Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1944, p. 1

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'^.T.yaf^'TT.v.^T' ®hje /ksl)«rlM ^jrtjatic^* VOL. 64; NO. 6 FLESHERTON. ONT., VVEDNESDA-Y, JULY 12, 1944 W. H. Thurston & Son, Publisher* Honor Roll Unveiled - (By Ceylon Reporter) Rev. C. D. Cox gave a very apjpro- priate message at the evening service last Sunday, the Honor Roll being unveiled by Mr. John McWEl- iam, while Mr. James McMuUen Jr. read the names of the soldier boys on the roll. Both these men are vetarana oif the last war. There was a good attendance at the service which was much appreciated by the Pastor, who is also a veteran erf the la&t war. The names on the Honor Roll are as follows: Tpr. Archibald Lloyd, Gnr. Adams John, Lieut. Hunt Stanley, Pte. Jaynes George, Stoker Kennedy James, Pte. Kennedy Gold- wyn, Gnr. McWilliam Char)a», L-AXI. ,Mc William Joseph, L.AX;. MoMuUen Jack, Sergt. Marshall Murray, Gnr. Marshall Fred, Pte. McMaster Leslie. Sergt. Piper Milford, Lieut. Piper Sherman, LAjC. Pleeter Earl, Wren Smellie Margaret, Pte. Sba-w Wal lace, Tpr. Stafford Levi, P. 0. Tracey Harold. There are several other Ceylon boys serving their co'Untry who are connected with Priceville and Flesherton Churches. Mr. Fred Chislett and Mrs. Ann- McMillan visited la«t Friday evening with Dr. Holmes and Mrs. Holme? and daughter, Jean, Owen Sound ilCiss Jean is in service with th W.D.'s and is on furlouigh at h; bome. Gnr. Th.o». Crowe Wounded Mrs. Thos. Crowe (Viola Williams) has received notice that her husband, Gunner Thos. R. Crowe, had been wounded in action, the nature of the wounds being caused from shell frag:ments on the rigiht side of face and lower jaw and shell-shocked ear drums. Gnr. Crowe received ear in- juries in the Dieppe raid two years ago and thig is his second trip into France. SEAMAN JIM PEDLAR C^^^^^Ji,, \hl^,.^At^A HELPED SWEEP MINES ^everely Wounded SOLDIERS MARRIED OVERSEAS We have heard considerably about Canadian soldiers takin<g unto them- selves British brides since they have gone overseas, (but the first local district young men to do so are Cpl. Wm. Meads, R.C.A.F., who was mar- ried on June 10th to Miss Elizabeth Kelly of Dundee, Scotland. The other was Pte. Carl Teeter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter of town, who was married to an English girl on June l'2th. Congratulations and best wish- es are -extended to these young people. Mr. and llr-s. Harvay Pedlar, of Faversham, have received word from tt;eir eldest son, James M. Fedlar, who has been overseas .'<ince March, 19^4, aiiu wno is servinge in the Royal Canadian -Navy, aiooard the mine-aweeper "Blairmore", which took part in the invasion of France. The Blairmore was one of the eight CamCdian iiiine>Bwcepers whicli cut School Promotions Western packing plants report they are catching up after weeks of feverieih adtiivity, -wftien deliveries slowed down and more help Was secured; Kunlbertey Baptist Church PASTOR â€" H. K. Leary a.m. â€" Our Growing Sunday School, a.m. â€" Worship Service. Subject: "God's Vengeance on a Man in Kim/berley." 10 PROVIDENCE I 2 p.m. â€" Sunday Sthool. X 3 p.m. â€" Gospel Service. y I MAPLE GROVE ? BAPTIST CHURCH f Thursday 8.45 p.m. â€" Young i People's and Prayer Meeting. % Sunday 8 p.m. â€" Gospel Service, i "ENTER TO WOiRS;HIP | DEflPART TO SERVE" S Now Sergeant Instructor Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper received word last week that their son, Mil- ford, has receivel advancement to th« rank of Sergeant. Milford has neld the rank af Corporal for the past year and is an instructor in an offic- ers' training school, specializing on tank instruction. Milford enlisted in 1941 with the Tanks and has been overseas for the past t)w» years. His many friends here are pleased to hear of his advance in rank. He was employed in the former Down & Boyd garage in town. (By Feversham Reporter) Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McKenzie o1 Feversham received word on July 5th that their son, Gpl. Neil McKen- zie, had been seriously wounded in action in France on July 3rd. He had been with his unit the Canadian Engineers, with which he had been a despatch rider. The informatio received was to the effect that he was wounded in his right arm and a compound fracture of his left leg. It is supposed that he had been hit b a sniper's bullet. Cpl. McKenzie enlisted in June, 11940 and went overseas in September of that year. His wife and three year old son, whom he has never seen, reside in Collingwood. A brother, Tom is in France with the Queen's Own. Priceville Public School Vacation School Service GRADE 7 to 8 â€" Marybelle Mac- Lachlan, Pass; Shirley Hincks, Rec. GRADE 6 to 7 â€" Carmai) Whyte, Pass. GRADE 4 to 5 â€" Eric Hincks, Clare McClean, Rec; Agnes Camp- bell, Rec. GRADE 3 to 4 â€" Catherine Mac- Lachlan, Hon.; Kenneth Hincks, Rec. GRii»">E 2 U> 3 â€" Pass: Russell MacDougall, Jackie Campbell, Al- freda MacLachlan, Bessie Stone- house, Kenneth MacPhail, Jessie Stonehouse; Rec.: Cecil Schuerman, Jimmie Campbell. GRADE 1 to 2 â€" Donald Boyce, Hon.; Donald Idle, Hon.; Catherine McGinnis, Pas^; Blanche Campbell, Rec. Arthur B. Idle, Teacher Sent Home Souvenirs Mrs. W. J. Blackburn of town this week received a letter from her son, Tpr Earl Blackburn, who is in France. He was on rest after some hard fighting. He enclosed a five franc French note and son"" insie- nia taken from a German unuorm. Get your front teeth tightened up now. Com-on-the-cob season is just around the comer. Add similies: As difficult as gett- ing the kiddies to bed in good time during these long summer evenings under daylight saving. through Gkrman mine fields lo swetp clean the first channel from the United Kingdom to Cherbourg on July 2nd. Seaman Pedlar, who is 18 years of age, has been with the Royal Canadian Navy since June, 1943. "Jim" never got a leave while in Canada and his parents have never seen him in uniform. He received his education in Feversham Public and- Continuation Schools. Prior to enlisting for overseas service he was employed in a war plant in Toronto. An Ohio judge advises, "Get all the enjoyment out of your home that you can. "There is a lot to be had in it, too! <â-ºâ™¦<M^*♦<"^«**«^<^«^<><"^*♦<•♦♦<-^*♦<~^♦«>♦><>♦♦♦♦♦♦•><><~^♦>♦♦♦^^ Jusit Jtetgdborfie :: 3: That is how we wish the people of our community would think of us â€" just neighlbors. We are 'standing by in case of emergency, giving you not only sym- pathy but practical assistance in the hour of ymir greatest need. We could not continue to work in an atmosphere of grief if we did not know that our service to the com- munity was necessary and helpful. 'YOUR TRUST IS OUR SACRED CARE" l^tc|)arii£i jTuneral ^etbtce AMBULANCE SERVICE Twenty-four hour service anywhere at lowest cost Use our Funeral Home at no extra charge. Phone: Night er Day 78 BATES & MADDOCKS FHEML CMPEl NOTBD for b«Htli/iU $ervieâ€" at mmd*rmtm eatt. Bw€iy fu n artd tomp tM m m» miM- tUmat ehargâ€", fiMpacllon in- rbe«I. 60% OF 0» FINERILS COST LESS THAR '200S2 CEJjTRAL LOCATION-124 AVENUE ROAD J y Telephone KIngsdale 4344 J Flesherton Council . Flesherton Council met Tuesday. July 4, with all members present. The minutes of last meeting were read and signed. A delegation waited upon Council in regard to forming a branch of the Canadian Legion in Flesherton, and it was decided to allow the Branch the use of the basement of the town hall for the balance of the year at no charge, except on occasions when there was a charge made for admis- sion. Mr. Alfred Pickles presented a petition of the ratepayers of the Village to appoint an arbitrator in regard to having certain Hydro pro- perty in the Township of Artemesia included in the Flesherton-Artemesia Union School Section. Mr. Howard Milligan was appointed as arbitrator. Correspondence was read from: Toronto General Hospital, Mountain Sanitarium, Dept. of Agriculture re labor shortage. Fire Marshall's office regarding public halls, County Clerk re eqwalized assessiment, Dept. of Munitions arJ Supplies re fuel wood subsidy, H. W. Kernahan re exten- sion of casualty insurance, Dept. of Highways re building permits., also the followips: accounts which were ordered paid on motion of Messrs. Goessel and Henderson: Clerk, tele- phone messages 80c; the Municipal World, supplies for Treasurer $7.12; Flesherton Planing Mills, spreading calcium chloride $4.00; W. Kaitting, collecting dog taxes, commission $8. The following Hydro Ibills wero presented and upon motion ordered paid: Canadian General Electric, meters and wire 731.00^ Receiver- General, inspection of meters $1.50-, H. Milligan, salary as Secretary for June $li6.00, express 40c; G. T1."Wel- ton. salary as superintendent for June $26.00; F. B. Keys, rrb^ite -^i Hydro bill overpaid $4.10; Dnmini'^i Bureau of Statistics, for statist- ics 50c. UWION SERVICE A Union Service will be held Sun- day morning, July 16th at 11 a.m. when Cedarside Baptist Church will meet with St. John's United Church in the latter, to conclude the Daily Vacation Bible School. Rev. W. A. Westcott will be in charge and the workers and pupils of the school will take part in the servic-'- Mf. F. B. Keys will present an adaptation from the story "Kristin Lavrinsdattor" by Sigvid Undset. All members of the Baptist cngregation are urged to be present in the United Church. No service in the Baptist Ch»rch this Sunday. The staff and pupils of the Vacat- ion Bible School will be in charge of a community service next Sunday a? 11 a.m. in St. John's United Church. Two pageants on the life of Christ will be presented and Mrs. Keys will tell a story. The regular Sunday School at St. John's has been with- drawn for the day. The work that lias been done by the boys and girls will be on display in the basement at the close of the church service. It is expected that the pageants will be repeated at Eugenia United church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. The C^C.F. have 47 of the 52 seats in the legislature of Saskatchewan. How the remaining five got away is not yet explained. Boyd - Swanton Amid a beautiful floral setting, on the lawn of the bride's parents, the wedding was solemnized of Minnie Marion Swanton, and George Doug- las Boyd, on Saturday. July 8th, at 2.30 p.m. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Westcott, of Flesherton United Church, beneath a wide arch, decked with blue delphinium and pink roses. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a long gown of white, marquisette over chenille taffeta, with an inset yoke of funch lace. Her filmy veil fell in soft folds to her fingertips from a sweetheart head- piece. She wore a gold bracelet, the gift of the groom, and carried a beautiful bouquet of better times roses, bouvardia, and adiantum, from which cascaded streams of red satin ribbon. The bride was attended by Miss Mildred Parkin , wearing a mauve crepe dress and white accessories. She carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses, cornflowers, and pink sweet peas, and wore a garland of souvenir roses. Mr. Reg. Boyd acted as best man for his brother. Little Heather Ann Boyd, niece f the groom, as flower girl, wore yellow nrgandy and a gar- land of souvenir roses, cornflowers and pink sweetipeas. She was ac- companied by the Ii4.tle nephew of the bride, Billie Swanton, dressed in a wbite linen suit. The wedding music was played by Miss Roberta Ferron, a cousin of the bride. She wore delf blue silk jersey, white ac- cessories, and a corsage i^i sunshine carnations. While the bridal party signed the register, Miss Ferron sang "Because''. At the reception which followed, Mrs. Swanton, wearing a blue print- ed silk dress and corsage of kokoma r'arnations, was assisted in receiving the guests by Mrs. Boyd, the groom's mother, who wore mauve sil' with a corsage of pieardy gladioli and mauve scabiosa. Mrs. George Shaw, with the assistance of three of the bride's friends. Misses Gladys Pat- terson. Sella Thompson and Helen Carefoot, served a buffet luncheon to the guests. Tea was poured by Mrs, Frank Taylor, aunt of the bride, and Miss Mabel Binnie. aunt of the groom, from a ver^- prettily decorat- ed taible centered by it three-storied weddinu; cake, pink candles and roses. Rev. Westcott proposed a toast to the 'iride, to which the groom responded innropriately. .•Vmone the guests from '. distance 'vere: Dr. and Mrs. K. Boyd and Heather .\nn of Toront;>, Mr. and Mrs. G. Boyd of North Hattleford. Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Crossley and Tohn, Mis.s Mabel Binnie, Mrs, John Boyd of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Wiicht, of Hamiton, Mr. and Mrs. J, Smith, of Cooksvillo Th? happv couple left on a motor trip to Quebec and New York, the iiride wearing a blu« faconne sheer Iress with atehiHg hat and white icces.^orios. On their return they will reside in Flesherton. Many a youngster who sneaks off to the suntnv beach doesn't get tan- ned until he gets home. S. S. No. 4, Osprey GRADE 9 to 10 â€" **Jean Lyons 86, Mary Maxwell 79. GRADE 8 to 9 â€" Delores Johnston passed on ye r's work, Velma Davis- on writes at Feversham. GRADE 7 to 8 â€" Glen Hargrave 69. GRADE 6 to 7 â€" *Glen Davison 7i8, Russell Hargrave 74, *Doris Lepard 69, *Dellbert Lepard 63. GRADE 5 to 6 â€" Doreen Buckton 78, Donald McMaster 71. GRADE 4 to 5 â€" Kenneth Inkster 86, Evelyn Gallagher 84, Ronald Johnston 79, Gordon McMaster 76, Leone Wilson 74, Reggie Grummett 71. GRADF ' to 4 ~ Nina Young 70. GRtADE 2 to 3 â€" Leslie Davison 72, Billie Hargrave 70. GRADE 1 to 2 â€" lona Young 85, Raymond McMaster 79, Lucille Davison 68, Vern Hargrave 66. GRADE IB to lA â€" Mervyn Grummett. *before a name denotes perfect at- tendance for the year; ** perfect at- tendance and never late. E. M. Oliver, Teacher. Singhampton Public School Names in order of merit. GRADE 7 to 8 â€" Fern Lockhart, Graham McKinnon, Keith MacDonald. GRADE 6 to 7 â€" Ruby Lougheed, Betty Lougheed, Raymond Mcinnis. GRADE 5 to 6 â€" Jimmy Bremmer, Marion Redpath, Arthur Dickinson, Billie Thompson, Donald MacDonald. GRAiDE 4 to 5 â€" Betty Taylor, Dorrain Beacon, Connie Dickinson, Lindsay Sheard. GRADE 3 to 4 â€" Marjory Loug- heed. GRAJ)E 2 to 3 â€" Mary Beacon, Jack Redpath, Beverly Edwards, Ronnie Taylor, Victor Lougheed, Banbara Lockhart, Stanley Sheaid» Ralph MacDonald. Charlie Mac- Donald. GRADE 1 to 2 â€" Joanne Hammfll, Greg Taylor, Allan Beacon, Lorta. Lloyd, Graydon Cresswell. Springhill SduH^ ^ GRADE 7 to 8 â€" Murray Allen 73!» GRADE 6 to 7 â€" Leslie Johnson: 67, George P-.ttison 64. Grade 5 to 6 â€" Joan Akin* 79, J. C. Hindle 75, Kenneth Allen 78. GRADE 4 to 5 â€" Wilma Stevens 75, Royden Johnson 71. . GRADE 3 â€" Maurice Allen 79. GRADE 2 â€" Phyllis Allen 82,. Donalda Stevens, Ivan Mcpermid (equal) 81. M. Armstrong, Teacher. Vandeleur Public School GRADE 8 â€" Glenn Cargoe, Donald Johnston. GRADE 7 â€" Lorna Bowles, Donald Brodie, Glenora McGee (Hon.), Lloyd Wyvill. Gerald Wyvill. GRADE 6 â€" Daisie Willis. GRADE 5 â€" Anna Bowles, Joan Cargoe (iHon.), Frances Harvey (Hon.), Tom McGee, Roberta Simp- son (Hon.), GRADE 3 â€" Suzanne Lewis, Jean McGee, Lome Wyvill (repeat). GRADE 2 â€" Frances Brodie (IHon.). Marilyn Fitzsimmons (Hon.), Leona Harvey (Hon.), Peter Lewis. GRADE 1 â€" Jimmie Carson. Names are arranged in alphabet- ical order. Highest percentage for the year, Frances Harvey. Margaret E^ Dawn, Teacher. S. S. No. 4, Artemesia Enti-ance Class â€" Peggy Jean Love, Ruby Copeland. Linton, GRADE 6 to 7 Gladys Love GRADE 5 to 6 â€" Billie McLean 69. GRADE 3 to 4 â€" Bobbie Nichols 86. Willis Hardy 73. GRADE 2 to S â€" Delbert Plantt 80, Mary Nichols 78, Joan Copeland (aib.) GRADE 1 â€" Irene Duncan, Leslie Grummett. Mrs. Helen Stinson,Teacher. ENTRANCE CORRECTION In the report of the Entrance ex- aminations last week the name Peggy Stinson appeared in place of Peggy Linton, who secured honors. BAPTIST SIMMER SERVICES Definition of a bore: and here tomorrow. Here today The summer services of the Bap- tist Churches will be as follows: Cedarside Church, FLESHERTON July 23 â€" 'Mr. B. Roberts, speaker, July 30 â€" Union Service in St. John's Church. Aug. 6-^Miss Christina Hutchin- son, speaker. __ Aug. 13â€" No service. ROCK MILLS CHURCH July 23 through August 13, Mr. Bert Rolierts will havg charge of the services at Rock Mills. Mr. Roberts has attended college in Western C. n- ada during the past winter and wil' have many interesting experiences and illustrations with which to light- en his messages. (It is requestel that this news item be clipped for future reference.) Maxwell School Report Obtained High School Entrance â€" Edith Blakey, Marie Blakey, Bill Moffatt, Wallace Long. Grade 8 â€" George Porteous, Leon- ard Holmes, Ross Alliston 68. Grade 7 â€" Ivan Young 77, Orville- Broderick (absent). Grade 6 â€" Lois Coulter 77, Phyllis Davidson 75, Clarence Young 66, Ronald Wright 57, Ross Porteous 54, Arthur Long 53. Grade 5 â€" Fay Blakey 82, Jim Londry 69. Grade 4 â€" Millie Duckett 80, Mar- garet Porteous 76, Glenn Wright 73, Vernon Long 67. Grade 3 â€" Marie Porteous 87, Hilda Blakey 83, Raymond Young 72, Shirley Morrison 71, Deane Wright 71, Leslie Lougheed (absent)' Grade 2 â€" Carl Young, Lloyd Lougheed, Grade 1 â€" Coleen Ferris, Stanley Young, Ivan Davidson, Arnold Lougheed. No. on roll: 33. â€" Hazel Wright, Teacher. O. D. R. Public School Grade 7 to 8 â€" Clara Hiltz 71, work with Grade 8 and tried same test. Grade 5 to 6 â€" June Meads 81, Grade 2 to 3 â€" Earle Hiltz 86. Elma Hiltz 78. Grade 2 at Easter â€" Frances V,' let- ters 96. Grade 1 to 2 â€" Dorothy McMillan and Billie McMillan 92, Emerson Hiltz 90. Teddy Dingwall 89. Grade 1 â€" Audrey Whyte 92, ab- sent during the winter. MRS. F. fa. KEYS, SPEAKS Mrs. Keys will be the speaker this Sunday afternoon at 3.30 p.m. at Rock Mills. Mr. Keys will be in charge of the services in St. John's Road Church, Toronto, July 16 and July 30th. Rock Mill Sunday School will meet at 2.30 as usual. EGG RECORD The production of eggs is at record levels in practically all provinces of Canada. Delivery of eggs to the Special Products Board are well a- head of any previous year. Total in- spections made by the Board to the ijud of March, 1944, amounted to 25,- 414,470 dozen, as compared with 9,873,360 dozen for the corresponding three months of 1943. In Memoriam TEETER â€" In loving memory of our dear son, Lome, who was accidently killed July 17th, 1987, Its lonesome here without you. There is such a vacant spaoo. For we never hear y«ur footsteps. Nor see your smiling face. .-Vs we loved you, so we miss yea. In our memory you are near. Loved, remembered, longed for al- ways. Bringing many a silent tear. Always missfd by mother, fathei, brotkers, and sister. m

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