Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1945, p. 3

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BIG PUSH ON THE TRUNK LINE â-  t h 4 »â-  * ill lastrnifiM fnhht kkai QUICK kEUifl Poi qoiA itiief from headache pab, Jnt tAt an lattantine taUet^ritb a ^MofwiUr. Chances are youll di*- wmm tixmtaads base dope, that fm criptkm-type Instantioe is a "^ftadma vay to fast nti^ from hcad- •k^ pain. InManthie works in threa «a>3.to bring prompt rdief: 1. f wadly aoMS pain, a. Pmmmhs valisif from pain. %. BsJatssTctoptâ€"saJ faeling." I in£j. sHmuloHng "Hft." le never ilbnpeis pain. It's vedahr compou^ed to give quick nfi^l^ it to relieve muscular ache cr pldn, aad for tiie discomfort you feel aten a cold gets you down. KSi drug- ilareabave Instantine. 12 tablets 25i. * » finslantine a pndbd of Ilw Bayer Co., Ud. ' Ford To Produce A Po«t-War Car ^ At Pre-War Price At lesst some of the private •nterjH'ises of the . United States realize that the survival of private enterprise depends upon vigorous competition and the lowest pos- sible selling price of goods, says the Winnipeg Free Press. The Ford Company announces that, despite advanced costs during the war years, it will produce a new and thoroughly modern car at pre-war prices when peace comes. This announcement denies the general expectation that cars -miTst sell at higher prices after the war because manufacturing costs are higher; for against higher costs stands increased efficiency and its full use. Mr. C. E. Wilson, president of General Electric announces that when his firm goes back to civilian production its good will sell at pre-war prices, despite all the in- creased costs of operation. Other manufacturers in the same line have been suggesting that their goods must advance from 10 to 35 percent in price. Mr. Wilson sees no such necessity, and he proposes to maintain his present wage level. He can do both he evidently be- Eeves, by handing on to the con- sumer and the wage earner the bcnents of mass production and improved techniques. f Ejtty Way to Relieve RHEUMATIC Aches and Pains Her* la a aimple, easy way to %tt Teller from the agony of swollen, rheumatic Joints and muscular aches and pains. Go to any drug: store and get a bottle of Ru-Ma. It you are not pleased with the help it Klvca you â€" go get your money back. This ta a Kcnerous offer you can not afford to igrnore. BOILS \.« faaW m el Meaaa le B era pria. Was aataaMb i n l m l iU > , a»â€" . t5^l5cS0c,S1.W. MECCA OINTMENT Skin Eruptions Her* la a clean, atatnless, pene- tratlnc antiaepttv oil that bringa speedy relief from the Itching and discomfort. Not only does this healing: antl- aaptlc oil promote rapid and healthy kaallnc In open sores and wounds kut bolli and aimple ulcers are also relieved. In akin affections the itching of â- cxeraa ta quickly stopped. FIraples â€" skin eruptions dry up and scale «ff in a vary few days. The same it true of Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Itchinr Toea and Feet and other In- flanuaatory akin diaordera. Ton can obtain Moone's Emerald Oil In tha original bottle at any modem txvm store. Sattsfnction or asoney back. ILLIAMS aNPHORATEO MUSTARD CREAM •iMi vradonthc hnehcsd IkMM^ tbt asta itlkvn head- up Inad csMs CIm ^Rwpt Ibrtkci compllcalMas. aiiip ««««â- â€¢ Using his head m a big way, Karuniivathi, Indian work elephant; helps Anicd soldiers move a MOO-poimd electric refrigerator into tiie Post Exchange of tiie Southeast Asia Command headquarters. Kamnavatfai's pay for the Job was • quarter stalk of bananas and bread. An Airman's Creed VOICE OF THE PRESS GOD'S COUNTRY? Commonly we do not sufficiently realize that this continent is the only considerable land area in all the world that has not experienced the actual visitation of enemy armed forces. â€" Stratford Beacon-Herald NOTICE The Globe and Mail did not ap- pear on the day after the great storm. We suggest an amended pablication notice: "Published every lawful morning except awful morning." â€" Toronto Saturday Night â€" o â€" AND THEY'RE NOT HATS The milliner who said the current- ly styled women's hats are "pretty much alike"' is wrong on three counts, viz: They aren't pretty. they aren't much, and they aren't alike. â€" Kitchener Record â€" o â€" DOES HER BEST An old-fashioned wife is one who still thinks part of her job is darning her husband socks and trying to mend his ways. â€" Guelph Mercury "CASE" GOES TO COURT Stratfoid man who stole a watch was let go on suspended sent- ence. And if that doesn't wind up his criminal career h»'ll be run down again. â€" Ottawa Citizen UNPOUCHED Unfeeling mother of Cuddles, S^^- mcinth-old kangaroo in the Sacra- mento Calif., soo, tossed her out of the maternal pouch and left her to shift for herself. But cuddles is happy, having been taken into the home of xoo director Anthony Spencer. Above, Mrs. Spencer feeds the warmly sweatered baby. Astounding Disclosures In "Wliy Humanity Suffers" From Disease Sead f*r clrralar Rcdloh PubUshing Co. SIS VIetorU Ave. - Wladaor, Oat. STUFFY NOSE? Noae plucted up? Head cold threaten- in(7 Just amear NOSTROLINB in each nostril. Feel ctocgcd mucous hxiacn. stuffiness vanish, breathinc paasagcs come dear. Relief is instant. NOSTKOLINK dears head, stops diadhar^, relieves catarrh, head colds. Ccnvement. Pleasant. Adults and diildren. 50c â€" all druggists. MOSTROLINE m CtlFTON. B(IST9l. INSlAHtt For all emotions that are tense and strong "" And utmost knowledge. I have lived for these. Lived deep, and let the lesser things live along. The everlasting hills, the lakes, the trees. Who'd give their thousand years to sing this song Of life, and man's high sensibili- ties. Which I unto the face of death can sing â€" O Death, thou poor and disap- pointed thing â€" Strike if thou wilt, and soon; strike breast and brow. For I have lived; and thou eans't rob me now Only of some long hfe that ne'er has been. The life that I have lived, so full, so keen. Is mine; I hold it firm beneath thy blow And dying, take it with me where I go. (Published in Contact, Nation- al Magazine of the Royal New Zealand .\ir Fo.-ce.) The King's Horses Return To London The King's horses have returned to Old London Town and the good citizens hailed ib as a victory omen that the King's men wouldn't be far behind. The team of four stately bays stopped people short when they pranced from Buckingham Pal- ace news after a five-year ab- sence on the Royal farm at Win- dsor. On the first outing, the bays â€" Rodney. Chesterfield, Bald- win and Felix â€" walked to Hyde Park corner, eyed buses and traf- fic suspiciously when they danced across into Hyde Park, then set- tled down to a steady trot through Kensington and Knightsbridge. Head coachman Fred Mcllveen and his two postillions will act as Royal messengers, as a gasoline- saving measure, while exercising the horses. The diamond was first used for drilling purposes in 1844, when a Swiss engineer invented the dia- mond drill-bit. Headac Nothing is more depres- 'sing than headaches... Why •ufiGe^...Lambly's will give instant relief jb>v Lafflbty'sisgood for ear- *^> ache, tootbsche, pains io "^^ - . hack, ttomsch. bowels. Umaf AMBLY'S NCADACHE POWDERS i« ITCH CHECKED •OP Money Back Pot quick relief from itching caused by ecxema, athlete's foot, scabies, pimples and otheritcluni cpttditioiu. usepure. coolins, medicated, liQuid Dl P. B. MCSCMniON. Greaseleas and Stainless. &>othe«, comforts and quickly calms Intense itchins. Don't »u_Her. -A»k your druagiit today for D. D. D. PHOCmniON. /YOU WOMEN WHO SUFFER FROM ^ HOT FLASHES It you suffer from hot flaahes, weak, nervous Irritable teellngs, are a bit blue at Umeaâ€" due to ttie tunc- tiottal "mtddle-ace" period peculiar to womenâ€" try Lydla E. Plnkham's Vacetable Compound to relieve aueb â- gnnptoma. It htlft tOiturel Follow label dliectlona. Worth trylngl WHAT SCIENCE IS DOINC Tractor Seat • A special coil spring, and a shock absorber, is the basis of a new suspension-type tractor seat which will take all the jolts out of riding the farm tractor over rough plowed land and ease the work of the driv- ar. It may perhaps, decrease the high degree of kidney and skeletal disorders among farmers blamed on the all-day-long tractor jarr- big. The new tractor seat was de- Tcloped In Chicago by an automo- tive equipment company, which developed and has made .'fconsands .of seats for war tanks. The coll spring is placed directly under the driver's seat, and the triple-«ction hydraulic shock absorber at the rear. The absorber is similar to those eommony used in automo- hiles. Togetlier the two devices fjv<e stability that enables the rider to stay level while the tractor bobs ever rough ground. The construc- tion of the new device is simple and inexpensive, and it can be in- stalled on all makes of tractors. It can also be applied to truck seats. BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS MOO BREEDERS ON ONE PLANT BOOK TOUR 1945 CHICKS NOW and get your chicles when you want them. Orders are pouring In. Breeder Hatcheries are always aold out early. Don't take chances on ordinary chicks. Place your order NOW. Pure Bred Sussex, liargre Type Legliorns. Sussex X New Hamps., Sussex X Leghorns, Rock X Leghorns. Rock X New Hamps.. Barred Rocks. Send for large illustrated Catalogue and Price List. Lakeview Poiiltry Farm. Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. ' 100 CHICKS FREE WITH EVERY URtjEB OF 100 PUL- let chicks, we give 100 free chicks (our choice). Leghorn pullets $22.95 per 100, barred Rock pul- lets $19 95 per lOU. White Rock Pullets $24.95 per IOC. Brown leg- horn Pullets $24.95 per 100. All chicks sold backed by high eKK pedigreed stock. $1.00 books your order, balance C.O.D. Guaranteed 100% live delivery. Kent Hatch- ery, Chatham, Ontario. DANISH BROWN LEGHORNS Mix- ed 20 cents. Pullets 35c, Barred Rocks mixed 14%c. Pullets 26c. liarge English White Leghorn mixed 12c. Pullets 26c. All stock bloodtested, bred to lay and blsh quality. Cochrane's Poultry Farm, Ridgetown, Ontario. tl.OO BOOKS TOUR UUOBR ORDER rOL'R 1945 CHICKS NOW. and not be disappointed. All ehlcks are from guaranteed test- ed stock, and from 25 oz. eggs or better. Barred Rocks mixed $12.00 per 100, White Leghorns mised $11.00 per lOU. Barred Rock Pullets $19.00 per 100, white Leghorn Pullets $22.00 per 100, white Rocks mi.^ed $15.00 per 100, white Rock Pullets $24.00 per 100, Brown leghorns mixed $13.00 per 100. Brown leg- horn pullets $24.00 per 100. We guarantee 100 e'o live delivery, balance paid C.O.D. Maple City Hatchery, Chatham. Ontario. THE EARLY CHICK GETS THE worm and the chicks hatched and •rdercd now for early delivery are going to "get the worm " next fall when egg prices are at their peak. You can rely on Top Notch chicks â€" healthy, husky babies from Government Approved bloodtested breeders. They'll live and lay- for you and don't forget the liberal discount we are offer- ing for Early Orders for Top Notch chicks. Get the inform- ation â€" write today. .\lso laying and ready to lay pullets for Im- nedlate delivery. Top Notch Chlckeries. Guelph. Ontario. CHiDER YOUR CHICKS NOW. AND YOU ARE GUARANTEED your chicks for next spring when jrou want them. Barred Rock â- sized $12.00 per 190, white leg- horns mixed $11.U0 per 100. Bar- red Rock Pullets 119.00 per 104, white leghorn pullets $22.00 per MO. Heavy Brfced Cicls. $6.00 per 100. Leghorn Ckls. $2.00 per 100. â-²11 chicks hatched from 26 oz. •KXs or better and from special Bated flocks. Guaranteed 100% Bve delivery. $1.00 books your •rder, balance C.O.D. Rainbow Batchery. Chatham. Ontario. BARRED ROCK AND NEW HAMP- ahire, O.B.S. Flock, Kenney's Breeder Hatchery, R.R. 2, S.\ULT 8TE. M.'V.RIE. Ont. 3S FREB CRICKS OUR FOUNDATION ST<;CK IS registered and pedigreed birds. Nothing better In Canada. Order now. Prices for mixed baby chicks, males and females: Bar- red Rocks, $12.00 per hundred; White Leghorns, $11.00; White Rocks, $15.00: Brown Leghorns, 113.00. Pullet prices: Barred Rocks, $19.00; Whi'e Leghornr, $22.00; White Rocks, $24.00; Brown Leghorns. $24.00. 25 free chicks, our choice, will be given for each 200 mixed chicks order- ed and 26 free chicks for each ISO day old pullets ordered. Ooddard Chick Hatchery, Bri- tannia Heights, Ontario. â- ARLT ORDER BOOKING Dis- count If you order your chicks early you save SOc per hundred on non-sexed chicks $1.00 per knndred on pullet chicks. If you take delivery early you can save an additional $2.00 per hundred on non-sexed chicks, $4.00 per hundred on pullet chicks. By tak- ing delivery early you will not •nly save money, but you will make extra" money. The buyer who takes early delivery Is gen- erally the poultryman that makes the most money. Send for Early Booking and Early delivery price list and catalogue today. Also laying iind ready to lay pullets for Immediate delivery. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT EQUIP- ment, get it working with Bray early hatched chicks. They get into the better paying markets for eggs and poultry later on. But whatever you want, when- ever delivered, give us your order now »ith breed, quantity, deliv- ery date. Bray Hatchery. 110 John St. N., Hamilton, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE BREED- Ing cockerels Black Minorcas, Black Australorps. New Hamp- shlres. Barred Rocks and White Leghorn.^. Also hatching eggs. Apply Box No. 1. 73 Adelaide W.. Toronto, giving fall details aad prices .^ U. K. Has Coldest Christmas Since 1872 Now It tan be told that Cbrist- aiM, 19+*, was Britain's coldest ifaice 1872, the date that systematic ♦amperature readings were begun. London was the coldest spot, wMh the reading 18 degrees Fah- rsaheit, but there were record • tales of ice cream newly returned to the market after a wartime •eoDomy ban. In one restaurant waitresses wearing overcoats sold out the ke cream stock In two hours. 1,167 Fighting Ships In Growing Navy The largest Na'vy to the worid, fighting the most extended irar ki history now has 1,167 men-ot- war to carry th« battle to the ene- my. And it k (till growing. This was reported by the Unit- ad States Navy in a review of ship production which showed that to the last year S6,971 new -resseU â€" 420 of them fighting ships â€" Joined the fleet, boosting the over^ •n total to 61,048 Navy ships of all types. Pans«r Cub Nasi eUld aaipert ar* tO^ •etive. An 11-year-old German bo^ with a man-sized telescopic ligM rfile was pulled out ^ a tree ia France. The youth wore a child size h^ met and a camouflage cape. In- •pcction of his identification paper* revealed his age. â€" The Maple Leai. SAFES rrotect you BOOKS aad CASH ttmm riBB aa4 THIBTVBS. Wa kave â-  aiae a«d type af Safe, or Cablact, f«r mmr pvrpaac. VlaM «i, ar write far prlcea, e*e. t« Oept. W. ^.fifJ.TAYLOR UMITEB TORwrTO SAFE works 145 Provt St. C T«raat« Eatabilakcd 1SB5 *Vor Your Healths S«ke' write to Peoples "Mdnirtirition'' League ••3 Vktofia AvantM Windsor, Ontario NOTICE TO POULTRYMEN WB DON'T RECOMMEND THE Bse o£ Oyster Shells â€" Use Can- adian Pure White Grits, and save n% and produce better eggs. We offer you White Soluble (58% Calcium CarbonaCe). and White Insoluble (over 98% Silica). Both available tor immediate shipment In carload lots or le8.s â€" Agents wanted â€" ^Write for prices and aamples. STINSON REKB SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED, â- MS DELORIMIER AVENUE, MONTREAL. QUE. DYEING A Cl.E.\NING HAVE -OU jVNXTHING NEEDS dyeing or cleaning? Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your questions. Depart- ment H, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonge Street, To- ronto. HAIRDRESSING LEARN HAIHDRESSING THE Robertson method. Information on request regarding classes. Robertson's Halrdressing Acad- emy. 1 37 Avenue Road. Toronto. FOR SALE HANDY GIFT, PLASTIC CIGAH- ette case, assorted colors In fancy box, postage Included $1.26, Quantity limited. J. E. Beause- Jour. 4557 Papineau Ave., Mon- tr eaX BNOW PLOUGH. V TYPE WITH side wing, mounted on White Truck. Richler Truck & Auto Parts, 874 Wellington St. Mon- trea'.. Que ** __^_^^_^^^^^.^^^_â€" â€" .^.^ KLECTRIC MOTORS, NEW. USED, bought, sold, rebuilt; belts, pul- leys 'jrushes. Allen Electric Com- pany Ltd.. 2326 Dufferin Bt., To- ronto. FOUR NANNY' GOATS. APPLY 17 O'Loane Avenue, Stratford. DAY-OLD WHITE PEKIN DUCK- llngs. Available for March. Write for Information. Book early. Cx- Sprlng Farms. Uxbridge, Ont. FOR SALE IX NORTHERN ONTARIO SMALL COMPLETE PACKINQ plant, with refrigeration. 17 acres of land with house and other buildings. Will sell as a unit or equipment separately. Box 8, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. I SETT WATER POWER CUSTOM woollen mill for sale on good river. Must sell mill or machinery by the 1st of April. Speedsville Woolen Mill. Route 1, Preston. GARAGE. BLACKSMITH SHOP. Implement Warehouse and equip- ment for sale In central Mani- toba. Box 4. 73 Adelaide W., To- ronto. POULTRY MAN'S SACRIFICE. Look something new and guar- anteed. Electric Chicken Picking Machine. Dresses !00 chickens per hour. Saves 60% picking costs. Special tor cash $150.0n. Hanging Racks for chickens, 6 feet long, strong, sturdy, shipped in knock- ed-down condition That only re- quires bolting. Del-Mar Farms, IJ Centre E.. Richmond Hill. Phone 117J. MODEL 25 Northwest »i-yard shovel-dragline combination, re- paired; J13.000. MODEL 105 Northwest shovel-crane combination; fair working con- dition; $5,300. VARIOUS clam shell and dragline buckets. booms, compressors, hollers, etc. Engineer Equipment. 190 GREENWOOD. Toronto. Ont. BREEDING STOCK FROM REAL multipliers. Embden. Buff or Toulouse. $20.00 per trio. Let a trio of geese pay your 19-45 taxes. Conlln's Goo-^e Farm, Cardinal. Ontario. FOR iliALE COUNTRY GENERAL STORE Includes clean .stock (at invoice firlcc). egg. feed and garage bus- ness. First class money maker, situated in an outstanding farm- ing community. Buildings In ex- cellent condition, dwelling at- tached. Entire layout can be pur- chased rea.xonably. Owner selling owing to ill health. Kxrlnnive LUtlas SCOTT CRANE CO. 110 Ontario St. Stratford ~ MEDICAL BAUMEEKA FOOT BALM destroys offensive odor Instantly, 4Sc bottle. Ottawa agent. Denman Drug Store. Ottawa. SATISFY YOURSELF â€" EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. STOMACH A.ND rHHb'.*D WOK-Mt; often are the cause of Ill-health In humnns, all age.s. .N'o one im- mune! Why not find out If this Is your trouble'' Intcreefng par- ticulars â€" Free! Writ-; .Muiveney's Remedies. Specialists Toronto 3 ITS PROVENâ€" EVERY SUFKER- er of Rheumatic Pains or .Neur- itis should try Dixon's ncnudy. Sold only Munro's Prufr .'Uorc, Vt Elgin. Ottawa. Postpaid tl.OO. MTTSICAI. nrSTRlXEXTS FRED A. BODDINGTON BUY3, sells, exchanges musical Instru- menta 111 Church, Toronto 2. OPPORTCTflTIES FOR WO.MEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CA-VADA'S LEADI.\'<; SCHOOL Great Opportunity, Learn Hair- dressing Pleasant dlgnitied profession, good wages, thousands successful. Marvel ?Taduates. America's grnatest svs- em. Illustrated cataloguo free. â- Write or call MAR'VTEL HAIRDREf^SING SCHOOLS 168 BLOOR W_ T01<ONT0 Branches: 44 King St. Hami'ton, & 74 Rldeau Street. Ottawa OFFER TO nfVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY IN^VENTOR List of Inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. INVENTORS GET THESE HELPS FREE liVERYONE WITH A GOOD IDEA should prouintly secure the illus- trated Booklet "F-:rtunes from Inventions," and the nancsome form "Record of your Invention." Get them today â€" Free â€" from W. Irwin Haskett. 53 Queen Street, Ottawa. PATENTS TETHERSTONHACGH & COMPANY Patent Solicitors. Established 1890: 14 King West, Toronto. Booklet of Information on re- quest â- â-  , .. PERSONAL "ELTJ.\H <'il .M 1 N G BEFORB Christ," wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission. Rochester i;.. N.Y. »HE IMMORTAL .=;OUL â€" DIVINE plan, or human speculation? Whatever your view, you will want to read the booklet, "A Cleriryman on the Immortality of the Soul." For free copy write. Christadelphian Gospel Proclam- ation, 319 North Linsmore Cres- cent, Toronto 6. ."•HOTOGRAPHT TIME TESTED QUALITY SERVICE and SATISFACTION Your films properly developed and printed « OR 8 EXPOSl^RE ROLLS 25c REPRINTS 8 tor 25c FINEST ENLARi;iN(i SEK\ ICE You may not get all the films you want this year, but you can get all the quality and service you desire by sending your flims to IMI'RRIAL PHOTO SRUVICR Station J. Toronto SPECIAL PRICES ON COLOKKD .-^.VD l'i;.\MED ENLARGEMENTS Quality Enlargements 4x6" ii; Rf.TU- tiful e'lsel mounts. 3 for 25c Kr .nri- ad in Gold. Silver. Circassian Walnut or Black Ebony f!!^^sh frames, on Ivory mats 7x9". 69c each. If coloured 7nc each. ANY SIZE ROLL 6 or 8 e.TpoBures DEVELOPED A.ND PIU.NTED ioe Get prompt mail service on quuiUy work at low cost Satisfied ens; nn- ers all over Canada will tell you that St.ir Snapshot Service does th» best work. DON'T TAKE RISKS WITH YOUR FIL.MS Snapshots can never be taken sH.tin. Send your rolls to Canada's largest and finest finishing studio â€" STAR SNAPSHOT SERVICE Box 129 Postal Terminal A T.rar.to Print Tour Name and Addresa Plainly on All Order."*. HKLl* WANTKU GOOD STRO.NG BOY. OR ELni;f<l Y man for general worli rn •!:: ly farm. Apply .\. L. Sccbcck, V.'li;*- vale. ()m. W.IXTEIJ HAY & STRAW WANTED BY RAIL OR TUi â-  K. Kelley Feed & Seed Co.. 73U 1>'V- ercourt Road. Toronto. BASS WOOD LOGS 01' "vENKER quality. Will take s S'Uail per- centage of elm. The Oaiiville Basket Co. Limited. Onkville. Out. W'ANTED â€" L.\ROE F.^R.M TR.vC- tor with four-furrow plow ^â- â€¢<d he ivy-duty dl.scs: four-row oul- tivntor, two-row corn piilcer. Send full particulars to .V. \, Holheck, R. 1, Kingsville, O'lt. W.\NTEl>â€" 3 S.M.VLL MPTOW!, 1-3. H. \ horsepower, 23" volts. U.',". ; also 211-horsepower, 3-; iMuse. 550 volts, 25 cycle squirrel cage in â- - tors. Robertson BroUxers, Tom Jeffery, 103 Queen St. E. Toronto. ISSUE 3-1645 'J<^

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