Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 15 Mar 1944, p. 7

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I INVESTMENTS DELWOOD PORCUPINE TAMARACK SYNDICATE Wrife for Information GIBSON M. TOD & COMPANY 71 King St. West - * - - Toronto WHAT SCIENCE IS JDOING Counting Bullets How does a combat piiot kuo v how many machine bullets are left in his guns? Let us assuiiK', tor an example, that the liRiiter plane under con- sideration is equipped with two machine guns of .30 caliber, and two more of .50 caliber, and that they are so located about the ship that the pilot cannot tell by look- ing ho^v many rounds of hullots â- re left after he has been firing » while. He can obtain ibis vitally im- portant information, however, by looking at his Ammunition Re- maining indicator, developed by General Electric engineers. Re- gardless of where the guns are locatej on the plane, a glance at the instrument will tell him how many rounds of ammunition, are •till available for use against the •nemy. The indicator has four dials. Two of the dials, each marked from to 500, are used to keep track of the •apply of .30 calibre bullets. The other two dials, marked from to iOO, tell the facts about the supply of .50 calibre bullets. Electrical impulses operate the Ammunition Remaining indicator, the hand on eacli dial noinling to the number of rounds of bullets re- maining (if any) and tliis inl<u'uia- tion tells the pilot whether to en- gage a new enemy in combat or to turn tail and cut for home for lack of bullets to feed his guns. TREASURER J. A. Dimdas, Montreal, assist- ant to the vice-president of finance, Canadian Pacific Railway, who has been appointed treasurer .of .the company.. Mr. Dundas has been â- with the C.P.R. for 37 years, with all his service in the finance depart- ment at headquarters. Wise Farmer Will Buy Fertilizer Now From the fertilizer manviiac- turers comes a warning that un- less farmers will order and take delivery of their fertilizer early, they may not get it in time for use. This is due to labor prob- lems and to the tact that more farmers are buying more fer- tilizers than formerly. If the Spring season is a ahort one a situation will confront the fertilizer manufacturers with re- spect to labor and transportation which may be beyond their over- taxed capacity to handle. The wise farmer will see to it that his fertilizer supply is safely stored in his barn before this Spring rush begins. Of course, care nuist be exer- cised in storing it. Bags should be placed on either a thick layer of straw or a false bottom floor and piled as one piles cordwood, thus leaving plenty of air space between the bags. It should be stored in a dry place and in rea- sonably small piles, if possible. Farmers will safeguard their own interests and help the gen- eral situation greatly if they will buy and take delivery of their fertilizer rc-quiremcuts in the very near future. An Offense Xazi-controlled police in Milan, Italy, arrested 100 yomig people for dancing, the (icneva newspaper La Suisse said in an article reported recently to the Office of War in- formation Before imprisoning them, the police forced them to march througli the city carrying this poster: "Wliilc the country bleeds, we dance." HELPS STRAIGHT SHOOTERS One reason why U.S. Rangers and paratroopers are straight shoot- ers is Bill Allender of the Winchester Arms Company's New Haven, Conn., plant. He has straightened more than 2,000,000 gun barrels by hand in 30 years, using the hand operated press seen in the photo. Master craftsmen like Allender straighten the barrels of every carbine that comes off the production line. "Curved" part of barrel is rested on die which, under AUender's keen eye and deli- cate tou(:h, literally pushes out the curve. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1. Should a man and a woman rile if they are dining in a public tcstaurant, and another couple •tops at their table to talk for a minute? S. What should one do when he li at a social gathering and is seated next to a per.son he doesn't know? 3. If one is buttering a piece of Eczema Itch Stopped in 7 Minutes Tour akin hn.'; nearly 50 million tiny sonms Bd pores where germs hide and cause Itch- ig. Clacking, Eczcraa-llko Rash, Peeling, rning Skin Blotches, Pimples, Ringworm, ot Itch and other skin blemi.?hes. The w treatment Nixoderm slops the itching 7 minutes and goes right to worlc curbing . ke germs and should quickly help make Ciur akin clearer, softer, smoother and more tractive â€" In fact Nixoderm must sotisfy £ completely or you got your money bacK tetum ot empty pnikage. Oct Nixoderm D your druggist today â€" see how fa.it It Voiks and how much belter you look. The SMttiey-baciL trial offer protects you. bread, shoidd it be held in the left hand ? 4. When dinii'.g out, on wliat sized bill should one apply â-  the "ten per cent" rule? 5. If a niP'i and his wife are signing thrir names to greeting cards, whose name should come first? 6. What time should a ball be- gin? Answers â-  l.Thc man Should rise, but the woman should remain seated. 3. H' should introduce himself. 3. No; hold the bread against the plate while buttering it. 4. If the bill amounts to $2..')0 or more. If Icis than this, the tip may be just as much as one wishes to give. 5. Whenever the titles Mr. and Mrs. are usc(' together as a name the Mr. conies first. 6. Usually ten o'clock, but dancing seldom starts before about ten-thirty. Appro.ximatcly 40 per cent of the total aircraft employees in the L'nilcd .States are women. jtU(>e6'ki6k cmdina^bihe Tlie Picic of Tobacco AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES GUARANTEED METHOD OF HUMIDIFYING INTAKE AIR USED BY -VUtOS, TRUCK.S AND TR-VCTORS. UNCONDITIONALLY GUAR- ANTKF.D TO SAVE GASO- LINE. ELIMINATE CAR- BON DF.PO.slTS AND M.A.KF. ANY GASOLINE- ENGINE OPERATE MORE SMOOTH- LY. FEW OLD CAR PAKTS MAKE COST UNDER $.-..00 INCLUDING ILANS, PER- MANENT SATISFACTION. ORDER COMPLETE PL.\NS FOR .$1.00 POSTPAID. GUAR- ANTEED SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED. FI-EX ENGINEERING & DESIGN, 90 CHARLES EAST. TO- RONTO. ALCTIOV S.il.K AUCTIO.V SAl^E 7,'i HE.VIJ (_1F RliC. HolstvlUH supi'iviscd and hluod tested on April 5 at one o'cloirk at Ji)hn W. Bi-i.<i'ii. liciif r.-\\-, >.)iir. ARTIIHI'I â- .\1\S DON'T .SfFFKK FROM THli TOR- turing pains of arihrici.s, rlicn- mntism or nourili.«'. Dc-liiy may lie daiiserous. Fermol Tablets (non- habit foi-ininjj) huvo bruUKlii re- lief in miin.v ca.'sfi.s through thi:!." grentlc sootliinfi" jiftiiHi liiiJ de- serve attention. At all lirusjsriKis or 2 months treiitinent $1.00 po.'it- pnid. Fermol Di.si riljiitoi'.-^. \-.y*\\~ don. Ont. m 1,1. fdu sAi.i'; FOR S.^IjKâ€" A (iOOl) UAIilC ICIOD Polled Short hoiii Inill, t!lenwu(id Impres.sitjii X-JIX.'ITT. soniorhe-rd- Rire. Ndrman .la.\ ne. Baltimore. Ont. IIVIIV CHK'KS H.VIIV CHICKS BARRET) ROCK BI^OOD TE.'^TUn Chick.s. 1-4 day \m,«exed $17.00 hundred, Pullet.s .?2i:.0rt. .No wait- Infr. K. .r. Masse. 22(; LSridge Ave,. Wind-sor. Onr. NKTCHBOHS TKLI, N'lilCHBOR.S about Tweddio Chieli.s. Bc«au.se our riistomers cume hack for Tweddle Chii-k.'i ycai' after .Vfrir. â- we know that .satisfied hu.vers are our be.st advert i.sei'.^. The risht .start is half the tiaitle. Uet Tweddle fliirk.s .and you tret (rov.inmi lit Approved l)ird.s fidm hliiodtrsted breedei'.s that BTow fa.tJt and in'odtieed heavily â€" .strong", healthy stnirk. Start early tind start all the ehieU.s you can handle .safel.v. There'll be a ninr- kc»l for every eliirken .ind evory eer^r you enii prodtice. .Send for Twoddlft eat-alontie and prieeli.st. A limited ninnln'r of ."tarted ehi(;ks two and tlii-ee week.s old for immediate delivery. Also .special bai'ir:iins on da>- old hr-avy breed eoekerel.s. Tweddlo Clin-iv Hateheries Tjimitetj. Feri^tis. Out. â-  â€" \ IF YOU WANT 'â- â€¢Hli'TCS l.V A htn-ry tbi.s i.s the plac,' to eret them. AVe are liatehiiiK Ihous- nnd.s every day and cun supply nnn-sexed. pullets or or,<'kerelF in nil tbe populai' bi-eet]*' and ,'ati phiii on short notiee. Top N'oteh cbleks nvf^ hiyrli (inaiity ehifl<.s prodiK'ed froni iloverninent .An- proved liloodtesled stoek. Tt will pay you to piireh.i--e bip:b-i|ViH lity Htoel.- this year. AVrile ff^v spee- tal prieo on two week did st.'irted. rhiek.s. also btii'train pi-iees on da\' old heavy breed eoekoi-els for immeriiatp delivr'vv. Vree rat- nlocup. Top Noteh ' Ohlekeries, fJtielph, Optario. CITTCK'.'-: is: MOST T:UKK!1K ARE HV.'iil.'ible for inimedint »» <ieliv«"*r.v. also sf.'M'ted ebieks. hut bookincrs eoiifintie heavy and we'd ndvfse you eoptaet us .soon. "We are eqiTipDod to take i-.-nT of all ord'rs. Pray Hateberv, 130 .John .St X.. Hamillon. Opt. HP^Tl i;PATil5 PV.OOn TKSTT'^r) Pnrred iMid Wbile R.irks. Tted and T-eijhorn Pliicks immediate, deliverv. Eleven other bi'eeds for Inter deliveries. Order at orn^e. Dufferin Hatfheries SO-IX Puffer- In. Tovimin in. 15 FREE CHICKS BUV Sl'I'KKIOIt ai!AI,l'rV CilK'KS "lONTK.A i'POFII'" All from inspeeloti approved or certified blnod tested breeders, Harred Rook Price per IflO Mixed nnc^ Cockerels Pullots Day old 14.00 24.00 G.OO 1 week old 17.00 27.00 fl.OO 2 weeks old 22.00 32.00 12.00 S weeks old 20.00 ,17.00 l.'i.OO To all who will buy ihleks and take immediate delivery. AVe will Klvo them 1.") free ohicks per 100. Send order with deposit. Will ship C.O.I"), by Express. Ask for our I'rioo I>l.st for 20 other breeds. â- WIl-rilRD LEFEUVRE 202n Arnhfl-xl .Street - Miinlrval !>.<). LICHTI'S 1II44 CHICKS FIRST HATCH I-'EP. 1. PRICE L.IST supplied. All birds for our 1944 hatehiuB season have the inter- esting' O.P..S. Government linnd. Culled and blood te.steii by De- pnrtment luspoetors. SOLOMON Licirri Mllverton, K.K. I. Phone no-24 A-1 B.VBY CHICKS FROM I3L0OD- Tosted flocks. Barred Hocks, InrRe typo White LoBhorna, B.irrod Book X White Leghorns. .Sussex X New Hampshire, Red X Rocks. Writ© for price list to A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton. Ont. BAHY CHICKS AND P0UI.,T6. Barred Rock and White I.>eRhorns from Government approved and Bloodtested stock, nil eggs set from our own stock. Al.<io White follnud and Broad Breasted ronzn Turkey Poults. Send for |»rlce TLst. The WriKht Farm, Brockvlllc, Out. iJlANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS for Immediate delivers', TjfiKhornB, fwrrcd Rock, Now Hftmpshire, ussex and Hybrids. Writs for 1144 CalaloKUo and prbo lint. MONKTON POULTRY FARMS. Monkton, OntJirio. â- lOH QUAUTY HHWEDBn HAT- •hery Chicks, blood-teattd. Or- â- llMirjr prices. Popular bretds. Kelson Hatchor.v, Shake'rearo, TOO LATE â€" rOO LATE NEXT bPUI.NG DON'T LKT IT BE said "too lute." Send for our price list and order your baby chicka now. One dollar bniiKs your order. tJudtlard Cliiclt Hatcherv. Britan- iii-i llei;-|lls 'Itlt ULACIvllEltUIIOS EVEH liE.VHl NG BLACK BEUR lES, very hardy. Have betii success- fully transplanted on Prairies â€" well packed In moss. Heavy crop- per fruit, large, sweet and in clUEt.;rs. Order before Api-il 10th. 4 vines for $1.00 Prepaid. A. Klein. Agas.siz. B.C. COnUWOOD C'd.VTIlAtTOJt WAXTEIJ WANTED â€" CORDWOOD CONTnAC- tor to I'Ut and put on railway cars ;,5lin cords of wood in Hali- burton County. Close to roads and railwa.v. $7.50 a cord. A. C. Conway. 45 Adelaide St. East, Toronlo. OVKL-VU â- Â£ CI.IOA.'MIX; HAVE VOU ANYTHI.NlJ .NKKDa dyeiiiB or cleaninR? Write to u» for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dyo Works Limited. TOl Vont;e Street, To- pnnto Elili.S WA-NTKB HKUIICitT PIUCUS I'AIU FOR EliO.S. LIVK A.N'D DHESSBD poultry. Payments made prompt- ly. EasMi'rn Farm Products Co., 42:i .-^t. I'-iul East. Moiitr-al. Que. KI.EC-rillC'AI r:ui I ELK(JTU1<J .MtrrOHS. .\'EW. Ui^lED, botiKlit, sold, rebuilt; belts, pulleys, brushes. .Mlon Electric Compiiiiy Ltd.. 2:;2li Diifferin SL, T..I M,||n KOO'I II A 1,1)1 BAUMEEKA FOOT 13AL.M destroys offensive odor instantly. 45c bottle Ottawa nueiit. lieiimnn I irire '^f . .,,. n i t .t vv:( I'-AUM K«llll>ME.\T WA-VTKD CAt^H. 1 WILL PAY JTOl! UATE model u.sed Tractor on Rubber and iitb.M- Tractor Euuipment. P. V^iheyden. 2.S3 Elm. .St. Thoin- P.i.ItlI HUIII'MB^VT KOIt SALE USEl.i THKESHER.S .V.V];) TUAC- toi-s uf various sizes .ind makes for sale, wholesale and retail. For particulars write HuR>r:irds' .Sales and .Service. Wilson .Avenue, ii'sscs-, Ontario. h-AllM.f KOIt ^K\.V. 9 ACRES AM, IVJEW I\ IlE.VIttA'li KKl'IT t'our-rooni colt.age, ex- ellt-nt location, jerood in- conu. Also fruit and dairy of every .size and description. .\. YOl'IVfillLIT 100 .ST. P.VUL .STREET S'l". CATHA1UN1-:.S ISO Ai'UE.s. rjoon l.\p.<;b bank barn, nifdium sized frame house: soil in B-ood fertilit.v; Ralho sta- tion on same lot. Scf and buy this farm for a Kood Imme. Apply to A. V. I'hristner, .N'lw Ham- burj;', FOR S,\LK AT WIN LAW. T!.C., netir .Vppledule In Sloc.-m Vnlley, 3^5 nci-e.s land or cliirkeii farm, 10 .'ici'es cleared. l.*?0 bearing fruit iroe.s. M year.- old. No buildiim.s: running w.atcr. S-t.5O0, ferni^ to suit piirchasor. Pumont, Calloway. B.C. ioo-.-\cni.: F.\RM. rit.ion la.nd, cond biiilrtinRs. 3 miles from .Stratford. lot 42. con. h. S. Rast- bopc. Aiiply Philip Pctrie. R.R. 3. Tavistock. 200 ACitl'I.S FOR .SAf.E â€" T,.OT .1. 11 fori. Township of Mountain, pood frame bouse and burn. H mile from railway statiitti. elo.co to -ebtirch and cheese factory. Mrp. Mary .r. AVilson. Krinntvilje, Ont. PRPIT AN"Ii P<5PI,TRV FARMS for ^'.'(le, ." to r>n acrrs in Ni.'tr^ara disti-iiM. Knsily financed. R. C. MrObee. fill .Tacksnn .St. West, KrimUton, Ontario. WnSTER-N I,.\VI> 160 .VCltES IN NOPTI-mRN SASK- atchewnn. all under irood miltivn- tlon. eood mixed farTnintr district, X miles from town xvith 5 ele- vators, on irood liiRbway: price S?."! per acre. $1,S per .'icre cash, batnnce ;>rrrui'-cd. tlox 101. 73 \,i.^i-.i,i,^ V.r Torfintc. If Aim HELP WANTED WA.NTED. EXPKHIKXCKP MAN for farm work, .simile or married, no milkine-. notir town. Tbomns Cook .Ir.. R.R. 1. Erin. RESPECT A RLE. TIU'STWOPTT-fY. man i\-iihv^ut children to operate 10 .acres Jispnrae'us, raspberries, orchard. On ninhi hiprhway. 9 miles west of Toronto. Sep.arate house Thi.s would suit active re- tired farmer. Write fiill.v statinK lowest waL^e watircil. Po\- 1 2C 73 V.Ielai.le St. \\c-\ Tfirnnfo. home: KINURIiCiAItTICN MOTHERS! YOU CAN AID THE early education of your pre- school child with our creative handwork displn.vs naw avall.ablo for homo as well as school use. They Include cut-out.«. silhouettes, borders, window decorations, etc. â€" instructions for 'constiuction with coloured papers, crayons etc. These arc Inspired by tested educational Ideas. Ten seasonal titles in the series â€" one for each month, complete IB.60. SiURlo un- its 7.10 etvch. DominliMi Teachers Service. 2.'! .Scotf .St.. Toi-'inlo. IKIIISIOS FOll S.il.K BEG. PAfX)MINO QUARTER HOnS- •B and resr. Palomino Tennes.see â- WftlkiiiR horses of Krnnd cham- pion blood lines. Stallions from Weanllnjj: colts to sorvlce.abla ages: mareo from weanling to brood mnros In foal to our out- •tandinfr stallions: 3 srood Pal- omino stock horses of (junrter horso brcedlns; 5 rep. Palomino geldinRB. real pleasure hor.oes, very gentle, safe for liidles, chil- dren or Inexperienced riders; sovernl reK. Tonc'seo WalkinK •how borse.s. Let nic know .vour fequlreinents. Send for our lat- est descriptive price list. World's lariTPst breeders of P.'ilnmino horses. FISHRfl P.\tX3MIN'0 fARMb. iJoudertoo, Fa. HAIItllHESSINO SCHOOL LtiAHN HAlRDRESSLNt; IHii) KoDertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Koncrtson's Halrdresslns Acad- emy. 137 Avenue Itoad. Toronto. HA I It I'HEA'r.ME.N'r GRAY HAIR iiiny be c-auHi'tl by lack of VITAMINS IF YOUR HAIR IS I^OSING 1T.S color It may be because you are not getting enough ot certain vitamins. Unless you are getting adetiuate amounts of these vit- amins your system may not be able to assimilate the calcium and other minerals you need for healthy, colorful hair. If your hair has prematurely turned, or iB beginning to turn gray, you should take the RANDOLPH SUPER B TABLETS to aid In building up the health. Theso tablets are prepared to a special formula and are sold with our â- booklet "Diet. Hair, and Health", which shows ho%v you may eat your wa.v to vigorovis health and beauty. Sold e.xclusively by th« RANDOLPH CO. SALES DEPT.. 25 Howard St., Toronto. Special Introductory packagje $1.00. Send money with order and we pay delivery cbaraes. H.VIR GOODS W 1 G S. .TOCPES, TRAN.SFORM- ations. Switches, Curls and all types ot" finest <iuality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated cat- alogue. Toronto Human Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst Street. Toronto. MAR HIS rWKEIIS GENUINE HARRIS TWEEDS 3 AXl) 4 VARI.) ENDS AT *2.UU P.EH yard. High Grudt; halt yard Suit- intfs or (inbnrdlnes, suitable for children's clothes, SCO each, Post- aft't.- e.\ira. Louis Hice, 3tj] Spadinu -•Vvctiue. Tttronto. llA.^u^vnI'^l.^'c; DISCOVEIt VOUR HIDDEN T.U.- ents. Complete handwriting an- alysis, i\. Use ink, unruled paper. Send any fifty words to t'aroline Sims *I4C Purn.a^y BlvtI.. Toronto. HARNESS UHESSIM: SLIPIT HARNESS DRESSING â€" Elnest leather and harness pre- servative. Slipit also has many houeshokl uses 25c up at most grocery. hardware . and chain stores. A product of ]..lo>'ds Lab- or.'i tori, .<, Toronto. lACLII.VrOR poll S.VLE SECOND HAND .MILLER HOT water incjuliator alinu.st new. 375 eKK capacity. H. MacLeod, Box S, T)M!iveir.'in. Ontario. IXSECr KILLI':it FIGHT THH WARBLE FLY WITH McVeety's Warble and I.K)Use Killer. A dr.v powder, needs no water. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price per lb. sixty cents post- paid. Apply Norman McVeety, I{e«toiiIe. 'Jnt. Ol' â- â€¢ici« TO iNVK.\"rons AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full fnfor- matlon .sent free. The Ramsay Co., ItcKustered Patent Attorneys, 273 Hank Street. Ottawa. Canada. MEUICAL NATURES HELPâ€" DIXON'S REM- cdy for Uheuniatic Pains, Neur- itis. Thousands praising It. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. .SI. Oil Postpaid. tlOTKIltS FOR SALE NESV .\10TI3HS FOR LM.UBDIATE deliver}', all sizes and electrical specifications. Large stock of re- built motors, machino shop equip- ment and wood-working mucbin- er.v. Mac.v Machinery Co., 109 ICJTTc- I'^.'i.st. Toronto. MACHIXERV ASD ELECTIUC MOTOHS ELECTniC MOTORS ALL SIZES 25 or (10 c>'cle â€" also air compres- sor.° and machinery. E. Hoffman Mac-hinery Supply, 181 King St. R-l^-t. TnCMtltn. -MUSES WA.\'ri;i» WA.VTBD, APPLICANTS F(1R SIX month course in pr.-ii'tical nurs- Infr. start ini:r .\pril 17tb. For par- ticular.s apply to Mndalcne M. Hnker. 24!l Victoria Street, I,on- don. t")ntario. NURSERY ST<»CK FltEE â€" COLORED NIUSERY Catalogue. Full line of Fiuit Trees: Kvergreens: Flowering .Shrubs; Perennials; Shade Trees: Roses: Brookdale-Kintrswav N'Mrg.M-i.^^-. ^t^^v.-m-o^^•'t^.^ 1 1,,,., i-,,; PHO'ltK.'KAI-FIV PROMPT MAIL SERVICE Send your film rolls to C'anadu's larRcst photo finishing studio. GET BETTER PICTURES AT LOWER PRICE Aay Size Roll â€" fi or 8 Exposures. DEVELOPED .•^ND PRINTED 25c A customer at Berwick, .N.S.. writes "1 want you to know how pleased I am with your wonder- ful work and prompt service." We have such letters from all over Can- ada. ENLARGEMENTS 1 for 25a 4\r," In Easel .Mount.s. SPECIAL PRICES ON FRAMING AND COLORING I'jiiluri^enicnts 4xt," on ivur.i- tinted. mounts 7.\i'" in Gold, Silver, Circa.s- sian Walnut or Black Ebony finish frnmos, 61lc each. If cnl.-u uenicnl colmirod, 7:*c eac-h. STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129, Postal Terminal A. Toronto Print Vour Name and .Vddress Plainly on .\\\ Orders. MAIL YOUR FILMS TO lMli:m.M, h'oi! i>l ALITY. service and sat i.sfa<:t)oii fi or g evposurc films a.')c; reprints S for 26c. Imperial Photo .Service, Sta- tion J. Toronto. ^ ^^ YOU CAN'T B YOU CAN'T BEAT BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE Proiluctiiui of wlieat lor 1944 in Au.siralia is estimated at OT.OOO.nOO bushels. •ET.S \\ AXTKU WANTED CANARIES. PUPPIES. Persian Kittens. Pigeons, other Pets. ,'<end descriptions price to Seeds & Birds Co.. 1230 St. Cath- erine W.. Mont real. I'* ri;.N"rs FETUEHSTONHAUiiH & COMI'ANiT Patent Solicitors. Established 1890; 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- ouesL (jl II I\<i l'A'J'«'IIES QUILTING PATCHES FANCV TOPCO.VTING.S AND HIGH Krade SuitiUKS. some .Scotch Tweeds. CxlS. 60 pieces $2.50 postatre included. Louis Kiev. 36L SoMdiiKi .\vinui-. Toronlo. iini;i â- MA ri(. 'A1.\.S GOOr> RESOH^TION â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Hera- edv. Munro's Druy Store. ;J3!r Elcin. Ottawa. Po-'ipaid jsl.oil. STA.MPS STA.MPS â€" COLLECTOR 4V ANT.S British Colonials. Newfoundland. Send stamps for best offer. Ever- ett Drake. 31 Hosediffe. Toronto. SOXG POEMS â- WANTED TO BE SET TO M CSIC. Send poem for immediate con- sideration. Five Star Music Mast- ers, u-ll Beacon Bldjf., Boston, Ma.-s. SKICU COll.V â- WE ARE GROWERS .\.ND .MAllIC- eters of the fiinious Truck Load Ear Br.ind seed corn. Order early . and save money. Belle Hirer Grain & Seed Company, liello River. Ont. si:i;i)s poit sALK THOROT'GHLY Ri;CLEA.NED OUV- ernment Kraded Clover .Seeds, Timoth.v and Cossack Alf.-ilfa. â- Write for prices. J. E. Muir. Cey- lon, Ontario. sp:i;i)s NEW 1944 GARDEN ANNUAL TOE UP-AND-COMINCi VICTORT Gardeners! .Send for Hlck'.s new up-to-the-minute Garden Annual for 1344. Let the expert advice of experienced seedsmen guide you to success. Full descriptions ami Illustrations of 1!M3 All America. Winners and Hick's Introductions for 1344 In both ves'etables and flowers. Send 10c today to W. \V. nick & Sons Limited. Liiidfay, - Ontario, Dept. AV. STOCK I'Oll SALE hegistI':i!1:;d tamwiirth swinb either sex ?-'5.tio. Shorthorn IniU calves $100.00. Newton Taylor & .Sfiiis. Burkcton. Ontario. SHOW iii.(;<;v wantkij â- WANTED ONE HOUGHTON UtJAD- ster Show Bugrsy complete with top and pole. Please state < on- dition and price. Box 121, 73 Ade- laide W.. Toronto. l.'OR iALE AMERICAN CRE.VM SEPARATOR Pales and Service new and re- built machines. .-Vmericiti Sep- â-  ".ir.r â- -â- â€¢ilc< I lo.l.-rii-b. Out. I'OIt S.\|,K KNITTING. WEAVING WOOU yarn, two ply. wliite. blue, red. khaki, black, green, brown, SI. 59 per pound. Guaranteed. Reftind. S. Good z . .St. .lerome. Quo . SHOTfiI'.\ W.VXTEl) ' 12-GAr(iB REPEATLVG SHiHI'- ETun: you may have It. Wm. Little. Box sr>2. Ottawa. Ontario. TK.\C'r01tS l-'OU SAbE Mccormick peering tractor. fifteen thirty, new rings, wrist pins, radiator. Excellent condi- tion, $500; 2 half-horse electric motors, 3 phase 220 volt each! $25. In Al shape. Fred Robinson, Corbyvllle. Ont. TR.VCroR WAXI'P.H â- WANTED â€" LATE :MODIOL 4-PT.(1\V Tractor on rubber for cash. Box in. Bremen, Sask. I'AI'P.WOHM STOMACH AND TI1UE.\D WORMS often sre the cause of Ill-health In humans all apes. No one iin- niiine! Why not find out If ihiB Is your trouble" InterestinB o-ir- tlrulnrs â€" Free! Write Mtllveney'a Remedies. Specfnilsts Toronlo 3, Oi,i AT'i'MXTioN! WOOL <;m)ni:its MR. WOOL GROWER Tins OI.l" ESTAHL1SH1CI,> WDtiL- Irii Mill is under now inannge- meiit. Wo operate a Retfisterod tJoverninent Wool Warehouse and are prepared to purchase this .Season's wool clip on Govern- ment (JradhiB- standards, and at flovernment stiimlated priies THE STUATHRtjV WOllLLEN MILLS I.1.MITHI1, ,STRATHUOY ONTARIO, EUMATIC «„ _| WASH THEM inS' AWAY! Docs Your Body Ache? lieri-'N <|iiiek rellif friiiii lllisrrilble nellrltie. pliell- in;ilic, iirOirliii- niid laai- imiro imlns â€" Drink ^\ nter aliiinilniil l\ ami rel> iipoit "H'WEI.I," herltnl rciiieily OH lilt liifiTtlal <*Ir:insel*. \h pain anil le\er (initliielnic iiciiN lire «\aHlitMl iiivii.^' â€" Piiln niiin) K>'. KelU-r •iin.v lic fell i-ittlit III (lie Hliirt> 'riiUc Miil\ <'iie.vV "U'W |c.!.|.'» reirnliirlv bpforo rcilrliiir iinil nali.. up pucIi iimrn- injt reeling flue; Si,|,| ),y oMT 2MH> itni^KiMK. 'I'lic lutlian .\rniy has crciiscil 12 limes, tile Uoyal liidi.ta X:uv n times, and the ! tj. Air Force 10 times thf. strcngtli. Tiiiii^a&S&it,:

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