Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 Jan 1946, p. 5

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i' M' THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday', January 9, 1946 4 « t « « < 4 -« « â- 4 â- Â« 4 â-º * « -• 4 * r Election Card of Thanks To bh« Electors of Osiprey: Thanks all for the splendid support given to me on Mondiay by electing me as your Reeive for 1946. I will «ontinue to give my best to the af- fairs of our township in all matter^. May we all work together in the very best interests of our township. Best wishes ffiRclnd ..blelJlotfilan Yourfe sincerely, â€" FRED HAiLE. To the Electors of Osiprey: I wish to take this means of thank- ing you for your support at the elec^ tion on Monday, and promise a close Supervision over the affairs of our township. Thanking you again, I remain, Yours faithfully, â€" ARCHIE BUTE. To the Electors of Osprey: I wish to express my appreciation to the Osprey electors for the support given me in Monday's election. It & my sincere hope that I may be worthy of the' confidence placed in me. â€" ELGIiN MoCUTCSHEON. To the Electors of Osprey: I wish to express my sincere ap- preciation of your support at the polls in Monday's voting. I will en- deavour to be deserving of the con- fidence you have ptoced in me. Happy New Year to all. â€" LEiSLIE 0. MOORE. in Memoriam LEGARD â€" Treasured memories of a dear mother, Christens LeGard, who passed away January 12, 1923. Though years pass by, time cannot erase The memories we all share, Of the joy we had ere you took your place Safe in the Master's care. We recall the life in our humble home With the hearteaches and joys we knew. Though it's many long years since you left us alone. We are thinking each day of you. â€" Ever remembered by Meda and Allan. •n Memoriam GBNOE â€" In loving memory of Mrs. David Genoe, who passed away January 12, 1944. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Pond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near. â€" Husband and Daughter, Dorothy. Card of Thanks Mr. John Thistlethwaite wishes to express his appreciation for treats sent to him by St. John's United Church when he was confined to his home through illness at Christmas. PRICEVILLE SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL. To th« Electors of Osprey: I greatly appreciate the confidfence placed in me by electing me at the head of the poll for Councillor. I will endeavor to always keeps the welfare of the townsihip as my first duty. â€" HARRY THIOMPSON. C D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insiiwince business of Mr. Wm. Myers and am preipared to give the public first cla^a service on their fire, accident and au- tomobile insurance policies. Consult me before you renew. I can place you in any of the better known com- panies, at the lowest rates obtain- able. Made-to-Measure CLOTHING For Discharsed Personnel A selection of Suiting and Overcoat patterns are reserved especially for Peturned Service Men and on production of Official Priority Certificates we can take your measure for Suits and Overcoats, and are promised de- livery in three to four weeks. Every garment made and tailored to your individual measure. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Ready-to- Wear Suits and Overcoats Priced from $25.95 up A good selection of sizes and patterns F. H. W. Hickling FLESHERTON, Ont. General Merchant <»>^^^><»>^:~><KK":'<":~K~K":~K-X"K~x~x~:~>*K'><K«<~^^ A Nice Record in Feeding Hogs the Risht Way This is a record of 8 Pigs raised by Ross Stevens: Pigs started on Co-op Starter. 100 libs % 2.65 10 lbs. Middlings 1-65 3,684 lbs. Pig Grower 73.08 Value of Pigs at Weaning 64.00 Total outlay 1141.98 RiElTURN WHEN PUGS SOLD: 7 Grade A Pigs, 1 Grade B Pig. Price received $240.77; Gro's'S profit $!>8.79 A Net profit of $ll2.3i5 per pig. This is ample proof that we have the feed to finish the Hog in Flesherton; why draw from Torono? Call at the Fles'herton Planing Mill and give your order to Mr. McCauley, or at the Co-op Store. 0. & A. Co-operative JOHN McWILLIAM, Manager FLESHERTON, Ontario I t t ? X I % \ t t t '{ I '^^ i I X X SWINTON PARK X X X X X X ^M><M><».;..Xk.XM>4"><'>:"><"K«<**<«*^<'*W**t"><'*M'<'*>*><*<*<**'><*^<*<'<*<"t*^*><'"> A welcome home reception was held Friday night, Dec. 28, in St. Columba United Church, when friends and neighbors came to pay honor to three more of our soldiei boys, who have reloenftliy returned from overteas. Mr. Mould, student minister, was chairman. The guests and guards in command of Post- master, R. H. McConkey, marched in- to the school room of the church, led by Piper Grant Muir. Mr. Coop- er of Durham sounded the last poSt. All joined in singing, "O God Our Help in Ages Past" and "0 Canada". Several musical numbers were given by Mr. Johnnie McKech- nie with violin and his sister, Mary, accompanied him at the piano. A duet wa's sung by Miss Jean Mather and Grant Sayers, "Plow Gently Sweet Afton". A solo was also sung by Mr. Mould. Mr. Halliwell gave a splendid address. Mrs. H. B. McLean read a poem composed by a former pa'stor. Rev. A . D. Penman after V-E Day was announced, in honor of our Priceville boys. The honored guests were: John Wooll- ard, Walter Aldcorn and Bob O'Dell. They were presented with a purse of money by Ken Meads, Bob Mclntyre and John Burnett. Walter Aldkiom on behalf of the boys fittingly re- plied and voiced his appreciation of thanks for the giftfe. '"Auld Lang Syne" and "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" were sung. Lunch was served and a social time spent over the tea cups. Mrs. Archie MoKechnie spent a few day^ in Toronto visiting friends. The Y.PjS. met Thursday night at the home of Miss Eileen Harrison, with a good attendance. The social convenors were in charge of the pro gram. The meeting opened by sing- ing, "The First Noel" The Lord's Prayer was repeated in uni'son. Community singing was enjoyed Duets were sung by Ken Nichol and Grant Sayers. Misses Betty and Shirley Hincks. Solo^ were sung by Miss E. Harrison and Mr. Freddie Irwin. Mr. Alfred Hincks, Toronto, gave a splendid talk to the young people in the great work the young people are doing in the different so- cieties. Several contests were con- dticted. Lunch wa's served and a social time spent. The Y.P.S. met this week at the home of Mr. Grant Sayers with 15 pi-esent. The President was in the chair and sang a New Year's hymn. All repeated the Lord's Prayer. The 'scripture lesson was read by Grant Sayers from 27 Psalm. Mrs. Dick Carson gave an interesting reading "Using God's Name in Vain." Miss Betty Hincks also gave a paper en- titled, "Is Canada Losing Its Sun- day". A contest was then conducted Miss Nellie McLean of Toronto spent New Year'^ at the home of Mr. Dan Camipbell and alteo visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Sims. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Archie McEachem on the arrival of a baby boy, in Durham Hospital, on December 3, Emei-son Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sturrock re- turned home after visiting her lis- ters in Brampton, Toronto and Georgetown. Mrs. A. L. Hincks and Ken spent a week end at the home of Mr. Chas. Tucker. Miss Fleming, Toronto, visited her sifter, Mrs. Fred' Karstedt last week. jMr. and Mrs. Cecil Hunter attend- ed the Camjxbell-Claridge wedding at Dundalk. The Y.P^S. enjoyed a social even- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Ritchie. Miss Margaret Brown is teaching at the OD.R. school. Mr. Allan Mclnnis of Toronto was a holiday vi'sitor at the home of Mrs Shortreed. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Hincks and Mar- i ilyn, Toronto, visited last week at | the home of A. L. Hincks. j Miss Isaibel Karstedt spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jackson and family and Mr. Paul Nelson of Tra- verston. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sturrock and famiy were New Year's visitors with Mr. Phillip Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Nichol and boys spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs E. Patterson. Miss Ruth Whyte is teaching this week for practise in Bunessan school. The annual school meeting was held Saturday night at the home of the secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Stewart BoycG. Mr. Alf O'Dell acted as chairman. The trustees are: Archie MV?K(>p!inie. Alf O'Dell and .Tim Mc- D-'uarnll was appointed in John Whyte's place, who retired. This Monday mnmiifr it J^ nice to «oe cur^ riirinincr on the hack roads aojain. ~~:<T> TN rOUR RKNKWAL. We extend to one and all, Hiappi- nefes and Prosperity throughout the year of 1946. Congratulations and best wishes to Gordon Campbell and his bride. Miss Lois Stewart returned to Tor- onto. Miss Susie McDonald of Toronto sipent the holiday with her sister, -Mrs. J. D. Campbell. An epidemic of the mcasle's is in the community and the school will not re-open until next week. .; - Jessie McCormack, Dorothy â- nd Jack Richardson returned to • jme their studies at High School ' - .' ;i two week's holiday with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart. Sorry to report that Mrs. Chas. MlcNalty is again under the Doctor's- care. Mr. and Mrs. John Porter, on Sat- urday evening, Jan. 5, were enter- tained at a fowl ^uppe^ at the home of Mrs. John Lane; thite being Mr. and Mrs. Porter's thirtieth wedding anniversary. Mrs. N. C. Richardson, owing to )oor health, resigned as teacher at the Old Durham Road iSchool. Miss Margaret Brown of Priceville is now teacher. The annual school meeting wai held at Swinton Park school on Wed- nesday with a good attendance. Mr. George Porter takes the place of Mr. Ed Ferguson, who retired. Mr. Lloyd McLean, who is not en- joying good health, ha^ been forced to remain in bed lately at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. D. Camp- bell. Mr. Stanley Moore is engaged for the winter months with his uncle, Mr. Gordon Moore of Harkaway. Owing to the conditon of the roads, there were no services at Swinton Park or Salem churches on Sunday. These feiw mild day^ lately and the rain on Sunday morning, leaves us with little or no snow again. Some cars ventured out. Among the visitors at the home of John Porter, during the holidays were; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Porter of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cameron. Toronto and Mr. Wesley Porter. Owen Sound. Mi'ss Jean McCormack spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCormack. We are pleased to hear that Marie Hay is abe to be up and around again. Girls Wanted 16 TO 30 YEARS For light work in large textile plant. This is an opportunity for permanent work. Good wages. Ideal working- conditions and board- ing facilities. Transportation provided when accepted. Apply to your nearest Unemployment Insur- ance Offce. If unable to do so, fill in the be- low and mail direct to : DOMINION WOOLLENS & WORSTDS LTD. Hespeler, Ont. Name Address Age i Phone No. Pai'sons and family, Melssrs. Dick and Jim Porteous and Mrs. Gott of Eugenia, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Little and Donna of Dundalk. Miss Ethel Fenwick of Toronto spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Kathleen Morrifeon of Tor- onto visited during the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Wright. We are pleased to report that Master Delbert Winters, who ha's been a patient in Markdale Hospital for the past few weeks has been able to leave the hospital and is at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mi^. Bill "Seeley of Maxwell. Del bert is still confined to bed but is making satisfactory improvement. We hope soon to see him up and around again. Miss Mable Fenwick ha's accepted a position in Markdale Hospital. Good luck Mable! Mr. Frank Hammill of Toronto vi- sited on the holiday with his wife and son, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pedlar. Mr. Seymour Londry spent a few day^ with friends in Toronto. Mr. Bob Allison of Toronto spent Christmas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Allison. EUGENIA We are glad to report Georgia Magee, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil M'agee almost well again after few days illness. Pte. Harold Johnston recently re- turned from overseas visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell .Johnston. Mr. Otto Baker of Heathcote vis- ited recently with his mother, Mrs. E. Baker. Leaves Local Bell Office CEYLON The many friends of Mrs. Lawson VVliitehead regret to leani she is a patient in Markdale Hospital and all hope tor a speedy recovery for Mrs. Whiiehead. The many friends of Miss Lottie Whittaker are rejoicing with her that her two brotners, Robei-t and Jack, returned last week from long service overseas. Miss Isabell Weber visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hunt while on her way to resume her teaching at Windsor. Mrs. Will Campbell and infant son, returned on Sunday to their home from Markdale Hos^pital. Dr. Sherman Piper, ToronUi, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. CoUinson. Mr. and Mrs. George Cairns are in Toronto this week, where Mr. Cairns will have an operation. Their many friends hope for a speedy return to his usual good health. Mrs. A. S. Muir returned to Tor- onto last week after spending the holiday season with her son, Grant, and Mr. A. S. Muir. This was Grant's first Christmas and New Year's holiday with the home folk ! for some years as e had been over- I seas on Active Service. Grant also returned to Toronto to continue his course. The congregational annual meeting of Ceylon United Church will be held Sunday, Jan. l'3th after the usual evening service. STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our congratulation^ to Miss Mable Fenwick, who received word on Saturday that she had pass- ed her examination, thus qualifying her as a Registered Nurse. Ml', and Mrs. Angute Morrison, who have spent the past fe\v month's at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Emerson Wright, have now moved into thoir new home in Naxwell. On January 1, they celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary. Wc wish them many more years of happy wedded life. Now Year's visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Joe Porteous were: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Messrs. Jim anfl Earle Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Ranald On New Year's Day, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce held a welcome home dinner for their son, Eldridge, re- I cently returned from overseas. The 1 guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. Bad- j gerow and Miss Inez; Mr. and Mrs. S. Campbell and family, also Mr. and Mrs. F. Graham awl Loreen of Walkerton. Mr. Russell Park and Roy, Flesh- erton, were callers at the Park home here on Sunday. Mr. B. Bolan of Toronto is em- ployed with the H.E.P.C. on the new high tension line. Mr Jos. Connors of the H.E.P.C. sipent the week end at his home in Mt. Forest. Mr. J. Morris and other memhers of the H.E.P.C. sipent the week end 1 who is a patient in Markdale Hos- in Toronto. I pital. Mrs. Ellen Armstrong has resigned from her position as chief operator in the 'ocal Bell Telephone office and left Friday to meet her husband, John Armstrong of Meaford, who has re- turned after three years overseas. M'rs. Armstrong was very obligring; in her work at the telephone office and made many friends, who rejoice with her on the return of her husband from duty with the Air Force. Miss Elma Hamilton is act- ing chief operator at present. ROCK MILLS Our January thav has taken all the snow away and the roads and fields are bare. Gnr. Glen Croft arrived home on Friday from overseas, he came home on the Mauretania. Miss Ruby Dobson ha's gone, to Owen Sound, where she has secured employment. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Duckett and Mildred of Maxwell visited on Sat- urday, with friends here. Mr. Mannie Dobson and Miss Margaret Park spent a couple of days in Toronto, Mrs. Geo. Clark went down with them to meet her husband, Pte. Geo. B. Clark, who had i-«turned from overseas on the Mau- retania. Mr. Ned Croft is employed with Mr. Dan Schwandt. Singhampton, taking down a mill in readiness to take by truck up north to his timber limit. Mrs. Levi Duckett and Mrs. Chas. Newell visited with Mrs. F. Duckett CREAM Our price for Cream is Ic per pound Butterfat above truck prices. It will play you to deliver your cream and benefit by the extra Ic per lb. Eggs l^he production of Egg's is now in progress and we have our fullstaff on to give you fast seryice. Poultry There is a g-ood lemand for fatted Chickens and Fowl, alive and dressed. We will buy any quan- tity, large or small, at top market prices. .MEAT LOCKERS Take advantag:e of our Meat Lookers, as we still have a few boxes availble. The Creamery will be closed on Saturday evenings until further notice, Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Pbone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario

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