Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1944, p. 5

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»» 4 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 15, 1944 VICTORIA CORNERS f ROCK MILLS Th« Inis-tioge W. A- held their meeting at the heme of Mrs. John I>unieaa Thursday afternoon and was lairgely attended. Plans were made for a St. Patrick's social to be held at the home ,f Mr. and' Mrs. Elwyn Ferris. Our most sincere and deepest sym- pathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCutcheon and family, Ware- ham, in the sudden passing of thear eldest daugrhter and sister, Freda, in Toronito on Thursday eveninig. We are sorry to learn of the ser- ious illness of Mrs. Fred Broster, Corbetton, the former Maude Stev- ei^, daughter of Mrs.'Albert Stevens and the late Mr. Stevens of Flesher- ton district, formerly of Victoria Comers. Latest reports of the condition of Mr. Wm. Moore, reveal gradual improvement. Birthday gatherings were high- lights of the week end. Our heartiest birthday congratulations are ex- tended to Master Donmie Stinson, elder little son of Ma and Mrs, E. A Stinson, and Mr. Jas. Linton. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson entertained on Saturday evening in honor of Doniiie's fourth birthday, his grand'- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stin- son and Mr. and' Mrs. Bert Hender- son, ad'so othe- memlbers of the Henderson family. Mr. Jas. Linton celebrated his 80th birthday on Sunday and, with Mts. Idaton, enjoyed birtOidiiy supper at the home of th'cdr eldest sea, Mr. Bnssell Liniton, and family. May both Donnie and Mr. Lonton be the honored guests on many more birth- day occasions. On Wetoesd&y evening of last "week a few of the neigh.4»rs gather- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. An- jrus McAuley, on the F. T. HiU farm. A social evening -wais spent and little Tiemeimlbrances were given Mr. and Mr& MoAuley and Dougald, ere their â- departure to the Russell Patterson farm. Maple Grove district. Mr. Mc- Oauley was griven carpenter tools, Mrs. McAuley, pyrexware, aiud Dou- gald, a fashlight, along with best wishes of their Victoria CJomers friends and neighibors^ Mi. and Mts. Walter Aoheson vis- ited one day recently fvith Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred fokster, Wareham. March keeps very cold with a lot of east winds, which are disagree- able. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Russell and babe of Toronto spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell and Mr. Thos. Beni- rose. Messrs. E. Croft and E. Partridge left Tuesday morning to work in a bush at Chatswoi'th for the Durham Furniture Co. Mr. Dobson sent his team up to do the skidding of logs. Farmers are cominencing to get evorything ready for syrup-making. as soon as the weather is suitable. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Teeter and son of Vandeleur were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell. Pte. Cliflfofd McMaster of Camp Borden spent leave with his wife and f:Mnily over the week end. Mr. W. J. Chard has sold his farm to his son, Clarence, and he and Mrs. Chard \vill move to Flesherton as soon as they can purchase a house there. KIMBERLSY EUGENIA We are pleased to report little Miss Gwen Park recovering from a severely aprained ankle. We axe sorry to report Mrs. Gar- net Magee on the sick list. Pte. Delbert Magee of Toronto spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and IVfrs. Garnet Magee. Mrs. Jas. Fawcett aeompanied her daughter, Mrs. McGregor, who has been vistiing her, to QaM for a visit. Misa Maajgie Park of Flesherton spent a few days with Mrs. Mae Park and Gwem CoQgratalations to Miss Margaret MoMillan and Miss Dorothy Falcon- er, nurses-in-traininig at the Owen Sound hospital, who have received their caps. STEPHEN'S CORNERS FEVERSHAM Sympathy is extended, to Mr. John Smith and other members of the family, whose mother, Mrs. Alex. Smith, passed away on Wednesday, Maixih 8th. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heitman and daughter. Norma, oi" Collingwodd were callers in our village Sunday. Mr. Howard McKee returned to Hamilton, after spending a week at * his home here, Mrs. Bert Davidson, who has been visiting for some time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson and other, friends, returned with Mr. MeKee. Messrs. Jim and Bill McKee are spending a few diays in Toronto. Jim intends sailing for the summer on the "Waheomda" and will leave Toronto on Wectoesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bell of Flesh- erton were visitor on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (J«o. Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hale. Mr. andi Mrs. H. Alexander quietly celebrated their 49th weddinig anni- versary on Monday, March 13th. On Tuesday, March 14th, Mj. Alexander celebrated his 87th birtiiday and is â- enjoying g^ood health. Born â€" At MLrs. Nuhn/s Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Friday, March 10, to Mr. and Mrs. John Lougheed, a son, Clifford McCuJlough (Mac.) Congratulations. Mrs. Jack Stephen visited a day with her aunt, Mrs. McEachnie, at Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteous visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams, 8th Line. Miss Laura Allison is assisting in household duties at the home of Mr. Anigus Morrison, Maxwell. We are pleased to report Mrs. Morrison im- piovimg from her recent illness. We extend our heartfelt sympathy ;(. the mother, father, sis.ters and brothers of the late Miss Freda Mc- euteheore, wliose sudden passing came as a great shock to residents of this district. At the meeting of the War Work- ers at the home of Mrs. T. Allison last Wednesday, it was decided to send chocolates to the local boy® in the Forces for Easter. Letters of thanks were received from Bill Ker- ton, Maak Stephen and Charlie Winters. A donation of $16.00 was sent to the Red' Cross Fund. The next meeting will be at the hom^ of Mrs. Stephen on March 22n-l. The W. A. met at the parsonage on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting was in charge of the vice-president, Miss Mary Stafford. The roll call was answered with a Bible verse in which was the word "Glad." A read- ing from the Observer was given by .Mrs. T. Ferguson and the book "David" by Agnes Scott Kent, was finislK'd by Mrs. S. S. Burritt. A qtuilt was also completed. Mr. Basil McConnell of Flesherton and Mr. Allen Ferguson visited on Sunday in the village. The Y.P. met in the United Church Tuesday night, when Mr. Leonard Warr, a missionary from Brazil, gave an excellent talk and picture of the work among the Indians there. Ow- ing to icy road the crowd was not large, but all who attended felt an urge to help more the cause of mis- sions. Mr. Warr was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Keys of Flesh- erton. Flesherton United Church kindly loaned their lantern. CEYLON PORTLAW NEW MOTHER HUBBARD She went to the butcher's For sipareri;bs and suet, But found that some others Had beaten her tuet. She said she would settle For sausage or liver. The butcher insisited He had none to giver. She pleaded for pork chops . . For meatballs . , . for muttor. The butcher said "Lady, I just ain't got mittonl" SKATING Flesherton Arena Every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY NIGHT from 8 to 10 p.m. Afliiiiss'on : 15r and 10c 8TH LINE OSPREY Miss Evelyn Hale of Badjeros and Miss Helen Somers spent the week end at their parental homes. Mr. arkl Mts. Herb Hawkins of Pefvershan* and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Port*ous, 4th Line, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert WiUiamsi Miss Enra Magee of Eugenia and Pte. Delbert Magee of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Magee. '' The Farm Forum was held at the home of Mr. Geo. Lawlor last Mon- day evening. This Monday it is being held at the home of Mr. Jas. Ottewell. We wish to extend our sincere sympathy to the bereaved family, of 'the late Mrs. Alex. Smith. GOOD NEIGHBORLINESS There are a lot of good neighbors in West Luther, as there are in every municipality in Ontario. When the veterinary conducting the tubercul- osis! test among the cattle of Well- ington County, undear the Health of Animals Branch, tested the herd of Mr. Harold Langdon, every one of is 18 cattle went (town. That was naturally a bit embarrassing for a young farme-. His neighbors thought so, at any rate, and very infomially they presented him with a purse of more than $70. That wasi eertainly a fine gcstture.â€" Arthur Enterprise. Miss Ebna Hamilton, Flesherton, was a recent visitor with Miss Mary Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family attended the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Findlay McCuaig of Mulock, Bentinck Twp. Mrs. Howard Connell of Holland Centre spent a week recently with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cairns. Miss Agnes Macphail, M.LJL, was a caller with friendte in the village laist Saturday. Miss Hazel Capeland of Toronto spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Misses. Janet and Ruby Campbell, Toronto, were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McWilliam., Mr. Melville Hunt, Preston, was a week end visitor at his parental home. Mrs. Wm. Cairns and bafcy daugh- ter. Colleen Catherine, returned' re- cently from Markdale Hospital to their home. Mrs. A. Stewart returned from Harriston last Tuesday, after spend- ing a week with her sister, Mrs. Brooks. We are glad to know that Mrs. Brooks is improving in health. Miss Catherine Stewart, Reg.N.. of â-  Owen Sound is visiting this week at the parental home and also with her sister, Mrs. M. Hogarth. Miss Mary Jane McTavish and Margot Ann Goessel of Flesherton spent the week end witli Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stewart. Miss Lottie Whittaker, Toronto, spent the week end with Ceylon and Priceville friends. Mrs. Douglas Reid and son, Bobbie, have returned to their home after a pleasant two and a half months' visit with friends at Vegreville, Alta., and Vancouver, B.C. We are sorry to learn tliat Mrs. Jos. Oliver is under the doctors care and at present is confined to bed. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Several of the Ceylon folk attend- ed the euchre in Flesherton town hall last Tliursday evening. Mrs. J. Kennedty of Ceylon held the high score for the ladies. Week end visitors with Mrs. J. Knox were; Mrs. A. Sinclair of Dun- dalk, Missess Catherine Gillespde and Lorraine Love of Dundialk, Misa Mabel Haw of Toronto and Mr. J. D. Wiltshire of Bethel. Pte. Leslie McMaster, who is in training at Camp Bordten, spent the week end witjh his mother, Mrs. B. McMaster. Mr. and Mrs. John Meads visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Wbyte, Proton Station. Mt. Geo. Fisher returned the first of the week, after a week's visit with his daughter, Mrs*. Victor Hall, of Sudbury. Mr. L. Kaitting of Dundalk has t.aken a position with LB. Whittaker. The many friends of Mrs. R. Whit- taker are glad to know that sihe is progressing favorably after her acci- dent last fall when she suffered a broten hip bone. A pleasant evening was spent last Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brady Irwin, the evening being spent in dancing. Miss Isabel Hill of Wareham visit- ed her cousins, Marjorie and Elds P«dlar, on Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Boyce spent a week with their son, Russell, and Mrs. Boyce, near Markdale. Mrs. A. Slater and Utle son, Wayne, have returned home, after a few days visiting in Toronto. We are sorry to report little Wayne sick since his return home. We are glad to report Mrs. S. Simimons able to be up awhile each <iay after an attack of 'flu. Mr. Albert Blackburn has been sick :hia week, but is now improving. Che^er Shier is assisting witih the farm work. Mrs. Roy Lyons is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Fisher, in Flesherton. Pte. Arthur Betts of Toronto was a recent visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Betts. The Fourth Line Red Cross goup met at the home of Mrs. Harry Fisher on Tliursday, with eleven members present. This being the annual meeting election of officers took place. Mrs. Harry Fisher was elected president, Mrs. Laurie Pedlhr re-elected treasurer, Mrs. Lewis Fisher secretary and Mrs. Leslie Chard convener of the knitting com- mittee. The reports given showed a very successful year. Letters of Uhanks for cigai'ettes received weie read from Sergt Bob Banks, Pte. .Murray Williams and Sergt. Mack. Stephen. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Leslie Chard on .March 23rd. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Londry and daughter of the Valley spent Wed- nesday with the latter's parents, Mr. ;ind Mrs. J. J. Boyce. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and Donald visited on Sunday with the fomier's brother, Fred, here. Mr. J. J. Little of Delhi is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher. Mrs. E. Graham spent the week ond with her daughter, Mrs. Neil McDonald, Eugenia. VANDELEUR The Farm Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Fawcett, with Mrs. W. G. Bowles presiding jver the program, and a geod discussion took place. Mrs. Hutchinson had charge of the social part of the program, which was as follows: readings by Mrs. Angus Bowles and May Graham, and a reading and a contest by Mrs. Hutchinson, followed by crokinole, checkers, etc. Lunch was served by the hostess with ice cream and maple syrup. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Graham, with Andy Fawcett and Marion Sumimers in charge. Mrs. Ethel Hutchinson entertained a number of ladies on Monday after- noon to a Red Cross quilting, under the auspices of the V/. 1. Mr. Roy McMuUen has moved to the farm which he has rented from Mr. Harbottle, and Mr. and Mrs* Jack Hill and family have moved from Orange Valley to the farm va- cated by Mr. McMullen. Miss Bobby Simpson had a de- lightful birthday party one day re- cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lundy Johnston. .A.bout twenty young guests were present. Mr. F. R. Boland is on his annual rounds assessing the Township. Miss Dawn spent the week end at her parental home near Heathcote. ROCK MILLS LADIES' AID Rock Mills Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Alex. English on Tuesday, March 2lst. There will be a quilting; each member will bring an item for lunch. A full attendance is requested. Parati'oops must sprout fins for combined operations, says writer. Paraffins ? Wanting Chicks? 50 WHITE LEGHORN PULLETS, 3 weeks old 50 BARRED ROCK PULLETS, 2 weeks old 150 NEW HAMPSHIRE â€" 150 ROCK AND HAMPSHIRE MJEXED, 2 weeks old 200 BlAHRED ROCK, mixed', 1 week old $16.95 per 100. ' DAY-OLD AVAILABLE NOW 600 SUSSEX & HAMSPSfHlRE mi.xed 325 NEW HAMPSHIRE, mixed 300 WHITE ROCK, mixed 800 WHITE BOCK, Gocicerels Also a few thousand available during March and April WE SUGGEST THAT IF YOU ARE WANTING CHICKS TO PHONE US NOW, WITHOUT DELAY J. M. STAFFORD FARMERS' SUPPLY STORE FEVERSHAM, Ontario .><«>^><K>.>^>.>,>.>>.>.x~K~K~x~:~XK"X~:~K~:~>««x<~:~x««:~K~:~XK~XK^^ Fointier Pliokers child star plans to become flier. Wicoting star. TRACTORS ON HIGHWAYS Farmers using tractors on the highways must apply to the Regis- trar Motor Vehicles Branch, Parlia- ment BI<%3., for a penmdt This permit is given free. On the appli- cation musrt be stated the reasons for such use amd the district in' which it will be used. All gasoline tax must be paid on gas used to propel trac- tor on highways. Several inquiries have beien received and this is the adivice given by the Depajtment. fminufe GET YOUR 1944 MOTOR VEHICLE PERMIT 1944 motor vehicle permits are now on sale, NOW is tlie time to purchase yours. ^^ You may recall the long line-ups of other years. Do not wait until the last minute to get your 1944 permit. Do not mutilate or destroy your 1943 plate. Wartime restrictions require that it be used another year. Your motor vehicle permit fee remains the same. A windshield stamp will be issued with your 1944 motor vehicle permit, validating the use of your 1943 plate. The application for 1944 is provided on the back of the 1943 permit. This is the only form that may be used. Renew your driver's license at the same time. GEO. H. DOUCETT, Minister of Highways DO YOU KNOWâ€" There are over 36,000 persons in Ontario whose licenses to drive are under suspension because of their inability to secure insurance or file other proof of fin- ancial responsibility.' They were convicted of ofifences against the motor vehicle laws fbUo^og accidents. It is better to drive safely and avoid accidents than to find yourself unable to drive at all.

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