Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1944, p. 8

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Wednesday, March 8, 1944 STEPHEN'S CORNERS THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Meldtnim of Portlaw visited on Sunday witlh Mr, and Mrs. Ray Pedlar. Misa Mable Fentwick of Colllngr- wood visited on Friday with her father, Mr. Roy Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Will Seeley of Max- well entertainied their friends to a very successful euchre party last Thursday evening, when there were cl'even tables in play. The prizes for high score went to Mrs. Clarence Winters ami Mr. Andy Pallister. The proceeds acounied to $12.26, which go to the Stephen's Comers War Workers. AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, I.MPLEMENTS, Etc. JOHN J. BLACK will sell by public auction on LOT .34, CON. 2, GLENELG THUIJSDAY, MMJCH 16TH. 1944 at 1 p.m. sharp St'L' hills for full particulars. â€" JOHN O'NEIL. .Auctioneer. CKEBIT mm 8ALL of WESTKRN HORSES MOO to 1700 pounds, well broken and ready for work; also 15 Cattle at the farm of PERCY WINTERS Half way between Majcwell and Singhaniplon on CollingT^ood Gravel (open for motors) FRIDAY, MARCH 10 at 1 o'clock p.m. .\rchie Campbell. Geo. Duncan, I'roprietor Auctioneer CREDIT AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, I.MI'LE.MENT.S F" URN ITU RE, ETC. GEO. BEST will sell by public auction I'/* MILKS .SOUTH OF , FLESHIBRTON, NO. 10 HIGHWAY on FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1944 tin- fcillowinjj-, namely: HORSES â€" Black Horse 7 years old; Bay Horse, 12 years old; Dark Bay Mare, 4 years old; Roan Horse, 6 years old. CATTLEâ€" Grey Cow, 4 years old, supposed due June 12; Hereford Cow, 4 years old, due lime of sale; Hol- slein Cow^, 9 years old, supposed due April 22; Hereford Cow, 8 years old, calf at fool; Black Cow, 9 years old, due time of sale; Red Cow, 10 years old, milking, supposed due Aug. 9; .Hereford Cow, 7 years old, due Mar. 6; Registered Durham Cow, 5 years old, supposed due May 1; 3 Hereford Steers, 2 years old; Roan Heifer, 2 years old; 2, Red Heifers, 1 year old; Durham Heifer Calf, 1 year old in May; 6 Calves. PIGS â€" Sow supposed to farrow April 27; Sow, supposed to farrow April 6; 9 Pigs around 150. lbs. each. FOWL â€" 2 Geese and Gander; 2 Ducks and Drake; BO Hens. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" M. II. Binder, G foot cut, in good repair; M.-H. Mower, 5 foot cut; M.-H. Seed Drill. II di.sc; Cock.shuU Disc, 16 phili'; Spring Tooth Cultivator; 3 Drum Lanil Roller; Horse Rake, 10 foot; 2 Walking Plows No. 21 Floury; 2 Sets Iron Harrows; Ridinj? Plow; 2 Sculflers; Turnip Sower; Turnip Pulper; Fanning Mill; 2,000 lb. Scale Set Sloop Slei^jrhs; Wagon; Huggy; Cutter; Set Farm Trucks; Cutting Box; Slush Scraper; Scaffold Jacks; U Wagon Tongues; International Cream Separator; Hay Rack; Stock Rack; l'i« Crate; Post Rack; Work Bench with Vise; Wheelbarrow; 2 Sickle Grinders; Ua.s.oline Engine; Hay Fork; Hupgy Tongue; 2 Set Heavy Whiffletrees; 2 sets Light Whiffetrelea; Set Sling Ropes and Chain Tightener; Block and Tacle Pulleys; Grind Stone; Sugar Kettle and 2 Sap Pans; 75 Huckets and Spiles; Ncckyokes, Chains, Forks, Shovels, Pulleys and numerous other articles. HARNESS â€" Set Team ffamcss; Set Plow Harness; Set Single Har- neaa; 5 Horse Collars. GRAIN â€" Large Peas; about 100 bu. Oats; 2 or 3 bags Fall Wheat; quantity of Hay. HOUSBHOLD EFFECTS â€" Ex- ten»jj)n Table and 8 Chairs; Gnifon- ola and Records; Arm Chair; Churn; Wri-nger; Butter Dish and Ladle; Hanging Lamp; Wash Stand; Box Stove; Stove Pipes; 4 li*ge pictures. TERMS - Hay, Grain, Fowl and eU sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 6 monlUs' credit will be given by furniahin'g joint notes satisfactory to the Bank of Commcixse, Fleaherton, and bearing interest at 6 per cont. â€" <JE». E. DIIKCA.N, Autioneer. VANDELEUR Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson was hoatess to the Woman's Association for their March meeting on Wednesday after- noon of last week, with Mrs. A. Faw- cett, convener, presiding. The roll call was answered by a verse on "Friend" or "Friendship." Consid- erable business regarding quilting, piecing and purchasing material for quilts, was discussed. A quilt, re- cently completed, was displayed and purchased by Mrs. Angus Bowles. A paper on Temperance was read by Mrs. Howard Graham. Mrs. Hutch- inson and Miss Dawn gave readings and Miss Dawn a piano selection. Miss Marion Summers conducted a guessing contest, which was won by Mrs. A. Fawcett. Mrs. Richard Fawcett, who has spent five weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon WyviUe, has returned to her home at Wodehouse. Rod Cross collectors, Mrs. George Buchanan and Mrs. Carman Sewell, have called on the Vandeleur homes. Tpr. Fred Boland of Camp Borden was a recent visitor with relatives and friends. Pte. Hilliai'd Fitzsimmons of To- lOTito was a week end visitor at his parental home. A host of friends and well-wishers from Vandeleur, Markdale and dis- trict, gathere<l at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Boland, recent groom and. bride, on Friday evening, to spend a social evening and wish them bon voyage in their we<lded life. The evening was spent in dancing and social intercourse. About midnight Mrs. Geo. Shaw^ read an address and the happy couple were presented with a miscellaneous shower of use- ful and valuable articles from their admiring friends. Miss Dawn was hostess to the Farni Forum Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Hutchinson. Mrs. Andy Fawectt presided and Mr. W. G. Bowles and Dora Boland led the dis- cussion groups. A petition from the Grey County Federation of Agricul- ture to the Ontario Hydro-Electric Commission, re installation of hydro on the farms, etc., at cost, was en- (lor.scd. Mrs. IH. I. Graham bad charge of the social program, which was as follows: community singin'g, with Mrs. W. G. Bowles at the piano; reading, Dora Boland; piano solo. Miss Dawn; recitation, Ruth Graham; mouth organ music, H. Graham; fol- lowed by crokinole, checkers and games. The next meeting will 'be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smart, who were married in Owen Sound on March 1st, by Rev. S. E. Annis. Mrs. Smart was formerly Miss Marion Boland, daughter of Mr. Chas. Boland and the late Mrs. Boland. They will re- side on the groom's farm, Bbonezer. MAXWELL The Woman's Ascsociation of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. Telford Ferris ion Thursday, March 2nd, with a good attendance, and the president, Mrs. iHolraes, pre- siding:. The roll call was responded to by an Irish joke, and a pap«r on "Rubecca" was. given Iby Mabel RoeSi followed by sihort praye*. Mrs. Ray Peillar gave a violin solo and Mrs. N. Coulter conducted a contest. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Coulter. Mrs. Hugh Fenwick is visiting with Mrs. John Beatty and family in Owen Sound. Miss Martha Beatty, Collingwood, is visiting with Mrs. Gertrude Seeley and her father this week. Miss Kathleen Morrison spent the pasit week at her home here. We are pleased to report her mother is improving in health. Messrs. Mel Holmes of Kimberley and Merton of Meaford spent the week end at their home here. Tlie Women's Institute has turne<l in to the Red Cross Society at Fev- er-sham, since January 1st, three quilts, four boys' shirts, four night- jiTownis, 10 pairs of mitts, 10 helmets, two pairs socks and one sweater. P R I C E V n I, F A euchre party was held in Stone's Line school Friday evening. Mrs. Bradey Irwin, playing as a man, and Miss V. Stonehouse won the prizes. The money is to be used for war purposes. Misses Reta Watson and Dorothy Richardson of .Swintoh Park spent the week end at the home of Alex. Carson. The girls .ski-ied out, a dis- tance of eight miles. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon of Hopeville visited Thursday at the home of A. L. Hincks. Mrs. D. Nichol is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Cook, Fle.s.herton. Mr. Donald Black went. to Toronto Monday for a visit. The weekly meotintr of the Y.P.S. is being held at the home of Donald and Ken Nichol. The U.F.WO. meeting is being held this Wednesday at the home of Misis Nellie McLean. .-\ny girl can attract attention but, in these days of help shortage in restaurants, she has to be really magnetic to attract the waiter's at- tention. GIRLS WANTED Ciii-ls wanted for urgent and inter- esting war work in large Western Ontario industry. Good wages, ex- cellent working conditions. Applica- tions not acceptable from those now on war work. Apply at your nearest Employment and Selective Service office. Refer to C.R.734. # ROOM |6r every mm PRODUCTION MEN â€" keeping in constant touch with v^-. sources of raw iiuiteri- AiTL uls, suppliers of part.s, governriii'iit niid iiiili- lary autliorilies. THE ARMED FORCES â€" widi re. epoii.siliiliiy for truiiiiiig ;.. ami supply, for troiip <-rj;N niovetnenls, for opera- ^<vJfV tions on land, air and "\^"»5i> oceun liiittlerront:!!. GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS â€" in touch with every phase of our production and military program â€" widi foreign governments â€" with nulionul and inlernulional war agencies. YOUâ€" depending on- your telephone for (|uiek, essenlial eoiii- f^ nuniieution at work and (^ at home. 4(^1^ n *»:: 'uTv telephone lines can carry thig wartime load only if we all use existing facilities sparin^^iy, and keep our calls just as sliort and husiness-tike as we can. Additional equipment is severely limited hy material shortages; co-operation must take the place of construction if esseiitiul calls are to go through promptly. /y 9h M » rt W Sik*fiM CufiHf MHf* tkl(M,tlt L^cal aed FersMai Mt.s. Wm. Turney spent th« past several days in Toronto. Mr. Frank Duncan spent the week end in Toronto. Messrs^ Clarence Alexander, Guy â- Bazard and Jin» Wilson of Owen Sound spent the week end in town. Miss Effie Sandilands of Dundalk spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Armstromg. Opl. Norman Stoddart of Gamp Borden spent the week end at his home. Aircraftman Harold Best of Camp Borden and Mrs. Best spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scarrow and Barry were visitors in Toronto over the week end. Mrs. R. Alexander is assisting Mrs. Earl Alexander of Collingwood, who is ill. Mr. F. H. W. Hickling, Miss Doro- thy .Armstrong and Mr. Geo. Arm- strong spent the first of the week at Meaford and Thornbury. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Williams and Misses Jean and Shirley Campbell, all of Queensville, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Gnr. W. E. Johnson of Petawawa, and Mr. and Mrs.- W. R. Johnson and Maxine of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, Springhill. Mr. and Mrs. P. S. McDougall and two children have taken up residence in the Paton residence on Toronto Street. They formerly resided at Mitchell. Mr. McDougall is with the Ontario Creamei-y Inspection Branch. We welcome them to town. The past few days the roads and sidewalks have been a glare of ice and walking has been treacherous. This Wednesday a blizzard has been blowing at times and then the sky clears for a few moments. Appar- ently it is the tail end of the storm from the West. Aircraftman Harold Best, who is stationed with the R.C.A.F. at Camp Borden, had. a thrill last week seeing his native villag-e from a dilYerent "slant." He accompanied Flying Officer Leslie Seeley, instructor at Camp Borden, on a flight that brought them to Fleshorton and also over the pilot's home east of Flesh- orton. It was Hank's first trip in a plane and an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach rost up at times, but he did not feel any great discomfort from the turns and twists indulged in by the pilot. GEO. E. DUNCAN'S AUCTION SALE LIST S. Hamilton, Chatsworth, March 15 Geo. Best. Flesherton, March 17. W. Fadden, Feversham, March 24 F. Spearing, Stayner, March 29 Geo. Boyd, Plesherton, April 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANYONE having any claims against the Estate of DAVID NICHOL, late of the Township of Glenelg, in the County of Grey, Farmer, who died on or about the Fourteenth day af November, 1943, must file same with the undersigned not later than the Twenty-third day of Maivh, 1944, luftcr which date the said Estate will be distributed, having regard only to claims then received. Dated at Durham this Twenty-first d«y of Feibruary, A.D. 1944. ^ ' V -J, H. McQUARRIE, Vr-i.^vV' Durham, Ontario, Solicitor for William J. Nichol, Christina Cook, Executors. • Farmers drive cars less than city people and get low rates from Pilot. But farmera do drive â€" one unia- siired accident could wipe out your home or your savings. Buy the full protection of Pilot Automobile Insurance now. K. W. KERi^IAHAN Fle.^herton Representing We write insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, and other general insurance. T0WN9HtIP OF ARTBMESIA TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR GRAVEL Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o'clock noon, .Monday, March lath, 1944, for crush- ing and hauling approximately 6,000 cubic yards of gravel, flat rate, de- livered on roads under supervision of Rosfd Superintendent, gravel to be taken from four pits and passed through one-inch screen; work to commence About May 15, and be com- pleted by July 16. For further information apply to Road Superintendent. All tender* to be accompanied by a marked cheque of $200.00. I. B. Whittaker, Alex. Cameron, Road Supt. Clerk Ceylon, Ont, Euyenda, Ont. R.A.F. Coastal Command Fortresses Cover Atlamtic Many types of aircraft â€" Sunder- 1 year on patrols over the North At- knd. Hudteons, Liberators, etc., are r lantic and far North. att;iched to Coastal Ccmmand. ."^m- | Picture Shows: A Coastal Com- ong them Flying Fcrtresses cover ; mand Fortress in flight. hundreds of thousands of miles a I Department of Education plans At»a St. Thomas hotel rats hav« "all-round" course. Special treatment )>gcome so bold that they run acroM possibly for the thin men.. , ^^^ ^j^^^.^ ^f beverage rooms. May- „ , " ,'nn n „„ help cut down th^ beer consumpt- For morale purposes, 100 German , soldiers goose-stepped amid Berlin ion-remindTng long-staying pat- ruins. Propagander. | rons that they've had enough. Small Ad. Column FOR iSALE â€" Young calf in about a week. â€" Thos. Taylor Flesherton. W.ANTED â€" Girl for general house- work. Phone OJ Flesherton. WANTED ^ Amanals suitable foi mink and fox feed. â€" Bert Mclnto&b Eugenia, phone Fevershfi 5r25 TOiR SALE â€" Lot 161, 1 N.E., Art- emesia. ^ Apply to Geo. Boyd or Miss Laura Boyd, Flesherton. FOR SALEâ€" 1929 Ford Tudor, good mechanically, 5 good tires, 2 new. Don Reilley, Priceville. 39c2 WAN^TED â€" 2 or 3 h.p. electric mot or; sow with 8 pigs for sale. â€" P, Eagles, phone 41r3 Flesherton. WANTED â€" Circular wood-sawinjr ; machine, suitable for sawing poles, ] please describe. â€" Wm. Sayers, I Priceville. 39p2 I HIDES â€" Agaia in 'he market «•» i hides â€" ^beef, hor!e, sheep and calf I skins.â€" Frank Eagles, R. R. 3, Pro- ton Station, phone ilrS Flesherton, FOR SALE â€" 7-room house, hard and soft water, garden, small barn and garage, in good location. Apply by writing Box 210 The. Advance. WANTED â€" Someone to make syrup on shares; we have bush and equip- ment for tapping 400 trees. â€" Rich- ard Allen & Son, phone 46(r^l. WANTEDâ€" Cedar posts, 8 feet long. 9, 10, 11 inch tops, sound straight, 60 cents up at roadside. lii. reply state quantity. Write Box 250 at The Advance office. ' 39c3 FOR SALE â€" Buzzing outfit includ- ing gasoline engine, owned by the estate of the late Alex. McFayden. â€" Mrs. A. McLean, Priceville, or Mrs Mary Invin, Ceylon, Executrices. PROPERTY FO' SALE â€" In Flesih- erton: S-roo.-r house and lot on Elizabeth St.; also 6-room house and large lot on Sydenham st., both in good condition. â€" Apply to J08. Field, Plesherton. 38c3 FOR SALE â€" Frame 7-room house with hydro, well and cistern, also 2 acres of land, with small barn and garage, just wes*^ of Plesher- ton. Write J. Beatty, 415-7th St. B., Owen Sound. 36tf FARM FOR SALE â€" 100 acres tn Osiprey Township, close to high- way, go<)d buildin^rs and about 2O acres bush; possession at once on easy temvs.^^ady & Colgan, lic- ensed real estate dealers, Markdale NOTICE â€" Anyone wishing calves from me this year will have to se- cure them this week. â€" Gordon Stuart, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 7-room brick house at Priceville. electric light, cistern, good garage, half acre of land.â€" J. S. MfDermid, Ceylon. SSpS FOR SALE â€" Young pigs ready ta wean; sow with young pigs; good brood sow; yourtg Durham cow, due to freshen. â€" Richard Allen & Son, phone 45r21 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" 3 Stacks of hay on Lot 3, Con. 8, Osprey, 2 stacks of timothy and a'lfafa and one of red clover and timothy, good hay, about 5 tons in each; will sell rea- sonable. Apply to Lome Ditson, R.R. 4, Stayner, Ont. 39p2 2 WEEK BRAY Leghorns immedi* iate delivery, also chicks, but bookings continue heavy, so sug- gest quick ordering, giving second choice. Moat breeds available. Save time, contact Bray agent. â€" John McWilliam, Flesherton^ BUSlNESS^ARiJS^ DR. J. E. MILNE Office â€" Durham iiH. Offiee houn: afteniooM S ta 4.ML WedBMday and/Satiirdiy mtmla^ 7JI0 to It pjB. No offVe hoora on Saaday, WM. KXITTING ' LICENSED AITCTIONBBR for the County oif Grey Farm and Stock sales our specialty. Terms: reasonable. Satisfaction to guaranteed. Dates arranfred at Tti^ Advance offiee or phone 4w. V iiii iiiiiiaMiBaiiii • Tiiini â- a ^â- â- â- â- â- â- â- MMIIiil

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