Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 Mar 1946, p. 5

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« * THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, March 13, 1946 v^ I*: A See us for DIAMOND and WEDDING RINGS "Bridal Wreath" and "Blue Bird" We also handle Bulova, Elco, Tissot, Tavannes anl Lady May Watches E. Ij. HOLLEY DUNDALK % ROCK MILLS Many of the farmers have tapped •ndjied a good run last week- Miste Eleanor Russell of Owen Sound was a recent at her home- Mr-, and Mrs. Walter Akitt have been sipending a few weeks with re- altives in Toronto and |St. C3ath- arines. Miss Ada Atkinson of Fle^sherton called on friends here Saturday. Miss Ruby Dobson of Owen Sound spent the week end at her home- Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMafeter of Flesherton moved here lafet week to the house owned 'by Ken Betts. We welcome them to our midst- Mr- Ted Croft spent a few days in Hamilton and Toronto. Mis^ Marjorie Newell has return- ed home from Owen iSound and will remain with her mother for a week or two. Mr. Mannie Dabson and Miss BLANKETS Silver Grey ALL-WOOL BLANKETS 60x80â€"6 lb I 8.50 pair 64x84â€"7 lb- I 9.96 pair fl8sl8&--8 lb fU-3B pair WHITE BLANKETS 72r84â€" 7 lb flO-BO pair Pink and Blue Borders Red Indian ALL-WOOL BLANKETS With Black Borders «Ox80â€" 6 lbs $ 9-75 pair 64x84^7 lbs |11.21 pair WHITE Pure-Wool BLANKETS With Colored Borders 72x90â€"8 lbs fl4.96 pair flaid FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Rofee| White Blue | White TOxfiO '. $2-36 pair Above prices are postpaid. Flesherton Woollen Mills Phone 25w FLESHERTON Margaret Park and Mr- and Mrs- Dick Clark spent Saturday in Owen Sound. EUGENIA VICTORIA CORNERS Priceville I'resbyterian Notes Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. andJVIrs- Geo. Cairns and fam- ily and relatives in the sudden death of their dear son, Keith, who was accidentally killed while working in the bufeh on Monday- Mr- McCarthy and Miss Mary Mc- Kee of Toronto spent the weex end at the latter's home here. Miss Dorothy Genoe of Toronto spent the week end with her father- Miss Ifva Magee 'spent the past week in Toronto- Tpr- Norman Williams has gone to Toronto to take treatment for nervous trouble- We are pleased to report Mrs- W. Pinkerton and Miss Mary Stafford on the road to recovery after their illnetes. Sorry to report Mrs. Garnet Ma- gee and Mrs. E- Baker on the sick list, but we wish them a speedy re- covery. Mr- Lome Heeney of Toronto spent the week end with his wife and little daughter, Judy- Mr. Art Proctor of Waubaushene ife spending a few days at his home here before goin^g to the Hydro plant at Hanover, to where he has beer: transferred. Little Miss Donalda McDonald is back to school again after her illness with flu- Maple syrup making fs the order of the day in this community- Mr. Murray Williams has secured a position in Toronto. a D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I have taken over the insurance business of Mr. Wm. Myers and am prepare-d to give the public first clafes service on their fire, accident and au- tomobile insurance policies. Consult me before you renew. I can place you in any of the better known com- panies, at the lowest rates obtain- able. For Rural Telephone Service One Customer Writes: "Devise some means so that if neighbours must listen in, they can at least repeat correctly what they heard." BEHIND this half-joking suggestion is one of the most serious of all causes of dissatisfaction on the part of rural telephone subscribers . . . the "listening-in" habit. If you find someone already on the line, please make it your rule always to hang up immediately, lour neighbours will appre- ciate it... and are more likely to grant you privacy when you have occasion to call. We«ther in our fair land has been very spring-like of late- Snow sank quickly and fields became partly bar- ed- Our spring bird friends rejoined ua even; the occasional ground hog submerged from his winter quarters to visit the outdoor world- Maple syrup enthusiasts commenced collec- ting all necessities and hiking away to the bush where they tapped and with fair results too. March however intervened and brought forth one of her treiditional blu'stry days on Sat- urday, only to be outdone by more springlike weather Sunday and today (Monday), the' slightly colder than wvis the weather last week. Sickne(ss and accidents still prevail concerning our midst- To all the in- flicted we wish for a speedy recov- ery- Mrs. Clayton Betts has receiv- ed word that her brother, Pte- Ken Sims, who had been dangerously ill, due to diphtheria and pneumonia, in a hosiptal in Belguim Since last De- cember, has recovered sufficiently as, to be moved' to a Canadian hospital in England- Tho' Improving. Ken is still a bed patient- Our hope is that he may make rapid progress now so as to permit his return home to Canada in the very near future- Master Bert Stinson who was strick- en with a rheumatic heart condition three weeks ago has been forced to •emain in bed and very quiet during' the three weeks and for another week yet at least. The doctor's re- port yesterday noted a decided im- provement ifi Bert's condition. Bert's grandfather, Mr- Albert Stin- son, has not enjoyed good health all winter and had the doctor tjall on him on Sunday- Mr. Wm- Moore, resident of our community, until a few month's ago, now residing with his daughter X^rs- Bert Hodgins, Proton Station, suffer- ed a bad heart attack early last week. His condition is much improved â- again. MrS- J- H- Richardson has been in quite poor health, a result of the flu. Mr. Russell Acheson's friends are sorry to learn of his mJs- fortune at Dundalk Arena on Tues- day night. Russell is one of the stal- wart defence playerS with the Dun- dalic Beaver hockey team- In fest play Tuesday night he collided with a Shelbourne player- Russell suffer" ed a bad gash in his head necessitat- ing stitching by Dr. T- P. Carter- Slight concussion was th^ medical term given- RusSell is making satis- factory progress at his home- Mr. Wm. Duncan has been in Markdale Hospital the past week and ;i half having undergone two opera- tions. Hi's condition was satisfac- torily improved yesterday, allowing him to return to his home. Mrs- John Duncan visited her aunt, Mrs- George Hutchinson. Flesherton, on Sunday, while Mr- Duncan went to Markdale for hfs brother- Will. Miss Raye Smith. Neustedt ,was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs- Wil- fred Gallagher- Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson received a pleasant surprise last week when their son, L.A.C. Glen Jackson, who has been stationed for the past six months in Alaska, arrived home- Hi's discharge is coming up in the near tuture- Glen's brother, Harold, who returned from overseas sometime ago reSumed his pre-war position at Al- liston. with the J. E. MoCaque Co., last Monday, March 4- Harold re- turned to his home on Saturday eve- ning and left for Toronto this a.m , where he will attend to military mat- ters. Following this interview he will return to Alliston later in the ^veek. Sgt. Edgar Boyd, recently returned from overeas to hi's home in Toronto- visited a few days the end of the week with Mr- and Mrs- Art Jackson and family- Other guests of the -Jackscn family «t preSent are Mis. Fred Bellamy and two little daugh- ters of Everette. A farm land exchange wasj recently when two Toronto youths- I Messrs. Robson and Kivell purcha'setl from Stanley Drummond the proper- ty formerly owned and operated by Mr- and Mrs. Merritt Nicholls. These young men came to reside here about two weeks age. Mr. Drummond has gone to live in Owen Sound. To all we wish a goodly measure of success- Messrs. Roteon and Kivell spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. Wm G. Talbot and Laurene. visited Sunday with the former's (laughter and familj- Mr. and Mts. Clem Livingstone. Corbetton. A number from here attended the highly successful sale of Mr. Jas. 1 Oldfield in the Corbetton district- on I Wednesday of last week- i Miss Vio^'" Rich.irdson- Toronto.] came up Friday evening to spend iho . week end with her mother. Mi's. J. H. Richardson- Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bradley. Barbara and San- , dra, Etabicoke- motored up to spend the day. Viottai returning with them The Priceville weekly "Children's Hour" will be held on Friday at -1:15 at the Manse- All children of the community are welcome- Pictures on "The Life of Christ" and on "The Highroads and Bypaths of India'' will be shown. Friday, March 15th, St- Andrew's Church Young People's Society will meet at the manse at 8:30 p-m. ThiS will be an educational programme- Slides and curren.t events- All mem- bers and friends are urged to at- tend- Sunday, March 17th, service o± worship at 11 a.m. Mr. William D- Halliwell, the minister will preach on the second in serieS of sermons "The Purposes of Calvary". Come Let US Wors,hip. Sunday evening. Miss Anne Stinson entertained five girl friends, MisSes Jean and Gladys Love, Christena Duncan, Ruby Cope- land and Peggy Linton at her home on Sunday afternoon- The occasion was also Donnie Stinson's birthday inniversary- Mr. and MrS. Tom Copeland and family, Swamp College, visited on Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mi-s- Eniie Stewart and Mr- and Mrs- Jos. Cope!and. Mr. Fred Bannon was a week end visitor in Toronto- (Intended for Last Week) Friday evening was the Valentine social at the home of Mr. and Mrs- John Duncan^ w'hen there was a good attendance and a splendid time enjoyed by all. Proceeds of the evening were in aid of the IniS- tio^e Sunday School. M'iss Viotta Richardson visited over the week end with her mother- Mrs- J- H- Richardson. Mr. and Mrs- Bert Henderson, Pte- Eldon Henderson, Pte- Tracey and MrS- Melenson and little son, Sunday with their little grandson and nephew, Master Bert StinSon, who is a patient at his home here- Miss Ina Acheson has recently been a visitor in the home of Geo. Moore and John Duncan- Mrs. Madill. Toronto, iS a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jackson. MiSs Evelyn Gallagher, Wareham. visited at the week end with her grandparents, Mr- and Mrs- Wifred Gallagher, and attended the Valen- tine social Friday evening- Mfss Muriel Talbot left Friday for Clarkson. where she will be on the staff of the Bell Telephone for a period of from four to six weeks- SOBND IN YOUR RENEW AL- Do Your DECORATING EARLY -oOo- SUN-TESTED WALLPAPERS and PAINTS FOR SALE oOo Get in touch with ROACH BROS. Painters and Decorators DUNDALK Phone 88 Loss wanted' HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for LOGS AND STANDING TIMBER Dundalk Saw Mills Phone 3- P.O. Box 292. BAXTER WRIGHT, Proprietor ♦♦4"»<K~:~M«^«4"><K'"><K'><KKKK«*<K"KKKKK«**-:'*^ C EYLO N Mrs- Dalton Marshall and children of Bala are visitors at the home of Mr- and Mrs- Robt. Rutledge- Mrs. George JayneS and little daughter, Sandra, spent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mrs- Emerson Adams and Mr. Jack Adams of Stayner were week end visitors with Mr. and MiS- Dave Adams. Pte. Fred Marshall who has been in Hamilton spent the past week end at his home here, leaving for Toronto the first of the week. The LadieS' Aid held a pleasant crokinole party last Thursd&y even- ing in the school- Mr- Harry Quigg of Harriston was a recent visitor with friends in this community. Mr- and Mrs- M. T- Hogarth and daughter, Mary, and Mr's. A- Stewart motored to Harriston last Sunday- Messrs. Lloyd Archibald. Toronto, and Harvey Archibald of Agincourt spent the week end with their mother, Mrs- C- .Archibald. Mrs- Leslie Edwarcfe and son, Mur- ray, are visiting friends at Pever- sham this week- Miss Marie Meads of Tottenham Spent the week end at her parental iiome. Mrs. Thos. Genoe visited recently with her daughter, Mrs- James Patt- inson and Mr- Pattinson of Owen Sound- Mrs. A- Stewart returned Friday after two weeks Spent at Dundalk and is now visiting friends at Harr- iston. The sincere sympathy of this com- munity is extended to Mr- and Mrs. George Cairns and family and friends in the sudden death of their youngest •iion- Keith- Mr- and Mrs. A. E. Goessell are vi.siting friends in Toronto this week, Happy birthday to Mrs. J- Knox. who celebrated her 8t0h birthday on Sunday. Mrs- Knox is residing by lierself and doin^f her own house- work. Mrs- M- Gilchrist of Dundalk spent the week nd with Mrs- Knox- L-A.C- R. F. Whittaker of Toron- to visited at the 'RTiittaker home over the week end- L.A-C. Whittaker is the Son of Spurgeon Whittaker, who resides near Vancouver, B.C- Daily Bus Service Now In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. To Owen Sound b 12.05 e 4.05 p.m. g 8.40 p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 only Gray Coach Lines *****+**4 l.^4,4.^^.4.4..;.,:..^^>.j..>.»x>*:..>.>^.><x*^<t Check Your Needs at DUNCAN'S FOR THE BABY CHICKS Coal and Electric Brooders Galvanized Roof and Stove Pipes Feeders, Water Founts Charcoal, Cod Liver Oil ROLLER KO-\'rERS CLEAN UP, PAINT UP Paints, Enamels, Varnishes Nu-Wall Washable Water Paint Floor Wax, Polishes, Mops Paint and \\'allpaper Cleaners PAIXT BRL'SHES Special Values â€" 40 oz. Lemon Oil and Polishing Cloth 59c 40 oz. Wax Remover and Floor Cleaner 29c See our line of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, STOVES ASD HEATERS Order your Frost Fence anl Oates for Sprinjj while we have a large stock on hand DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Frank W. Duncan F. McKenzie Dunoam Phone 54 FLESHERTON 1- $

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