Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1944, p. 7

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ROMEâ€"END OF MANY LONG, HARD ROADS II II m ' r ' "^... ' . ' .r sm The map above shows Rome and its environs â€" first Axis capital dty in this war to be attacked by Allied ground troops. THE WAR - WEEK â€" Commentary on Current Events Nazis Can No Longer Pretend That Italy Is Part Of Axis To have spent «o much for the trestlge of holding Rome measures «>w heavily they (the Germans) Tah* that prestige, writes Joseph C Harsch in the Christian Sci- «ac« Monitor. There is no reason flhy their «$thnate of its value dbould not be the yardstick of its Tilut to us. Rome was for them tn srgument that German troops Wert superior to Allied troops. They wanted that argument to bolster the confidence of their ftople in the German army during the pre-invasion period. They wanted it to give their troops on th* Channel and on the Russian front an extra fillip of confidence «t the moment of the assault. They Invested lavishly on this. Their defeat below Rome lowers the morale of every German sol- dier anywhere in Europe. It also givss every Allied soldier that Oonce of extra confidence which comes from knovning that a crack German army has just taken a thorough drubbing on another front. I Airfields Valuable ^Add to that a few other more SSgible gains which go with Itome. The city itself may not be •f miltary value. But around Rome are a cluster of airfields which ar« |h* biggest and best on the pen- instila. The possession of the air lleids at Foggia has already prov- ed of enormous advantage to the Allied cause. From Foggia the Balkans and southern Germany kave been brought under the weight of Allied air power. TH% Rome airfields are about ISO miles nearer the German fron- tier than Foggia. That automatic- ally carries t!ie range of the Al- lied air attack ISO miles deeper into Germany. Of course, that doesn't happen at once. It took well over a month to get the Fog- gia fields in operating shape. Fill- ing in the bomb craters is the least of the job. What takes time is getting the flow of fuel and supplies moving and repair facilities set up. How soon Rome^s airfields could be in operating condition is a variable. Much depends on how soon the port of Ostia can be organized to receive supplies. Transportation Centre Then there is Rome's value ai a transportation centre. It is In every sense the rail centre of the country. It is also the communi- cations centre. More than these, it is the politi- cal centre. Mussolini's residual Fascist Government has had only a shadow of influence and author- ity since the surrender of the King. But what substance that shadow still enjoyed derived largely from the fact that Rome was still In Axis hands. With the fall of Rome that dwindles to nothing. When the Germans lost Rome they lost the last basis for the pretense that there is still «n Italy in the Axis. And not to be overlooked is the Vatican. So long as German troops patrolled the boundaries of Vati- can City, the Papacy was forced to mold its voice always with an eye to this fact. Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily newspaper, has been forced to heed German wish- es to circulate in Rome itself. That comes to an end with the fall of Rome. Whatever the Vati- can may wish to say that it has not been saying in the past can be spoken freely now Rome is free. Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee rsfiMoi LAXATIVE TABLETS i)ijiCKL.v hklikve: CONSTIPATlOJi It yuu suffer from Hemorrhoid.'! (Piles) try Kettlng relief through â- ootbing gentle action of FERMOl- liAXATlVE TABLETS which bo nany have found effective for this condition. Go to your drug store and efeUIn FERMOL LAXATIVE TAB- LETS â€" two n>onth.<i supply for $1.40, BF write direct FERMOL DISTRIBU- TORB, 1-ONDON, Ontario. Total U.S farm milk production In 1942 reached .')5,460,000,00O quarts, worth over $2,000,000,000. <ADVERT18EMBNT) WILL YOU LIE AWAKE Nil^Hx ? win Rns make you Ifel breathless and «moth- ^^^^^^ •ry â€" causing « w 1 u i . ^.'V ''' bloat and wakefulness? ,. A-'.'*.* ^ Cnlock this tlRht. bloat ; \ '/ '.V^ . by opening up con.stl- patlou and releasing '•Locked-lD" gas. Slow -^, digestion may keep y )>'â-  w e 1 s blocked for z' <^ •• davs. Mulvencys B'WBLL opens up bowel». aids digestion and releases gas. Makes Tou feel fine and ready tor restful sleep. Trv Mulvenev'a B'WELL medicine to-nlgbt and «« what It will do for vou! Order iRice l3-ounce bottle from Tour druegist. ^^__ ^a^^ Suirerers ot ^lll ^O Dieeding and r I L t M P '• t â- â€¢ "itling know Bunkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at Its source. Money back if the first bottle does not satisfy. Buy from your druggist. r If you suffer MONTHLY -\ FEMALE PAIN You who suffer cramps, headache, backache, and tired, nervous feel- ings â€" due to female functional dis- turbances â€" should try Lydla B. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. It bas a soothing effect on one o/ wom- an's moit important organa. Also a 9ne stomach tonic! Made In Canada. Worth trirfnjr. _ ., LYMALPINKHAM'SSSSi^ 1. What would be a good fxciise to offer if one wislie.s to decline an Invitation that one does not r;ire to accept? V. When a new acquaintance leaves and says "I am very glad to have met you" what reply should one make? X .At what time should the water goblets be filled at the dinner table? 4. Can you give any suggtsiions what to give a couple who are ob- ser.ving their first wedding anniver- sary ? 6. Is it ever prcpcr to lay bits of food on the tablecloths? 6. Is it proper to have a child in- trodui-e his small friends to adnlt-S? ANSWERS 1. .An earlier engagement for that d.iy or evcnin.i,' would probably be the best excu.'ic. 2. Merely re- spond with a cordial "Thank you". B. Immediately before the guests are called in to dinner. 4. Books, stationery, plnyin.a: cards, or sub- scriptions to magazines. 5. Yes, in such cases as when individual dish- es for hard breads or celery are mot furnished. 6. Yes and thi? is ♦xcellent training for the child. 'SKY-FARMERS' Anglo- American Co-operation Pay* Allied victory is being aided greatly by the little-known British- American patent pool, under which war manufacturers on each side of the water have free access to every talent and invention on both sides. Thus the full capacity of both na- tions' productive capacity can work with the full measuie of both na- tions' inventive genius. It is good to know how completely the two English-speaking nations can co- operate to beat the Xazis and the Japs. More men smoke Picobac than any other Pipe Tobacco in Canada Atop the New York Children's Aid Society's building, high above the city's sweltering streets and only eight blocks from Times Square, youngsters from 4 to 6 years old tend their own miniature Victory gardens. "Rural" life seems to have been too much for lad in foreground. Tokyo Preparing For Allied Bombing Tokyo, preparing for Allied bombing of Japan, has evacuated non-essental person from the city and levelled inflammable wooden structures near war industries and other targets to reduce the fire hazards, a German correspondent stationed there cabled Berlin re- cently. No German Ships At Sea After War I fully agree with Lord Vansit- tart's prograjn for dealing with postwar Germany, but speaking as a si.iIor of some experience and having experienced some German chivalry at sea in the last war, I am of the opinion that to the ten points there should be added an eleventh, viz: "Not a ship on the sea". The United Nations will run their freight for them and they can pay the usual commer- cial rates, thus helping to pay for the war they started. â€" B. H. Symns, Tofino, V.I., B. C, in Maclean's ^tfagazine. Phonograph Records Thousnnds of slightly used popu- lar dance selections to choose from. Also Automatic Phonographs available for Hent. Write for Parttcuinra VIGNEUX BROS. Aiitftmntlc FhonogrrnpliH 990 HAY ST., TORONTO Nazis Make Plans For Another War Marriage Marts are operating briskly under government direr.tioa in Germany. The Nazis want eveiy- one to marry as soon as pos^iiile. Germany is looking aheai to 1070 when children born of mar- riages in 1044 and af'40 wii b* ready to go to war to try aga;n to conquer the world. â€" 'Windsor i:3.r. BABY CHICKS fTARTED CHICKS 2 WEEK OLTl non-sexed, -pullet or cockerels In the following- breeds for Innncil- late delivery; White I-.eghorns, â- White Leghorn X Barred Rocltf, New Hampshire X Ba,rred Kociis. White Rocks, Baned Rock.o, Now Hampshires. Prices at rock bot- tom for June also day old chicks and free range pullets eight weeks and older. Day old hiavy lireed cockerels as low as $8.96 oer hundred. Tweddle CliIck latcherlea Limited, Fergus, Out. &y AVAILABLE JX.TNE £Iith. WE'LL have i week pullets, W.U $20.90; Heavy Breeds, first quality, $26.90. Orders filled In order re- ceived. Order direct nearest Hut- ahen'. with deposit, or through Bray agent. Chicks. unsexed, jaost breeds, and pullets, avail- able now. cockerels Inter In month. Hatcheries closing earlier than usual, so book your order tor what you need without rte- â- fey, for either Immediate, Inter June, or July delivery. Bray Hatchery, ISO John N., Hamil- ton, Ont. ^^ STARTED CHICKS KBDUCED PRICES ON S'J^ARTED Ohioks from a Real Breeding Farm Of BOOO Breeders. 1, 2, 8. 4 weeks «W. Prompt delivery. Don't take • chances on ordinary chicks when you can get these high quarlty ehlcks at such reasonable prices. We do our best to produce heal- thv, well bred, "to produce", disease-free, ehlcks. Order yours now. Send for Started List and Weeklv Specials. LAKEVTEW POLL'TRY FARM, Wein Bros., Phone 78, Exeter, Ontario. DON'T BE FOOLED! ALL CHICKS aren't alike. Vou can't get a good crop with cheap seed nor a high i>aying flock with cheap weakling chicks. You are miles ahead in time, money, labour by starting right with Tweddie high ouality chicks, carefully eelccled from Ciovernment Approved blood-tested breeders. We can ?ive immediate delivery of. the ollowing breeds: White Leg- horns, Brown Leghorns, Black Minorca^, Barred Rocks, White Hooka. New Hampshires, Rhode Island Reds, White Wyundottta, Sliver Laced -Wyandottes, Light Sussex, Black Australorp", La- monas. Buff Orpingtons, Jersey Black Giants, Jersey White Giants, Black Minorca X M'hite Leghorns. White Leghorn X Bar- ted Rocks, Bailed Rock X White Leghorns, White Rock X White Leghorn, New Hampshire X White Leghorn, New Hampshire X Barred Rooks, Barred Rock X New Hampshires, New Hamp- •hlre X I.-lKht Sussex. Light Sue- »ex X New Hampshires, White Wyandotte X White Rooks. Scrid for new June priceltst 'I'ui free catalogue. Also started chicks Uvu weeks old and older pulUUs. Dav old heavy breed cockerels as low as %S.'.K< per tOO. Tweddie Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, OntJirio. JIAB UAV-OI,l) CHICKS TO Jl'I.Y iMt ANY BREED DOUHLE AA GRADE mixed chicks $12.1.10 per 100; Ueuvy Breed pullets $18.00 per 100; Light and .Medium breeds »20.0n per 100. OrdPr from thi.'* nd. 10' 'o deposit. Also day-old cockerels. Pure Bred Su.^sejr. Sussex X New Hamp., Sussex X Barred Rock, Large Typo Wliito I»('ghorns. Barred Rocks, Barred Ruck X Leghorn. .Sussex X Leg- horn. .Vcw Hampshires. LAKH- VIEY POULTRY FARM, Wein Bros.. Phone 78, Exeter. Ont. MA1ITINUA1,K'S ,H :\Ji: CHICKS BARRED ROCK.'!, NF.W HAMP- shlrcs. l^lght Sussex and Red Rock Hybrids, $11.00 per 100. All stock Canadian Approved and Blood-tested. No waiting. Can â- hip an.v Monday. Martindale's Farm H.atohcry, Caledonia, Ont. lOc BARRED ROCKS 10^ ORDER NOW FOR JUNE A.VD July chicks. First come, first served. Barred Rocks mixed 10c, Barred Rock Pullets I7c, Leg- horns mixed 9c. Leghorn pullets 20c. Barred Rock CookcrcLs $10.00 per hundred. Leghorn cockerels $2.00 per 100. All eggs .set from 26 oz. eggs or better and from high producing stock. (Suarantee 100% live deliver.v. $L00 book« your order. Balance C.O.D. .Sexing Depot. Chatham, Ontario. BARGAIN SALE OF DAY OLD chlcliB for this week and next week. Government Approved chicks from bloodtested brced- er.H -N'on-sexed: White Tjeghorns. Barred Rocks. White Leghorn X Barred Rocks $9.50 per 100. as- sorted breeds $8.95. Pullets: White LeghornR. White Leghorn X Barred Rocks $19.00, Barred tloeUs $12.90, Assorted $12.90. Cockerels: Barred Rocks $8,9B, Assorted Heavies $7.95. No de- posit required. Chicks shipped C.O.D. anywhere. Also two week old started. This advertisement must accompany your order to receive theae special prices. Please give second choice. Top Notcli Chlckerle.'!, Guelph, Ont. DYEING « CLEANING HAVE i'OU ANYTHING NHfBDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to ua for Information. We ar« elad to anawer your questions. Depart- ment H. Parker's Dye Work* Limited. 791 Tonga Street To- ronto. I" ' =g HAIRDRESSING AMBITIOUS GIRLS and MIDDLE AGE women, learn halrdrcssing at Can- ada's finest and largest schools. Heflned, dignltled work. Splendid pay. Write or call for free liter- ature. Marvel Halrdrcssing Schools, Its Bloor Street, Toronto. Branches 44 King Street, Hamilton, and 74 SIdeau Street. Ottawa. LBARN HAIRDRESSINU rHE) Robertson method. Tn formation on raquaat ravardlng claasei. Robertson'* HalrdreaainK Acad- emy, 127 Avenue Road, Toronto. MEDICAL PEOPLE ARE TAJjKTNG ABOU'T the good results from taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Paine and Neuritis. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Post- paid $1.00. STOMACH AND THREAD WORMS often ara the cause of Ill-health tn humans all ages. No one Im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble? Interesting par- ticulars â€" Free! Write Mulvensy'e Remedies. Specialists. Toronto 1, Ont BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 46c bottle. Ottawa agent Denman Drug Store, Ottawa. IT'S EXCELLENT, REAL HE- sults after taking Dixon's Rem- edy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis. Mimro's Drug Store, 235 Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL PRICES ON COLORED A.\'n FU.A.MED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x6" in Beau- tiful easel mounts, 3 for 25c. Fram- ed In Gold, Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Ebonv finish frames, on ivory mats 7x9". B9o each. If coloured 79c each. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 exposures DEVELOPED .\ND PRl.NTED 25c Get prompt mail service on quality work at low cost Sati.ififid custom- ers all over Canada will tell you that Star Snapshot Service does the best work. DON'T T.\KE RISKS WITH YOUR FILMS Snajishots can never be taken again. Send your rolls to Canndn'a largest aiwl finest finishing studioâ€" STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129. Postal Termin.Tl A. Toronto Print Your Name and Address Plainly on .Ml Orders. TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed < OR 8 r xrOSURE ROLLS 2Bo REPRINiS 8 for 25c FINEST KINLARGINt? SERVICE You may not get all the films you want this rear, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your films to IMPKRIAL PHOTO SERVICB Station .1. Toronto. PATENT!. (•â- KTHKRSTIINHAIIGH * I'OMPANV Patent Solicitors. Eslnbllshed 1890: U King We.*!. Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest POH SALE 110 ACRES. DAIRY FARM, BRICK bouse, tight rooms, bank barn. Implement shed, garage, lots of •hade trees, artesian well, water in house and barns. Hydro, close to school, on paved road, seven- teen miles from Toronto. Apply, R. £. Baleman, Unlonvllle. 100 ACRESâ€" ONE MILE FROM Perth. Mrs. B. J. Leach, R.H. No. 1 Perth. *00 ACHB.Sâ€" BURGESS, 6 IdlLES from Perth. Wm. Matlieson, Perth n ACRES FOR SALE, GOOD CLAY loam 57 H workable, 1?H pasture, seeding done. Good buildings, barn BO x 90 on founUaiion', ce- ment cow stabling, steel stanch- Jons, Litter carrier througliout, 6 roomed frame house, good water supply, Hydro passes £ate, Qlose to school. One mile north Barrie on gravel road. Owner HI. Fosties.sion In the fall, $7,50U. Will sell crop and Implements if desired. Mark Hunter, R.H. No. S, Barrie. 114 Al.-HJiS CHOICB CLAY LOAM â- lljghily roiling, splendid wheat and olovei' land suitable for trac- tor. 146 acres worked, 16 hard- wood bush, remainder pasture, i-roomeu brick hou.se, conveij- lence«, bank barn and other out- buildlng.s, hydro. 2 miles south of Bond Head, Just off 27 High- way. 3U miles to stock yards. Cecil Hayes, Tottenham, Ont. HUMBLY TRACTOR 26-40, GOOD condition, spado cleats. Make offer. Forrls, 66 Weslmoroiand Avenue, 'Toronto. 100 REGISTERED POLLED HERB- tord cattle at auction July 3rd. For information and catalogue write Malcolm McGregor, Bran- don, Manitoba. TO~~CLOSE ESTATE 150 ACRES tor sale, 95 cleared, 60 acres bush and swamp: largo stone house, new furnace, large bank barn, both well roofed; picturesque lo- oatlon on county stone road two miles from Acton: price, $7,000.00. Apply. George Somerville, Acton, Ont. JEHSEYM WE ARE NOW OFFERING BULL calves, from a few weeks old to serviceable age, by our herd sires and out of good producing, high classified dams. The best strains lor type and production are rep- resented. Prices are most reason- able. DON HEAD FARMS, RICH- MOND HILL, ONTARIO. NEW ZEALAND WHITE RABBITS, Junl&r stock, 2 months, weight 4^ lbs. mature at 12 lbs., $10.00 trio. Pedigreed. Guaranteed live delivery. We buy all you raise. Write: United Rabbitr.v, Dart- mouth, N.S. , DeW.'VLT SAWS AND WUOUVVOltK- ing Machines. Newest types avail- able from direct factory repre- sentatives for Canada. Quotations gladly furnished on application, DeWall DIsher Corporation Ltd., 402 West Pender St., Vancouver, B.C. SLIPIT HARNESS DHE.SSING â€" Finest leather and harness pre- servative. .Sliplt also has many boueshold uses 26c up at most grocery, hardware and chain stores. .\ product of Lloyds Lab- oratories. Toronto. ELECTRIC .MtrruRS. NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt: belts, pullevs, brushes. Allen Electric Company Ltd.. 232G Duffcrlu St. Toi iinlo. SVZW L'.li.'VCLES FOR .MEN AND hoys, $41". jO â€" $44.U0 â€" $44.7.') and $48.50. Krir women and girls, $43. 50 â€" $-iri.iFO â€" $46.50 and $49.50. Mail money order and write height of rider to McBride's, 36 tjueen East, Toronto. .SEWING .M.ACHINKS UEI'AIHED $1.50. Parts extra. If required. Vans still available. A. Gilbert, 2229 Diindiis .St., Toronto. WAR Mv\r BARGAl.V. .VN E.XCIT- ing and thoroughly readable war map show iiig dated (events; a map everyone should own. A limited number onl.v. Send pa.vnient. 35e to I'nnncli.nn Kino Printing Pro- dlll'crs. Ill* tlMV Strei 1. Toronto lll>;i,l» WANTHII l:;XPERIENi-|:i) KL()Oi:.M.\N AND all round Driritcr, pi rm.i neiil posi- tion. Apply Fyle H7:M.M. S-«t Mt a»lecti\e Servica Office, HELP WANTED TEMPORARY CONSTABLES i WANTED i Ages 31 Years and Ovtr MARnilHD; PHY.SIfALLY FlTi AT I.K.VST 6' «" IN STdCKLVG FEF-T( IW LUS.i OF (;i'>»n CHAHACTEU ANI) FAIR KDW- OA'-:'ioN. TO v.i: AVAii..ti«i,n FOR APPOIXIMEXT IMMK- DIATELY. I'XIPORM CLOTllJJVa SlIPPl-IED. Apply :ii person to Empio; :ient and Selective Service Office, l7i Spadlna Ave. REFER TO FILE H-78S:r SINGLE MA.N FOR DAIRY FaR-VIV $65 monthly, board, wa-.:ing, good home. P. Lt.sile, Ge rge* town. Age Police Cadets Wante 15 J'. To 1734 "i rear^ .idg» r art ?• orj? -ving lin* 10", Ser- To* Bdueutlon equivalent to two Mgh school or better. Know of shorthand and typewritir.: advantage. Good physical condition w;th likelihood of meeting foliu minimum qualifications on a' Ing age of 21 years: Height 5' weight u;o pounds. IMMEDIATE APPOINTMEN APPLT IN PERSON To En^ployment and Selective vice Office, 174 Spadlna Ave. ronto, Ont. REFER TO FILE H-784y AGKN'I.S WANTKD FARM, 10 ACRES, inVKL-.;.NG, hen house for COO. Biioder 'leo" trlclfy around $1500.''('. (0 'M' â- â- â- i%e St., .St. John's, Que. TEAf.-HKHS WANTED â- > MANITOLLIN ISL.V.VD: FROrK.S* tant teacher for S.S. No. 4. BidV well, Manltouiln Island. D-.tie* to commence Sept. let. ApplSl stating <iuaiiflcatlonn and s .iarjj expected to John McK.iy. .'^ecj ItR. No. 1, Manitownniiig. O-r. TEA<"HER FOR MOl'NT.^IN S vNf* tarium. AVentworth County, lied* side teaehing to adult Cnri.idf lan.s, all grade 8 sub.iects, sf.ata (lualifio.atlon.s, experience ind salary desired. Duties, to r un- meiice Sept. 1st. J. A. Bartholo* mew. See.. Mountain Siinitai'iunl,- Hamilton. PROTESTANT TEACHER AS P^.IN. cipal for four room school. iJoo<t dls<'iplinarian. .State (jualificatlona and salary expected. Dulie< to commence September. Mrs. .Tohrt' Wilding, Sec.-Treas.. S..S. Ni. 5 Korah, R.R. 1, Sauit Ste. Marie. Ontario. MOn.N'TATN SA.NITAKH M, Mi:NT- Avorlli Cfiiiiity. for beu,i;ide t '.u'h- ing ot High .School mi.thcm ries, state (lualifications. cxper: 'iic* and Wilary desired. Duties tO! commence Sept. l.st. J. A. Barth- olomew, Sec. Mountain Sanl«. tarium. Hamilton. TF.\("HER WANTE11 F'lR AN "JN- graded Kthooi for .'i.S. N.;. 1 li.'ilth. Ontario, fifty railes -vest of F.-.rr William on Tr.-xns-i'an- adii Highway, dail.v n.,i!is, Freo ronm^. .State sal:tr\ expe-"fed. Apply to Mr«. M. Hi: .-k;ink, Sec- it f.'i 1 .\-. W.*\TEI> MANI.FACTI. REI! DP Li â-  H rXI.NIQ rod eMiiipineiit desirep loiiil S'llcs- nien lor part-time work ihrr. -gh- out Ont.'iiio. Drawing, acceiint npainst â- â€¢.mimis.sicns .-rra;:sea. Apply D. fliilliiis Comp-my Lim- ited, -u'l M.'iin Street. Tnroin.i. WILI, I'.'W i-..\SH Fill! rO-'-'Tilll Lawn Me.n er and Ele. fr''^ Rer'-icr- erainr. 'jjve all pnrllcuiars nhen replylnt.'. 1031 Moy .\v&niic, W tid- sor, Ont W.WTRnâ€" OLD rO.ST.\G.n ST.WTS. Rest rnf;li price PC id. Send -nur lots to .\. Stern. 2"0' ,St. Pith- erine K.. Monfrr'nl, One., or si-nd 'â- (innp r..r on i I i.iiln 'â- -. FARM TRACTORS W,\.\Ti:iv A.NV CO.VDITI'IV. I^RHJ. fiiJilily F'.rd-ion: ril«.,i veveri ' •â- Â«- built FAidFc lis $250, i.n .i|i To; .s,i:», i."i iM I'lnnte Ave., Toi.iito.

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