V THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 6, 1946 i See lu for | DIAMOND and WEDDING I RINGS i "Bridal Wreath" and "Blue Bird" | We also handle Bulova, Elco, Tissot, t Tavannes anl Lady May Watches | E. I. HOLLEY I DUNDALK i ♦ ^ ? LADY BANK 4k r March 4th. At present very spring- like wither. Mrs- Walter Wilson has invited the Providence Ladies' Aid to hei home on Wednesday, the Sth- This la the second meeting held at the Wilson home in the past four weeks, thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. BLANKETS SUver Grey ALL-WOOL BLANKETS 60x80 â€" 6 lb ^ 8.50 pair 64x84â€"7 Ih. $ 9.96 pair 68x8&â€" 8 lb *H.25 pair WHITE bC\NKETS 72rS4 â€" 7 lb $10-50 pair Pink and Blue Borders Red Indian ALL-WOOL BLANKETS With Black Borders 60x80â€"6 lbs % 9-75 pair 64x84â€"7 lbs $U.21 pair WHITE Pure-Wool BLANKETS With Colored Boniers 72x90â€"8 lbs Sl'.i>^ pair Plaid FLANNELETTE BL,ANKETS Rolse|White Blue|White 70x80 $2.35 pair Above prices are postpaio. Flesherton Woollen Mills Phone 25w FLESHERTON Many of those shut in> as well as th« farmers of this neighborhood, are thoroughly enjoying our recently opened road for car and truck traf- fic, by the Weber plow. Mr- and Mrs. Neil McKenzie and two ittle sons of Collingwood spent Sunday with Mr- and Mrs- Jas. McKenzie. Mr- and Mrs. Geo. Dobson spent Sunday with friends at Meaford. Mr- and Mrs. B- McConnell and family of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs- W. Semple, and Mr- Geo. McConnell with Mr. and Mrs- Percy Semple. Rev- Mr. Leary made the trip to Providence church on Sunday by car. through Maxwell and Eugenia. Rev. and Mrs- Leary and son. Paul, spent Suniiay with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple - Mr. Walter Lawler and sons of the 8th line are bufey taking out logs for Mr. Leslie Chard on the Robt. Cooper farm- Bill Phillips of Eu- genia is also assisting him- MAXWELL Mr- Wm- Kerton left on Monday for Bourlamac. Que., and a new job in the mining industry. He has been emi)loyed as a driver with Northern Transport. We wish him success in his new position. Miss Kay Bemrose of Toronto 'spent the week en^ at her home- Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grummett spent the week end at the home of Mr. Sam Grummett. Mr- Warren Priestley was a week end visitor at the home of Geo. LongC Miss Kathleen Morrfeon of Toron- to spent a few days at her home here- Her mother. Mrs. Angu'g Mor- rison, has been in ill health of late- We are glad to report her a's improving. A record flock of pheasants is reiportedt wintering in the water- works .grounds at Weterford, Ont. and deer in the enclosure are get- ting extremely tame. PAWLEIGH PRODUCTS This week will be your only chance to stock up on these familiar lines at worth-while priced- A few empty 5-gal- can still available. Use the phone anj tell me what you need. S. L. STAUFFER Phone 57w Fesherton, Ont. ROCK MILLS We have enjoyed a few fine days and it looks as though spring is not far away- Many of the birds have returned and crows ere here in large numbers. Farmer's are preparing for sugar making, which will likely commence within the nert few days. It should be a ?ood year for syrup, as there i? plenty of snow in the bush. The mill yard is beinar well filled with logs, in preparastion for a 'ong = «ison's sawing. Our sincere sympathy is extended to \rrs. H- .\. Falconer and family "f Eueenia in their 'sad bereavement Sv the passine of their beloved hus- band and father, the late Henry X- Falconer- Cnl. Bob Clark spent a couple of days with relatives in Owen Sound- Mr. and Mrs- Levi Duckett and Mildred of Maxwell visited on Sat- urday with friends here. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark were: Mrs. Wilils Cobum and two children of Markdale and L-.A.-C. Harold Clar*. of Rockcliffe. Mr- F- B- Keys, pastor here, vis- ited last week at the home of Mv and Mrs- Cecil Betts. Mr. Leslie Chard has sold h'"^ fine farm to Mr. Roy White and is now preparing to hold an extensive auc- ':ion tale in the near future- Leslie has bought the Jack Brackenbury residence in Flesherton and will move 'h?re after the salo- Small Advertisements bring quick ??ults- RED GROSS WORK cmitiHttiM, r • * A « > 9 â- 9 Only your continued support of the Red Cross can ensure that the splendid work being done for our sick and wounded veterans will be kept up. Your support will make possible such vital peacetime works as the upkeep of Outpost * Hospitals, the Peacetime Blood Donor Service, Nursing Services, Disaster Relief, the Visiting Homemaker Service, the Junior Red Cross, and many other services for the social betterment of our people. There will be no Red Cross drive for funds this year. Your continued membership in the Red Cross ts all that is asked. Minimum membership fee is one dollar. Your local Red Crosc Branch will provide you with further details. THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY EUGENIA We extend our sympathy to the family and relatives of the late Mr. Henry Falconer in their bereavement' Mr- Douglas Cairns has returned from Toronto, after receiving his honorable discharge from the Pro- vost Corps. Mr. Herb Haney, who has spent several months recuperating at his home here, returned to Toronto teat week- The H-E-P.C. linemen working here received an emergency call to repair some lines near Parts and left on Monday afternoon for a few weeks, when they intend to return to their work here- Miss Shirley Cairns has been ill for the past three weeks but is able to be out again. Mr- Dave Genoe has sold his farm CO Mr- ilussell Brocklebank. who takes possession April 1st. Mrs- Milie Doupe. Eva and John of Flesherton were Sunday visitors with ti»e former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt- Haney. The Victory Club of Nottawa held a "Welcome Home" party on Friday evening, March 1st, for a number cf their boys- Eldridge Boyce was a former resident of that place and enlisted from there. He and hfs father and brother. Fred, also Mr- Percy Semple. were in attendance at the reception and reported a very pleasant time- During the course cvf the evening a presentation was made to Eldridge. the Victory Club presenting him with a black leather- trimmed travelling cafee and the Council, on behalf of Nottawasaga township, gave him a Parker pen and pencil set. Two well-worded ad- dresses accompanied the gifts- Eld- ridge made a neat re^ly- thanking them for their kindness and express- ed his deep appreciation for the srifts. Mr- Thos. Stewart and Mr- Russell Johnson of Samia spent the week end at their homefe here. Mr- and Mrs- John Badgerow and Inez of the 4th line visited with Mr. and Mrs. C- Boyce on Saturday. The CGJ-T. met at the home of Mr- and Mrs- Ted Burton Monday evening. March 4th. with the bride- to-be. Selena Duckett. as guest of honor, who unwrapped the grifte presented to her- Miss M. Craig read the verses, which conveyed many eood wished- Lunch was served by Mrs. Burton and assistant, and a very pleasant time wafe spent. Mr- Glen Pedlar from near Niag- ara Falls spent the week end with his wife and other relatives here- PRICEVILLF Mr- and Mrs- Grant Stickney and baby. Dianne. of Palmerston spent a few days at the homes of Mr*. McLachlan and H. R- McLean. Mrs. McLachlan received word of the death of Neil McLachlan who died in the hospital at Calgary. He had undergone an operation on Feb. : 9th. He leaves two daughters: j Christena •;MrS. R- B. Brown) and j Minnie (Mrs. Walter Dixon) both of! Calgary, and one brother, Robert, of Calgary, and two sisters, Mrs- John I Beaton of N'obleton and Mrs- Thos. ; Bruce of Santa Monica. Calif. He ] was in his ;'>lst year- j Mr. Emerson Beaton spent a few | days in Toronto last week- I Mr%- Mary Whyte and Mrs- Jas. i Sturrock are patients in Markdale â- hospital and Mrs- Thos- Harrison in j Durham hospital- All hope for them j a speedy recovery. I Mr- and Mt^s- Bill Hill of Fergus ' spent Sunday at the home of Mr. H- R. McLean. \ Mr. and Mrs- Frank Wright vis- ited on Sunday with friends at Shelburne. Mr. Gordon Xichol. London, spent the week end at hi^ home. Loss wanted! HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for LOGS AND STANDING TIMBER Dundalk Saw Mills Phone 3. P.O. Box 292. BAXTER WRIGHT, Proprietor »,>«^<~><~:~:~:~>.><~>-X">-:~>'>x~>-x-:~:~:~:~>->*->'>-x««<-:~:~:-:~>->-:~>-><><>>** Where Are The Armies? During the war we were constantly reminded that certain armies of Britain were scattered over every part of the world. First and third in one place, eighth in another, and fourteen somewhere else. In be- tween we know very little ahout the other armies- We may have had a hazy idea that an army was being maintained in Indie, another in South .Africa, another in the south seas and others in various parts of the world wherever a little red patch appeared on he map- Now that the war is over, we would like to know just where these armies are- Canadians and .\mericanfe have been raising rumpuses demanding that they get back home. The British Tommy, however, carriefe on just the same. Only a day or two ago it was an- nounced that British and Colonial troops were being moved into Japaa so that Americans could go home. Ordinarily the British have always been regarded as a great sea power and their "contemptible little army* has been somewhat ignored. That same army today is scattered over all the world and they are still giv- ing good service without complaint. When it comes to really disciplined fighting men, the British have the world beaten hands down- They are not great in numbers, but they can always deliver the goods. â€" Burks Falls Arrow. B ATES FOR OOTS DUNDALK ♦ I I X 1 i t ♦ I It's DUNCAN s for HARDWARE We have your needs in POULTRY SUPPLIES TROUGHS FEEDERS ROYAL PURPLE REMEDIES CROSSCUT SAWS SWEDE SAWS .\.\ES Eveready A, B, C and Battery Packs Westinghouse and VerdAray Lamps STOVES HEATERS ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES To Make your Housecleaning Easier: S.W.P. and C-V PAINTS ENAMELS Best known brands of WAX and POLISHES Duncan's Hardware Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 F. McKenzie Duncan FLESHERTON •^^->•>•:~>.>^•x~^•>-x~:-^•^•^•x♦•:~^•>.^<~K~>•^•:~>•x••^♦•><~:-^•^<K•^•^vx~:~x-:•♦•^ # * ONTARIO DIVISION C BRUCE HILL, President •* » Small .Advertisements bring quick •?sults- Do Your DECORATING EARLY -oOo- SIN-TESTED WALLP.\PERS and PAINTS FOR SALE -oOo- Get in touch with ROACH BROS. Painters and Decorators DUNDALK Phone 88 Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. 7.40 p.m. To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at â- Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 Gray Coach Lines . -- ...t'L^fc*. -