"Hello, headquarters I We're knocking off for dinner now!" 'Here's the pup you ordered â€" the parcel post division is saving tires I" SIDE GLANCES By Galbraith r THE SPORTIJNrO THING ' BY I/IM MIklSTaONO ' "You'd never guess where I found this swell rock I'm polishing!" THE SCREEN DOOR bt cluyas wmjAMa isnu eoa OUT TO PLAY HEMB CALL FROM WITHIM TO COME BACK MO SHUT THE SCREEN OOOR. MOSaUITOES ARE R>URIM€ M SHOUTS ME^SWtE HE DID 1HUT rr, HE RE- MEMBERS HEA8tN(j tT BAMG BEHIND HIM WO- FUnXEX RtMARKS tOt CUT SHOCT BV FA- THER'S GETT1N6 UP AND SLAMMiNO DOOft SHOT COMtS BACK AND OPENS POOR TO SAY DAD OION-T HAVE TD SET UP. HE'D HAVE COUE BACK TO SHOT rr.MEOHLV WANTED TO EXPLAIK FAMILV CftlE^ FOR PITTS SAKE PONT STAND TXLKIM& WITH THE DOOR 0PEN.60ES OUT HASTILY TWOSTS HEAP IN *- GAIN TO REPORT BRIGHTLY niAT HE JUST CAME BACK. TO MAKE SURE DOOR WAS SMUT TIGKT lOnHrtnH. IW^ ty »W ho ajadam. 1«« ) 6O£S0UT,LEAVIN0r FAMILY VIGOSDUStV SLAPPING MOS- QUITOES Jt£ WHERE ALLIED FRONTS ARE CONVERGING Map shows where the 5tli Army has pushed along the Appian Way ta have taken a mile-long stretch of the Appian Way to Rome, and where a great Allied pincer push from the east has breached the Hitlei- Line, which has stymied an Allied advance so many months. LIFE'S LIKE THAT By Fred Neher i "Is this his night to howl?" THIS CURKHJS WORLD ANSWER: To approxintateljr 300 l««t NEXT: WhM to ao wttb oM niwr Poor Martha â€" she's been bravely Ighting for years to modernize liat husband of hers, but she has- Vt won yet!" Headache tNoching is mote depres- sing than headaches... Why suffer?.. .Lambly's will cive instant relief, n^yv i Lamtly'sisgoodforear- ~^'\ ischc.toothache.painsin "^ j, back, stomacli, bowels. T^HMIf A M B LY'S HEADACHE POWDERS, u POPâ€" Pop's Got A Lot To Hide By J. MILLAR WATT MUST VOU A POUT SUM-S'ATHIN6 9 ni'l^avd h, 'llu. B"ll Synillr«l«. Inc 1 WHV isn't the ^P**\ BARE. TRUTH '^. . ? ENOUOH ? -^ iO-6 *"^fl| HOW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY AND EASILY It you are liouQicd wun ilulilnij fillca or rectal ^Juicnesa, do not de- ay treatment UMd run llie rUI< ut lotting tilts condition bccomo chron- ic. Any llctilDii or soreneii.4 or painrui puasugc of atool Is nulure'i warn'.ng and 'p r o p e r trealnitnt • bould ba tccured nt ouce. Fur thli purpuse tsei a package ot riein-'Kold from any dniggiat and Ube aa directed. Thia fonnula wliich Is uaed Internally Is a small, eaxy to lake tablet, will uutukly relieve Iho Itchlnii and aoreniaa and aid In iK^ulIng the aore tender iipots. Hcm-Uoid la pleasant to use, U highly icoonimundbd and It seems the helt>ht of folly for any one to ri«l( u painful and chronic pile con- dltioti when such a fine remedy ma; be hod at such a small cost. If you try Ucm-Kold and are not •ntlrely pleaiied with the resnJts, your druggist will gladly return ^tur fflooer. REG'LAR FELLERS -Party Loyalty By GENE BYRNES AFTER ALU, I THINK WE ORTER PLAy AI.ON6 WITH OUR OWN CROWD BROI^EPS I TRUST Co. INVESTmbn^' PtR«.RTMe MM ^^mugygHlg MMMH mmm mmj/imimm