.Wednesday, February 13, 1946 THE FLESH£RTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Pair of hip rubbers, size 9, pre-war rubber- â€" J. Tom- linson. Trout Lodge. Eugenia. WANTED â€" Anun»I« suitable fu mink and fox feed. â€" ^Bert McInto«J Eug«ni», phone Fevershri 6r2£ WANTED â€" Qnantity of sap buck- ets and spiles-â€" J. D. M«cDonaId. Eugenia, phone Fcversham 5r41. FOR SALE â€" G-E- battery radio in real good condition â€" Jos- Porteous' RR. 1, Maxwell. 37p2 Feversham Public School FOR S.ALEâ€" 14 young Oxford ewes. â€"J. P- Stewart, R- R. 3. Proton Station, Ont. 37p2 FOR SALE â€" Yorkshire sow out of advanced registry stock- Kendal Hawkins, R.R. 1, Eugenia, phone Feversham 9r42. Farmert â€" Agent for Agrico Fertil- izers. Order early. Make sure of delivery. â€" Dick Carson, Price- ville, Onterio, phoBe 2r6 3^p8 FOR S-ALEâ€" Large rural mail box, also feet of rope traces, breeching and straps. â€" Jos- Sewell, phone 26J Flesherton- 37c2 FOR SALE â€" 1 good piano organ Eoctave; 2 metal bedsteads, full- size; feet of springs, full size. â€" Mrs. \Vm. Sayers, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Cook stove almost new; piano; mirror 2%xl% feet; cash register; large table; small heating stove, coal or wood- Applj A. iMcVicar, Priceville. 37c2 FOR SALE â€" 2 pairs boys' skates, sizes 6 and 7, tube and blade, also 2 pairs ladies' fekates, size 6, one is C-C-M. tubes. Can be seen at The Advance office. 37c2 LOST â€" In Flesherton on Wednes- day, Jan. 23rd, Ronson lighter in case. Finder please leave with F. Harrison, c.o. W. G. Kennedy, in Flesherton. 3&p2 FOR SALE â€" 1 "Patriot" washing machine with wringer in Al con- dition, used only one year- Apply to Mrs. Howard MciGee, R.R. No. 2, Flesherton- 37|p2 FOR S.ALE â€" Sow, carrying third litter and one young feow; also a few chunks around 13i5 lbs,; elec- tric brooder in good condition, sell reasonable. â€" S- Magee, Maxwell. WANTED â€" Men for profitable Rawleigh Route nearby. Must be Satisfied -with gpood living at start- Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ML-205- 101-B, Montreal, Que. LOST -â€" In Ple»heron Friday, Jan. 26, Parkeir founltain pen. probably on main street. Finder please notify Ken McKechnie at the High School or phone 49rl3 Flesherton- FOli SALE â€" Choice, thick, low-set Shorthorn bulls, up to 12 mos. of age; Klaymor, Roth's and Ransom blood lines, moderulely priced. â€" Roy Piper, Ceylon, phone Flesh- erton 44 r 31. 37c2 FOR SALE â€" Frame house, about 48 by 22 with 14 foot siding. Will â- ell in two esctions, good sound -tinlock feheeting and lumljer. House on lot 161, i S.W. â€" Apply , to E. J. Parker, phone 32r2, Flesh- erton. 32p3 AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural Watkins District available- li you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and &B â€" have or can feecure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own- For full particulars write today to: The J. R. Watkins Company. Dept. O-F-1, 2177 Masson St., Montreal. JACK W. TAYLOR LICENSED AUCTIONEER for Grey County R. R. 1, MARKDALE When planning for your sale, my services mean satisfactory returns for you. Phone 58 r 2 Markdale Grade 7-8 â€" Beth Courvoiser 88*, Yvonne Davidson 78, Charlie Pedlur 78', Redgc Tyler 50. Grade 6 â€" Marion Fenwick 85, Warren Hannah 82*, Joan Davidson 58, Ronald Davidoon absent- Grade 5 â€" Norris Moore 52, Paul Hudson 50, Sadie Stewart 46, Ken- neth teeter 23*. Grade 4 â€" Dorothy Fenwick 81, Stanley Wright 73', Melville Wriifht 5y, Gerald Teeter 41. Grade 3 â€" Shirley Wright 73, John Pedlar 66*. Grade 2 â€" Evelyn Pedlar 71*. Vel- da Teeter 46*, Edward Smith 33. Grade 1 â€" Cheryl Light 99, Shirley Sammons 94', Joan Parker 90, Alex- Robertson 78*, Irwin Stewart 77, John Sled 75*, Robert Jackson 6S, Harvey Sammons 37. * denotes perfect attendance for month of January; percentage is the average mark from Sept- to January- â€" Mrs. R. Conn, Teacher. Springhill Farm Forum Springhill Farm Forum met on February 11th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eagles with a fair attendance. They were unanimous in their decision that there are too many trucks on the same route gathering cream, eggs, etc. and that both pro- ducer and confeumer pay for it. There is also too much duplicating -i delivery of food products in the cities when one can see three or four diff- erent companies delivering the same product on the same street. It wa's considered that something should be done to stop the abusive treatment much of the fetock heceives when they go to the city stockyards, causing considerable waste, which is taken off the cheque of the producer. The Forum is sponsoring an edu- cational film, loaned by the Dept. of Agriculture, in the High School Auditorium, Flesherton. "on Feb. 2&th. The Ceylon and Orange Valley For- ums are also invited. The meeting for Feb- 18th ite to be held at the home of Richard Allen. SEND IN YOUR RENEWAL LOGS WANTED We are in the market for logs and standing timber, and have raised the price paid for No. 1 logs. â€"DURHAM FURNITURE CO. M. Dobson, Manager Rock Mills FARMS FOR SALE In Township of Osprey, Lots, 11, 12, Con. 12, 200 acres, 90 acres under cultivation, 10 acres of good bush, balance good pafeture, never failing creek, bank bam 54x40 with steel roof, garage, good dwelling, hard and soft water inside. Also for sale is farm Lot 12, Con. 13, Osprey, 99 acres, school on corner, 35 acrefe un- der cultivation, 40 acres of good tim- ber, remaider pasture, 42x60 bam with good roof, drive shed, good dwelling, with har water inside. For full information communicate with Jas. McKenzie, Feversham, Ont., phone 10rl4. Feversham. 35p4. BUSINESS CARDS DR. t; D. park PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Oraduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton C. J. BELLAMY j y I, LACE CLERK i A Commissioner for taking Affidavits Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WIL^S, Etc. OlTire: Toronto Street, Flesherton PRICEVILLE The Y-P-S- met Thursday night at the home of Donald Nichol, when 13 were present. MVs. Sims was in charge of the meeting and conducted a Bible (luizz. This week the meet- ing will be held «t the home of Ken- neth McKechnie- Mr. and Mrs- A- L- Hincks cele- brated the 20th anniversary of their wedding on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W- J- Hay. Friday night a progres'sive euchre party was held at the home of Mr- Jim Sturrock, when seven tables were in play- Mrs. Dan Campbell was winner of the ladies' prize and Mr. Bradey Irwin for the men. Mr- Phillip Harrison and Betty Hincks won the consolation prices. Lunch was served and a social time spent. The W.M.S. and W. H. meetings will ibe held at the home of Mrfe- -Aldcorn on February 19th, when it is expected that Mrs. ('Dr-) Brown and Mrs- Eraser of Dundalk will address the W-MjS. Cameron McLean and Emerson Burnett arrived home latet week from overseas. Earl McLean wa-s also a recent arrival at his home here from overseas. iMr. Wm. Sayei^ has purchased the farm of the late Sandy Stone- house and will be moving shortly. Mr. and Mrs- E(dgBi< Patterson, with Mr. and MM. J. A. Nichol, at- tended the funeral of the former's aunt, Mrs. John McElwain at Mono Millfe on 'Saturday. Interment wab made at Palgnave Cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carson spent last week in Toronto, where they met Donald Carson who arrived on Monday on the Queen Elizalbeth- Mrs. Ed. Dingwall. iMrs- Plefeter and Mr. Jos. Watson spent a couple of days in Toronto last week and vi'sited their mother, who is a pa- tient in the Western Hospital. She fell downstairs and suffered severe injuries- Mifes Alexis MacVicar spent the week end in Toronto - Mt. and Mjrs,. Howard Duxbury spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs- Gilvray McLean left on "Phursday/, afteil spending two weeks at the home of H. R. McLean. The Y.P.S. met Saturday evening at the home of Mr. Wm. Meads, when a mofet enjoyable time was spent. Cpl. Donald Carson, wife and family of Eugenia are spending a few days at the home of Mr. Dick Carson. Small Advertisements bring quick results. , MILK PRODUCERS It will pay you to ship your milk to Toronto if it tests 4-5 or better- We are prepared to pay top prices, especially for Jersey and Guernsey milk- Write R- Guest, 20 Maple Ave-, Port Credit, Ont. 36p3 Loca) and fersouni Mr. Stan Teeter is visiting thi= week in Toronto- ( Mrs- Alex. Henderson spent tiit past week in Toronto- Mr. and Mrs- Fred Gorrel spent the first of the week in Toi«onto- Mrs- John Cook was in Toronto the past few days- Mrs. J- E- Milne was a visitor in Toronto over the week end. Miss Margaret Pocock i's spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. iMr- Mack. Duncan is in Toronto attending the hardware convention this week. Mrs- C. Doupe and Jack ispent the past week end with the fonmer's daughter, Mrs- Looby, at Shelburne- Miss Jean Duncan of oronto Uni- versity spent the week end at her parental home. Miss Marjorie Brackenbury left for Toronto on" Tuefeday, where she will enter the Western Hospital to train as a nurse. Mr. and Mrs- Lome Fawcett and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sewell of Alder- shot spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar. Dr. R. A. Park went to Toronto a week ago to spend a few days and is at present conifined to bed in To- ronto with pneumonia. " IMr. David B. Armstrong, brother of Geo. Armstrong, left last week for the McFadden Lumber Co., at Blind River. Messrs- Melville Buchanan, George Armsti-ong, Fred Bannon and Keith Parker attended the banquet of the Sydenham Club at the Legion Hall in Owen Sound Tuesday evening. Mr- Jack Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Emerfeon Adams of Barrie spent th's week end at the former's parental home. Mr- and Mrs- J. Brackenbury, Mrs. Gordon McMullen, Mrs- W. Lever and Mrfe. Fi-ank Teeter were in To- ronto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards, Mr. P. iS. MacDougall and Mr- and Mrs. Alex. Alblerdein visited on Sunday with Lucknow relatives and friends. Mr. Norman Stoddart returned to his home here last week, having re- ceived his discharge from the RCAF, with which he has been for the past five yearte. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. .Aiberdein at- tended the 45th wedding anniversary celebration of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Marshall, in Nornjan- by Township, near Durham on Wed- nesday evening of last week. The "Happy Helpers" group of the CG.I.T. held their Mother and Daugh- ter Night on Monday evening at the home of their leader, Miss Kate Mac- millan- As a special feature of their entertainment the girls presented a puppet show- G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insurance business of Mr. Wm. Myers and am prepared to give the public first clafes service on their fire, accident and au- tomobile insurance policies. Consult me before you renew. I can place you in any of the better known com- panies, at the lowest rates obtain- able. Try a Small Advt- They bring results. B ATES FOR DOTS DUNDALK WALTER E. HARRIS Barrister and Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. LIGHTN4NG AND FIRE ARE DISASTROUS Consult GARNET MAGEE, Agent EUGEN lA AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, BURGLARY. PLATE GLASS AND GENERAL 'VSURANCE ConfMieration Life Inaaranee WM. K\1TTING LICENSED A U C T 1 N E E B for the County of Grey Farm and Stock a-ales our sii 'ally Terms: reasonable- Satisfaction li guaranteed. Date.^ arranged at Th< Adi'snce cfife or phon<< 4w. , Why Drive «A Run-Down" Car? Protect your transportation and your car's trade-in value by letting us give it the service it needs today. We have everything needed for the right servicing of all makes of cars. BRING IT IN TO US FOR ALL-ROUND SERVICE We are Service Headquarters â€" equipped and manned to provide the kind of work that saves and satisfies. Drive in today ! D. McTavish & Sons Flesherton, Ont. '^mn^ ^ n «jier lor soft ian»er$ » V»a«J^^ ^y;^ ISO feet °* ^ -ine ch««« *' B0«^ nrSTud that poj**^^,, d-rS- «» new ^-bo'ttoae »«^''='= '"1" /tj33^ »"â- â- 'â€"* I F. T. HILL & CO., Limited Y X Tailored & Dressmaker SUITS Are Fashion Favorites For This ««♦«♦««««««« We offer A Special Sale of 700 Blouses 1.89 Plain Tailored Lace Trims Jabot Front ^ Draw Strings Sizes 14 to 40 Regulars and Imperfects of $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 lines I A PERFECT MATCH FOR ANY SUIT | PLAIN CELANESE SHEERS PLAIN RAYON CREPES PLAIN AND PASTEL JERSEYS PRINTED RAYON CREPES ♦♦♦<•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦:• Also remember our OIL HEATERS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES RADIOS AIR CONDITIONERS are confirmed and on their way. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. Phone 7 Markdale t x « y