Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1944, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE r Wednesday, March 8, 1944 8TH LINE OSPREY f Mrs. S. R. Hawkins epent a few 4ays with frienda in Markdale. Miss Mina Dunning spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. M. Roberts. Our school baa been closed owing to the illness of our school teacher, Mrs. M. Davidson. Miss Kay Somers sipent Sunday with her friend, Miss Jean Ottewell. Mr. Wni. Moffatt has returned home after spending the past few months at Maxwell. The Farm Forum was held at the hoTO'C of Mrs. M. Murphy last Mon- day evening. This Monday it is being held at the home of Mr. Geo. Lavvlor. While working in the bush, Mr. Bill Stephens had one of his fingers severely cut, three stitches being used tu close the wound. Mr. Vernftn Somers is spending a few days in Toronto. CEYLON (Intended for Last Wcek^ Mr. P. J. Somers is spending a few days with his son at Banks. .Miss Adeline Murphy has returned home after spendiing the past few days with Toronto friends. Miss Lois Williams spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Conn of Feversham. Mr. J. Mui-phy has gone to Brant- ford where he has secured a posit- ion. Several young people of thi.s line attended a euchxe party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous, Fri- day evening last. A good time was reported. Our sincere sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late Mrs. Fred Spofford. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mrs. Will Gibson spent the week end in Toronto and attended the funeral of her cousin, Mr. Jos. Phil- lips, who passed away last week. Mr. Angus Whittaker is visiting friends in Toronto. Tpr. Levi Stafford of Camp Borden spent the week end with his parents. Miss Helen Duckett spent the week end with friends in Owen Sound. Mrs. F. Mar' hall visited recently u-iLu her son, Clarence Marshall, of Severn Falls. We are glad to know that Clarence is improving in health after his illness. Mrs. Thos. Genoe and son, Ed., vc^re recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Amett and little daugh- ter of Durham. Miss Eileen Stafford is spending a holiday in Taronto, the guest of her couain, Mrs. R. Bicknell, â-  and also with her brother, Eric^ Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pattinson and daughters, Gwen and Mary, and Mr. and Mrs. Carman Genoe of Owen Sound visited last Sunday with Mr. and ilrs. Thos. Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair of Dun- dalk were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Ceylon community ' eld a progres- sive euchre in the school last Friday evening, when there were ten tables of euchre in play. The wimiers of the high scores were Mrs. Frank Teeter of Plesherton and Mr. Edg- ely Hazard of Ceylon, whiV F. J. Thurston of Flesherton received the lucky prize. A pleasant evening was enjojred by those present. Tpr. Clifford Rowbotham of Camp Borden returned to his dtaties Satur- day, after spending his furlough at Ceylon and Ehirham. EUGENIA Mr. and Mrs. H. MoKee and son Jack of Feversham were visitors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mrs. Ruby Tomibs of Toronto was a week end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Swanton. Mr. and Mrs. McFadden and her quilting group together with friends held a crokinole party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lever on Fri- day last. A pleasant time was enjoy- ed by all. The winners of the high , scores were Mrs. J. Braekenbury and H. Solomon. " ) A social evening was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Miller : Saturday evening in honor of two of j our boys in the Armed Forces, Pte. I Wm. Hall, who was home on leave, j was presented with a pen and bill I fold, and a similar gift for Sergt. W. Smith of the R.C.A.F., who is now serving overseas, was presentd to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith. There are to be "demonstration" farms in every counity in Ontario. They have" had them for years in many countries â€" they demonstrated deficits. "Does my practicing make you nervous?" asked the youth who was learning to play a saxophone. "It did when I first heard the neighbors discussing it," replied he man next door, "but now I don't care what happens to you. Visitors over the week end at the Thos. Stewart home were: M"- Thos. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Nonuiin Ion- son, Jean and Roy, Mrs. McMaster and Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jolmson and Maxine, all of Toronto, Tpr. Geo. Stewart of Camp Borden and Pte. Don Carson of Listowel. Mrs. Russell Johnson and Maxine re- mained for a longer visit. Tpr. Gor- don Stewart has gone to Toronto for a. few days. Mrs. O. J. Rowe and Keith of Flesherton are visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Campbell. Little Miss Patsy Stewart has re- turned from the Markdale Hospital and is recuperating at her home. We are sorry to report that Gwen- dolyn Park had the misfortnne to t^vist her ankle severely while ski- ing. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mis? Marurie Park spent the past week with Mrs. C. Park and ^Gwen. Mrs. Fred Gorrell and Patsy visit- ed a few days with the fomier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell and her brother, Elward. Miss Irva Magee has returned from Collfngwood, where she has been employed for some months. Mrs. R. Genoe, Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker and Mrs. W. Walker attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Jacob Holley in Markdale. We extend onr sympathy to the sorrowing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Menzias and little son spent the week end with her brother, Mr. Ken Kaitting, and Mrs. Kaitting. M'e extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. J. O. Dargavel in her sad bereavement by the sudden passin^T of her dear sister, Mrs. Robt. Stev- enson, of Kingston. Mrs. Dargavel and another sister, Mrs. Robt. Wat- son of Owen Sound attende<l the funeraU which took place at Kings- ton on Wednesday of last week. Guardsman Grant Helmkay, Niag- ara Falls, arrived home on Friday on a forty-eight hour leave. A number from this line attended the Leap Year dance in Flesherton a.-rt Tuesday night and report a, splendid time. ROCK MILLS The first of the week was so windy and cold that it doesn't looik as though we will have spring for a few days yet. A few crows have already been seen around. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark attended the funeral of the late Joe Phillips, which was held in Toronrto Saturday afternoon. Joe was well known in this district, having been raised on the farm aboui two miles east of here, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips. News of his death came as a great shock to his many friends, who join in extending their sincere sympathy to the bereaved relatives. VICTORIA CORNERS Miss Ina Acheson spertt a ten day holiday with friends in Toronto. Mrs. Wm. Duncan, who has been ill at her home, was removed to Mark- .iale Hospital for a few days, and when brought from there was taken to the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. r^ihii Duncan. We hope that Mrs. Duncan may soon be restored to good health. Mr. ind Mrs. Angus Mc.^uley and son. Dougnld. have again moved, this time to the Maple Grove district, to the Russell Patterson farm. The best of luck follows thiem to their new heme. Mr Jack Gowanlock has been a caller in our homes during the pas* week, in the interests of the Red Cross canvass. The W. A. will hold their March Meeting at the home of Mrs. John Duncan on Thursday, March 9th. .A.S our correspondence is ready for the mail box this Monday morning, we learn of the illness of Mr. Wm. Moore, at the home of his daughter, ilrs. Bert Hodgins, near Proton Sta- tion. Mr. Moore, who had an attack of the 'flu, suffered a relapse tlie end of the week. We hope that his con- dition may rapidly improve. K. i M B £ R L E Y Miss Leota Graham of Toronto .-pent a few days during the week with Kimberley friends. Miss Helen Betts is the guest of I'.er friend. Miss Shirley McMuUen. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Cornfield have moved into the home of Mrs. Geo. Proctor. Miss Marie Bussy of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. Weber "ver the week end. Mi-s. Garnet Baker and babe spent 'the week end in Thornbury with Miss Gail Myles. Pte. Ted Weber of Camp Borden spent the week end with his parents. Pte. Mervin Gilbert of Ipperwash visited w^ith friends here over the week end. Meivin Ellis of the R.C.A.F. re- turned Friday after a furlough to complete hia training at Calgary. FEVERSHAM The Red Cross meeting was held at the home of Mrs. G. Eby Tuesda/ afternoon, Feb. 39th, when 103 art- icles were packed to be shipped jO headquarters. Mrs. Montgomery and daughter of Dundalk spent Jie past week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Long. Mrs. Long has been ill with neuritis in her head, but we are pleased to hear she is improving. Miss Mary Speers has been in bed a few days with a severe cold, but is able to be around again. Miss McFarlane took a week spell en Sunday, but since then is doin^ nicely. 5Ir. Jim McKee returned last Wednesday from Toronto, where lie had been employed for the past month. Mr. Howard McKee of. Hamilton ;s spending a few days with his wife and family. Mr. and ^frs. McKee and Jack visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette in Owen Sound on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Alexander returned home with them after visiting for a few weeks in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Conn and Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod of To- i-ontn» spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rozell Conn and family. SE>n) IN YOUR RENEWAL. Buy at Home SAVE TIRES, GASOLINE AND MONEY Back Band Harness, good quality 135.00 set Breeching Harness, best quality, japan trim also some brass trim $62.00 - $64.50 set First Grade L. S. Horse CoUars, all sizes, also good stock of short straw collars and Har- ness parts. 4 New Ranges with shelf or warming closet. Priced at $68.00 to $94.00 New Wood Heater 3 Electric Brooders 1 Used Heater A few Electric IroiB Full stockl of Scarf's Paints and Varnishes, Paint Brushes and all housecleaning needs. Marmill - Livingstone - New Life Feeds Chick Starter $2.95 up to $3.65 La- Concentrate $3.50 Lay Mash $2.80 • $2.90 Hoar Concentrate $3.15 Caif Meal $3.50 cwt. $4.00 $3.50 J. M. STAFFORD t FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE FEVERSHAM, Ontario Rock Mills School FEBRUARY Grade 7 and 8 â€" loan Betts 87, Harvey Atkinson 80, Allan Betts 78, Don Smith 15. Grade 6 â€" Ivene Porteous 83, Gordon Helmkay 79. Myi-tle Betts 7S, Lawrence Dabson.70. Grade B â€" Goldie Atkinson 81, Shirley Partridge 80, Bobby Betts 66. Grade 4 â€" Clayton Porteous 94, Redge Dobson 84, Leslie Porteous 80. Grade 2 â€" Murray Betts, Kenny Smith 94 (equal), Ethel Betts 70, Wilkinson 70. Grade 1 â€" Jeanette Dobson 96, Lois Helmkay 90, Ivan Betts 80. Winners of stars for conduct â€" Ethel Betts and Kenny Smith. The numbers are percentages. The numlber on the roll: 21. .Average at- tendance: 20.33. â€" Mrs. Francis See- ley (teacher) Londoner wounded at Dieppe with Commandos becomes bus conductor. "None but the brave deserve the fare." The masked carnival was in full swing. As the clock struck twelve, the hostess said to the lady near her: "You can now take off your mask." "Madam," replied the lady, with a freezing glare, "it is not a mask." GET \' 1944 MO¥©k wm^%'^%, PillMil m.mmhmmp. SKATING Flesherton Arena Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT from 8 to 10 p.m. Admission: 15c and 10c Your 1944 motor vehicle permit is now ready. Good citizenship and good sense tell you to get it now. Take good care of your 1943 plate. Wartime re- strictions require that you use it for another year. Your motor vehicle permit fee remains the same. With your 1944 motor vehicle permit there will be issued a windshield stamp such as that illustrated. The display of this stamp will validate the use of your 1943 plate. 1944 drivers' licenses are now available and should be secured at once. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Do you kttotif that both your motor vehicle permit and driver's license will be automati- cally suspended until you file proof of financial responsibility if you are convicted of a violation of the law following an accident? You may find an insurance policy difficult to secure then. It is better to drive safely and avoid accidents than to find yourself unable to drive at all. GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister of Highways i^m

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