be- ing his intimate friends, only 3 men and one poor woman turned out lo stand red-eyed ana sad bes^le . grave. When the wiu was real u directed that his estate be divided equally among those who attenued his funeral. Jfnends are mucn scarc- er than we tnink. Johnny has been studying econom- ic matters, and now fiels that teacli- ers should freeze the best marks ot the students and thus avoid the monthly report cards. BL^rXER QUALITY TELLS British courts have ruled that women are merely chattels in the home. Pity the poor judge in t/ar-'da who would hand down such a de- cision. Likciy as not his "c.iattel" would hang a frying pan on his head when tie returned to tiis castle. It is important to the butter in- d-istry of oanada that a high stan^-- ard of quality be maintained by in- creasing the propcrtion of the total prouuction whicti scores 93 points or higher, and the eliminating as tar as possible the 'ower grades. While butter is rationed, most consumers are interested only in the best qual- ity. It is not known defimtely what future market requirements will be but past experiences has shown that products of nigh quality are more rapidly sola, and at Higher prices than those of inferior quaUty. The W. A. met at the home of Mrs. R. \V. Chard, with the president in the chair. Roll call was answered by a verse in which was tlie word Israel or Jew. Mrs. B. A. Carruthers gave an interesting reading from the 'Outlook" and Mrs. S- S. Burritt part of the book "David," the last part of which will be given at the ne.xt meet' ing. Twelve ladies were present. Pte. Mervin Gilbert of Camp Bor den spent the week end with friends here. Sergt. Harold Graham of Valley- field, Que., spent a short leave over the week end with his parents, Mr and Mrs. D. A. Graham. Don Graham of Toronto visited over the week end with his parents. Mr. John Wickens had his hand quite severely injuied while vforking at a buzzing bee here last week and had it dressed by a physician. We are sorry to report Mr. and Mi-s. S. Dobson and family moving from GUI' village. They have been very kind and helpful citizens in- the church, school and community life. We wish them happiness in their new home at Thornbury. Rev. Hamier announced on Sunday that he would not be able to take the services in the Baptists Church for three Sundays, owing to iniport-ant work elsewhere. The work here will be taken by students from McMaster University, Hamilton. PORTLAW SKATING Flesherton Arena Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT from 8 to 10 p.m. Admission: 15c and 10c Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Shier and sons, accompai">ied by Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gardiner, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ro.v McMr.Uen, Vandeleur, Tuesday. Misses Klda and Marjorie Pedlar and Maibel Blackburn were visitors with their girl chum, Mrs. Norman Jackson, of Wareham recently. Mr. and Mrs. Tuck, son and daugh- ter, Pte. Geo. Badgerow and Pt«. Cecil Shier, all of Owen Sound, at- tended the presentation for Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gartiiner at Portlaw school. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard and Maibel visited in Collingwood at the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Prank MacArthur and Douglas of Collingwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hopips over the week end. CONTROLS WILL GO AS SOON AS POSSIBLh Wartime standardization and sim- plification restrictions which have been an essential factor in the suc- cessful functioning of Canada's price and supply controls, will be lifted as soon as the need for them is gone. This assurance was given in Toronto recently by E. C. Burton, Retail Trade Administrator of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Mr. Burton said it was conceivable that further develop- ments might necessitate further re- strictions on the manufacture of civil- ian goods, but that such case^woffid beheld to a minimum compatible with the provisions of the most essential needs of the communuity. How Much is a Dollar Woriii Iri dollar is wor(lt as much as it con buq^^. For instance, during rlie last world war people paid rCTfor o pound of butter, .while qou patj oround ^-n~ todaq. It is the same with shoes and the other necessities of life, in 1917, they paid w^^and younowpaq^^^forthe some quolitq. This means qour dollar is worth more than the dollar of ]914"18. Yoo get more gg for your moneij i9ie iM« â€" because price ceilings and other anti-inflation ary measures have kept the value of qour dollar HIGH! And qou will keep ij our dollar high in value bt| using moneq wiseli^uM . You protect qour dollars worth even|time qou bu4 a bond . .Pass up some needless luxury v<^\. . Pay off a debtV^. . Refuse to hoord goodsl^^g* ..And refusetofrequent black markets. That's howto make money with gour present dollars I Remember, dollars are worth less if they buy less. I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. 1 will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. 1 will pay off old debts, save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. j(^ ^iu^ P^^/i^ /ii/^ A^A/ Published by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) to help fCTcal the daostrs that infladoo represeats for all the people of the Nadoo. C2rS^ IBB m â- MHi