Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1944, p. 1

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/ A ^ V / t Wi^t /ksljMM VOL. 63; NO. 44 FLESHERTON. ONT.. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 5, 1944 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publishers It is said that a custom in Eth- iopia is that a creditor has the priv- ilege of leading his debtor around on a chain until th« dept is paid. If that Moving to Collingwood Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Sorn'berger who have been residents of WaHcerton for the past several years, are leaving , . ^ , , I the Bruce Caoital for CoIIing-wood custom were adopted in Canada there ^^vhere they have purchased a well- Maxwell Airman Missing wouldn't around. be enough chain to go ONTARIO THI ONTARIO HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOLS ^0" NURSES Applicants are now being selected for entrance to training in the following Mental Hospitals: Brockville London Kamilton New Toronto Kingston Whitby A two years course of training is offered in the home hospital, fcl'owcd bv one full year in affiliation at specially selected General Hospitals throughout the province. This course leads to Provincial Registration. During the full three years training a generous Monthly Allowance is given. For detailed infonnation apply to SUPERINTENDENT, ONTARIO HOSPITAL at One of Centres Listed estabilished res.taurant business. They purpose renting or disposing of their residence- on Gibson Street and with their two daughters, Evelyn and Isla. will leave shortly for the ship-build- ing town on Georgian Bay â€" ^Walk- erton Herald-Times. DANCING IN DUNDALK Dancing in Dundalk every Saturday Night (weather permitting) to the music of Alvin Dermott and his or- chestra. Admission: 35c. E-^STER DANCE The annual Easter Dance will be held in Flesherton Fraternal Hall on Monday, April 10. Murray Sinvmocs' orchestra will supply music for mod- ern and old-time dancing. Admis- sion: 50c. AUCTION SALE Harry Shaw, east baekliae, Arte- niesia. will hold an auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc., Thurs- rlay. April 13th. â€" Geo. E. Duncan, .Auctioneer. EUGENIA RED CROSS DANCE The Eugenia Red Cross will hold a ''.nnce in the Orange Hall. Eugenia, on Friday, April 14th. Music will be sun-plied bv Y^dlar's Orchestra. Lunch •iv,-.vi(lod. Admission 35c. ^/K^^fC^ funeroU of Hgniij Half A Maddocka offer e om plat e funeral* (no addi- tional ehar get ) prlted within roar mema. RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS »r» To AH Employers: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1944, must be ex- changed for new books. Kindly communicate Immediately with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' books. There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance Contributions for your insured employees and for failure to renew the frasur- ance Books as required. To All Employees: If you are an insured person protea your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. VNSBIPLOIMENT INtVIUUICS COBtMISSION H HON. HUMPHREY MTrCHCOL. Mhdtttr »f L^oar LOUIS J. TROTTIKR K. J. TAUON ALLAN M. MllCHEIX Ct*»»*r '*«•'•'*». SERGT. CHART>ES WINTERS Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Winters, Max- well received word last week that their son, Sergt. Chas. Winters, Air Gunner, wa^ missing after opera- tions on March li>Th. A report was circulated this week that Sergt. Winters was a prisoner of war. but it wag without foundation. The many friends of the family hope the next news they receive will announce his reaching safety. 2,258 Ration iojdi Issued A Fles ]s W. The issuing of ration books took Ifist week \vith Mrs. W. E. Betts in cliav-ge of the work. The ladies were extra busy and did a splendid job. There were a total of 2,258 books issued at Fleshert-^n. 1.400 of them being given out on Pridav. Mark- dale '--ned 2.141 and Dundalk 3,100. Those v«-ho did not apply for the new book may secure them through the local ration board oifice. It is re- porEeil that one bachelor from Arte- mesia townshin secured his first ra- tion book at Dundalk. He had "got along" without any rationed goods since rationing was instituted alm^ot two years ago. Those assiisting Mrs. Betts in the issuing of the lx)oks were: Mrs. E. .1. Fisher. Mrs. H. Milligan. Mrs. Ken Betts, Mrs. J. .\. Hutchinson. Mi-s J. Dargavel. Mrs. Sam Phillips, Mrs. W. Turney. Mrs. A. E. Goessel. Mrs. J. Brackenburv. Mrs. .â- \. Avis. Mrs. N. Stoddart. Mrs. E. Henry. Mrs. F. Tavlor. Mrs. M. McFadden. Miss K. MoMiUan. Miss A. Hea-d and Miss Velma Sewell. Artemesia Fanners Win At Grey County Seed Fair Three Artemesia farmers had winning entries in the Grey County Seed Fair held at Markdale Tues<iay afternoon of this week. .\. S. Muir of Ceylon won three firsts on O.A.C. barley. No-barb t>arley and Katahdin potatoes, .\llie McLean of Priceville won first on Warba potatoes and third on Sebago potatoes. Alfred Odell, also of Priceville took first prize on Mabel oats. These men are to be congratulated on the suc- cess they obtained and for entering their produce for s-how. The entries were not as numerous as was hoped and expected. FEDERATION NEWS (By Clifford Allen. President of Grev County Federation of .\griculture^ The Ontario Hog Producers Accoci- ation assembled for their annual meeting in the Kirto- Edward Hotel in Toronto. March 17, took a strong stand on the use of tiie Farm Products Control Act as a means of establish- ing a hog scheme, completing the or- ganization of all proilucers The President, Mr. Chas. Mclnnis of Iroquois, reviewed the activities of tiie .-Association during the past year. including the effors made to persuade he Dominion Government that it was necessary to p-ovide hog producers with better returns, either through higher prices or bonuses. Mor.^ recent- ly the Association had asked the Provincial Government to reconsider its decision to do away with the Prj- vincial subsidy. There is every indi- cation that producer problems will be niort acut(.- in 'he post-war period and preparation must be made to meet them. Mr. W. L. Bishop, Norwich, sccre- tai-y. re>ported that all counties in Old Ontario, with the exception of six, now have a hog producers' oi â€" "riz- atiort of some tv»>p _ The .scheme was •!',.»1'.'«-5lmJ in fome ''etail a^d it was er.tphasized that it is essential to our democratic way of life for producers ^o be given a sbaie in the manage- moTiit of their own industry. A Inrge de'egntion from Grey r^vVr^tv. ret>re«onti v<r all townships •1 ••hi-' c<iunfry, att«m}<-d the meeting. \ ^nin-.'ber i>f resol'.ttions were pas- sed by the convention dealing" with tYr :>ror>o-ed ho< marketing scheme, rt"'^ t»f :n'«^'"vir>e q-.is!i*T. etc. 7". .Tr-nuan" of this year, Grey Coun- '.V ..T rani'icd a Hog Pnxhteers' .\>soc- i^'^ic'n, -^hich will work with ^he T.^t â- nf ti'e Province for a bevter deal for .^hb h?K industrv. Eugenia Girl Leads In Four Year Puzzle Contest (By Eugenia Reporter) The annual report of tl.e Puzzk' Corner of 'ke "Canadian Girl", pub- lished by the United Church, came cut last month. It tells of the ^rls in all parts of Car^)'-'- and New- found who. week after week faith- fully search the Scriptures for the answers in the contest. In thp ""-and final honor roll for the past year there were eleven in the graduating: ^kss. This means steady, patient work and something to be proud of. Cneraculations. alon? with a special book prize and a gold seal to be idded to each diploma, were sent to :he winners. AraonT the winners was Marge ilartin of Eusenia. .Another splen- did achievement among these gradu- ates were the excellent records o-f Marge Martin of Eugenia and Leon- Pratt cf Brownsville. Ont., both <^' whom had a perfe'-t record for four years. Although the prize is small, the honor is <rreat. These two girls may be justly proud of themselv-- to lead the Canada-wide competition. .-As we look forward t'l the better 'hv when our efforts can he plar-e-! at rebuilding, in nlace of destroying, we know what a streneth it will be to Canada to have bodv cf vrri- p<v>ple faithiulh- searehing- the Scrip- tures to learn God's will. 123 Donors Volunteered For The Fourth Clinic Feversham Airman Missing (By Feversham Reriorter) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davidson re- ceived word last week to ''â- '' effec; that their son. Sergt. Norman Dav- idson was missing after air opera- tions overseas. The many friends of the family in Feversham district hope that the missing airman will soon be reported safe. Osprey Red Cross Receipts Following are the funds of th'? Osprey Red Cross Bran-h, which in- cludes amounts received from g^rants and donations: Grant, Grey County $100.00 Grant. Tc\%-nshrn of Osprey 700.00 Maple Vallei- Pres. Church .. lO.OO Rob Roy War Workers 25.00 Stephen's Comer W. W 15.00 Maxwell W'omen's Institute 25.00 H. G. Francis 5.00 Miss Mary i^. Mills 6.00 Miss Maud Smith 5.00 Geo. W. Ro.ss 5.00 Mervyn Gould 2.00 $J!97.00 EASTER SERVICES Eve<iyone should eo to Church on Easter Sunday. .-V welcome awaits worshippers at the Baptist Churches in Flesherton and at Rock Mills, always. Special Easter music and messages will make the ministry of Easter significant to vou. Mr. F. E. Keys' subject will consider those who witnessed the fi-st Easter, in his ser- mon "Christ and the Wondering Oowd." .\ week from Easter Sundav nin-ht Rev. Mr. Bythel. Christ Church. Markdale will address 'Fireside' in the Baptist Church. The hour will be 8 p.m.. as usual. IMPORTANT Any member of th* Horticultural Society not in>tending to order plants, bulbs, etc., this spring as a premium or have the amount of the premium. 60 cents placed in the treasury for project work, will have gladioli bulhs ordered for him to the above value. Let the secretary or president know your wants, as the matter must be attended to this week. Maxwell Hens Hold Record For Production In Maxwell there is a flock of 24 hens owned' by Mrs. Chas. Bro-l'e that is certainly doing a great work in producitig eggs or ''Britain. These hens, in the month o-f March, '-â- '* "20 eggs, almost an average ~* ?" â- <rgs per bird and since Januar'^ 'it ^â- ^ March 31st, laid 108M' dozens. 'Hi is flock consists o* 21 Ph-mon^h "^ock* and .3 White Le'-'-orr*. •:' ' to 'ate have n'-ver been fed an-"- boilo<". "oed or layin<r mash. Keep up tho rood work. The fourth blood donors' clinic at i Flesherton was held on Friday. March 31st, and was the most suc- -iessful yet held. There were 12;5 enrolled, with full donations receive'' frf"-' 114. More new doiicrs parti- jipatefi in this clinic than at ar.- time since the Flesherton clinic was organized, a total of 43 men anii women. While a little time off i- aken by the donors and some incon- venience caused them in various ways yet they realize that they can- -ot falter now. wh n so many of the Canadians are in action arid tlie nee ! f blood plasnta "rows. It must he .'ratif'-ing to those who have donat- 3d their blood that they have made a •ecord for *-he Province for the num- ler of people attending the clinic in relation to the population. Bver; Trangeville 'ast week rep<Tted ll' • lonated in that town at the !a>t •rlinic. Mrs. Jackson, the Red Cro-:; lurse in attendance remarked tha: he Flesheron clir'- was the bes- '?ver held in the district. Tho^ wh > "•nrolled came from as far east ?< "^eversham and to Priceville. It is exnected that another clin: • '.dll be held i ten weeks' time, t » â- IS accomplish even more than w have thu4 far. and do our part t save lives on the battlefront. Following is the list of those who icnaced therr h-^od and the numb â-  of the Flesherton clinics attended: Four Clinics â€" H. .A. Tucker. F. â- '' Thurston. A. S. Muir. Wm. Inv-r^. ^ G. BucHanan. ,T. L. Irvine. S. PVi''-- D. J. Brown. C. Carruthers. Mrs. " Carruthers. G. Invin. K. Hawkins. D. L. Stenher.s. Wm. Stephens. J. A. Gowanlock. W. R. Meads. K. Stewart. •T. A. Richard,s. Wm. Gibson. Jos. Stauble R. J. Boyd. R. A. Brown. J .-\. "Henderson. Three Clinics â€" W. Thompson. H. F. Fenwick. J. McMuUen, N. P. Betts K. Fenwick. J. McMulIsr.. R. Phillip.^. 0. Meldrum. B. A. Mcintosh. W. Harrison, E. Wrieht. B. Hnnlev, E. Blackburn. Mrs. I. Clark. Mrs". M Pattison. Mrs. A. S'pd. Mrs. R. Park. Mrs. M. Bcllamv. E. Partrida-e. M Phillips. K. G. Betts. C. J. Bellamv. S. Muir. Two Climes â€" C. McKechnie. P. McDougal. G. Magee. E. Thuston. J. S. McDermid. G. Dungev. H. E. Col- lins, O. Marshall, F. Levering, E. Beaton, F. Seeley, S. McLeod, J. P. Stewart, H. J. (3ourvoisier, W. Lever, B Hanley, Mrs. G. McTavish, >irs. W. J. McMillan, Miss M. Ross, Mrs. M. Phillips, Mrs. J. A. Richards, Mrs. Wm. Xewell. Mrs. J. C. BUirrison, Mrs. J. Brackenbury, Mrs. W. \. WestcoCt, Miss J. Proctor, Mrs. H. Milligan. X. Loucks, T. C. Hug*-- V. Wright F. Campbell, K. Caima, Rev. C. Cox. J. Lougheed, and .\. Humphrey. First Clinic â€" Mrs. A. Idle, iin. P. Semple. Mrs. Wm. Mather, Mrs. C. Archibald. Mrs. D. Reile- Mrs. C. Chard. Mrs. O. J. Rowe. Miss A. Murphy. Mrs. G. Whyte, Mrs. G. Seelev..Mrs. W. Smith, Mrs. C. Faw- cett. Miss A. Whyne, Pte. E. B. Meads. T. Ferris. H. Fisher. D. Rus- sell. W. Jamieson. E. Louebeed. S. Sutton. C. Loucks. Mrs. A. F. Will- iams. Miss V. Russell. Mrs. "J. A. Xichol. F. Bets, P. Hunt. Ser^^. G. L. Xichol, W. Smith, C. Fawcett. E. Sansmons. A. Short. D. T^t idson. F. Teeter. G. Jackson, S. Patton, Ben Haniev, M. Davidson, .A.. Proctor, G. -Armstrong, S. Stauffer, E. Talbot, G. Strath, T â- '•'â- itlx.r. Mrs. J. A. Richards was cottveaer of the lunch committee and the Max- well Red Cross unit contributed the refreshments and assisted in the servine:. Those assisting included: Mrs. J. McDonald. Mrs. O. Phillips. Mrs. Ferris. Mrs. Gould. Mrs. Seeley, Miss M. Ross Mrs. M. Sled. Mrs. W. Kaitting Mrs. Henry, Mrs.. P. S. MeDruc!'.!, Mrs. E. Morgan and Mrs. G. MsTavish. Mrs. Stoddart served as reception- i.-t. and the records -ivere compiled by Mrs. F. B. Keys. Mrs. "H. Milli- j fi". ar-l Mrs. F. W. Duncan. Mrs. : W. .\. Westcott 'Tave numerous piano ! so'os throughout ^he clinic. i Mrs. R. J. Boyd convened the niirses, as follows: Mrs. C. McTav- I ish. Flesherton; Mrs. J. Robinson, I :.t;ss M. Smith. Feversham; Mrs. i Micks. .Mrs. Reid and Mis* J. Mar- shall. Ceylon; Miss Fenwick. Max- wx-!".: Mrs. W. Fisher, Dundalk: Mrs. F"rr:s. Victoria Comers; Mrs. Simp- son. Miss H. Wv\-;!!e. Miss Carefoot and Mi« XoW-^, 'farkdale. Mrs. E. J. Fisher and Airs. E. Betts served in the capacity of Xurse-aids. Ceylon Airman Receives His W. A. G. Wing in West (By Oylon Reporter) The graduation ceremony and pre- sentation of wings to Wireless Air Gunner Gordon L. Xichol of No. 2 Br & G. .Sohool, Mossbank. Sask.. which to'-k place recently, is of inter- est :c Ceylon vicinitv and also to Flesherton and Priceville. Gordon is the elder son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Xichol and is now a Sergeant in the Air Force. He is being posted to Lachine. Que., after spending tivo weeks" leave at his home here. Sergt. Xichol is a former student of Ceylon Public School and an ex-pupil of the Flesherton High School. He received his training at E<lmonton. Calg-arv. Brandon and Mossbank. and a wire- less course at Winnipesr. His manv friends extend congratulations and best wishes. Tho3. Aikenhe^d Passes The Late A. D. Thurston noMIMON DAY WILL BE HELD SATVRDAY. J!'LY 1 There passed away at Montreal on Wednesday, March 29th, a native of Kimberley, in the person of Mr. .Alf- red D. Thurston, the result of a stroke. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Thurston, pioneei-s of the Kimberlev Valley ami w^as bom on the farm two miles north of Kimberley. He was married to Miss Blanche Walker of Euseni:i. who predeceased him by about eight years. He leaves to mourn four sons and one dauc-hter. Kenneth of Montreal. Sergt. Bruce of the Canadian .Amiv, Pilot Officer Arthur with the R.C„\ F., Gordon of Hamilton, and Ruth Olrs. Johp Bonnelll ot Montreal. •' -iso leaves one brother and one <-:ster, Tir. F. A. Thurstrn and .Miss Mvrtle Thurston of Chicago. He was an uncle of The Advance editor. The funeral was held Frid.y , pft.^rr.-^on in Montreal, with inter- . ^„„i„,., i ment faking place in Mount Royal j Turney 1 C'?-mpt"rv. .-Associated for TO years with the firm of Aikenhea ' Hardware Ltd., Thomas Edward .Aikenhead. 84. pres- ident for many years, died on Manday at his home. 1 Browside Drive, To- ronto. Although in *'i health_iar some months, he had attended' the company's annual meeting a few weeks agtf. Born in Toronto. Mr. .Aikenhead at the aare f^f 14 joined the busines*- es- tablished b'"' his father. He '^°â€"ime president in 1904 and two years later the business was moved from Yonge and .-Adelaide to Temperance St.. the present location. Tlie late Mr. .Aikenhead w»«- a member of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church and Wilson Lodire, .-A.F.&A.M. He was an accora^ilished violinist and also took Teat interest in sailin-jr and fishin*r. His wife. Lydia .Annp .\rmstrons. predeeased him bv several years. S'lr viving are two daughters. Miss Rubv .A.ikenhead. n-d Mrs. T. G. A. Keith (Lydia). ai:d two sons. .Tames T. F, and J. Wilfred .Aikenhead. The funeral is takine place f- Wednesday afternoon, with service : Timothy Eato- Memorial (Thurch . 3 o'clock. Fnterment will be made ii. Mount Pleasant Cewiete'v. Card of Thanks Mrs. George Cairns wishes to thank her Flesherton friends for^h* lovely flowers and baskets of ^ and to her neighbors for kindn shown during her recent LUiteaBC Card of Thanln I wish to express my appreciation for the splendid support given me at the B-A Service Station durinsr tt»« past six years. I solicit continued patronage to my successor. Mr. Wm. â€"HAROLD BEST. Dominion T^"- will be f^bwrved or .''ahir()ay. .Tulv 1st. this vear. the dr.y -n whi-'h it f-:»Ms, Dr. E. H. C^lopiar Un-icr Seoretarv of St-ite. an-councc-l af Ottawa. The decisiort that the boVidav -wrini'-* he 'â- ''^'â- ''â- â€¢^p.1 cr the >i.--!i,.-T* Mon<*"v â- - - .T.,1-.- » -i- . â€" -... scimJed h" ortfer-in-council last year DIED HOWARD^ Charles Albe-H; Howanl a,?c^ 75 vcars, at his home 2241 Blen- heim- Rvi.. Vajicouver. B.C., on F-.-i., March 10th, 1044. Surviving are: his •vife. on? sKin. Jack- in Vancouver. ' t v-^ (Isugh'/*^. Mrs. G. nui-n r>f K'''- j "<;». Alta., aiiil Florence at ho»»>e; oi>o j ; 'stcr. Miss .Annie Howanl of T*ron- i '• find I- -' H->t^cr. W. J. H^wnrd, •-'f s^'-^rkda'c. six arandchilden ai«l t^^ 1 great grttuJchlldren. Bom I : PHnXIPS^At Mrs. Nuhn's Nur- ; «ir*' Home. Flesherton, on Sundav, I A-r! 2nd. 1&44, to Mr. and Mrs. Neil tPhiHws, Proton Station, the gift of ^ Lnug'-.ter. ' RIOHIARPGON â€" A. ^'-r " ' '= j Xursi'^ar Home. Pleiherton. on Tnurs- ; Any. Mar.'- ,30th. 1944. to Mr. and j Mrs. KNin Richardson of Corbetton. ' ^he gift of a daughter. EASTER FLOWERS f^rd»r 'Poster cut fli-iwe^-i and f)f\Tr»ring p'.ir.' from-- ' W. A. HAWKEN, Phone 17 FI*sh-T*on I Picture Show To^\m Hall FLESHERTON Itlifrvi/ •-«,. k..«» .If SOVEREIGN FllM'6 presento Ronald Colinan in "LOST HORIZON of Shangri-La" "Sc^*^rn Snapshots** iHr>l-w<HMt Stars at ^'ork ^r-i P%^ I A-i ,.-.,:.-,.. .^dult^ 35c, Chilc-i«« SOe < at g pjn. (^1 1\- * -i*' ,»â-  I* ^ MM* ^^^s m ^ .â- oiSSs:.3tt".= teM

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