Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1946, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON .ADVANCE Wednesday, March 27, 1946 7 > *â-  >» A See US for DIAMOND and WEDDING RINGS V "Bridal Wreath" and "Blue Bird" % We also handle Bulovaj Elco, Tissot, t Tavannes anl Lady May Watches | E. I.. HOLLEY I DUNDALK I 8TH LI NE O SPREY An enjoyable evening of euchre was spent at the home of Lloyd Stephen's Friday evening, with Mr- and Mrs. Russell Hudson as the lucky winners. Mrs- Neil Thomp'son of Singhamp- ton spent a day last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawler- Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mi's. Jas. J. Ottewell were: Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Armstrong of Thombury. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Armtetrong, Donna and Laurie of ColIingTivocd, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary of Feversham. Mrs. P. J. Somers of Mildmay spent the week end at her home here. Mr- Someife also returned home last Monday after spending the winter at Mildmay. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ottewell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stephens and Mary spent Saturday in Barrie. A number from this line attended the presentation at Eugenia Friday evening for Mr. and Mr^s <^. Hutch- inson (nee Selena Duckett)- We wish to congratulate them- Mr. and Mrs- Jas- Ottewell visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur White at Col- lingwood on Friday Mr. D. Stephens attended the meeting of the Co-operative Pack--*: .on Saturday. Apparently the contention is that everybody should get more for what he produces and pay less for what he consumes. FEVERSHAM Miss' Dora Shortt, Shelbume, vis- ited last Thursday at the home of lier sister, Mrs. Rozell Gonn. The Ladies' Aid monthly meetins was held at the home of Mrs- Elliott Legate with 10 in attendance. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrt. F. W. Hannah. Mrs. Dave Jenkins of Magnetawan arrived last week to visit a month with her cousin, Mrs. J. Edgar and Mr. Edgar. Miss Laverne Smith, Kincardine, spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr- and Mrs. John Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Montgomery and Carole of Dundalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jate- Lon«. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby. Owen Sound, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eby were Sunday vfsitors with them. Mr. Bill Burke of the Bank of Tor- onto staff. Owen Sound, spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. John McLean and Ruth visited Sunday with Mrs- Min- nie McLean in Collingwood. Proton Women's Institute HAPPY RESULTS Impossible accomplished On March Srd, 1946, « client wrote us â€" "Cheque received. You are wonders. I made every effort to collect this but failed, and concluded it was impossible. Thanks." This Same effective service is availabe to you. KELLY & AIKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, Ont- The March meeting wa% held at the home of Mrs. A. Idle, with fif- teen ladies present, and the presi- dent, Mrs. McLean, presiding. The roll call was to be ariswered by an Irish joke or pay a fine. The fineg tvere more numerous. A letter was read from Mrs. Garnet Smith, thanking the Priceville W. I- for the two quilts feent ber following the disastrous fire, which destroyed their home and contents. Mrs. Boice read a radio address of Dr. J. Weisbbin. which had _ been given over radio station CKNX. Mrs. Jas. McDougal read a paper on "The Life of St. Patrick"; Miss Margaret McArthur read a poem "Opportunity"; M?s^ .A.nna Short- roed favored with a readinjr "PesrEry Prom Emerald Isle," and Miss Shortreed also conducted a very successful content. The meatinsr crime to a close with singins: the Xational Anthem. The vtsur! half hour was spent over the tea cups. •\r\i\ a dainty lunch was provided by th? hostess and her helpers- MORE BUTTER All throug-h the war, by the great effort of the producer and by the necessan,- curtaihnent of consumption by the public, Canada was able to help feed our soldiers overseas. Now that many of our boys are back home, let us put forth an effort to feed them sufficient butter, phis helping the European situation. When you are marketing â€" Flesherton Creamery again stands to serve you satisfactory, as we have in the past. EGGS We are exporting eggs and would suggest to deliver your eggs at least twice a week during the mild weather. POULTRY Our prices are attractive and now is the oppor- tune time to sell the non-laying hens. Our motto: "Unexcelled Service" Our Prices: Market Highest Flesherton Creamery Angus Avis, Manager Phone 66 FLESHERTON, Ontario VICTORIA CORNERS Deepest Sympathy is extended to the family and friends of the late Mr- Albert Stinson, who passed away at his home on Friday morn- ing- His daughterls, Mrs. Mel Hawes, Bright, and Mrs. Bill Coon, Acton, were at his bedside during the past week, Mr. Mel Haweis and little son Kenneth, also spent the past week in the Stinson home. Mr. and Mr^- Charles Moore of Toronto were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and Garry. Mr- and Mrs. Sam Saund- ers and little son, Robert, Muriel and Eldon Atkinson, Chatsworth, Mr. Dave Wiltshire, Bethel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Acheson were Sunday guests in the Moore home and at- tended the funeral of Mr- Stinson on Sunday afternoon. Mr^. .Allan Wake, Shelbume dis- trict, spent the week end in the home of her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Stinson. Mrs. Clayton Betts accompanied her mother, Mr^. Bert Sims and brother, Hughie Sims. Proton Sta- tion, to Toronto today (Monday) to meet her brother. Pte. Ken Sims, who returned from overseas aboard the hospital ship, Lady Nelson, ar- riving in Toronto thfe am. at 7:30. -We are glad to know that Ken. though still a patient, is sufficiently recovered so as to permit his return to the homeland. Word has been received here of the passing on Saturday of Mr. John McMillan, pioneer resident of Bethel district. Funeral ser\-ices are being held on Tuesday afternoon at Dundalk Funeral Home. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dever 'spent a week in the home of the former's sister. Mrs. Robt. Bradley. Berke- ley, and were with her in the trying moments of the parsing of her hus- band, Mr. Robt. Bradley, on Tues- day, am. Funeral services were held at his late home on Thursday .afternoon thence to Markdale cem- etery. Those attending from here were. Mr. and Mre- Wes Dever, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter .A.cheson Mr. Elvin Moore, Mr. and Mrs. George Moore and Garry Mrs. Jos. Copeland is profession- ally assisting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Batchelor. Proton Station, where a baby son. a brother for Car- olyn and Jimmie. arrived on Mon- day. March 18. Mi's. Wilfred Gallagher went to Toronto on Tuesday evening to ^nend awhile with her son and fam- ily. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsley Gallagh- er and infant daughter- Little Miss CaroIvTi Batchelot i^ spending a few weeks with her erandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Batchelor. Mr- Mae McTasgart of Richmond Hill. waS; a visitor in the same home on Sunday and with other relatii-es in the community. Mrs. Comett. son. Jack- and dauchter. Viola. Dundalk. Mr. Clifford Comett. Toronto- were Sni^iay visitors with the forn^er's c*au»hter and husband, Mr- and Mrs. Gordon Batchelor. PORTLAW Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc.\rthur and Douglas of Collingwood are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs,. Jas. Hopps- Mr. and Mrs. C- D- Meldrum spent Saturday evening in the home of Mr- and Mi's- .\rt Idle, Priceville, wliere Mr- and Mrs. John Wickens were guests of honor and celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. .\llen Cameron of Durham visited with the former'^ sister, Mrs. Everette Blackburn. Miss K. Morrison of Toronto Ispent a dav with friends here. Mr. Laverne Wood. Mr- Oscar Me- Kee and Mr. and Mrs- Norman Jack- son of Hamilton were guests of Mr. and Mrs- John McKee last week- Mr. .\lbert Blackburn and daugh- ter. Mrs- John Grummett Were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fish- r and D. A. on Friday. The Fourth Line Red Cross Unit met at the horn* of Mi's- Harry Fisher in February- The members decided to discontinue their meetings and the reports for the year were given- The balance of cash on hand was turned over to be paid into the Flesherton and .\rtemesia Red Cros"s- Mrs. Harry Fisher called on Mrs. Rupert McLennan in Markdale ho's- pital and was pleased to see her some improved. Mrs- Fred Betts, Mi'ss Hilda Betts and friend of Toronto spent the week end at their parental home here- Mrs. Clifford Taylor and 'son. El- mer, are visiting with the former's parents. Mr- and Mrs. Thomson of Fevei'sham. Mrs. Wallace Fisher accompanitxl Mr. and Mrs- Walter Russell to Orangeville Saturday and visitevt with the Black family- TORONTO LINE NORTH Spring-like weather, with very little snow arotmd now. Mr. L. Douglas of Claremont was a caller on friends in this vicinity the past week. Mrs- Mervyn McFadden ispent the past week with friends in Toronto. Mi'ss Helen Brown of Owen Sounii spent the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mt^- Fred Brown- Mrs- Roy Wood of Markdale ha< been assisting her mother. Mrs- T- l.ever. who is ill and confined to her bed. Mr. J. Coulter of Wiarton and Indy friend fi"om near Owen Sound spent Sunilav with Mi's G- I. ever Mr. r.-id Mrs. H. Smith of Mark- dnle were callers on relatives hero Simday. CEYLON Mr. Melville Hunt and Miss Peggy Panabaker of PreSton were week end guests of Mr- and Mrs. S- P. Hunt. Mr. and Mrs- Fred Amett and daughter, Faye, of Durham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ThoS- Genoe. Mr- and Mrs. Bert Haw, Swinton Park, visited on Sunday with Mrs- J- Knox, on their way to vifeit their son. Billy, who is a patient in Mark- dale Hospital- Mrs. Knox accom- panied them to visit Billy- His many friends hope for a speedy recovery to good health - Mr. and Mrs- Jack Beatty and and children of Owen Sound visited la'st Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sinclair. Mr. Keith Goessell ^pent the week end with friends in Toronto. Mr. Dave Genoe of East Moun- tain visited recently with his broth- er, Mr. Thos- Genoe and Mrs- Gen- oe- Metesrs- Grant Whittaker and .Arthur WTiittaker of Toronto spent the week end with their brother. Mr. .A.ngufe WTiittaker. The Ladies' Aid will meet this Thursday, March 28th at 2 p.m- at the home of Mi's- Melville Hogarth- Kindly remember the fees for the Blue Cros.s Hospitalization are due on .A.pril 14th Thfe organization is be- ins sponsored by the Ladies' .Aid- Mrs- E. C- Mitchell vfsibed friends in Toronto on Thursday of last week accompanied by her sister. Mr%. Grav o'f Brampton. Miss Marian Muir of Hamilton and Miss Annie Shortreed of Price- ville were week end visitors at the home of Mr. P. Muir. EUGENIA Miss Lillian Magee of Toronto was home over the week end- Mr. Lome Heeney of Toronto spent the week end with his wife and little daughter, Judy- Mr. Jimmie Rotes of Toronto was a week end visitor at the home of Mr- Fred Duckett. Mr- Norman Williams of Toronto was home over the week end- Lyie Shortt accompanied him from Tor- onto and spent a few days with rel- atives near Feversham. Mr. Dave Genoe ha's purchased the former Sherwood property from Miss Lucy McDonald and will move around .April 1st- Mrs. Ed Baker and Miss Mary Stafford have been tenants of the home for 'some time but we understand th^y will retain an apartment there. Mr- Genoe dis- posed of his farm some weeks r'"" to Mr. Russell Brockelbank of Heath- cote who gets possession on -April 1st- Mr. Genoe intends to improv* the newly acquired property and have electricity installed- We wel- come him to the village- Pte- Dorothy Graham, daughter of Mr- and Mrs. Ed Graham o* Clarksburg spent a few days at the Proctor hoWe. Mrs. .Alex Cameron and son. Don- ald- motored up from Toronto and spent the week end at their home here- Mrs. Birtle Shaw of Pnvenna spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Ben Hanley and husband- Mrs- T. Fenwick of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mifc- Frwl Janiieson and other fl-iends. We are pleased to report Mrs- Fre<l Duckett progressing favourably after her recent operation in Mark- dale ho'spital. Mrs. Duckett has been a patient in the hospital the past three monthte- Mis? Mabel Craig spent the week end in Tcronto- The Woman's .Association held a very succes'sful meeting at the home of Mrs- Francis Gen-oe on March •20- On Friday evening. Mai-ch 22. a dance was held in the hall in honour of the newly-weds. Mr- and Mrs. Ber" nell Hutchison. .At an opportune "ime during the evening's pleasure. Mr. and Mrs Hutchison were called forward and given seats of honour. .An address in poetic form wa^ read by Douglas Cairns while the nresen- tation of an occasional table, electric lamp and a hassock was made on be- half of the community bv Mrs- El- ward Campbell and Mr. Ray Genoe. The bride and ffroom each macie i neat reply thanking all for the gitfs. SEVENTH ANNUAL GREY COUNTY SEED FAIR COMMUNITY HALL, CLARKSBURG Friday, March 29th, 1946 Auspices Grey Couaty Branch, Ont. Crop & Soil Improvement Assn. P R J Z E LIST All Exhibits (except Classes 8, 9, lOand 11) must carry name of variety on tags Class 1â€" LATE O.ATS. Banner. Victory, O.A.C. 72 $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 2â€" EARLY OATS. Alaska, Cartier $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 3â€" RUST RESISTANT OATS, Erban. Veng'd $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 4â€" B.VRLEY. SIX ROWED, O.A.C. 21 $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 5â€" B-ARLEY (Smooth Awned). Nobarb. Velvet $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 6â€" FALL WHEAT $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 7â€" PEAS $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 8â€" TIMOTHY $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 9â€" RED CLOVER $4 $3 $2 $1 Cla* 10â€" ALSIKE $4 $3 $2 $1 Class 11â€" ALFALF.A $4 $3 $2 $1 Qass 12â€" EARLY POTATOES. 20 Tubers $3 $2 $1 Class 13â€" LATE POT.ATOES. 20 Tubers $3 $2 $1 All Farmers presenting Grading Certificates will have cost refundedi Unnecessary to have grading certificates on above classes. RULES -AND REGULATIONS 1. Open to all farmer residents of Grey County. 2. No exhibitor may make more than one entry in any cleiss. 3. No entry fee. Non-members must pay 25c to become a member of the Grey County Crop & Soil Improvement .Association- 4. Entries MUST be in place by 11 :30 a.m. to permit of completion judging by 2 p.m. 5. -AJl entries, with the exception of potatoes, must be exhibited in clean grain bags- Potatoes to be exhibited on the table provided by the Association. 6. All entries must be delivered to the Community Hall. Clarksburg on the morning of fair. 7. Transportation of exhibits will be the responsibility of the exhib- itor in all clateses. 8- Exhibits remain the property of the exhibitors and may be re- moved by them after 5:00 p-m. 9- .Any exhibitor violating rdles of the Association shall forfeit aH prize money. 10- The quantity of each exhibit shown must be as follows: Oats, barley, wheat and pees- H: bushel; grasses and clovers, 1 peck; potatoefe. 20 tubers. 11. All exhibits must have been grown on the exhibitor's own farm during 1945. 12- In order to be eligible to show in any class, exhibitors should have for sale the following quantities: Cereal Grains and Pees, 25 bus-; Clover and Grass Seed, 3 bus.; Potatoes, 5 bags- 13. iixhibits may be sho'wn if exhibitors have 'sold previous to Fair, 25 bus. of Grain, 3 bus- of Small Seeds or 5 bags of Potatoes. 14. lOTr will be deducted from prize money to assfst in financing future Seed Fairs and other project work of the .Association. AFTERNOON PROGRAMME Special Speakers and Seed Cleaning Demonstration FARMERS, WHETHER EXHIBITORS OR NOT, ARE WELCOME R. C Robinson, President. T. Stewart Cooper. Secretary. Daily Bus Service How In Effect Flesherton - Toronto LEAVE^FLESHERTON To Toronto 9.05 a.m. b 7.40 p.m. To Owen Sound b 12.05 c 4.05 p.m. g S.-W p.m. b Sun. and Hoi. c Sat. only g daily except Sat. Tickets and Information at Fireside Lunch - Phone 63 Gray Coach Lines <^^^^â- ^"^^^^ ^ â-  ^ . ^ l^il ^ l ^ â- ^.»4i 4 i.^â- ^â- Â» ^ ll^^.^^l ^ , 4 ,l^,^l^l,^^,,^,^, ^ , ^ .,^,^,, ^ ,^,,^,^,, ^ .,^. ^ , ^ ., ^ ., ^ .. ^ .. ^ .. ^ ,^.. ^ ., ^ . ^ . ^ .. ^ ^ ^ . ^ ,....^^ Check Your Needs at DUNCAN'S It s not hi^ ability to kick but his ability to pull that makes the mule .'uch a valuable animal. FOR THE BABY CHICKS Coal and Electric Brooders Galvanized Roof and Stove Pipes Feeders. Water Founts Charcoal, Cod Liver Oil ROLLER KO.XTKRS CLEAN UP, PAINT UP Paints, Enamels. X'arnishes Nu-W'all Washable Water Paint Floor Wax. Polishes, Mops Paint and Wallpaper Cleaners P.UXT BRUSHES Special Values â€" 40 oz. Lemon Oil and Polishing Cloth 59c 40 oz. Wax Remover and Floor Clezuier 29c See our line of ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, STOVES ASD HEATERS Ortlcr your Frost Fence anl Gates tor Spring while we have a large stock on hand DUNCAN'S HARDWARE Frank W. Duncan F. McKenzie Duncan Phone 54 FLESHERTON •^♦•^♦♦♦•^•^♦•^•^<^♦<">•^•^•^•^♦^^•^•>♦^<^♦«^<^^X'^^^•><•â- s^<«<">«^♦<•.x••>♦♦«><KK' VJ

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