THE FLKSHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, June 14, 1944 Camahan - Garbett Wedding In Toronto A pretty weddiiivf wa solemnized in Annette Street Baptist Church, Toronto, when Marilyn Ganbett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 'Garbett, Batavia Ave., was united in marriage with Captain William Angus Camahan, Clendenan Ave., Rot. Dr. A. S. Imrie performed the ceremony. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was wned in white sheer lepe, with headdress and finger-tip veil, and carried a bouquet of roses. Miss Patricia Garbett attended her Bister, frocked ira spring violet crepe with headdress of violets and finger- tip veil of illusion gray. Accesories were in gray and mauve sweet-peas. Arthur Camahan was his brothei's best man. The ushers were,L.A.C. Kenneth Alleway and L.A.C. Kenneth Srigley. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother receiving, dressed in brown and white with brown accesories and a corsage of roses. The groom's mother assisted, wearing a frock of air force blue with black and white accessories and similar corsagje. For going away the bride changed to a dress of pale blue crepe, with whidh she wore a beige top coat and. browii accesories. After a short honeymoon the young couple left for Aracienne Lorette, Quebec, where Captain Camahan is attached to No. 8 A.OjS. Among the many friends attonidinig the wedding was the groom's grand- mothe Mrs. Heniry Camahan oif Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Camahan and Wayne, Windsor, Ont., Mr. Phil Doran, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Doran, Teeswater; Mr. Angus Whittaker, Ceylon; Mrs. Thomas Mathews, Utica, N.Y.; Lj^.C. John Ganbett, Dunnville; L.A.C. Kenneth Alleway, Camp Borden; L.AjC. Kenneth Srigley, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. "E. Cameron and Jack, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alleway, Miss Hilda Alleway, and Mr. Art Alleway, Cooksville. Angus has many friends around Ceylon, as for many years he spent his summer holidays there with his uncle, Angus Whittaker. EUGENIA (Intended for Last Week) Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and Jean, on Sunday, wero Mrs. E. J. Wiley and Mr. Edward Hill of Nottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Shaw, Joyce and baby Hugh, of Coll- ingwood, also Mr. anld Mrs. John Badgerow and Inez, 4th Line. Mrs. W Pinkerton and Mrs Blaia have returned home after a few days visit with friends in. Brantford. The former's sister, Mrs. Beaney of Brantford, accompanied them home to sipend a few holidays in the vifeiriity. Miss Irva Magee, Collingwood, spent the week end' with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Miss Margaret MaoMillan, of the G. and M. Hospital, Owen- Sound, spent Saturlay at her home here. 'Mr. and Mrs. John McKee, 4th Line, visited on Sundiiy with Mr. Ben Carruthers, Mrs. C. D. Parks and sis. ter. Mass Muriel Carruthers. We are sorrv to report Mrs. M. MoMullen ill at present. Her daughters. Miss Millie and Mrs. V. Graham and Ruth of Toronto, Mrs. J. Stuart, Meaford, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell MoMullen, Owen' Sound, visited her on S'unday. Mrs. Hammond haa been with her mother since she returned to her home here this spring. We wish her s-peedy recovery. Master Dennis Camijlbell visited with Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts and family, near Markdale, over the week end. ROCK MILLS (intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs'. Willard Wilson and son Keith, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Biems and Ivan Brown, Markdale, were visitors over ' Sunday with Mr. Thos. Betts, Edith Mabel. â- Mrs. Chas. Howard, Toronto, spent the pas"t week with her father Mr. Alfred Partridge and brothers, Ken and Lloyd Partridge. Mr. and' Mrs. Levi DuckeH and three daughters, of Maxwell, visited during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell. Special meetings are being held in the Baptist Church here this week with service every night except Sat- urday night. Mdme. Lillian H. Jones, Toronto, is guest soloist and delights her audiences with her beautiful voice and special numbers. A.C. Harold Clark who has' be^n on furlough with his parents, leaves this week for Halifax, where he will now be stationed. Mr. Arthur Atkinson, Durham, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Atkinson, and Peace River dictrict, visited Saturday with Mr. A. Pratridp'e. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Harry Patton Tuesday, June 20th> The missionary verse is to begin with the letter "J"' Meeting will be held at 2 o'clock sharp. MAXWELL British restrictions on the plain- ness of men's clothing have been re- laxed somewhat, and London reports that men who have giving their clothing coupons to their wives are now using them for their own re- quirements. Aifteir all, the marriage pled'g« did not include "with all my clothing coupons I thee endow." NOTICE TO CREDITORS AiliL PBRfiONiS having clainu a- yainst the estate of the late HOBIESVr IM/LES WILSON, late of -the Village of Fleeh«rton, County of Grej, who died on or aibout the aoth day of April, 1944, are required to forward their claims duly aipproved, to the undersdgned solicitor of the eeta'te, on or before Saturday, June t7th, 1944. ANiD FUiRnnHiEiR take notice Hmt after »uch mentioned date the ad- ministrator w411 proceed to distribute the assets of the estate amongst the parties entitled thereto, kaving re- gard only to swcih claims as they will then have notice. Dated at Markdale this SOth day of May, A. D. 1944. > -.WALTER E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ont. Solicitor to the executors Mr. and Mrs. Garfield McLeod ana Mrs. John Priestley, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLeod'. Mrs. Wm Kerton', sSouthamlptJon, visited with friends over the week end he e. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Sled, Mr. and Mrs^. Jack Lougheed', and Mr. Ehnerson Parker spent Sunday in Toronto, visiting with Mr. Wm. Park" er, who is a patient in the General Hospital. 'Mrs. W. Holmee spent a few days in Owen Sound tWs past week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ros®' Smdth on the '^''•th of a son, at Mtrsi, MeredSthl's' nursing* home on Friday of last wedc. (Intended fk>r Last Week) Pte. Ren Acheson, Camp Borden, and Mtsi. Aciheson andi daughters, Cheltenham, s<pent the week end witJi Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, parents o«f Mrs. Acheson. Mr. and Mrsi Louis Kerton and Fred Ross spent Saturday in Owen Sound. The W. A. of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. 0. W. Holmes, on Thursday of last ^fnek with a good attendance. Roll Call was answered with a poem-. Mrs. Geo. Morrison gave a paper on Bather. Mrs. Buckingham conducted a quiz program. â- rhe W. I. will meet at the kome of Mrs. Geo. Ross on Thursday of this week, all are cordially invited to at- tend. (Hitler must be longing for a gen- eral like old Cal Coolidge who did not choose to run. PRIGEVILLE A shower was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. Percy Sims, in honor of their daughter, Jean, prior to her marriage. The evening wa» spent in music, singing and contests. The gifts were placed in a decorated basket, and Miss Isa- bel Karstedi assisted Miss Sims in opening the gifts and reading the verses. Miss Sims voiced her appre- ciation and than!'- for the lovely srifts. All joined in singing "For she's a jolly good fellow." Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hincks visited friends at Proton Station on Sunday. Mrs. Angus McVicar has returned home, after spending over a week in Toronto. A dance --- held in the hall on Friday night when a good time was enjoyed. Splendid music was sup- plied' by Mr. and Mrs. M. McPadden of Flesh erton. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hincksi and Mar. ilyn and Miss Jean Hincks of To- ronto spent the week end with relatives here. The WM.:S. and W. H. will meet Tuesday, June 20t'h, at the home of Mrs. Dan Campbell. Rock Mills School Don ('May Report) Grade 8 â€" loan Betts Smith 74, Allan Betts 74. Grade -6 â€" Gordon Helmkay 89, Lawrence Dabson 84, Myrtle Betts 80, Irene Porteous 76. Grade 5 â€" Bobby Betts 80, Goldie AitkinSon 78, Shirley Partridge 68. Grade 4 â€" Clayton Porteous 82, Redlge Dobson 73, Leslie Porteo"- 66. Grade 2â€" ^Kemny Smith 94.4, Mur- ray Betts 94.2, Ethel Betts 8i5, Flor- ence W51'kihson 73. Grade 1 â€" Jeanette Dobson 83, Lois Helmkay 82, Ivan Betts 67. Winner of stars for conduct and proficiency: Murray Betts. Num-bers are percentages; No. on roll 21; av. attendance 20.4. â€" 'Mrs. F. J. Seeley, Teacher. fer i jV'^X . ' •â- ">'â- It's Springtime â€" time to go after that dull, clingy v/ood- work with smooth-flowing Flo-glaze enamel! It's famous for its lustrous china-like gloss, dries quickly, and may be washed repeatedly. Use it for woodwork, floors, furniture, small objects in the home. Attractive range of colors. For all outside jobs, use Flo-glaze house paint â€" the original self-levelling paint that "leaves no brush marks". Consult your Flo-glaze Dealer â€" start to clean up and paint up this week-end I Flo-glazs quality is maintained, in spite of wartime restrictions. POUR HOUl EKAM] PAINT 1448 ms3immss9 m *?^ McKillop Estate, Flesherton VANDELEUR SBNiD IN YOUB KEINEWAL. (Intended for Last Week) The Ladies' of the Congregation held their annual bee, cleaning up the church and grounds' on Wwtnesday afternoon of last week. Arrange- menta were also made for the An- nual Sunday School Convention, which is to be held in the church on Thursday of this week, June 8th, afternoon and evening. The committee is busy this week working on the Community Hall. A new roof has been uut on and other repairs! are being made. Rev. A. P. Stanley occupied the pulpit in the church on' Sunday after- noon, in the interest of the Ontario Temperance Federation^ and preach- ed' a fine sermon). Quite a number from here attended the Musical Festival at Owen Sound. The big j>rofits of patent remedy companies would seem to indicate that there is gold in tiiom thar pills. Britons have been warned not to ti-y travelling long distances. Thia does not, however, apply to those io uniform. Henry Ford, -who two months ago predicted the end of the war in two months, now admits that his Inform- ation then was bad. It is consoling to know that Henry and ourselvea are both susceptible to false romoia* % Pitching help! Hay will be ready to cut within die next week or two. It is an abundant cropâ€" one of the heavi- est in years. . Help is needed immediately to $ave the hay crop Offer your services today to the Farm Commando Brigade in your town or city. T/ie need is urgent right now. TUNE IN "HELP WANTED'^ A C.B.C. preMnlation produrad with f h* o». oparalion of lh« Ontario Form Service Fore* EVERY FRIDAY 7.30 P.AA. C.I.C. NETWORK SlarHns from April 7rii Xenda hand" on the farms Every citizen of Ontario must face the unpleasant fact that Canada's stockpile of grains, dairy products and vegetables ... of which we had a great surplus four years ago ... is almost exhausted. For four years, Canada has been a "store- house of food" for her Allies. She must continue to fulfil heavy obligations to them. But the surpluses in the store- house are gone. They must be replen- ished. Otherwise, Canadians on the Fighting Fronts . . . and at home . . . are likely to be faced with the prospect of short food rations. THIS YEAR the crops on Ontario Farms give promise of the heaviest yields of grain, hay, vegetables and fruit in years. BUT THEY MUST BE HARVESTED AND SAVED . . . AND THIS IN SPITE OF THE MOST ACUTE SHORTAGE OF FARM WORKERS IN OUR HISTORY. '*^% ,i EVERYONE MUST HELP! I ^^ I Ik I The Farm Commando Brigades, the Holiday Brigades, Business J ^J 1 1^ Men's Groups, Service Club Groups, Neighbourhood Groups, or one of many other organizations, that are preparing to help. For three years such organizations have supplied thousands of volunteers to Save Food for Victory. This Year Many Thousands More Volunteers Are Needed. puME youR siRvias how Register your name, by mail or in person, with your nearest Selective Service Office, or wish any of the Groups listed above which eperate in your town or city, or with The Ontario Farm Service Force, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, or with your nearest Agricukural Representative. For Peace Sake -PITCH INI Lend a Hand on the Farm. ^ DOMINION-PROVINCIALj:OMMiTTEE ON FARM LABOUR AGRICULTURE-ilB^Ol^^teTrCiK .'>.^-~*''»<*.L