'®l)je /kslj^tlM ^ Jtronc^* - VOIv. 65; NO. 42 FLESHERTON. ONT., WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1946 vV, H. Thurston & Son. Publishers Died Village Council Meeting HATTON ^ being made in Markdale Cemetery. in Memoriani In Markdale Hospita' I The Council of the VUlajje of on ^turday, March 16th, 1946. R<A- Flesherton met on March 12th, when ertHatton. The funeral took place the following correspondence waS Tuesday March mh, in Oliver's read. County assessors, letter re funeral Chapel, Markdale. interment presentative to Assessor's meeting; the Hotel Dieu Hospital, re Mts. Mc- Rae. It was moved and seconded that the Asseis'sor attend the meeting to be held in O'wen Sound shortly. The Clerk was delegated to write the Hotel Dieu in regard to Mrs. McRae. The following accounts were pass- ed and ordered to be paid by motion of Mr- Boyd and Mr. Brackenbury: Ford Garage, $23.90; Wallace Ham- itlon, Snow plowing, $92-00; Mervin McPadden, snow plowing, $4.00; Wm. Kaitting, mileage to Markdale, re trial, $1.00; Department of Health, insulin, $3.15; H- A- McCauley, snow plowing, $12-75; George Buchanan, auditing, $50-00; Wallace Hamilton, wood, re relief, $10-00; C- J. Kenn- edy, account relief, $23-40- Account of the Toronto General Hospital was sent to the County Clerk after being confirmed by the Reeve. A Deputation from the Flesherton Branch of the Canadian Legion wai^ : esent asking for a grant for Legion lall. The following hydro accounts were passed and the Reeve and Clerk signed cheques for the pay- ment of same; Collector of Customs and Revenue, $34-87; Line & Cable, acceslsories, $1-61; G. B. Welton, sal- ary for February, $2000, and ex- penses paid out by him for February, 1946, $16-00 and e-xpress, $1-30. NEWlSLL â€" In loving memory of our dear father, William J. Newell who passed away March l®th. 1845. Today we are thinking of someone Who was loving, kind and true, Whofee smile was as dear as the sun- shine. Dear father, that someone was you. If ell this world' belonged to us We would give it, yes and more, To feee your smiling face again And meet you at the door- You left behind you aching hearts That loved you most sincere, We never did, and never will, Forget you, father dear- Lovingly remembered by Daughter, Florence and son-in-law, Earl, and family. In Meraotiam NtEiWBEIiL â€" In loving memon-y of a dear husband and father, Wiliam J- Newell, who passed away March 18th, 1945- No one knows how much we miss you No one knowfe the bitter pain We have suffered since we lost you. Life has never been the seme- In our hearts your memory linger^ Sweetly tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear father, That we do not think of you. Sadly missed Iby his Wife, Annie, Marjorie and Ted. Kimberley Took Rocklyn (By Kimiberely Reporter) In a closely contested game played on Markdale ice, Kimberley defeat- ed Rocklyn 8-5. Joe Gibson scored twice for Kimberley and Wonch got one for Rocklyn to make the score 2-1 for Kim'berley at the end of the first period. The second period ended with the score tied 4-4- Jack Falls, Wiley, and Wonch each Scored for Rocklyn while Gord Chard and Bill Lawrence got the two Kimberley counters. In the first few minutes of the third period G. Chard again scored for Kimberley and Wonch immedi- ately tied it up again, getting his third goal of the evening- In the final half of the period Kimberley had a decided edge on the play keep- ing Rocklyn bottled up in their own end of the rink most of the time- Gibson, Lawrence and G- Chard each scored again to make it 8-5- Rocklyn: Goal, Elwood Fallfe; De- fence, Yeadell and Jack Falls; cen- tre, Wiley; Wings, Cools and Wonch; Alternates, Gardiner, McKinnon, Clark, McConnell and Thompson. Kimberley: Goal, Morwood; de- fence, Hodgkinson and R- Chard; cen- ti-e, Lawrence; wings, G- Chard and Gibson; alternated, K. Chard. Ellis. Haines, and Kirkpatrick- Flesherton Association Elects Officiers In Toronto Mr. Albex-t LeGard was elected as president of the Toronto Bi>anch of the Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Association held in St- Christopher's Settlement House in Toronto Friday evening of last week. There was a splendid attendance of former resi- dents and otherfe at the meeting and much enthusiasm was expressed for "Get-to-gether" to be held in Toronto on Sunday, June a3rd. All are urged to keep that date open and plan to attend the gathering- The following officers were elected to head the Association for the com- ing year; President â€" Albert LeGard- Vice-President â€" Wm- Hemphill- 2nd Vice-President â€" Bob Brodie. Treasurer â€" Kenneth McKee- Secretary â€" Dell Thurston- Executive â€" Bob Blackburn, Joe LeGard, Geo- Phillips, Dr. Fred W- Murray, Mrs- Edith Phillips. Mrs. Lillian Brown, Mrs- Maddocks. Mrs. Etta McCowell, Mrs. Alva Houden, and Mr's. Mabel MacDonald. The executive will meet in two weeks to make plans for June 23rcl. United Church Notes Future Events SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Enjoy yourself at the Saturday night dance in Fraternal Hall. Flesh- erton to the Golden West Mountain- eers' orchestra- DUNDALK DANCE Saturday Night dancing to the music of Murray Simmions and His Orchestra, March 2@rd, Dundialk. Admission: 50c. SINGHAMPTON DANCE Dance in Hammill's HalL Sing- hamipton, Friday night. March 22, 1946- Music by Dermottis Orches- tra- Bancing: 9-1. Admission: 50c EUCHRE PARTY The 0-E-S- will hold a Euchre Party on Thursday, March 21st, at 9 p-m-, in the Fraternal Hall, Flesh- erton. Good prizes. Lunch served. Everybody welcome. The mid-week meeting for prayer and Bible study will be held on Thursday, March 21st at eight o'clock at the home of Mr. John McMillan. The subject for Wtudy will be the 13ith chaipter of Revelations. Ne(xt Sunday the subject of Dr. Thomson's address will be, "Why Be A Christian?" Card of Thanks May we take thife small way of thanking all our neighbors, friends and relatives for the kindness shown us, for the beautiful flowers and es- pecially to all the men who worked Iso hard to open the road during our sad bereaevment. â€" The Cairns Family and Lois. Engagement Mr- and Mrs. Chris. Lougheed ot Max^vell wish to announce the en- gagement of their youngest daugh- ter, Anna Geraldine, to Mr. John Ediward Blakey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blakey of Portlaw, the marriage t take iplace quietly the end of March. Loss WANTED^ HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for LOGS AND STANDING TIMBER Dundalk Saw Mills Phone 3. P.O. Box 292. BAXTER WRIGHT, Proprietor A I I ? y I I Funeral ,of Keith Cairns (By Ceylon Reporter) One of the largest funemls ever held in Flesherton wafe' that' of Rich- ard Keith Cairns, held last Thursday afternoon at 2.30 in St. John's United Church, Flesherton. Rev. Dr. Thomson, pastor of St. John's church, preached a comforting sermon and was assisted by Mr. F. B- Keys, pastor of Cedarside Baptist Church, who read the Scripture and Rev- Geo. R. Service of Hamilton, a former pastor, who spoke a few words of comfort to the family and alfeo led in prayer- Mr. Melville Buchanan sang "Crossing The Bar"- The pall bearer's were: Messrs. Eddie Genoe, Laurie Genoe, Levi Stafford, Isaac Snell, Milford Piper ind Clarence Hamilton- The beautiful floral tributes were silent messages of eteteem, among them being tokens from Gravel Road North Ladies' Aid group; St- John"^ United Church, Artemesia Council. West Backline neighbors, Ceylon friends, Flesherton friendfe, Lambton- KingSway Public School- Friends and relatives attending the funeral from a distance were from Buiflfalo, Toronto, Hamilton Dundalk, Gait, Owen Sound, Tod- morden. Durham, Markdale, Fever- sham, Thornbury, Collingwood and Holland Centre, and Stayner. The symipathy of this community is ex- Iiended' to the bereaved- The accident which caused Keith's death occurred while his neighbor- Mr. Jafe. McMullen was notching a tree preparing for cutting, while Keith was standing close by watching, with the cross cut saw in hi's hands, when a limb about thirty feet up came loose and fell, striking him on the head. Death occurred about n hour later, without him regaining consciousne'ss. It takes two to make a marriage a single girl and an anxiou's motber. ^^^t^^t^it^it^M^^ii^^QtiZ'^y<'y^ltf^y^l»*y*^y*'^Z*^*X»*i^^^^^it^^ OEMBNT BLOCKS â€" We mr.iv facture cement bricks and block supply any amount, r.-ck f-K' plain, any size from 4 to 12 in., power made â€" Orval MacDomald- Box 208, Durham, Ont. 42ip6 Jos. Strain Dies In U.S.A. Joseph H- Strain, born at Flesh- erton, passed away at his home at Anaconda, Montana, on Friday, Feb- iTth- He started his career as a merchant as an apprentice in Flesh- erton. He went to Salina, Kansas, where he met Miss Helena Rutledge, a native of \\h home district, and was married Feb. 10th 1891- Later they went to St. Louis and Minot. N- D-, before coming to Anaconda in 1898- Mr. Strain operated the Strain's store at Cherry street and Park av- enue for many years and became a prominent businessman in the com- munity. His brothers, W. J. and Herbert Strain, operated the Strain Bros, stores in Great Falls, Helena •and Billing's. He retired from business several years ago and has been living with Mrs. Strain at 512 Oak street. They celebrated their golden wedding an- nivertary in Anaconda February 10, 1941. Mr. Strain was presented with a 50 year pin by Acacia Lodge No. 33. A.F. & A.M., January 15. 1943. He became a Mason in Minot June 23, 18S2, and was permitted to join the Anaconda lodge in 1900. He was an active member of the Rotary club and the Methodist ch.'^vch. Mr. and Mrs. Strain quietly ob- served their 55th wedding anniver- sary last Sunday. He would have been 83 on June 8. Surviving in ad- dition to his widow, Mrs. Helena Strain, are three brothers. Dr. Earle Strain of Great Falls, Dr. J. E- Strain of North Bonneville, and W. '. Strain of Palo Alto, Calif.; two â- inters. Mrs. Sarah Trumbull, Palo. Alto, and Miss Claivi Strain of llerkflcy. a:;ci a number of nephews and nieces. PRICEVILLE The Y-P-S- met last week at the manse, when a very interesting pro- gramme was prepared by the con- vener, Mrs. Dick Carson- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Duxbury and Joe Wright spent the week end at Shelbume- Mr. Gilvray McLean. Toronto, spnt the week end at the home of his father, Mr. H. R. McLean- Mr- Angus McVicar and sister, An- na, Toronto, spent the week end with their father, here- Mr. and Mrs- Q. A. Black, Helen, Leonard and Beryl of Swinton Park visited Sunday at the home of A- L- Hincks. We are glad to report Mrs- Courtz, who was operated on recentlj' in Ow- en Sound hospital, is improving. Mr. Leon-ard McArthur, Toronto, spent a few days with hife aunt, Mrs. A. McArthur, Town Line. A number from here attended the funeral on Thursday of the late Keith Cairns- Sincere sympathy is extended to the bereaved parents and family in their time of sorrow. Sympathy is also extended to Mrs- I. B. Whittaker in the death of her brother- \vhc.=e death occurred in Toronto last week. Mrs. A- McLean and son- Earl, vi- ~it?d last week in Toronto. Mr. Ken Nichol has purhased the truck from Mr. Dick Carson. The back roads are open for motor traffic again and ears are running to and fro'. The W.MS. and WH. Societies are meeting Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John \\Tiyte- Mr. John Shortreed and sister, \nnie. visited Sunday at the home nf H. R- McLean. CEYLON VANDELEUR ST. CLAIR AVE MMARDAVCil "ILOOU ST. < 1» CENTRAL LOCATION Our convenient location is readily accessible by the city's leading auto- mobile and street car thoroughfares. Bates and Maddocks FUNtRAL CHAPEL 124 Avenue Rd. KI-4344 The Late Mrs. Guy Hazard Thef funeral of the late Mrs. Guy Hazard, who passed away on Mon- day of last week, was held in the Cedarside Baptist Church, Mr. F- B- Keys, the minister, conducting the service, the church being filled to capacity. Interment was made in Flesherton Cemetery Chapel. The palbearers were: Messrs. Bert W. A. Hawken, T. J. Fisher and Tohn Gibson. Among the beautiful floial offer- ings WHS a spray from the neighbors, and a wreath from the Flesherton Women"^ Institute. The late Mrs. Hazard was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Price Teeter and was born on the East Backline, Artemesia, and was in her 55th year. She was married to Mr. Guy Hazard of Artemeisia on February 19th. 1930- who sur- vives, together with one daughter;, Mife. Ted Fawcett, of Wodehouse. She also leaves three brothers and one sister: William and Wilfred o^ Feversham, Louite of Artemesia att Nettie (Mrs. Harold Morrison) t Toronto, all of whom attended the funeral. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral were Mv .John Gi'bsoii of nurham "and Mi- Jim WiRson and Mr. Clarence A!"-' ander of Owen Sound- The Farm Foum met on Monday evening, March 18th at the home of Wm- Ratcliffe, when one of the most interesting discussion^ of the series took place on the subject "Agricul- ture should make every effort to increase production ana immediate action 'should be taken to create an international pooling device for the handling and distribution of food surpluses and to stabilize prices to both producers and consumers." The Forum would like to see rationing gradually eliminated, but would be willing to continue after the post- war period, if it would help the world food situation- The secretary reported that the Department of Health had approved the School Dental Clinic and the plan was now ready for operation- also that there would be another film showing in the Community Hall on Friday evening, April 5th. Billie Johnston pre'sided and Dora Poland conducted a couple of contests and gave a reading- The next meeting will be held in the Community Hall. Thursday afternoon of last week members of the W. I. held a quiltina at the home of Mrfe. F. R. Boland. Mr. Reid and family have moved from Meaford to their new home on the 12th line, which he recently pur- chased from Mr. Jas. Harbottle. The young people of the commun- ity held a social evening and danc in the hall Friday evening last. [n Memoriam TURNER â€" In loving memory of my dear sister, Betsy Turner, who passed away one year ago March 19th, 1946. She was taken with out any warning, Her going left hearts filled with pain, But though she is gone from among us. In our hearts she will always re ruain. i â€" Ever remembered by her Sister, j Mary. Mr. Will Stewart of Toronto is visiting with Mr- and Mrs. Kea Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Thos- Genoe visited on Sunday with their daughter, Mrs^ Fred ArneDt and Mr. Amett and. daughter, Faye, in Durham. Mrs- Luther Duckett te-pent several day last week in Toronto visiting friends there. Mr. Leslie Edwards of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs- Ed- wardfe and son, Murray- Good luck to thofee who are in the- maple syrup game- Miss Helen Duckett spent tJie week end at her parental home- Mrs- Douglas Reid and son, Bobby and Ian have returned after fe.pend- ing some time with her husband In Toronto- Mrs. John Gibson spent the week end with friends at Brampton. Mrs- R. Campbell and Misfe Ruby Campbell of Hopeville district visit- ed on Monday with Mr- and Mrs. John McWilliam- Miss Agnes MacPhail and Mrs. Murd Reany and Miss Jean Reany of Balmerston called on friends in this village and community latet Sunday. Mrs- L- W. Torry, Mr- and Mrs. .Jack Torry of Markdale visited on Sunday with Mrs. H- Piper. Mrs. F. Marshall spent the week end at the home of Mr. P- Muir. Mr. and Mr's. Emerson Wright and' children and Mrs. Wright of Fever- sham visited last Thursday at th« home of Mr- S. Hemphill. Dr. Sherman Piper of Toronto .spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collin'son. Mw. Piper and little daughter, Judith Lynn, returned with Dr. Piper to Toronto, where they will reside- Mr- Lloyd Archibald spent the week end with Mr- and Mrs- Earl Maycock at Dundalk. Mrs. Thos. Brady- Miss Jean Mc- Mullen and Mt- Gordon McMullen, Toronto, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrt. Jas- McMullen- Capt Sherman Piper- Toronto, spent the week end here- Mrs- Piper and little daughter, Judith Lynn, re- tured with Capt. Piper, to Toronto, where they will reside. FEVERSHAM Priceville Presbyterian Notes The Children's Hour will be con- ducted by the minister on Friday at the manse, at 4:15 p-m. The theme, "Jesus The Lover of Men". Pictures on Christ's ministry will be shown, also a number of slides on Central an.-i South .America- Sunday next will be the third Sun- day in Lent- Service of worship at U am- The sermon will be another of a series in relation to "The Pur- twee's of Cahrary." Spr. Sheldon Mills, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mills, who recently re- turned after over a year's sei-vice overseas, reported last week in Toi- onto, where he will receive his dis- charge from the army. He will re- main in Christie St. Hostpital to be treated for minor injuries revealed by the X-Ray. Mr- Bill Burke, who has been spending his leave with his parent's, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H- Burke, left Thursday of last week and returned to his civilian employment, with the Bank of Toronto, in Owen Sound. Mrs. C. N- Long and son. Bob, are spending a week at the homes of the former's daughters, Mrs. Thos- Rice and Mrs- Bill Reid, in Hamilton and Mrs- Jas. Robertson in Guelph; another daughter, Mrf. Bob McQuay, with her children, Ger- ald and Sandra. Collingwood, fs st>aying with her father- Mr- C- N. Long and Ken and attending to th« household duties while Mrs. Long is away. Miss Isabel Torrie of the Bank of Toronto Staff here spent the week end with her parents, in Markdsle. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby and Marion and Mr. and Mrs. F- W- Hannah and Warren visited Sunday with rela- tives and friends in Bnrrie. John Stewart. 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stewart, who has been ill in Markdale hofeipital f-^r about four months returned home Sunday but is still confined to his bed. We hope John soon recovers entirley. Mr. Guy Kaitting and niece, Mrs. Grace Hindle, Duncan, viteited Sun- day- with Mr- and Mrs- George Burke. Card c? Thanks I wish to ex.press my aipp>reciatkm and gratitude to neighbors and friends for the many acts of kintU ne-ss tendered t'o Mr's. iHazard during her illness, and for the many kind. expressions of sympathy tendered to me in my bereavement. â€" Guy Hazard