Halton Hills Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Mar 1946, p. 8

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/: Wednesday, March 27, 1946 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Small Ads FOR SALE â€" Horse, can be seen at Earl Crofts, RR. 1 Maxwell. WANTED â€" Anim»ls suitable to mink and fox feE^d. â€" Bert McIntcM Eugenia, phone Feversiir-i 6r26 WANTED â€" A few young calves taking milk.-^oh. Radley, R. R. 3 Flesherton. 42pl FOR SALE â€" Mow mixed timothy hay, about 16 tons. â€" Merle Weber phone 48rl2 Flesherton- 40c2 Died FSDR SALE â€" About 400 bu. Oats, excellent quality for seed â€" Eldred Mills, Feversham, phone 17rl3. FOR SALE â€" Child's coat and beret outfit, ^ize 2. blue color, good as new. May be seen at The Advance office. 42p2 FOR SALE â€" Barley and Vanguard oats, power cleaned, go-d for seed. â€" Wm. McKechnie, Price- ville, phone 49rll. 41c2 FOR SALE â€" 200 ft. manilla rope, nearly new and pair heavy blocks with iron pulleyi, 1st class condi- tion.â€" Ned Croft, Flesherton. HOUND LOST â€" About March 7th, black and tan female foxhound. â€" Neil McDonald, R.R. 4 Flesherton, phone Thornbury 170r4. 41c3 FOR SALE â€" TAvo-furrow cockshutt walking plough with rolling colter, also one-furrow riding plough- â€" Ed Ferris, Flesherton- 42p2 FOR SALE â€" Heavy black gelding, 4 years old. â€" la's. Monaghan. Singhampton P.O., phone Fefver- .sham 2 r 3- 42p2 FOR SALE â€" Limited number of baby chicks, available April 5th, mostly Hamp-Rock cross. â€" Mrs. C. Boyce, Eugenia, phone 74r21. FOR SALE â€" 2 pure bred Angus bulls, 1 yr- old and 10 months old. â€" Stephen Dennett, Markdale, RJR. 6 42p2 FOR SALE â€" About 700 bu. mixed \ grain, Suitable for seed- â€" Geo^rge Thompeon, R.R. 1, Singhampton, phone Feversham lr31. 42p2 FOR SALE â€" Business building or Main Street, Flesherton, with 7- , room apartment, included on pro- perty is large barn and garage. â€" â-  Mrs. W. Moore, Flesherton- 42p2 HOUSE FOR SALE â€" 6-room brick house in village of Flesherton, on main street, double lot and small bam, will sell cheap. â€" Francis Genoe, Eugenia, phone 74rl2. 41c4 NOnCE â€" Trapping, hunting or trespassing on Lots 31 and 2, Cons- 9 and 10, Artemesia, strictly pro- hibited. â€" John McDonald, Eugen- SEED FOR SALE â€" OA.C. No- 21 Bariey $1.25 bu.; Ajax Oats fl-lS per bu-- Cartier Oats $1.10 bu.; Alaska Oats $1.10 bu.; all Gov. Grade No. 1 â€" Alex. S. Muir, phone 49rl4 Flesherton. 40c4 FOR SALE â€" Diningroom Suite, as good as new, piano and bench, bed- stead and dresser, writing desk, mattress, round table, couch, high chuir and rocking chair. â€" R. J. Brackenbury, Fleshetron. 42p3 NOTICE â€" My thoioughbrwl hull will not be for service any more after this date, March 20th, 1946. and will all those owing me back accounts please call and settle them at once. â€" Chas. Newell, Flesherton R.R. 1. 42p3 FOR SALE â€" Ajax seed Obtis, gov. grade no. 1, germination at 10 days 100%, grown from reg- seed; also 2 young Boar Pigs from sows scor- ing 93 in advanced register â€" Ross Stevens. Proton Station, phone; Flesherton 32r31. 40c4 1 - â€" « FOR SALE â€" Large number young pigs, some ready to go at $8 (good ones); also young Rock and Leg- horn roosters $2 each; alSo tidy blocky, short-coupled mare rising 3, 'easonable. -- Jos- Radley, R-R. 3, Flesherton- 42pS i BATES â€" On Monday, March 25, I at her home 124 Rvenue Rd., Toronto* j Elizabeth Ann Taylor, dear mother of Mrs. Richard MaJdocks- and sister of Mr. Thos. Taylor, Flesherton. The funeral is takin<' place this Wednes- day afternoon at 3 p.m-. with service in St- Paul's Avenue Road United Church, Tornto- Interment in Park Lawn Cemetery. FOR SALE â€" DeLaval Cream Sep- arator, good as new. â€" Mrs. R- Bentham, phone 51r22. 43i)2 FOR SALE â€" Reg. Durham Bull, 22 months old; Polled Angus Bull, grade, 7 months old- â€" Stanley Campbell, R-R.4 Flesherlon. FOR SALE â€" Stack of mixed hay, about i5 tons; Ajax oats, good for seed â€" Fred Russell, R. R.2 FleSherton. 43p2 FOR SALE â€" Lots 1, 2 and 3, Con. 10, Osprey. For particulars apply to Dannie Cameron. Gollingwood, Ont. 43ip3 FOR SALE â€" Quantity of seed oats and barley, extra good quality â€" Leslie Hawton, nhone 23r3 Fev- ersham- 43p2 FOR SALE â€" Vanguard oats, good for seed; also quantity of alfalfa and timothy hay mixed. â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, phone 32rl2. FOR SALE â€" Kitchen range in good condition; also 14 in. wood $3 per cord delivered in town â€" Arthur McDonald, phone 60. 43c2 NOTICE â€" Trapping, hunting or trespassing on Lot 6- Con. 8. Os- prey Strictly prohibited- â€" Ken- dal Hawkins, Eugenia. 43p3 FOR SALE â€" Mare, 9 years old; Mare, 4 years old; 2 youns calves 2 weeks old; disc drill, cultivator, cream seipai'atc(r, kitchen rangie for summer kitchen. â€" Geo. John- son, phone 4lr22- 43p2 CEMENT BLOCKS â€" We manu- facture cement bricks and blocks supply any amount, rock face plain, any size from 4 to 12 in., jjower made â€" Orval MacDonald, Box 208, Durham, Ont. 42,p6 FARMS FOR SALE Lots 35 and 36, Con. 8, Artemesia containing 180 acres; brick hou^e, large bank bam and drive shed; (Hydro in all buildings, water piped to bam, also telephone and rural mail- Lot 36 includes brick cottage and bank barn. Both lots are well watered- All buildings are in good State of repair- â€" Mrs. Edith Cam- eron, 67 Latimer Ave., Toronto. TENDERS WANTED Tender^ will be received by the undesigned up until 12 o'clock noon. April 11th. for nainting the outside and new ceilings in class rooms of the Flesherton Hio-h School, two coats; Board to Supply painting ma- terials. Contact Mr. Goheen, Prin- cipal, during school hours, Low<;t or any tender not Tiecessarilv accepted. â€"ROY W. PIPER, Secretary. Ceylon, Ont. BUSINESS CARDS DR. T. D. PARK PHYSICL\N & SURGEON Graduate of Toronto University Office: Kennedv Block Phone 77 Flesherton G. D. McARTHUR GENERAL INSURANCE I h.ivn taken over the insurance business of Mr. Wm. Myers and am orepiir d to give the public first claSs â-  rrvice on their fire, accident and au- •omi'Mlo insurance policies. Consult "ne liefore you renew. I can place -ou in any of the better known com- panies, at the lowest rates obtain- ible. C. J. BELLAMY Vir.LACE CLERK A Commissioner for talcing AffidsTlts Issuer of Marriage Licenses CONVEYANCING DEEDS MORTGAGES, WU.'.S, Etc. Office: Toronto Street. Pleslierton WALTER E. HARRIS' Barrister end Solicitor Markdale, Ont. Walter E. Harris. J. Arkle Dunlop. Flesherton: Saturday afternoon. NORTHERN MOTOR SERVICE Domestic and Commercial, Split â€" Two and Three Pliaee, High Speed and Low Speed Elcrtric Drills. Workmanship Guaranteed. Prompt rcwindinu service on electric motors of nil Wnds â€" J. MIDDLETON 7SS • 2mi Avs. K. OWEN «^<)ITND Phone 7R3 Local and fersouai Mr. Howard Teeter spentthe week end in Toronto- Mr. and Mrs- W. G- Kennedy spent several dayS last week in Toronto. Mr. Bob Dargavel received his discharge from the army laSt week. Staff Sergt- Bill Welton of the District Deipot. Toronto, spent the week end with his family. Pte. and Mrs. C. Sensabaugh spent the paSt week visiting with elatives in Owen Sooind- Mr. Jack Kennedy, who is attending Toronto University, spent the week end at his parental home- Mrs. R- Bentham returned home on Saturday after sipending the winter at Toronto, Leaside and Hamilton. iMrs. W. H. Thurston returned on Saturday, after spending the winter with her son, A. S. Thurston, at Meaford. The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Wallace Hamilton on Wednes- day, April 3rd', at 8 p.m- Roll call: An Easter Thought. Visitors are always welcome. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Teeter spent a couple of days last week visiting in Gneilph), 'Hamilton and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Hamilton re- mained to Spend a week at Guelph. AN OPPORTUNITY Established Rural' Watkins Dis- trict available. If you are aggres- sive, and between the ages of 25 and 55, have or can secure travelling out- fit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full particulars write today to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-F-l. 2177 MaSscn St,. Montreal, Que. NOTICE I understand there has beem a rumor circulated to the effect that Mr. Sewell, my tenant for the past two years, has contaminated my house with bed-bugS. which is a falsehood. If this rumor continues the parties reSnonsible will be prosecuted. â€"GORDON STUART. AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE GUY HAZARD will sell by Public Auction in FLESHERTON SATURDAY, MARCH 30th the following namely: 2 Bedsteads; 8-Day Mantle Clock; Corona Range, with coal or wood grates; Quantity of Dishes; Quebec Heater; Number of Stove PipeS; Phil- co Electric Radio; Kitchen Table; Alarm Clock; Wringer; Washing Ma" chine; Rocking Chair; Quilts; 5 Kitchen Chairs; Ash Sifter; Grind- stone; Man's Heavy Winter Over- coat, brown, size 44; Potfe; Pans; Electric Iron, Electric Hotplate (2); Numerous other articles. Positively no reserve. Sale to commence at 2:30 p.m. TERMS: CASH â€" WM. KAITTING, Auctioneer- AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS, FURNITURE, Etc G. H. CAIRNS will sell by Public Auction on LOT 136, 3 S-W.. ARTEMESIA FRIDAY, APRIL 5th, 1946 the following, namely: HORSES â€" Team, General Pur- pose, rising 5 and 7 years. CATTLE â€" - Grey Cow, 4 years old, supposed due April 15; Durham Cow, 10 yearS old, milking; Blue Heifer, 4 years old, just freshened; Grey Cow, 5 years old. supposed due April 18; Red Heifer, 3 years old. milking; Grey Heifer, 3 years old. Supposed due April 16; Ayrshire Cow. 7 years old, milking: Durham Cow. 4 years old, supposed due April 5; Red Cow, 7 years old, milking; 5 Head of 2- yenr-oM Heifers; 5 good Grade CalvcS; 2 Cattle, 2 years old; Heifer, supposed due October 1. SHEEP, PIiGS â€" 10 Oxford Down liJwes with lambs; Yorkshire Sow, dne to farrow March 30. 2nd litter; Yorkshire Sow. with 10 pigs, .second litter. IMPLFjMRNTS. Etc. â€" M.â- ^H- Bin- dor No- 5. 6-foot cut. in good repair; 2 P.iiidov Drive ChainS; Buggy; Light Scliuhs; Henvy Sleighs; Horse Rake, lO-foot; Grindstone; Democrat: Peter Hamilton Hay Rake, 12-foot, for re- pairs; 2 Floury Wilking Plows; Road Cnvt. in (rood condition; Buggy Pole; Weighing Beam; - Wagon Running Gear; Pair Butro-v Shnfts with nxle; Fanning Mill; Tuvni') Slicor; Sht .Slinc Rope. Numerous other artieleS- H.ARNFSS. FTTRNITURE â€" Pair Horse Cwovs; Light HorSte Collars; Pair Collnr Tops: Now Collars: Set Back-Band TIarnes's; Set Light Driv- ing Harness; Set Double Driving Hnrnosi; 3 Nc^v Horse Collars: Horse PbH^; String of Bells; 2 Cook Stoves; 2 Cupboards ; Extensinr Dron-T.onf Table; Conl Oil Lamps; Bod with sprincs; numerous other articles. SAT.K AT 1:-aO O'CLOCK PAI. No PFRFRVE i the -xhove items, a^ th" owner is forced to sell duo to Trnvs OF SATE â€" All sums nf S10 tiri'l nni'ov Pn=h; over tv.â- '^ nni- nnnt 6 motiths' credit will be "Iven on \n\r\t Ti' ^p's nnnrovofl hv thp Cnn"'1inn Bn"'- uf CoTOTi'^rcp. â- '""Ir^hovton henr- â€"nvo. E. nrvrw. Auctioneer KIMBERLEY A sad occurrence took place about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon when James Mundle was seized with I a heart attack and expired almost j immediately on the street here- He waS the youngest son of the late Mr- I and Mrsu Geo. Mundle, pioneers of this place- "Jimmy" as he was fam- , iliarly known was the handy-man of this vicinity and will be greatly mis- sed for TiiS usefulness He was about sixty-two year old. The funeral took place on Monday. March a5th at 2 p.m. from Oliver's Funeral Home to Markdale cemetery. A pleasant party was held on Wed- nesday evening in honour of two of our returned soldiers. Maurice and Roy Fawcett, lately returned from overseas. They were given bill-folds. They are sons of Mr- Eara Fawcett, who served in World War 1. Mrs- Myrtle O'Donnell of Toronto spent a few day^ with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cornfield- Miss Eleanor Ellis has returned from a weekis visit with her sister. Mrs. Jack Graham at, Sin^rhampton. Miss Gwen Ellis of Collingwood was home over the week end- Mrs. Newton Sbmith of New Eng- land called on friends here on Sun- day. Mi^. W. S- Goodfellow has return- ed to her home at Dobbinton after spending since Christmas at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Russell ElliS. [Mrs. D. Wallace ielebrated her eighty-seventh birthday on Sunday. Those present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. A- A. McCallan and Mr. and Mrs- Oscar Maxwell of Han- over, Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Parks of Union, also Mrs. John Proctor and Henry Wallace who reside with Mrs. Wallace and Gerald and D. A- Wall- ace of Kimberley. Mrs- Thos- Sooil accompanied her son, Clarence, and his family to their new home at Port Hope to help them get settled. Mrs- Newton Smith of New Eng- land called on friends here on Sun- day. RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are butter Rl to R4, sugar 46 to 70. and SI to S4, meat 1 to 30. Sugar coupons 46 to 70 and meat coupons Ml to M28 expire on March 31st. CREDIT AUCTION SAU HORSES, SHORTHORN GATTLE, SHEEP. IMPLEMENTS, FURN- ITURE, ETC LESLIE CHARD THURSDAY. APRIL 4TH, 1946 the following, namely: HORSESâ€" Bay Horse, 6 yeaite olu; Bay Hoi^e. 4 years old; Black Regis- tered Standard Bred Mare. 7 yrs. old. CATTLE â€" Herd Shorthorn Sire. Alexandra Monarch 277 18S. 1 year old; SHORTHORN REGISTERED OOWS: Flora Dale 293355, 9 years old; Bell Wimple Dale 276679. 9 years old; Royal Molly 293366, 6 years old. Calf at foot; Clare Dale 318818, 5 years old; Joan Dale 318819. 3 years old. Calf at foot; Rose Leaf Broad- hooks 319160, 5 years old. Twin Calves at foot; Broadhooks Flora 327659. 3 years old; Broadhooks Las- Sie 327660, 3 years old; Bell Broad- hooks 335070. 1 year old; Red Bull Calf, 11 months old and Red Bull Calf. 8 months old. both eligible for registration . Red Cow, 8 years old; Red and White Cow, 6 years old; Hereford Cow, 4 years old; Hereford Cow, 8 years old (Due date of Cowb given day of Sale); 6 Calves, rising 1 year; 6 Heifers, rising 2 years; 8 Steers, rising Z yeai^; 8 Steers, ris- ing 3 years old. gHEBP, HENSâ€" 18 Oxford Down Ewes; 110 Leghorn Hens, 1945. IMPLEMENTS, Etc. â€" Fordson Tractor; Cockshutt 3 furrow Tractor Plow, new; 'M.-H. 28-plate Tandem Disc; International 13-diSc Fertilizer Drill; F. & W- 16-plate Disc, with fore-carriage; Drag Harrow. 5-sec-; Hay Rake; Land Roller; 2 Cutters: Manure Spreader; New Sleighs; P. & W- Mower. 6-f ot; Side Delivery Hay Rake; Wagon; International Hay Loader; M.-H. Binder, 7-foot, new; Ruibher Tire Buggy; Road Cart: Wacron Box; Stock Rack; Turnip Pulner; Platform Scales: Democrnt; Buo'gv Pole; Cutting Box: Hay Rack; 2 Walking Plows; Scuffler; Colony House; Brooder Stove; Chicle Feeder^s; Drinking Founts; Sap Pans, Buckets and Spiles; -tOO bu. Vanguard Seed Oats; 75 bu- â- \\Tieat: Quantity of Clover Seed; 100 feet Galvanized 1-inch ipe; Set of Slings; Turnip Seeder. Cyclone Seedeir; Gasoline Barrels; Galvanized Gathering Tap Tank; Wooden Barrel^; Wheelbarrow; Fan- ning Mill; Bags and Sacks; Woven Wire-Fence Stretchers; Pump Jack; Hay Fork; Hay Rope, new; Skidding Tongs; Hay Knife; Set Patent Log Binders; Horse Clippers; 3 Pressure Grease Guns; et of Taps and Dies; Forks, Shovels, Chains and numerous other articled. HARNESS â€" Horse Blankets; 3 Horse Collar^; Double Driving Har- ness; Robes; Single Driving Hat^ neas; Set Team Harness; Halters- FURNITURE â€" Chum, hand or power; Beds; Tables; Chairs; Pails; Wash Stands; Cistern Pump; Couch; Tubs; Cupboards; Kitchen Stove; Egg Crates; "Good Cheer" Circul- ator Heater. SALE A 1 O'CLOCK P.M. Positively no reserve, as "wner is trivinvr up farminar- TFRM.«? OF SALE -- Hay. Grain Fowl and all Vums of $10 and under- oa'^Vi: over that amount S months' credit will he given on joint notes satisfartrv to the Bank of Com- niercp. f''"'^'''''^*'"' bonring Interoct â- it nor cent. GFO. E. DUNCAN. Auctioneer Keep 'em Rolling Keep your trucks rolling efficiently ani economi* cally â€" by seeing us regularly for "Preventive Maintenance." Our technicians are q)ecially trained and equipped to provide Prompt, Efficient Service on All Makes of Trucks We have modem tools and equipment . . . expert technicians . . . and a repu- tation for satisfactory results. Drive in today i D. McTavish & Sons Flesherton, Ont. F. T. HILL & CO.. Limited Easter Ready-to-Wear FOR Mother and Daughter DRESSES HATS COATS and COAT SETS | FOR CHILDREN DRESSES COATS MILLINERY BLOUSES FOR WOMEN ALL NEW STYLES, COLORS and TRIMS HARDWARE HIGHLIGHTS JUST ARRIVED A complete New Range of Colorful Sunworthy Wallpaper Matched or Single Travelling Bags for Men Pressure Cookers for Fast Economical Service ELECTRIC HEATERS TOASTERS IRONS HOT PLATES SMALL RADIOS A FULL LINE OF ENAMEL WARE Paints for Every Purpose ^ BRICK SIDING FENCE and CHICKEN WIRE ^ 1, 2 and 3-PIy Roofing A large group of EMPIRE COAL and WOOD HEATERS All White Enamel Steel Tops ATTENTION We will be closed MONDAYS during the Summer Months, stnrting .\PRIL 15th. Open Wednesday and Saturday Nights as usual. F. T. Hill & Co., Ltd. I Phone 7 Markdale ^ r 4 -< X <»<•♦♦<••>•^•^♦'^<"K•♦♦'^•^<^•<♦♦♦*♦<n^^>♦♦<"^♦•>♦♦<•♦•^fâ-ºMK•♦<».v♦<•<•<â-ºÂ»â™¦ *â- 

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