Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Feb 1946, p. 4

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.Wednesday, February 13, 1946 THE FLBBWERTON ADVANCE "fijur ^ruait ii 0uv ^acreb Care OUR FUNERAL HOME AVAILABLE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE AT NO EXTRA CHARGE i^tcl)artxs( Jf uiteral feerbite Phone 78 FLES HERON Heated Ambutance; Prompt Service Day or Night J. A. RICHARDS FRED L. GORRELL R. G. RIOHARDS .» Ml M t m » M THE .^ Flesherton Advance^ Published on CoUinirrood St, Flesherton, VadoMiUy of mA week. CircuUtioD OTar r.lOOi. Pric« in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advar"" |lJw; ia U. 3. A. ^Sfy per year, ' ''aid in advance *2jOO. F. J. THURSTON, Editor VICTORIA CORNERS Two deaths occurred during the past week with concern to many in our community. On Thursday, Feb- 2nd, at his late home, Harkaway, there passed away Mr. Richard John- â- ton, pioneer resident of that district- Mrs. Milton Bannon went to the Johnston home on Monday. Mr. Mil- ton Bannon, Mr- and Mrs. Wes Dever attended the funeral of their uncle on Tuesday afternoon and were ac- companied on their return by Mrs- Bannon. On Tuesday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs- Robt- Cole, of Dundalk, Mrs. W-G. Acheson, Sr. parsed away following a period of ill" ness. Funeral services were held on Thursday afternoon. Sympathy is face by a horse. The little fellow was taken to Markdale hosipital, where his injuries were dressed. Miss Evelyn Phillips has been con- fined to the house the past few days with quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. W- J. Chard. Flesh- erton, visited with their son, Clar- ence, and wife and family. Mrs- E, Partridge vifeited with her mother, Mrs. Jos- Williams, who is a patient in Markdale hospital where she underwent a serious operation last week. V ANDLLEUR *" BOWL HYDM KDNOMWr Hello, Homemakers! What consti- tutes true economy in buying foods? Is it simiply a matter of looking for bargain price tags on everything^ Is it taking the tired head of lettuce, the wilted celery in order to save the difference in cost i)etw6en them and prime produce? Of course, it isn't. You can afford good quality if you are wise and eat more of what you pay for- Buy those plump, golden oranges and that three-rib roast, but use every last bit of them. Orange peel makes a good sweet ipickle and a beef bone i's the soul of a soup! It is all in knowing how- You have to know how to salvage the vitamin value that lies in the out- side lettuce leaves. You should know how to capitalize on the flavor hid ing in the celery tops that the less skilful cook throws out- And you ;ieed good recipes like these: The Farm Forum met on Monday evening, Feb- 11th, at the home of Mr- and Mrt. Will Ratcliffe and con- sidered "The Costly Trip from the Producer to Consumer." A spirited discusion took place on the subject of Co-operatives of everykind and the forum agreed that many of the un- necessary stepte between producer and consumer could be eliminated and costs reduced by co-operative buy- ing and selling and the payment of patronage refunds. Miss Maxine Connell presided and Mrs. Ormsby acted as recreation convenor- A couple of contests were put on and Ufiited Church Notec Wednesday evening, Feb. 13th. there will be a Mother and Daughter "Get Together" social in the base- ment of the Church, under the aus- pices of the C-G.I-T. -AH women are welcome to attend whether accom- panied by a daughter or not- Thursday evening at eight o'clock there will be a joint meeting of the two churches of our town for prayer and Bible study- The meeting will be conducted by Mr. Frank Keys- Thite is intended as the first of such meetings. In the following month the meeting will be held at Cedar- side Church- Friday evening at 6 -.SO, under the auspices of the W.M-S. there will be an unusual feature; a Chinese .meal. An address will ' e given by Mrs- Thompson. Next Sunday morning Dr. Thomp- son intends to preach on "Self Sur- ernder the Gateway to Self-realiza- tion." Thite service is intended es- pecially for young people. iSunday evening there will be a rally of young people at Annesley Church, Markdale. at 8:S0. The young people of Flesherton will pro- vide the program- For a fuller an- nouncement please see under Bap- tist Church notes- Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto T *â-  To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. LEAVE FLESHERTON To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. SWEET PICKLED ORANGE PEEL Cut in pieces 1% lbs. orange peel; cover with water. Cook 15 mins- Drain. Boil together 3 cups sugar, 2 cups vinegar and 2 tbspte. whole pickling spices for 5 mins. Add peel; Cook, stirring occasionally, 1% hrs- Makes 3 pintis. extended to the many sorrowing rel-l reading^ were given by Maxine Con- ativefe and friends of both Mr- John- ston and Mrs- Acheson- Messrs. Mel. Buchanan, Keith Par- ker and Fred Bannon attended the "Icecapades" in the Maple Leaf G«r- ednfe at Toronto last week and visited with friends. Mr- Jack Bannon of Brampton spent the week end in his parental home. Miss Viola Richardson o' Toronto â-¼isited her Mother, Mrs- J-H. Rich- ardson over the week end- Both Jack and Viola took advantage of the newly established bus service, which i^ going to become a post-war con- venience. A large crowd assembled in the Proton Station Orange Hall on Fri- day evening to honour four more â- ervicemen, three of whom liad re- turned -within the past two weeks. IThe boys were ab follows; L.GpL lAurie Sims, Pte- Harold Badjerow, TVr. Vern Oorb&tt and L- Sergt. Harold Jackson- A varied program hmch and dancing, along with the pcesentation of « cash gift to each of Hie boys provided the evenings en- ttrtainment. Mr. Bill Batchelor lead the address to tKem and Messrs. Wes Dever, Charlie Hodgina. Elvin Moore and Bert Hodgins made the presentations. Each of the boys â-¼ery fittingly replied. ROCK MILLS We enjoyed much nicer weather ttlk week end. The thaw took the toam down considerably during the 9Mt week- lb. and Mris- Leslie Seeley attend- «d the McLeod-Waterson wedding, which took place in Knox United Qinrch on Wedensday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Seeley aeted a» one «t the bridesmaids at the ceremony- Hr. Lloyd Partridge visited for a few days with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and MA- Willis Colburn of Markdale visited recently with her mother, Mrs- R- Clark. Mr- Eddie White, who has spent the past two months h'ere. left last week for the north, khere he will be employed in the bush- Mr and Mrs. Levi Duckett of Max- well were visitort on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas- Newell- Little Donald Teeter, son of Mr and Mrs. Ken Teeter of Vandeleur, who was visiting his grandparents. Mr- and. Mrs- Walter Russell, had the misfortune to be kicked in the nell, Marie Johnfeton, Mrs- Ormsby. Mrs- G- Wyville, Billie Johnston and A- I- Graham. There was community singing and lunch. The next meeting will be at the home o' Mrs- Ethel Hutchinson with Marie Johnston and Vernon Fawcett in charge. Misa M. Connell spent the week end with friends in Owen Sound. The annual congregational meeting of Vandeleur Church -was held foll- owing the service on Sunday after- noon with the pastor. Rev- W- M- Lee presiding and Howard Graham acting as secretary. Reports were present- ed by Geo- Buchanan for the Board of Stewards, Mrs. Buchanan for the W- A. and Marie Johnston for the S-iS- and all were adopted- The folowing officers, were elected; Elders: L- Johnston, elected for three years. Board of Ste«virards: WB. Johnston, Geo. Buchanan, WG. Bowles, Geo. Shaw and Billie Johnston. Organist: Mrs. Geo. Buchanan; Auditors : L- Johnston and H.I- Graham- The young people held a very en- joyable social evening and dance in the Community Hall on Friday even- ing of last week. Mr. C B. Boland of Walkerton spent a few days with Mr- and Mrs- Earl Morrison- The February meeting of the W- A- wa& held on Wednefsday at last week at the home of Mrs. Ethel Hut- chinson with a good attendance. Mrs- Lundy Johnston, the president, was in charge of an InterAting program. BEEF BONE SOUP Cover leftover roast beef bones and scra,ps with water- Cover; sim- mer 1 hour; remove bones. Add 1 cup diced carrot. % cup chopped onion, salt, pepper. Cover. Simmer 45 min's- Add 1% cups cooked or canned tomatoes; heat. Garnish with lemon- Serves 4. GREEN LEAF SALAD Wash outside lettuce leaves; place in saucepan- Add (boiling water to % depth of leaves. Cover, cook 10 minutes- Drain. Chill- Chop; add French dressing. Pack into oiled in- dividual moulds; chill. Unmould; gvirnish with hard-cooked eggs and watercresfe. STEPHEN'S CORNERS Priceville Presbyterian Note* Service of worship at 11 am- at Priceville. Mr. W. D. Halliwell will preach the first of a series of Ser- mons on "The Hidden Mystery." The WM-lS- and Willing Helpers will meet at the home of Mrs. W- Aldcorn on Tuesday, February 19th. at 2:30 pm. Commencing the first Friday in Lent, the minister will conduct "The Children's Hour" in St. Andrew's Church, Priceville. All boys and girls are welcome to see the pictures of the Holy Land, Irvdia, Africa, China, Can- ada and other countries- General theme: "The Saviour of Men" Come after the close of school on Fridays, commencing Friday. March 8th, at 4:16 to 4:46- Parents are also welcome to come with the younger children not of school age. SKND IN YOUR RENEWAL. We are pleased to report that Mr. Redge Londry, who recently under- went an operation in Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, is improving and it is expected that he -will be able to re- turn home on Monday- Miss Anna Lougheed has returned home, after visiting with friends in Toronto- Mr. Frank Hammill of Toronto spent the week end with his wife and little son. We are glad to hear that Spr. A- S. Mills hafe returned home, after serving overseas the past two years. Spr. Mills is a former 4th Line boy- Mr- Seymour Londry spent the week end with friend^ in Toronto- We congratulate Miss Mary Mills, nurse-in-training at Collingwood hos- pital on being successful in receiving her "cap" recently- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Porteoui visited recently with Mr. and Mrs- Joe Little at Dundalk- We wish to extend congratulations and betet wishes to Mr. Seymour Londry and Miss Muriel Mitchell of Toronto, who are being married in Toronto on February l©th. ^ ,^ ^, ,, Mr. Otto Milfe and Mr- Reg Alli- butter; add V* cup ^^^ ^^.^^ ^^ ^^5^^^ ^.^^ j^.^^j^ at Markdale. Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 t> Gray Coach Lines 1 NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE DomMtic end Commercial. Split - Two and Three Phase, Hlgli Speed and Low Speed Electric Drills. Workmanship Gaarantsed. Prompt rewinding service on electric motors of all Wnda- 768 J. MIDDLETON Iitd Ato. B. OWEN SOITND Phone 7M CREAMED PEAS WITH CELERY TOPS pMelt 3 tbsips flour- Gnadually add 2 cups milk; cook over hot water, stirring, until hick- Add 2 cups cooked or canned peas, % cup chopped celery leaveb. aason with salt and pepper. Garn- ih with toabt points- Serves 4 to 6. TAKE A TIP 1- Tea is orange pekoe, probably to you- Did you know that you should aay peck-o- not peek-o, and that the word is an index of siu oi the tea leaves, act of flavor? 2. Oranges are usually navel (nay vel) oranges at this time of year- They are easily segmented and easily served whole instead of juiced. T*ey are *>ebt for mamta- lade, too. The Valencias we buy during the summer are more juicy. ♦ ♦ * THE SUGGBSTION BOX Mrs. N. C- says: Dish *«wel8. hung straight after washing and then dried, are more a/bsorbant if they are NOT ironed- Mr- N- J. says: Old corks will pro- tect the points of scissors, ice picks, etc- Mrs. G. E. sugigests: BAKED SPARERIBS â€" 3 to 4 Ubb- spareribs, Vi lib- prunes, salt pepper, flour. Select two sections of spareribs- Soak prunes in cold water overnight or for several houA. and drain- Put the sections of spareribs together with the prunes between and tie to hold .n place- Season the meat with salt and pepper and rub with flour. Place it on a rack in an open roast- ing pan and sear in a hot oven, 4B0F until lightly browned- Reduce the heat to moderate (326 F ) and con- tinue cooking for about â-  an hour longer or until the meat ia tonder- I3«ste occasionally with tho drippinRS in the pan. We Can G!ve You Service We wish to announce with the return from active service of Milford Piper anl Wesley Littlejohns, we are again able to give first class service in both mechanical and body and fender repairs. BOYD BROTHERS Small Advts. Bring â- Results To Advertisors Small Advertisements bring quick •csults- The formation of an international commission to co-ordinate fishing re- gulation* in Canada aad the United StatoB haW been urged wiih a view to hdlting the depletion of the flsh supply- Use a ISmall Advt when you wish to sell or buy anything. You will be pleasantly surprised with the excellent results. The Cost !s Small For The Results Achieved 1 The Advance FLESHERTON * *> I It *^-

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