7> •if -* Wednesday, March 6, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 4k "Ojur Crust IS €>\xx ^acreb Care" OUR FUN'ERAL HOME AVAILABLE FOR YOUR oo^'^^:NIE^â- CE at no extra charge J^icbarbfii jTuncral ^erbite Phoae 78 FLESHERON Heated Ambulance; Prompt Service Day or Night J. A. RICHARDS FRED L. GORRELL R. G. RICHARDS THE Resherton Advance Pul>liahed oa CoUinr^TOod 1^ Flesberton, V iwtnâ€" day of mA week. Circoljtt:')]! OT«r T,10tk Price in Canada $2.00 per year, viien paid in adver-- |1J50; ia U. 3. A. $2.£0 per year, iriMB "aid in adrance *2.00. F. J. THURSTON, Editor THE LATE H. A. FALCONER Henry A- Falconer passed away at fcis home in Eugenia on Wednesday morning, Feb. 27th, in his 67th year, after only a month's illnes^. Deceased was the third youngest of the late Mr- and Mrs. George Falconer of Mono Road and was born on December 18th, 1879- He •was a member of the former Meth- odi&X church, later United, and was active all his life in church work. TTie late Mr- Falconer is survived by his wife, Levina. two daughters, Josephine (Mrs. Cecil Magee) . Louise i CMrti. Ted Campbell) and three sons, Harold and George, both of Eugenia, and Ted of Detroit. Gerald prede- ceased him by nine years and two babies in infancy- Surviving also are two sisters and two brothers, Mr^- Jos. Moore, Vamey, Mrs- Harry Richards, Mono Road, Tom of To- ronto and Charlie, Hanover. Henry A- Falconer grew up in Mono Road, and married Levina Harrison, only daughter of Mr- and Mrs EM- Harrison, Egremont. They RMide their home in Durham for many years- He was a member of l>urham C.O-F. and also served a's town constablr, there- Later he and bin family moved to Windsor and then to Euerenia, where he made his home until his death. The funeral service wa^ held in tiie United Church, Eugenia, on Friday. March Ist. with Rev. Dr. A- Tliomson officiating- Hymns sung were "Safe in the Arms of Jesus" and "Abi'le With Me." The^ie were requested by deceased- The choir •ang "Whispering Hope-" Inter- ment was made in Flesherton. Among the beautiful floral offer- falfs were tokens of Sympathy to the family from: Friends and Neighbors, I>i(reni« Power House Staff; Em- ployi-es of the American Car Load- ing Co., Detroit; First Baptist Church Choir, Detroit- The pallbearers were: Messrii. Fred Pedlar. Garnet Magee, E. Proctor, Ray Genoe, Roy MacMillan, Jacob Williams. Among those who attended the funeral from a distance were: Mr- Willi.s and Mr- and Mrs. Ttd Fal- coner, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs- Walter Hilliiird and Reta, and Mr. Allan Cftims. Schomberg; Mrs. McLaugh- lin, Tottenham; Mr- and Mrs. Ben Harri.'ion. Mr- and Mrs. Roy Wigg- ins and Mr- Wm. Jacques, Durham; Mr ThoR- Harrison. Mr- and Mrs- Elmor Harrison and Mr^. Jos. Har- rison. Pricevillp, and Mr. Herb Har- rison, Proton. THE LATE THOS. BEATTY It was with deep regret that friendVt U-arncd o^ the suddon pass- ing of Thomas Rontty, in his 70th yi-ar, on Tuesday morning, Feb. 10 On Monday afternoon he had gone to the post office for the mail and •cenied in good hrolth until near four o'clock in the morning- Dr- R- W- Lindsay of Dundalk was sirni- motKvl ai« quickly as possible, but Mr- Beatty had pased on before he arrived- Tlip funeral was held on Thursday, Prf) 2lHt, in Maxwell United Church, following n short sorVcc at the hoiis.-. Rev. O- W. Holmes conduct- ed both soraiccs- The Orangemen nnd the Masons attended the serv- lc<'» and the Orangemen conductwl the burial service at the cemotery- Thc flf>ral offerings were a piUow from the family; a basket from tho Long brothers: Chi-ster. Jim and Ah-l •nd wreaths from Mr. and Mrs- Jack BaaUy and children, the McLean ftmiily. Mr. nnd Mrs- Geo- Long, the Orafigemcn, Prince Arthur liodgc MARRIED IN ENGLAND \o. 333. A.F.&A.M-, F'esherton. Thomas Beatty was bom on the 3rd line of Osprey townbhip. As a young man he went to Michigan, where he worked in a planing fact- ory in connectioni with a saw mill- While there he was married to Eliz- abeth Long of Maxwell, the late Geo. Long of Maxwell being grooms- man. After three years' time he moved to Ashland, Wisconsin, for a couple of years, and then returned to Maxwell- Later he purchased a farm on the 8th line of Osprey, where he spent many years until moving to Maxwell village about two years ago- Mr- and Mrs. Beatty were planning to celebrate their gol- den wedding anniversary this Aug- u'st- For two years Mr- Beatty served the township of Csprey as councillor and three years as the assessor- He was a loyal Orange- man and had been a member of the Order since he was 15. He was also a member of Prince Arthur Lodge No- 333, AF-&A.M-, Flesherton, and of St- Mary's Anglican Church at Maxwell- He fs survived by his widow and three isons, Wesley, Toronto Police force. Fred of Maxwell and John of Owen Sound. A daughter. Mrs. Archie McLean, predeceased him- the week end in Toronto and attended the 'uneral of the former's father, w Messrfe. Clarence Londry, Gerald Cornfield and Art Slater of Thorn- bury were recent visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Beg Londry. Try a Small Advt- They bring results. Presbyterian Church Notes 7 Services on Sunday, March 10th, will be held at 11 a-m. at St. And- rew's Presbyterian Church. The Children's Hour, each Friday at 4:15 p.m-. when all children are invited to see picture!s on the life of Christ, and also pictures on a dif- ferent country each week. Tpr- Jos- A- Stain'sby, who arrived home from overseas, Fob. 4th, ana his bride, Olive Peggy Hughes, dau^ter of Mr. and Mrs- W. J. Hughes of Tunbridge Wells, England, following their marriage in St- Luke"^ church in that eity in December. The groom's brother, Sergt- Wm. Stainsby of the Provost Corps, and who arrived home several weeks before, was best man. They are feons of the late Mr- and Mrs- J- W- Stainsby. and grew up at Proton Station. Mrs. Lome HodgT ins of Owen Sound is a sis'^er. â€" Courtesy Dundalk Herald- MRS. MARK STEWART PASSES CEYLON (By Ceylon Reporter) This community learned with great sadness that Mrs. Mark Stew- art, a former resident, had parsed away on Sunday morning in her 85th year, after a gradual failing of health, at the home of her daughter, Edna (Mrs- Elmer Warling) of Mt- Dennis, formerly of Vandeleur. Mrs. Stewart was formerly Eliza- beth Quigg. second eldest daughter of the late Mr- and Mrs. Patrick Quigg, who resided on the west back- line. Artemesia township- Deceased spent the greater part of her life in Flesherton and Artemesia dfstrict, having married Mr- Mark Ste\>rart, also of Ailtemesia. some r,0 years ago- Mr. Stewart prede- deceased her in January, five years ago, at their home in Flesherton. where they had resided some 21 years- The earlier part of their married life was ^pent on their farm now owned by Mr- Ross Stevens- After Mr- Stewart's death, Mrs- Stewart resided with her daughter at Mt. Dennis. The late M^. Stewart was a devot ,„1 wife, mother, neighbor and friend .,nd many are the kindly deeds done ,,v those hands that were always ,-;.ady to help- Rbc was a member ,.f th.- Presbyterian Church and later tlK' United Church- I,pft to mourn are one dnughter, F.,lnn (Mrs. Elmer Warling). Frank- lin Beth. Patsy, Morton and Teddy Whirling, nl^o four sisters, Emm* mII Archie Stewart), Fle.herton; * •„ rMrs S- J. Swift). Toronto; , ,H (M^ Tohn Ringlnnd), McT^od. AU':. Tennie (Mrs. F. M _ Wur^ . nuff. Rask; and one brother- Mr- ,T„,-.v Quigg, Harriston Three ^i« l,.vs.' Margaret (Mrs- Andr^ Ben- ham). Knthorine .Mr. A- Sherson Mary (Mrs. A- Brooks), and one Srother, Thomas Quigg. -^^ I^TL ^ .hort service was held at the , ;^, „f h,r daughter on Monday ovoning. conducted by Rov ^a^e- The remains wore brought to Flesh „rton bv motor, when service was Md In St- JohnV United Church, rioted by Rev- Or /.Tbo~ Interment was made in Flesh-rlor. remetery Chapel- The pallbearers wore: M<>ssrs^ R"''^ Stevens. Ken Stewart. F. Thlbau- ,loHU. Mel. Hogarth. M- S- McUod, and J- P Stewart. The sympathy of this community goes out to the bereaved family and relativefe of the late Mrs- Mark Stewart, who passed away the first of the week at the home of her daughter, Edna (Mrs- E. Warling) Mt- Dennis Several of the pupils have been absent from school during the pe^t week, owing to the 'flu. We hope all may son be enjoying the lovely sunshine which we have this Mon- day morning. So very sorry to learn of the small attendance at the evening Service- Mr- 'Mould, the student minister, gave a splendid sermon. While we do some growling about the crow later in the season at pre- sent we are very glad to both bee and hear him and his pals. Mr- Wes Whyte of Priceville, re- cently returned from overseas, was a recent visitor with Mrt- M- Irwin and Mr- Will Burnett. Mr- Douglafe Heid and sons, Bobbie and Ian- are visiting friends in To- ronto this week- Mr- A. Sinclair. Dundalk, was a visitor last Thursday at the home of Jas- Sinclair- The many frienife of Mrs. A. Sinclair are sorry to learn of her illness, and hope that she will soon be in her usual good health- Mr- John McWilliam and MiSs Nancy McWilliam accomjwnied Pte. Chas. McWilliam to Hamilton on Sunday, where the latter was report- ing 'or discharge- Gnr- Fred Marshall reported to Hamilton on Monday. The many friend of Mrs. '^hos. Irwin arc glad to know that sae ife recovering from her recent illness. Mrs. Matt. Hunter, Brampton. vas a recent visitor with her father, Mr. J- Kennedy- Miss Marjorie Connell of Owen •^ound Vipent the week end with Mr- und Mrs. Wm- Cairns- Mr- and Mrs. Fred Amett and (laughter, Paye, of Durham spent Sunday with Mrs- Arnett's parents, Mr- and Mrs. Tho^s- Genoe- Th(< T.-adies' Aid met Thursday at the homo of Mrs- S- ,P- Hunt, with the president. Mrs- M Irwin, in phnrgp- Mrs- Will Gibson took the program and gave a very interesting rending, also conducted a contest, the winners being Mrs. J. McWilliam nnd Mrs- G. Jaynes- Mrs- Harry Huston and 'son. Archie and Mr- Earl McLeod of London :npnt the weekend at the home of Mr- Peter Muir. BUCKINGHAM spending some time with her par- ent^- Mr. and Mrs- Jos. Freethy, her husband having received notice the past week to report to Trenton. Rob Roy Farm Forum met in the hall on Monday last- Mrs- J- Baird spent the week end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs- J. McGibbon -near Springview. Mr. and Mrs- Herb Blakey visited over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Robt. Hill at Wareham- STEPHEN'S CORNERS We extend our sympathy to Mr. Tels- Allison in the death of his father, the late Job- Allison, who was 94 years of age- The funeral wes held in Toronto on Saturday. Miss Anna Lougheed has returned home, after spending the past week with friends in Toronto. Mr- and Mi^. Joe Porteous attend- ed the funeral of the late Mr. Harry Falconer at Eugenia on Friday- We extend our sympathy to the bereaved wife and family- Mr- and Mrs- Tels- Allison spent SUNWORTHY Wall Papers THE NEW 1946 DESIGNS ARE NOW IN STOCK AND READY FOR YOUR SELECTION- To make room for the new patterns our stor- age racks have been cleared of a number of older patterns which have been put up in bundles and are on sale at nominal prices. The suantities are suitable for small rooms, clothes closets, summer kitchens, etc. BRANDRAM-HENDERSON PAINTS and VARNISHES F LOOR WAX SELF-POLISHING WAX FURNITURE POLISH LEMON OIL LIQUID VENEER O'CEDAR POLISH PAINT CLEANER PAINT BRUSHES WALL PAPER CLEANER COLD WATER PASTE NEW PATTERNS CONGOLEUM RUGS 6x9 7^/2x9 12x9 9x9 10V2X9 15x9 F. H. W. Hickling General Merchant FLESHERTON, Ont. G.D.McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insurance business of Mr. Wm. Myers and am prepared to give the public first claSis service on their fire, accident and au- tomoiiile insurance pnlicic^s. Consult me before you renew. I can place you in any of tho better known com- panies, nt the lowest rates obtain- able. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hawton visit- ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- Ross Robinson, Rob Roy. Mr. Allan Tupling returned to To- ronto on Saturday, after Spending some time at his home here recuper- ating from an illness. Mr- and Mrs. Neil McDcrmid spent Sunday at the home of the latter's siVter, Mrs- Leonard Cox. ' Mr- and Mrs. John TupHng and Mr. James Conn spent several days last week in Toronto- Mrs. Rill OibVon and two children of Mapl(» Valley and Mr. nnd Mrs. Jnck Tlnirhson nnd son. Allan, of Singhompton, spent the week end with Mr. nnd Mrs. Brn Davidson and family- Mr. II- Rftdgorow recently retum- !â- '' from ovpr*«ons nnd with Mrs. Radi'oi-KW ind small son hnvc moved to their fnrm on the 10th line, which they purchased from Mr- Wesley Ffi'vceft. Mrs- Bill Sharpo nnd baby son are BANKM^PXJW 7^(^770^ The Canadian Bank of Commerce has pioneered by opening branches with the first rush to new mining fields. Cariboo, the Yukon, Cobalt, Northern Ontario and Quebec, Flin Flon and Yellowknife are only some of the names asso- ciated with its service to the mining industry. THE MINING INDUSTRY Contributes directly to the national wealth of Canada by the output of its mines. It also influences the economy of the entire Dominion; for it creates widespread employ- ment, purchases great quantities of food, clothing, machmery and equipment all over Canada, and builds and maintains whole communities which in turn add to Canada's prosperity. In its day-to-day operations mining requires many banking services. This is Banking in Action. 71 «A THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE R. B. HEARD, Manager 4 â- » « T â- » i -4 * 4> A *â- i