Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1946, p. 1

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/ ®l)je /l^slj^rUm %^ii^mitA VOL. 65; NO. 37 FLESHERFf '.X ' iXT EDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1946 4. \V. H. Thurston & Son. Puhli^hTH Young People's Fireside ^^^ Generations In Prominent Osprey Family The second "community" Fireside to be held in this district has been arranged for this Sunday night, Fet. 17th, at 8:30 p.m., in Annesley United Church, Markdale. This series is under the auspices of the Young People's Department of the local branch of the Ontario Religious Ed- ucation Council. Dr. Andrew Thomson of Flesherton, who spent many years in missionary and educational work in China, will speak on phases of his work there, that will be of particular interest to young Canadian^. Everyone will be made welcome- Please see future events advertise- ment for further particulars- Bom BilLL â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nursing Home, Flesherton, on Thursday, Feb. 7th, to Mr- and Mrs, Earl HiU, a daughter, Carol Ann. LONG â€" At Mrs- Nuhn's Nurteing Home, Flesherton, on Saturday, Feb- 9th, 1946, to Mr- and Mrs- Melvin Long of Proton Station, a son- SPARKS â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's Nurs- ing Home, Flesherton, on Sunday. Feb. 10th, 1946, to Mr. "nd Mrs- A- E- Sparks, a daughter- The above group photograph is of i a prominent Osprey family- At the i right is Mrfe. James Ottewell. at the I left Mrs- Lloyd Stephens and her ; daughter, Mary Isabella. At the rear is Mrs- Frances Foster, great grand- mother, of the Meaford Road, near Flesherton-. residing with her nep- hew. 5Ir. John Flynn Mrs- Foster ife 72 years of age and was bom in Proton Township- She was married to Alexander Foster when she was 21- and for a number of years resided at Warebam and then at Feversham. where they lived until the death of her husband nine years ago- Mrs- Ottewell Mrs. Stevens and Mary Isa- bella reside on the Sth Line- Osprey. Wm. Lougheed, 22, Found Dead Beside Bam The body of William Lougheed, 22, was found early Tuesday morn- ing near the bam of Leslie Seeley, five miles east of Flesherton, where he was employed, with a 22-calibre rifle lying beside him. Provincial Constable H- C. Black of Flesherton and Coroner Dr- R- L. Carefoot in- vestigated and decided that an in- quest was not necesary- It was pre- sumed that he took his own life, as tracks in the new-fallen snow show- ed that he was alone at the time- Deceased was a son of Mr- and Mrs. Christopher Lougheed of the 4th Line, Osprey- and had been em- ployed for some time on the Seeley farm. He did not return to the hotise Monday night, but this was not thought to be unusual and when Mr- Seeley went to the bam early Tuesday morning he found the body close to the bam with a bullet in his forehead- The deceased had not been enjoying good health recently and it is supposed that this fact caused him to take hfs own life- Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs- Lougheed in the tragedy which has struck their family- Died McKenzie â€" At he home of her sister, Mrs. Wm- Carruthers, 8 Hick- ^on St-, Toronto, on Saturday, Feb. 2, 1946. Eva Turner, widow of the late Archie McKenzie. in her 59th year, sister of Mrs. Thos- Genoe, of Ceylon and Mr- Oliver Turner of Engenia. The funeral took place onjuesday, Feb. Sth, 1946- Interment was made in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery- I « Local Curlers Active Member of the Flesherton Curling Club were active on Monday when they attended bonspiels at Erin and Walkerton, but they were were not fortunate enough to bring home any trophies- Those at Walkerton were: Barney Welton, Jim Dargavel. Cecil McTavish and Bill Welton; at Erin: Reg Boyd, Frank Duncan, Howard Milligan and Wallace Hamilton. In Memoriam 'McMaster â€" In ever loving mem- ory of our dear husband and father, Mr- Georgre McMaster, who passed away Feb. 21, 1938- â€" The Family. STAR WEEKLY DELIVERED Have your Toronto Star Weekly- delivered to your home in Fle'sherton. â€"Bruce Thurston, phone ISw. 50 Assessors At Hanover I Legislatue rOpens March 4 Reception Held For Three Local Returned Men Approximately fifty assessors from all the municipalities in the counties of Grey, Bruce, Huron, Dufferin, Perth and Wellington attended a meeting of District No. 4, Ontario Association of Assessment Officers, held in the Hanover town hall all day on Wednesday of last week, and presided over by Earl V. Radbourne. Grey County Assessor- The assessors were welcomed to Hanover by Reeve Wesley Bruege- man- All speakers at the gathering dealt with technical matters of in- terest and educational value to the assessors themselves- The principal guest speaker was J- P- Coonde, Supervisor of Asessment in the Ontario Department of Munic- ipal Affairs ,who discussed the "Ap- praisal Card System" at both the morning and afternoon sessions- Other officials who took part in the difecussion were Robert Bryden. the City Assessor of Guelph; John Krau- ter, Grey Township Assessor in Huron Coiintyv who difecussed the assessing of rural properties. John Sutton of Sullivan Township, discuss- ed the classification of l-and; and W. C- .Attridge, Chartered Accountant of Goderich- who spoke on the appraisal card system- Albert Hyslop Buys Farm Future Events ANOTHER "FIRESIDE" Tuned to the times, they're "on the beam"â€" what? Why. "Firesides" of course- Another one of the "'Com- munity" variety will be held this Sun- day in Markdale, Annesley Church Sunday School hall- at 8:30 pm- for place and hour- Flesherton talent will support the speaker. Rev. Dr. Andrew Thomson, providing a sb:»r- stiulded program- All church young pooplf" grpups of the two to\vr>< m-t ! behind this <ervice. Aft'.r i'.'>' over you'll either be glad you came or ^ovry you stayed away- .\ bus will | leave the United Church at 8 p.m-, sharp, and extra transportation will | be provided by c<ars if necessary- j Come! ' Premier Drew has announced that the Ontario Legislature will open itJs second session on Monday, March 4. The first session opened or. July 16 last year following the elections on June 4th. which returned the Pro- gressive Conservative administration to power- Only change in the iHouse standing since the last session is the los cf one member by the Liberals, due to Alex- Parent, member for Essex North, leaving the party to become a Labor member. Standing now is Progressive Conservatives 67. Liher- al 13, CC-F. 7. Labor-Progressive 2 and Labor 1- Another reception for returned men from Flesherton was held on Wednesday night of last week, when three soldiers were presented with their gift of money- These were Bob Darg<svel, Jim McFadden and Angus McMillan- Mrs- Wm- Welton made the presentation to Bob, Mrs- Ken Betts to Jim and Mrs- Goessel to Angus- H- A. McCauley acted ai chairman for the presentation and Reeve K. G. Betts gave the official welcome on behalf of the village, and M S. McLev.d on behalf of the Flesh.jrtun branch of the C-anadian Legion. The Gclden West Mountain, eers provided ex'jellent music- Osprey Couple Celebrate Their 50th Anniversary Mr- and Mrs- William Thompson of Osprey Township, whose home is near Singhampton, celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage on Saturday Feb. 2- All the family of four daughters and three sons and children were present for the dinner at mid-day. For the occasion the dinning room was prettily decorated with gold bells. A three-tierred wedding cake with gold star trimmingrs centered the dining taible- In the evening a large number of friends and neighbours called to off- er their congratulations, and a buffet luncheon was served- Mr- and Mrs- Thomson have both been residents of Os-prey all thtir lives- She- prior to her marriage, was Christina McArthur. daughter of the late Mr- and Mrs. Neil Mc.Artlmr- and Mr- Thomson's parents were Mr- and Mrs. Wallace Thompson- Be- sides their family they have nine grandchildren and one great grand- child- The bride and groom of fifty years ago received many gifts- Both are enjoying fairly good health- They are members of the Presby- terian Church and enjoy attending services. "Bell" Girls Appreciated Visit To Flesherton John E. Heunmond Dies (By Kimberley Reporter; It is with great egret we report the death of John E. Hammond to Owen Sound on Wednesday. Feb. i. -As a young man he was very highly regarded here, where he was bom, the son of the laet Mr- and Mrs. U. R- Hammond. He was a dutiful son and a goo4 student- He first school was the senior room in Kimberley, where he taught for three years- Having graduated from Meaford high school, he attended the College of Educa- tion in Hamilton, before obtaintac his B-A- at Queen's University. As a commercial specialist he taught im Meaford. Wiarton and Lions Head. Mr. Hammond was a devout Chrto^ ian and was a member of Church at Christ (Disciples) in Meaford- On January 2tad. 1930, he wa« united in marriage to Hendrika Vaa Overbeek in Owen Sound, who tel" vives- He is also mourned by on* brother. W- G- Hammond. B.A., of Toronto, and one sister, Edith (Mi*. Frank Hutchinson). Carleton Place. Interment took place on Saturday in Union Cemetery- Thombury- The sjTnpathy of this community goes out to the bereaved ones. Mr. Murray Ritchie has sold his U'O-acre farm on Highway No. 6. north of Durham to Mr. Albert Hys- lop of Flesherton. Mr- Hyslop. a returned man, gets possession in March- This farm is exceptionally well located, has a modernized house. ', and barn with water and hydro. Mr. and Mrs- Ritchie are trying to secure housing accomodation, although at present their plans are quite indefi- nite â€" Durham Chronicle- Card of Thank.H We wish to exipress our sincere | giMtitude for the generous ani kindly ' gifts sent to Frar.c«s during h;r ill- • ness. and for the many expressions c"' sympathy and acts of kindness i shown Us during our bereavement. â€" Mr- and Mrs- Milton Roberts ; and Family- Edward Kennedy Dies Edward Kennedy- 86 years of age, a native of Artemesia Township and pioneer livestock dealer of Western Canada, died on Tuesday, Feb- 5th, in Winnipeg, Mr. Kennedy went West in 1S82, taking up residence at Gkn- boro, Man- In the early days he was associated with such well known figures as Pat Burns of Calgary and J- T- Gordon of Winnipeg- while ex- porting prairie cattle to England, the United States and Eastern Canada In his later years, Mr- Kennedy oper- ated in Glenboro and the surrounding district. Mr- Kennedy was a keen curler and had the full use of his faculties to the last. The last time he visited in Flesherton with his sister. Mrs. Isaac Sm'th. was foui year ago- Surviving are his widow, Margaret Brown, whom he married at Bolton. Ont.. in 1S92, and one son- Ross, in Winnipeg. He also lt-.iv(.s faur sis- ters. Mrs- Smith- Mrs- White. Mr? "oberts and Mrs- McComb- A sister, Mrs. English- passed away thret years sgo, and ',r.e brother. Ant'us and a sister. Mrs. Carson, sevrr,-. years ago- Tha funeral took pl-.ict on Friday, F-.-b- Sth. with service in Glentioro L^nited Churrh, Interment being ma<-:o i-i Glenboro Cemetery- Ris gander killcl by ricss, ri ftjrm- r i:i Fr:in'os->, Town«hip- Ont-, Uarn- he could not take action because â- â€¢-^ Livestock Protection .\ct does not apply to poultry losses of unue: >0 pounds- 4 4 CENTRAL LOCATION "•oow •r. !• Our W B Tt iri â€" t location is readily a cccaa ibk hif the city's leading auto- â- Mbila tmd atraet car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNfRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. • KI.4344 McAllister â€" Wood The home of Mr- and Mrs- Emerson Wood wafe the scene of a cjuiet but pretty winter wedding at 3:30 Sat- urday afternoon, Feb- 2nd. when their only daughter. Elenora Jean, became the bride of Frances Henry McAllister- eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Robert MktAllister of Fever- sham- The wedding vows were read by the Rev. Kennedy, pastor of Mt. Pleasant Mennonite Church- Given in marriage by her father, the fair young bride was smartly attired in a light blue two-piece silk dress with brown accessories and carried a corsage of pink carnations and maiden hair fern- Miss Hugh- ettvi .Adair was bridesmaid and chose a Princess Margaret Rose plaid wool dress with black accessories and wore a corsaire of yellow roses- Pte. .\lex- Mc.-Mlister stood by hl> brother as groomsman- The groom's gift to hiis brode and jbridesmaid were gold brooches and to the best man a gold tie sett. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held when the intimate familieis of the oride and groom en- joyed a dainty supper ser\-ed from the bride table, which was decorated in white and centred with the three- storied bride's cake- Mi-s- Wood re- ceived, the guest we-sring a twt piece brown crepe dress with brown accessories. She was assisted by the aroom's mother, who chose rust crepe with matching accessories. Baotist Church Notes UNION PRAYER MEETING This will be held Thursday at St- J?>.-,"s C;v.-.rch ;;:v;! rep'.r.ce the regular meeting usually held Wednesdays- The hour is 8 o'cock- TEACHERS MEETING Cedarside S- S. teachers and officers will meet at the parsonage Stiturday evening at 8:30 o'clock, for the dis- cussion of Sunday School business- REGULAR SERVICES Church services at regular service hours this Sunday. MARKDALE FIRESIDE Please see coming events notice re this- .\11 Baptists are urged to co- operate in making up -a bus load to attend his service- .Any offers of extra cars will be appreciated. These will only be used- however, if more than bus capacity arrive at S+ .Tohn'«! Church by 8 p-m- The following letter was received from the young ladies who invaded Flesherton a week ago for a week end of skiing, expressing their appreciation of the reception given to them- Following is the letter: Toronto. February 9, 1946 Editor, The Advance, Flesherton, Ont- Dear Sir.- The Bell Telephone sten- ographers who visited your friendly town are now endeavoring to settle back to work. We all had such a swell time we wanted you to know- and we thought this was about the best way to tell you- Everyone was so nice to us and we want to thank each and everyone- We all agree with Jean's (McTavish) opinion that Flesherton is a wonder- ful town- The Park House was not a very quiet place once we invaded it- but we want to thank Mr- and Mrs- Duxter for putting up with us so patiently and serving us such good meals- A special vote of thanks goes to Mel Buchanan, George end David .Armstrong. Keith Parker, Fred Ban- non and Jimmy Stewart for taking us over the countrj'side through deep snow on sleigh rides, which were most thoroughly enjoyed by us all- Another vote of thanks goes to Mr and Mrs. Randal at the Ski Lodge, where we enjoyed ski-ing, toboggan- ing and a wonderful meal- We all enjoyed the dance too. and althou'gh Some of us did not brave the square dance, we enjoyed watch- ing the rest- Wa had a little misfortune getting home. The bus broke down and we were stuck for three hours waiting for another bus. It didn't dampen our enthusiiism for the week end. though: it would take more than a mere holdup of three hours to do that. Mr- and Mi-s. McTavish also have e."»rned our gratitude and their kind- ness will not soon be fogotten by â€"THE STENOGRAPHERS. General Service Bureau. Bell Telephone Company Toronto, Ont. The Flesherton folk were glad, in- deed- to welcome such a jolly aggre- gation, and gratified to know that such an enjoyable time was spent in the old town, despite the handicap of such cold, stormy weather- The girls can be assured that the "Welcome Mat" will be in evidence should they be able to arrange an- other week end in better VMcation weather- Card of Thanks Mrs- Thos. Taylor wishes to thank her friends and neighbors for the wonderful assistance given her with treats, etc.. and expressions of synijMthy tendered in many way? during her recent illness. Wright â€" Benson A quiet but pretty wedding solemnized in North Parkdale Unit- ed Church, Toronto, on Saturday, February 2nd. at three o'clock, when Thelma Arlene Benson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs- Wm. Be» son of Collingwood, became the bride of Mr- James Sherwood Wright, toa. of Mr- and Mrs. Jas- W^right of To- ronto, formerly of Nipawin, Sask> Rev. Milton R- Sanderson officiated. The bride, given in marriagre by her father, wore a two-piece afte^ noon dress of white wool Her white feather hat was trimmed with a Shoulder-length veil- She carrisd a white prayer book with a shower bouquet of red roses. Miss Eulala Wright, sister of the groom- as bridesmaid, wore a street- length gown of royal blue wood with British tan accessories- She carried a colonial bouquet of pink carnations- Mr- Maurice Blakey acted as best man- Following the ceremony- a recep- tion was held at Mackay's. on the Lake Shore Road- where a beautiful two-tiered wedding cake adorned the table centre and a sumptuous dinner was served to some twenty-one guests. BELL COMPANY REDUCING TELEPHONE BACKLOG \Miile the Bell Telephone Co. has made some progress in reducing the backlog of unfilled orders for tele- ;;''.ones. there are still 77,000 appli- cants waiting for service in Ontario and Quebec. The Financial Post is told. This is down about 35 per cent from the 80.000 unfilled requests the middle of November- However, the backlog is still 10 per cent higher han last February- With that increase in telephones in service in the last four months of 1945 reported greater than in the •.â- ecedins geiht month?, prospects for -e awaiting service appears mn^ brighter. Approximately 45.000 tel- ephones have been added by the Bell Telephone sinceV-E Day. Card of Thanka I would like to express my sincere thanks for the many tokens of love received by my wife during her ill- ness, and also for the floral tributes and the many expression^ of sympa- thy received during our bereavement. â€" James C- Conn and Son- Chalmex- Card of Thanks Sgmn- Ear! McL«Mn of Priceville wishes to express his appreciation and gratitude to the Priceville W<^ men's Institute and to friends who sent boxes and cigarettes to him while he was overseas- Card of Thanks We wish to thank the doctors sod nurse and Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Cal- vin and Eldridge Boyce and all those who rendered assistance at tilS scene of the accident in which oar children were recently involved. â€" Mv a"<i Mrs Harold Falconer and Family-

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