Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Sep 1944, p. 8

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Wednesday, September 6, 1944 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Brother, Should You Spind a Dime? A dimt is small chon^il^ But when a lot of dimes morch outof yoarpeckef thiysoM becomt dotlors thatstortto fight other dollors, ^^^f'^fortheneiifnecbitsJrMStl or Fumiturt left for us to buy. S^ This bottle of the dollors is eollf d INFLATIOI because it storts prices rising I ly^ And the higher prices go . . .the less your . dollor is worth! For instance, during the lost wor, people hod to pay ^|^ for tugor thot you get for^^lj^toda/, A voile night dress wos ^^0^ compored to the <^^P^you pay now. Your dollor buys more goods, is worth more thon the dollorof 1914-18. Price ceilings ond other onti-inflotionorymeosures hove helped keep its value high. And remember ! Every time you use your money wisely to pay off debt Y^ or to increase your savings f^ when you refuse to hoord good» or potronize black morkets...it mokes your dollars worth MORE I I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living down. I will buy only what I need. I will observe the ceiling whether buying or sell- ing goods or services. I will pay oflF old debts,- save for the future, invest in Victory Bonds and War Savings Certificates. And I will support taxes which help lower the cost of living. /^ fou^ VcSik l^Jiie/^i^A/ THE. IjREWIf Published by THfi BRE\^ING INDUSTRY ^ONTARIO) to help rereil the duisen thmt lafladon npnsena for all the people of the Nation. *RI0^ ^^^^^♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦***' •>' ' *V* ♦i»*J>-»$M5M5»»J»*J**J»^'>*J»-»J«-»*9-*, V •.â-º-•â- *=-<;• -o ^â- i-\-'.'<'-:-'<'<^<'%*<*<* School Wear VISIT HILL'S FOR THE BEST SELECTION OF BACK TO SCHOOL WEAR FOR THE BOY OR GIRL. YOU WILL FIND SOME VERY SPECIAL VALUES BOYS' SUITS Miide of j^ood serviceable tweeds in liji^ht or dark colors, a good ranjfc to choose from, all moderately priced BOYS' PANTS In a biji^ selectioni of tweeds or worsteds in lififbt, medium or dark shades. Made to stand stronj^- wear All sizes. Price $L65 lo $2.95 SWEATERS Jnst the tiling- for the school boy, made in different styles in a j>()od range of colors. Price $1.25 to $1.95 GIRLS' OXFORDS fiood strong Oxfords that will stand up under rough wear, such as schofd or play. They come in black or tan. Size 11 to 2K'- Price $1.65 to $2.95 SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! Boys' School Boots, made to stand strong wear with panco or leather soles. Size 1 to 5, Price .... $2.45 to $3.65 Size 11 to 131^ "....$1.75 to $2.75 BOYS' WINDBREAKERS W^e have a big selection in Boys' W'indbreakers in ^-.'.'veral different styles to choose from. All sizes. Price $1.29 to $3.75 GIRLS' SWEATER COATS All-wool, in a good assortment of colors. Button front with long sleeves, some smart styles. Size 28 to 36. Price ' $2.75 GIRLS' DRESSES You will sure bepleased with the range we are showing for the girl to go back to school, and at prices you will want to pay. GROWING GIRLS' SHOES Made of strong durable leather for school or work, in black or tan, size 3 to 8. Price $2.25 to $3.65 BOYS' SCHOOL DRESS SHOES That will stand the wear and tear of school days or play days. Ox- fords in black. Size 11 to 13^, Price $1.95 to $3.50 Size 1 to .S Price $2.35 to $2.95 t T ? T T t t t t DURINO SEPTFvMBKR THIS STORK WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY I F. T. HILL & CO., Limited 4^ ♦ PHONE 7 MARKDALE, ONTARIO we deliver ♦;♦ J T t t t t T T T t T t t t ♦I* Local and f ersooal Miss ean Kinnie of Toronto visited for several days at the Banks home. Miss Tena Hutchinson is spending a few days in Toronto this week. Flight Lieut. C. J. Crossely, Mrs. Crossley and John of Toronto were in town for the holiday. Mr, Walter Russell of Toronto hol- idayed at his parental home on the east backline for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards spent the past week holidaying with rela- tives and friends at Detroit. Misses Jean McCracken, Arlene and Ethel Taylor of Toronto spent the holiday week end at their homes. Pte. Fred Conklin of the Provost staff, Newmarket, spent the week end in town. Miss Marjorie Gorrell of Barrie visited with Mrs. Fred Gorrell the past w€ek. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Teskey of Samia visited last week with Mrs. J. Black- burn and Mrs. R. H. Henderson. Mr. C. P. Jordison of Weyburn, Sask., is visiting his aunts, Mrs. Jos. Duncan and Miss V. Ncholson. Miss Laura Boyd was . unable to leave for her school in East York, owing to tonsilitis. Mr. Ed. Philliips of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hamilton and family of Toronto spent a couple of days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKinnon and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Armitage of Toronto are vacationing at the Mc- Kinnon cottage in the village. Mr. and Mr. E. D. Bentham and three children of Toronto spent the Laibor Day week end with the for- mer's mother. iMisses Florence Bunt and Aleda Mitchell and Mr. Frank Bunt of To- ronto visited at the home of C. S. McTavish over the week end. Mrs. Frank Smith of Thamesville vLsited recently with her mother, Mrs. G. A. Hutchinson, and other relatives. Mrs. Jack Trathen and son of Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hamilton over the week end and holiday. Mrs. Emerson Adams of Durham and Miss Jean Adams of Toronto visited on Monday with Mr. and -Mrs. D. W. Adams. Mrs. E. C. Murray and Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto and Mrs. Clarence White of Waubaushene were recent visitors in the village. Messrs. Clarence Alexander and Guy Hazard of Owen Sound and S. Sutton of Chatsworth were week end visitors at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. George Akins of To- ronto spent the week end and holiday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins, Springhill. Messrs. Howard Slingerman, T. Murdock and H. Barker of St. Dav- id's were guests at the Munshaw House over the week end while fishing for speckled trout. Miss Elma Hamilton is in Toronto this week attending a joint confer- ence of Bell Telephone employees being held in the King Edward Hotel. Dr. J. W. Smith of St. Thomas, Out., purchased twelve head of reg- istered Aberdeen Angus from the "Cloverbrae'' herd of Mr. Herb Cor- bett, Pi-oton Station, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Graham and family of Barrie spent the week end with Miss Minnie Graham in the Val- ley and with the Porter Beard family, Springhill. Messrs. Wilfred Lever, Norman Loucks, J. J. Boyce and Bob Long spent several days at Boakview, building a hunting lodge, the former out" having been burned a couple of years ago. Messrs. Burton Field, Bruce Field, Jas. Field and John Evans of Toron- to spent the week end in town. Mr. Jos. Field returned home with them, after spending the past month in Toronto. iMr.^and Mrs. T. A. Lauder of To- ronto and Sergt. Allan Lauder, re- cent graduate as a Navigator in the R.C.A.F., spent a few days last week with the formers' daughter, Mrs. W. Thompson. Mrs. Thompson attended his graduation at St. Jean, Que. Mr. George Cairns, who is an elde/ of St. John's Chui-ch is in I<ondon this week, attending the meetings of the General Council, as a commissioner from Grey Presiby- tery. St. John's is highly honoured by his appointment to General ('ouncil. ♦ »»»»»» » ».»«fr»<>»»<.<M»»<»<WiH{.<>»»«>«fr»»»»»^»»»»<»»»»»»^ Poultry The poultry season is drawinpf near and we have a good market for your well-finished birds. A demand for C grade poultr}', however, is definite- ly lacking. We, therefore, advise you to properly finish your birds, whether you sell them alive or dressed, in order to secure top prices. This year the production of poultry is exception- ally heavy. It is advisable for you to finish your birds and begin marketing them early and at reg- ular intervals, in order to aboid too heavy a supply at any one time. Right now we are dressing poultry. You may sell your poultry to us alive or have us dress them for you and pay you on dressed basis. Patrons are requested to co-operate in bringing their cream to the creamery by 10 p.m. on open nights, otherwise cream wUl not be tested until the following day. Flesherton Creamers & Produce Limited Phone 66 Angus Avis, Manager Mrs. J. Latimer of Toronto is vis- iting her brother, C. N. Richardson, and Mrs. Richardson. FOR SALE - 1 year old.- â-  24 Barred Rock hens, -T. J. Sisher. FOR SALE â€" Number of pigs ready to wean. â€" Frank Eagles, Proton Station R. R. 3, phone 41r3. Sold Part of Angus Herd Dr. Harold D. Brown, former high, school teacher in Flesherton, has re- an appointment to headquarters staff of the bureau of supply for the Un- ited Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Washington. Small Ad. Column FOR SALE â€" Tulip bulbs. Taylor, Flesherton. Thos. 13p2 FOR SALE â€" 3 collie pups. Archie McKechnie, phone 49rl3. FOR SALE â€" - 10 young pigs.â€" Robt. Oliver, Priceville, phone 21r22. LOST â€" 2 red yearlings, one with a white face. â€" Stanley Campbell, Eugenia 12p3. FOR SALE â€" Mixed wood 14 inches long. â€" Don Russell, R.R. 2, Flesh- erton, phone 30r4 Markdale. FOR SALE â€" Quantity of 12 and 14 inch hardwood. â€" Wm. Hincks, R. R. 1 Ceylon, phone 22r3. 14c2 FOR SALE â€" Brick residence with double lot on which is small barn, in Flesherton. Apply to Francis Genoe, Eugenia. 43tf FOR SALE â€" Young heavy mare and aged Oxford Down ram. â€" J. T. Parker, phoiie 32r2 Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Two Congoleum Gold Seal Rugs, 7VsX9 feet. E. J. Fisher WANTED â€" Anunala suitable for mink and fox feed.-^ert Mclntosa Eug«nia, phon« F«v«nhit-i 6i25 STRAYED â€" Came to my premises about August 8, Idark red heifer, white spot on head, T.B. test num- ber 23226X. Wilfred Lever. FOR SALE â€" Plums of all kinds for sale at 35c per basket bring your own containers. â€" Claude Akins, Proton, R.R. 3. STRAYED â€" To James Sewell's premises at Wareham, one red two year old cattle beast. Owner prove property and pay expenses. For SALE â€" 30 Ram and E>we Ox- ford Down Lamib can be all reg- istered. â€" Claude C. Akins, Pro- ton, R. R. 3. FOR SALE â€" 80 Barred and White Rocks, Bray stock, 3 months old. â€" Mrs. Gladys McEachern, R,R. 4, Flesherton. I4p2. FOR SALE â€" Trade or sell 2 cows, 3 years old, also yearling mars colt, need some young cattle; also have fine coach horse, 4 years old. â€"Jos. Radley, R. R. 3, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" After this date, Aug. 23 my Hereford will not be for service to the public. â€" Mervyn McFadden, Flesherton, R.R. 2 12ip3. House For Rent â€" On CoUing- wood gravel, 1 mile east of Flesher- ton, good garden, water in house. â€" Lewis Pedlar, Flesherton. Ilc3 FOR SALE â€" 3 year old Oxford down registered Ram, bred by- Bruce McKinnon of Guelph, Ont. this is a real good animaL â€" Claude C. Akins, Proton, R.R. 3. FOR SALE 3,000 or nearest offer buys a real solid brick home, witK nearly an acre of ground, lawn and fruit trees; 5 bedrooms, modern conveniences. Must be sold to clos» estate of late George Mitchell. Apply to Aleda Mitchell, 54 Glou- cester Grove, Toronto, or George Goldsiborough, 85 Russell Ave., St. Catharines. Ilp4 FOR SALE â€" Livingstone's Energy stock feed on hand. â€" Russell Linton, Proton Station, phone, 53- r4 Dundalk. I3p2. For Sale â€" Property on Colling- wood St. in Flesherton known as livery-stable, will sell either the building, or as is. â€" John Eckhardt. R.R.I Proton Station. lLp3. NOTICE RE 1944 TAXES VILLAGE QF'FLESiHERTON Ratpayer.s who did r(pt pay fi*ty per cent of their 1944 taxes on or be- fore July 1st, 1044 are reminded that the total amoiint for IJMl becomes iUi» and payable on or before Sept- ember 15th, T,144 and will be subject to the statutory ponalty of Four Per Cent if unpaid after that date. â€" F. H. W. HICKLING. Treasurer. LOST â€" Between Markdale and Rock Mills on Tues., Aug. 21), shopping bag in which was green and white check coat with white buttons on the front. Finder please leave with Mrs. Alex. English, or at the Advance office. 13c2 FARM FOR SALE 100 Acres, lot 4, con. 6, Artem- mesia, 2\-i miles from Highway No. 10, on which are good buildings, frame house with brick shingle; barn 45x60, with part cement stabling, driving shed, hen house and water in stable supplied by windmill, small bush, about 86 acres workable land. Possession taken Nov. 1st, 1944. Apply to Mrs. Christena Hughes. Box 114, Markdale, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS FAaM FOR SALE - 100 ..cres. Lot 37, Con. 5) Artcmesia, \% miles from highway, on which are good buildings, brick house with good woodshed; barn 40X60, with cement stabling, garage, hen house. 12 ai- res bush, about 65 acres workable land. Possession may be taken in fall. â€" Fred Jamieson, Eugenia. R. R. 1. C. J. BELLAMY Commissioner for Taking Affidavit* Clerk of the Village of Flesherten Issuer of Marriage Licensea Conveyancing Wills. Mertgaftes and Deeds F!,KSHERTON, ONTARIO WM. KAITTING LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Grey Farm and Stoek sales our sp-vialty. Terms; reasonable. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Dates arranged at The Advance cflfice or phone 4w.

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